The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 856: Being a vicious person, a small-minded and a small-minded rudder master, a reward of 2

"Mental loss may only require you to apologize publicly, but for economic loss, although Wang Bao is unwilling to pursue it, we adorable people will never give up! Golden-eared rabbit, you have defrauded Wang Bao's relationship for nearly two years. You should know his remuneration and announcement fee. Quotes, wait for bankruptcy!"

The last words in the latest Weibo of Mengren's official Weibo scared Ma.

There are many slobber lawsuits in the entertainment industry, and most of them do not go to the law; a small number of lawsuits against the thin courts are mostly ended with a public apology from one party.

However, Mai Xiaoyu made it clear that he wanted to recover the economic losses caused by Ma and **** studio to Mengren and Wang Bao.

Wang Bao’s remuneration and announcement fee...

How popular was the variety show at the end of last year and the big movie of the Spring Festival this year?

Wang Bao, who has become famous by virtue of his drama, is not cheap!

What's more frightening is that because Ma proposed to break up, Mai Xiaoyu, in order to numb Wang Bao's emotional nerves, received a large number of announcements and film appointments for Wang Bao. As a result, because of their malicious slander, Wang Bao lost two TV series, a variety show and several commercial activities.

There is no need for this lawsuit, and both Ma and Song Jiji know that they will lose.

At that time, I really have to recover the economic losses...

"Jigi, what should I do?" Ma panicked.

Song Jiji hugged her and comforted: "It's okay, they just said that they won't really prosecute."

"Yes! Mai Xiaoyu has a very small eyes, and he is especially good at doing malicious things. If it weren't for him, how could Wang Bao know about us? In the past few years, have Mengren sued for all kinds of trivial matters?"

Song Jiji: "..."

This is a problem.

Mengren boss Mai Xiaoyu is very low-key in reality and rarely shows up in public; but in the virtual network, it is not an ordinary high-profile. Mengren official micro-fans have two million, all of which are live fans, all relying on a scene. The fierce battle circle is here!

Just like the last sentence of Mengren Guanwei, "Wait for bankruptcy", it was put to others and was sprayed to death by the Virgins. But when Mengren was released, almost no one had any objection, because Mengrenguanwei’s battle has always been Known for being fierce.

Over the years, many well-known and unknown individuals have been prosecuted, all because of disputes over the Internet. What's more ruthless is that others only need to be fair and ask the other party to apologize publicly. In order to show a high profile, they rarely ask for money; but the cute person is different. He wants mental damage and material damage!

Otherwise, there are so many "celebrities" on the Internet who are famous for playing ugly tricks, and this time they dare not jump out and bomb Wang Bao to make eyeballs. Not afraid of being sued to apologize, but afraid of being sued to lose money.

The little money made by Temobo's eyeball advertising is not enough to pay for it!

"He also relies on a good father. If I have his resources, I will do better than him!" Song Jiji said domineeringly and mightily.

Comrade Old Mai...In a way, he is indeed a good dad.

He is a very well-known lawyer himself, and he is well-connected in the legal profession. As long as it is not a lawsuit between the people and the officials, whoever the cute person sues, whoever loses the lawsuit.

Ma was convinced by Song Jiji's mighty domineering, and hugged him tightly: "My dear, you have to help me."

"No problem. By the way, is Wang Bao that stupid bird worth a lot?"

"If it is not high, why would I accept him in the first place?"

Song Jiji was silent for a moment, and patted his forehead: "Oh, I almost forgot, my mother called me to go home for dinner. I'll go first, and I'll talk about it later."

After speaking, he pushed the horse away, and walked away without looking back, still very fast.


The prosecution of Ma and **** studio has been handed over to the company's legal counsel Mai Yingxiong to take full responsibility. Comrade Lao Mai has contacted a barrister who is good at this aspect in the industry, is preparing materials, and will soon go to the court to file a lawsuit.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't stop here either, and dialed Zhou, the director of the Yanjing Satellite TV's film purchase department.

The meaning is simple, to fire Ma from Yanjing TV station.

The grievances between Zhou and Mai Xiaoyu have long been cleared up, and their relationship is good now. From time to time they will buy Mengren TV series, and occasionally accept the invitation of Mengren’s market operation chief to come out for tea, chat, and contact. emotion.

Although he is the director of the film purchase department and Ma is not his employee, Ma is just a newcomer who has not yet passed the probation period. It is easy to say hello based on his personal connections on Yanjing TV.

When Yanjing TV station left the horse, it was mainly because of Wang Bao's face, in order to facilitate the invitation of him to show on the station in the future. As for the Ma’s work ability, the popularity and reputation in the station... Haha!

Now that Ma and Wang Bao broke up, they still made such a big move. Ma himself had asked for leave for several days, and it was a probationary period. One hundred people could be found in the station to expel her.

"This is simple, just one sentence, but there is a small matter that I want to trouble Mr. Mai."

"what's up?"

"Didn't your company shoot a spy war drama? Our station wants to win the premiere rights."

Zhou is referring to the joint investment of Moeren and the Han family and the production of Moeren. The Han family has found a producer who is good at shooting spy war themes. It has been finished, and the drama is being sold, waiting to be sold.

For Zhou, the winning of the premiere rights is a bit political.

2009 is the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and it is the tenth anniversary.

The General Administration has issued the spirit. From May to November this year, local satellite TV stations can only broadcast TV series with the theme of National Day gift during prime time. This means that TV screens will be fully “popular” in summer and autumn this year. TV series with related themes are very popular. !

Zhou has had a lot of headaches about this issue Satellite TV has a lot of TV series on related themes, but the quality is not tested by the market. Who would dare to take a bosom package?

The station has always adhered to the purpose of establishing the station by culture, and as the Capital Television Station, it has always unswervingly implemented the guidelines and policies of its superiors. Not only to "present" the National Day, but also to "present a good gift" to highlight the brand in the station.

This requires TV dramas with related themes to be of hard quality.

He thought of cute people.

To be honest, Mengren is not good at filming TV dramas on this subject. In the past, it was dominated by various idol dramas. Recently, there are signs of transition to palace drama. However, the two TV series with related themes that Mengren has filmed so far have all shined, not only with high ratings, but also at the political level.



Not only does it conform to the theme of the tribute drama, but it is also sought after by the audience. Which TV does not like it?

It is said that several Shanghai Satellite TV, which are not so well-funded, such as the West and the South, have bought these two dramas at very low prices and plan to replay them during the prime time between May and November this year.

No way, the new drama is too expensive, and the high price may not be able to pay back through advertising; it is better to re-speculate and wait for the hit dramas of previous years. The price is very cheap, it is likely to be profitable, and it responds to the spirit of the General Administration.

Yanjing Satellite TV is a Davidian, rich and impossible to do that, so he set his sights on Mengren's new spy war drama. This drama is also in line with the theme of the tribute drama, and it is produced by cute people, and the quality is guaranteed.

However, it has attracted much attention in the industry, and many people are eyeing this drama. Among all the star satellite TVs, in addition to the small TV that can't afford it, and the dolphin TV that is dead on their own, many first- and second-line David TVs are eager to try.

"How about Mr. Mai, in terms of price, we must follow the market. Anyway, it's all public money..." rw

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