The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 854: Counterattack-expose its shortcomings

There is an old saying that the time is poor.

Put it now and explain it in plain language, that is, don't care how many friends are around you when you are soaring; instead, pay attention to how many friends are left who really care about you when you are defeated.

After the report that slandered Wang Baoqiang came out, most people in the entertainment circle didn't make a statement, just wait and see what happened.

Think about Huo Jianhua a few years ago.

At first, it was also a one-sided bombardment of Huo Jianhua, but what happened?

The cute person makes a move, but the opposite is true.

Because of self-blame and guilt, how many black turn, turn fans, fans turn to loyal fans?

How many public apologies of those in the circle who first bombarded Huo Jianhua?

Those dead ducks with hard beaks and resolutely not apologizing are all on the blacklist of cute people.

Moe people blacklist... Over the years, as Moe people's stars have become more shining, the power of the blacklist has also become stronger.

Moe people can’t get rid of the people on the blacklist, but the development of the people on the blacklist in the circle is definitely affected.

Yes, the vast majority of the audience is a goldfish, the memory is very short, a lot of things have been forgotten in the past few years.

But Moeren will not forget, and the artists under Moeren will not forget!

The grouping of cute stars is second to none in the circle.

As for the artists, screenwriters, directors and other people in the circle who are on the blacklist of Moe Ren, Moe Ren is determined not to cooperate with each other.

Investors to invest in a drama, first of all see whether the starring wrist is big enough, and whether the cast has enough audience appeal. There are more and more first-line celebrities under Mengren, and they have more and more appealing power to clean up.

If you choose a person on the Moeren blacklist, then I’m sorry, all the stars under Moeren refuse to cooperate, even if you offer sky-high prices, it’s useless.

When one trades and the other grows, unless they are related to each other, the fool also knows how to choose, so as to ensure that his own interests are maximized.

And Moe is not fighting alone.

In recent years, although Moeren is still mainly playing on stand-alone machines, cooperation with the outside world has gradually started. Your company insists on using people on the blacklist for filming. Do you still want to cooperate with Moeren in the future?

There are advertisers.

You find artists on the blacklist to shoot advertisements and endorsements. From now on, you will never want the stars of Moeren to endorse the brand's advertisements.

Of course, not all companies and advertisers buy Mengren’s face. The people on the blacklist still have jobs and money, but many opportunities have been lost and the road to performing arts has become rugged.

There used to be companies that belonged to several blacklisted artists who wanted to seek reconciliation with adorable people, but Mai Xiaoyu unceremoniously refused.

Reconciliation now?

What did you do?

With his **** personality, Mai Xiaoyu has made a lot of enemies in the circle; however, he has also made many partners with his ability to make money without losing money.

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.

Mengren Film and Television is relying on this to stand proudly in the muddy water of the entertainment circle in a maverick way, and never really fell into a passive state.

In this Wang Baoqiang incident, public opinion is one-sided, because the cute people have never made any moves.

How many fools are there in the entertainment industry?

How many people dared to stand casually, not afraid of being slapped in the face in the future?

On the contrary, a small number of artists jumped out without shooting dead, striving to become the vanguard of criticizing Wang Baoqiang and leading the public to criticize Wang Baoqiang as a "scumbag."

These artists are either new rookies who just debuted, or 10,000-year-old dough sticks who have been running around, or 18-line small Internet celebrities. The purpose of this is to build a sense of existence, to accumulate fans, and to become famous.

The public knows will certainly not miss this kind of good opportunity, but they know that although they are good at keeping pace and mobilizing the emotions of netizens, they are a good hand at online violence; but the cute people do not lose them in this regard, and even hate them. .

Therefore, they did not dare to say the words to death. They only said that if the news was true, Wang Baoqiang would be too disappointing. They called on Wang Baoqiang to stand up and explain clearly as soon as possible to quell the turmoil.

As for Wang Baoqiang's friends, most of them remained silent. Only a small number of people called and asked him and Ma Rong how to get to this point, and whether to help themselves.

People like Chen Sicheng, Luan Dong and others contacted Wang Baoqiang one after another.

It seems that the relationship between Chen Sicheng and Bao Qiang is really good.

Mai Xiaoyu nodded: "This small group of people who called can be regarded as your true friends at the moment. Don't forget to give them a hand when you have the opportunity. The company will take care of them when you have the opportunity. You will be exhausted after a busy month. Well, these two days are just right to rest at home. When the time is right, your agent will tell you what to do..."

Don't worry about the Wang Baoqiang incident, don't worry too much.

How about the commanding heights of public opinion being seized?

Mai Xiaoyu has experience in dealing with this kind of thing, thinking that in the Huo Jianhua incident, the commanding heights of public opinion were not preempted early, and the result?

A few words to comfort Wang Baoqiang. In the evening, Mai Xiaoyu drove to a private club. Ruby Lin, who only returned to Beijing yesterday, didn't care about adjusting her rest, so she invited him there tonight.

"Mr. Mai, thank you!"

After meeting Mai Xiaoyu, Ruby Lin happily sent a thankful hug.

After the fire, she also succeeded in Nirvana rebirth, and the joy in her heart can be imagined.

Since developing in the Mainland, her career has not only made no progress, but has regressed year by year, relying entirely on her former popularity.

Her fans support her, saying that she is low-key, but the pressure in her heart is only she has the deepest experience.

The decline in popularity, the decline in fame, and the decline in attention are all cruel conditions that are unacceptable for any artist.

But now, her acting career is back on track, and her acting career is regaining its brilliance. Can she be unhappy?

Mai Xiaoyu hugged Ruby Lin and whispered in her ear: "A word of thanks is too insincere, at least you have to kiss it."

Ruby Lin raised her head and teased: "Are you sure? I don't mind, as long as Taotao doesn't comment."

"Since you know, why do you hug me so tightly in front of so many people?"

"People are happy! Besides, they won't talk nonsense."

That's true.

Apart from the private team brought by Ruby Lin, only Mai Xiaoyu's bodyguard and driver Ke Haoyi was present.

Ke Haoyi needless to say that Ruby Lin's private team is an old man who has followed her for several years, and his own interests are closely related to Ruby Lin's. The more Ruby Ruby gets hotter, the greater the benefits, and the more benefits they can get.

Compared with the present, the days of the first two years were simply a nightmare for them.

"The rumors in the circle are true. Our company is really amazing. I didn't think it would be so popular before the broadcast."

This is Ruby Lin's sincere words.

In the past, she had been showing people with a pure and simple screen image, until she signed a contract with a cute person to shoot, and became a behind-the-scenes woman who helped her husband ascend to the throne in intrigue with others.

Compared with the past, this is a transformation, and there is a possibility of failure in the transformation, and she hasn't appeared on the TV screen for a long time.

However, it was very successful. Although some people scolded it, the popular ratings, super-high Internet clicks, and a lot of Internet hot discussions all demonstrate the success of this show.

At present, the broadcast of the show is drawing to a close, and the topic of Ruby Lin's beauty in ancient costume has gradually subsided, replaced by how good her acting skills are.

Before it was gentle and watery, it was as if she saw the figure of "Ziwei"; but when she became the queen, her aura and great energy showed her exquisite acting skills like the audience.

Accumulate thin hair!

Among them are Ruby Lin's own efforts and the help of the drama itself, but in the final analysis, it is because she chose to join Mengren. Otherwise, the heroine will not let her act in accordance with Moe's practice.

Ruby Lin sighed with emotion every time he thought of this.

This feeling continued to the banquet. Lin Xinru and her team toasted Mai Xiaoyu one after another and thanked the ceremony.

"Sister Xinru, are you planning to get me drunk and then plot against me?"

"Then you won't know until you are drunk."

Ruby Lin has been in Taidao for many years, and she has experienced many scenes and experiences. She can easily deal with jokes of this scale.

"I can't get drunk. If you get drunk, I can easily suffer from seeing you as a young and beautiful girl."

"Do you think I am old and ugly!" Lin Xinru, who was slightly above the wine, pinched Mai Xiaoyu's neck exaggeratedly.

Mai Xiaoyu begged for mercy: "Dare not, you are my childhood idol, I just think you should thank someone. Our company is not so easy to enter. If it weren't for him, I might not be willing to sign you. Why didn't you invite him today?"

Ruby Lin intimately leaned on his shoulder and whispered in his ear: "Is it Taotao?"

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

At the end of the song, everyone broke up and went home.

It is impossible for Mai Xiaoyu and Ruby Lin to happen.

Not to mention whether Ruby Lin and Huo Jianhua will happen in the future, but if Ruby Lin is Liu Tao's best friend, Mai Xiaoyu will not be moved.

Of course, Ruby Lin didn't have that thought, or else she wouldn't bring her personal team with her tonight's dinner.

The emotional exchange with Ruby Lin is just a small episode. Mai Xiaoyu's main energy is still on countering the so-called revelations about Wang Baoqiang.

As long as this matter is handled properly, it can have an excellent publicity effect for Wang Baoqiang himself and the film and television dramas he starred in.

Two days after allowing public opinion to freely ferment, Moeren finally made a statement, and Moeren's official Weibo made a positive response to this matter.

"It's a good one to beat and a rake, a good male thief and a female prostitute!"

Grasping the public's heart that "there are pictures and the truth", Mai Xiaoyu posted various intimate photos of Ma Rong and Song Jiji on Weibo. Then the accompanying text pointed out that this is the girlfriend of Wang Baoqiang's two-year relationship, and it is also the girl who graduated from Western University who claimed to have been "finished" by Wang Baoqiang in false reports on the Internet.

The Weibo update immediately attracted the attention of netizens who followed Mengren's official Weibo account.

Mengren Guanwei is notoriously immobile. Every move must fight, or it is a big battle. Many netizens who like to watch the excitement pay special attention to Mengrenguanwei. Some netizens criticized Wang Baoqiang because of public opinion and paid special attention to Mengren's official Weibo, just waiting to see the first shot of the battle.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't let them down, so he posted a picture when he came up, and first smashed the pseudonymous girl in the revelation-Ma Rong, a graduate of the Broadcasting Department of West University!

This is just the first Weibo to attract the attention of the public and the media.

He also has a second and third Weibo.

In the second microblog, he didn't use the topic to make use of it. Instead, he changed the topic and introduced the female sex, temptation, and confusion that a man with a successful career might encounter.

In today's society, material desires are rampant, and the world's excessive pursuit of interests has spawned more and more women and men who worship gold.

Mai Xiaoyu expressed his understanding of the behavior of worshiping money: The simplest example is that a college student has just graduated with a monthly salary of several thousand yuan, but he has to face pressure from work, house, car and other aspects, especially the increasingly expensive housing prices. Many young people can't breathe.

Seeing other people living in a luxury house, driving a good car, eating and drinking spicy food, do not have to worry about life, how can young men and women who are exhausted all day long for next month's rent and living expenses, how can they not be touched?

It is human nature that everyone wants to enjoy a good life, and everyone wants to enjoy more happiness and less hardship.

Therefore, Mai Xiaoyu is willing to believe that worshipping money is not born, but acquired.

But successful men will run into trouble, because they need to consider whether they love their own money or their own people when they say that they love their own women.

If all you love is money, but being able to abide by women's morals and not wear green hats to husbands and boyfriends can actually be regarded as a kind of happiness, but some women who worship gold have no ethics.

She wants money, and she still spends her husband and boyfriend's money while cuckolding her husband or boyfriend, which is intolerable.

In the second Weibo, there is no mention of the Wang Baoqiang incident, nor the young men and women in the photos posted on the first Weibo, but the ins and outs of the words are already obvious.

This is tantamount to breaking the fact that Wang Baoqiang was cheated by his cuckold and girlfriend.

In the third Weibo, Mai Xiaoyu directly admitted this In his words, Wang Baoqiang is too stupid and naive, and has been pursuing the girl in the photo for a long time, when the girl accepted him. , He once felt that he was the happiest person in the world.

It's a pity that he was born in the countryside too "silly roots", and he couldn't think of the depth of the urban routines. He thought that the girl was moved by his sincerity, but in fact it was a decision made by the girl for money and profit after weighing the pros and cons.

Later, Wang Baoqiang discovered the truth and broke up with the girl. The girl failed to ask for tens of millions of break-up fees, so she used public opinion to deliberately discredit Wang Baoqiang to force him to submit, and promised to pay tens of millions of break-up fees.

It is very embarrassing for a man to be cuckold. It is often for the sake of face, afraid of being laughed at, and reluctant to talk about it.

The reason why Mengren Guanwei has gone through so many geniuses to disclose the truth is precisely because Wang Baoqiang has considered this factor and intends to respond to the extortion of the party, and is unwilling to expose his own scandal.

"Since ancient times, there has been a saying in our country that'family ugliness cannot be publicized.' I also know that once the truth is announced, it will cause extremely serious harm to the baby, and may cause the baby to be laughed at and'get out of the entertainment circle'."

"But our cute people never bow to any evil forces, nor can they tolerate Baoqiang's hard work, being extorted by two dogs, men and women who are rude and shameless, and have no moral bottom line!"

"The baby may hate me and blame me for uncovering his scars, but I don't regret it. Again, we cute people will never bow to any evil forces. Our cute artists will never let insidious, The despicable, shameless, and cunning villain is bullying, and the truth is never allowed to be reversed at will!"

"Finally, the baby won't cry!"

Not long after the three Weibo posts were issued, Wang Baoqiang updated Weibo:

"@萌人官微#Brother, I don't blame you, I am stupid..."

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