The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 855: Waiting for bankruptcy!

The three consecutive postings of Moeren's Weibo and Wang Bao's first update of Weibo after the incident quickly triggered a new wave of public opinion.

All the artists, directors, screenwriters, agents, etc. of Moeren will update their Weibo at the same time.

"Baby don't cry! Wang Bao"

When some artists accepted the next interview, they no longer evaded this issue as before, bluntly saying that Wang Bao's feelings were deceived, and they were deliberately discredited by the other party.

Friends of Wang Bao, such as Chen Sicheng, Luan Dong, Wang Zulan, Ren Tianye, etc., immediately updated Weibo.

In addition to reposting the four words "baby don't cry", he still criticized the horse as a scheming **** on Weibo.

Later, the celebrity directors and screenwriters who have worked with Wang Bao successively voiced their voices to support Wang Bao: "Baby don't cry!"

Cheng Long, Liu Dehua, Su Youpeng, Guo Tao, Li Youbin, Sun Honglei, Meng Fei, Jinwei, Meng Yuxing, Li Bing, Hai Qing, Lin Chiling, Liu Yan, Chen Zihan; Hailian Cinema, Optical Media, Yihua Brothers, Millennium Entertainment, Emperor Media and other film and television companies have successively supported Mengren through their official micro accounts.

It is recommended that Mengren Film and Television, if this is the case, should resort to the law as soon as possible and use legal weapons to protect their legitimate rights and interests.

Subsequently, many domestic law firms expressed their willingness to sue Ma He, the studio that first broke the news, for Wang Bao for free.

With so many celebrities and so many influential companies supporting Mengren and Wang Bao at the same time, the battle is quite big, but Mai Xiaoyu will not forget the main force of the network!

"Baby don't cry!"

Driven by the huge navy, these four words can be seen everywhere on the Internet.

The spearhead of public opinion has also changed. Almost everywhere are sympathetic to Wang Bao and reprimanding Ma Song Jiji. Needless to say, the media have reposted three official Weibo reports about Mengren and Wang Bao’s Weibo replies.

Ma Song Jiji also hired a navy, but compared with the navy hired by Mai Xiaoyu, it can only be said to be a drop in the ocean, and it can't make any waves.

They are just individuals, but cute people are stuck on the threshold of the great and low-level great perfection, the strength gap is too big.

Therefore, although there are many water forces, the water does not become more and more muddy, but gradually becomes clearer in the other direction.

"Moe is so amazing?"

"Aren't they afraid that Wang Bao will have no face to see people in the future?"

Ma and Song Jiji were caught off guard.

Just like what Mengren Guanwei said, since ancient times, Chinese people have been paying attention to "family ugliness can't be publicized" because it is too embarrassing to be "public ugly". Wherever he goes, someone may point to him behind his back and say: "Look, it's him, he is hated by his wife, green one!"

They dared to ask Wang Bao for the break-up fee of 15 million yuan, but they had met Wang Bao, who was born in the countryside, and were afraid to publicize the matter.

But they didn't expect that Mai Xiaoyu dared, and told the public with great fanfare that during the relationship between Ma and Wang Bao, Ma cheated and cuckold Wang Bao!

What they did not expect was that there were very few melon-eaters who laughed at Wang Bao, and more of them were reprimanded, criticized, and yelled at them.

Cute people, celebrities in the circle, film and television companies, and navy soldiers chanted the slogan "baby don't cry"; the people who eat melons uttered the cry of "distressed baby".

Because of the sentence in Wang Bao’s Weibo, "I’m stupid..."

"The baby is too stupid. Fortunately, he is still saying that Zheng Kai will die in the hands of a woman and feel sorry for the baby."

"I'm sorry, baby, I shouldn't listen to Ma's side words, I feel sorry for the baby."

"Baby doesn't cry, that **** will definitely not end well!"

"I am also a woman, and I also worship money, but I will never spend my boyfriend's money while raising a little white face, so I feel sorry for the baby."


The vast majority of people who eat melon, the media, and colleagues in the circle choose to believe in Wang Bao, because the cute officials have come out to fight.

Throughout the establishment of Mengren, Mengren Guanwei has fought many times with various industries, and it is not a defeat. The most classic battle is undoubtedly tearing up the entire p2p industry. At the beginning, almost everyone questioned Mengren’s official WeChat account, but with the cruel reality, it slapped the doubter with a resounding slap, and even the financial industry that has always admired p2p. I said nothing.

In the minds of the public, Mengren Guanwei has formed an impression: if you don't fight easily, the battle must be reasonable, and the battle will be won.

Netizens not only abused Ma on the Internet, they also spontaneously organized human flesh searches, and some people went to West University to inquire about Ma's information. This frightened Ma and Song Jiji.

Of course, they are not good at stubbornness, and will not easily admit defeat.

Two days later, a certified Weibo Mengren official Weibo named "Golden Ear Bunny": I am a friend of Ma. Now I officially inform you that you are suspected of infringing on the portrait rights of Ma and Song Jiji. If you do not delete the photos as soon as possible, you will apologize publicly. , To make up for the adverse effects caused to them, they will decide to sue you.

The cute official does not show any weakness: you pretend to be most of the garlic, aren't you a horse? Now that I know it’s ashamed, I made a so-called I tell you, whether you sue our company for infringing your portrait rights, our company has decided to sue you and **** studio for maliciously framing our company. Entertainer Wang Bao.

Then, the Weibo of Golden Ear Rabbit was maxed out by netizens, and the comment function had to be turned off, and at the same time he stopped speaking.

On the other hand, Mengren's official Weibo updated the fourth Weibo, bluntly pointing out the various untruths in the previous **** studio's revelations to Wang Bao.

"Western University is one of China's key universities, and it is also the oldest institution of higher learning in Northwest China. Beautiful women have always been like clouds, but I have never heard that Ma is a joke of the school. With her appearance, if it is also a university flower, I think The boys at West University will definitely cry."

"The news claimed that Ma worked hard during his internship at Yanjing TV. The leaders and colleagues in the station praised him. After graduation, he successfully stayed at Yanjing TV. I want to know that those leaders and colleagues praised her. Why is it completely contrary to what I heard. Even if Yanjing TV hadn't looked at Wang Bao's face, it would have planned to expel her a long time ago."


"As for the miscarriage caused by Wang Bao's assault on the horse, I don't want to comment too much. However, please prepare the real hospital certification materials in advance. See you in court!"

"Finally, do you know how serious economic and spiritual losses have been caused to our company and Wang Bao himself because of your malicious slander? This time you are suing you, in addition to seeking justice for Wang Bao, you will also be pursued. Great losses to our company and Wang Bao."

"In ancient times there was Pan Jinlian, and now there is a female horse. Mental loss may only require you to apologize publicly. However, although Wang Bao is unwilling to pursue economic losses, we will never give up on economic losses! Golden-eared rabbits, you deceived Wang Bao's feelings. In 2009, you should know the price of his remuneration and announcement fee, and wait for the bankruptcy!"rw

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