For the time being, it will not be sold to Shanghai Satellite TV. This is the result of discussions between Mai Xiaoyu and President Han.

Because this year is the 60th anniversary of Daqing, the General Administration issued a document that the local satellite TV can only broadcast TV dramas on the theme of National Day gifts during the prime time from May to November, which has led to the popularity of dramas on the theme of gifts.

The price of high-quality dramas with gifts will be higher.

According to the plan, it will premiere on four terrestrial channels in early May, with a single episode price of 920,000. After the broadcast, according to the ratings data of the four terrestrial channels, the price of the first broadcast on Star Satellite TV will be determined.

This is a gamble. The bet is on the ratings.

If the effects of the four terrestrial channels are astonishing after the broadcast, then the price of satellites will naturally rise.

The opposite is also true. After the four terrestrial channels are broadcast, the effect is average or the reputation is not good. The price of the star...It is hard to say how many satellite TVs are interested.

However, people in the industry are generally optimistic about this show because it is produced by cute people. Although the cast is average, and the male protagonist Sun Honglei is not well-known, there are rumors that he is Mai Xiaoyu personally ordered the general, and Mai Xiaoyu's vision of seeing people... has never missed it so far.

Zhou knows the broadcast plan.

He just hopes that in the future, when the terrestrial channel is first broadcast, each star TV will be able to reserve a place for Yanjing Satellite TV. The price will definitely follow the market and will not make Mai Xiaoyu embarrassed.

Mai Xiaoyu did not hesitate to accept this kind of trivial matter. Yanjing Satellite TV is considered a first-line TV anyway. As long as the price is right, it can be sold to anyone.

As a result, Ma was fired by Yanjing TV on the grounds that his leave was overdue and he was absent from work for no reason.

Originally, the Yanjing TV station attracted the attention of netizens because of the horse incident. This time, the official Weibo issued a special announcement to expel the horse, instantly breaking the lie of the so-called "working diligently, and the leader at the same time praising" in the news.

The netizens who supported Wang Bao naturally applauded, but Ma and his parents and family members were outraged, even if the reason for Yanjing Satellite TV to expel her was not wrong. Since Mengren's official Weibo update revealed her personal information, she has been asking for leave and the deadline has expired.

You don't need to think about it, you know, there is no one else except Mai Xiaoyu who can do this kind of thing. With Wang Bao's temperament, he could never do such a cruel thing.

Two days after being expelled, Ma, who was calling his parents to complain, received a subpoena from the court.

Mengren has formally sued Mahe **** studio, and the court has also opened the case, and the trial will be held at an elective date.

Ma knows that once he goes to court, he has no chance of winning.

The pollution of Wang Bao was too harsh at the time, and he even got pregnant and was beaten to miscarriage.

This kind of thing can be found out by just investigating it.

A miscarriage must be sent to the hospital, right? The hospital must have a record of the operation?

Even if it is said that in order not to affect Wang Bao's image, a black clinic is created to deal with... which black clinic is it? Who is the doctor who performed the operation?

With such a mess of witness evidence, I really can't hold back the investigation.

"Rongrong, who was here just now, how did I hear from the court?"

"It's a subpoena from the court. Moeren sued me... Mom, what should I do?"

"What? They really sued? I told you a long time ago, hold on to Wang Bao, it's a golden lump, you don't listen. What about Song Jiji, he is not by your side after such a major incident?"

"He said he has been very busy recently..."

"Busy shit! I told you a long time ago that Song Jiji is not a good thing..."

"Mom! What's the use of these now, what should I do?"

"What else can I do? This is a mess. If it goes to court, how do you make your dad and me look up? How will you meet people when you return to work in the future?"

"I'm all fired, what kind of class do I go to!"

"Be, expelled? What a cute guy?"

"It's that Mai Xiaoyu, there is no one but him!"

At this time, Father Ma answered the phone; "Rong Rong, please be soft, apologize, and pretend to be sincere. Things can't get bigger, especially you can't go to court..."


Ma considered for two days, finally decided to expire and calm the storm.

She wanted to play the emotional card first and do the job of Tong Wang Bao, but Wang Bao’s mobile phone was in the hands of her personal assistant. Hearing her pitiful voice, she directly replied: "You have already been hurt by you. Stop harassing him. If you have anything, leave it to the court."

Contacting Wang Bao directly is blocked. She has contacted her and those friends in Wang Bao’s circle, hoping that they can help and make peace.

Who cares about her?

People were willing to recognize her in the first place, it was because of Wang Bao's face. Now she almost ruined Wang Baohui's fame. Mengren tore her on the Internet. In reality, she also filed a lawsuit. Who in the circle would like to get involved with her?

Wang Bao's road was nowhere to go, so she had to contact Mai Xiaoyu directly.

The number of Mai Xiaoyu's Yali mobile phone was still what Wang Bao told her. She sorted out her speech and tone, and then dialed Mai Xiaoyu's mobile phone.

Phone is busy...

At this moment, Mai Xiaoyu is talking on the phone with the boss of **** studio, and the other party is calling.

The other party also came to convince him that he has deleted all unfavorable news about Wang Bao and is willing to apologize publicly through multiple channels. I hope that Moeren will withdraw the lawsuit and not sue them.

This shouldn't be said on the phone, but they can't ask Mai Xiaoyu, the murderous god, to accept all kinds of food, and it's useless for anyone to intercede. As a last resort, I had to communicate on the phone.

"Mr. Mai, we all plan to eat in a circle, and we are also eating a meal. For the sake of face, why bother to such a degree?"

"I gave you face, did you give me face? When you black Wang Bao, why didn't you say hello to us first? If I didn't have the evidence in my hand and the response, Wang Bao would be ruined."

"Yes, yes, this is because I do not have strict controls, and my subordinates are arrogant. I have already criticized them severely. Don't worry, if there are rumors that are not conducive to your company in the future, we will notify you as soon as possible. There is no need for our lawsuit. Hit it, we are willing to apologize publicly."

"It is impossible to withdraw the lawsuit. I have already paid the lawyer's fees. If you compensate our company for the loss, I can consider an out-of-court settlement."

"Mr. Mai, don't you have to do things like this? I always said that I am willing to apologize, so why bother with every step?"

"If an apology works, why do you want the police? Why do you want the law?"

"So you don't have to talk about it?"

"How do you want to talk to me? Do you know how much Wang Bao’s annual income is? Do you know how much profit he can create for our cute people every year? You can break the news at random, and a light sentence will cause our company and Wang Bao. That’s how the loss was exposed? What a big face are you!"

"Mr. Mai, since it's up to this point, I don't think we need to talk about it. Let me remind you that we are only acting as a media for the news media and reporting facts are incorrect."

"Go to your Gobi Gobi. Before the news media reports the news, they do not investigate the truth of the news. Is it justified to deliberately use false reports for fame and wealth? I told you, and we have decided on your studio! Also, we have called the police, you If you dare to play black with me, let's wait and see!"

The two sides broke up unhappily, and the communication was not smooth.

The studio who broke the news didn't care about the false name and was willing to apologize. It doesn't matter even if you prosecute, it is equivalent to advertising and publicizing them, but there is a prerequisite, don't pursue the economic losses they cause, they don't want to lose money.

In the past, this kind of reputation lawsuits in the circle mostly revolved around the word reputation, which is a symbolic claim for a dollar.

However, Mai Xiaoyu made clear that Wang Bao's reputation must be restored, and the economic losses of Mengren and Wang Bao must also be recovered... This amount of money is not a small sum!

In addition, there are many crimes prosecuted by Moeren.

It's like a studio that broke the news, involving reputation infringement, defamation, spreading rumors, extortion accomplices, etc., with civil liability for compensation.

On the other hand, Ma, Mengren sued more harshly: reputation infringement, defamation, blackmailing the principal offender, etc., with civil liability for compensation.

The huge amount of extortion of more than 10 million is a criminal offence. After the negotiation between Comrade Lao Mai and the lawyer, it is recommended to report to the police.

This crime is unlikely to win, but it is good for public opinion.

Ma finally got in touch with Mai Meng, who had already called the police and told her to blackmail Wang Bao. Soon the police will take her to the police station to investigate, and the whole person almost collapsed.

When her parents learned of it, they were also half panicked and worried, and half angry and annoyed.

Mai Xiaoyu is absolutely amazing!

Fortunately, Ma’s parents consulted a lawyer friend they were acquainted with, and learned that this kind of blackmail charge is difficult to convict, but Mai Xiaoyu’s actions completely angered them.

Ma Ke is not a good girl from Xiaojiabiyu, and her parents are not good.

What about Moeren being an influential big company, we ordinary people are not easy to bully!

Isn’t there still a network?

Fight back!

Fight back!

Must fight back!

Take advantage of the people's sympathy for the weak and denounce the bullying behavior of cute people!

After the three of the Ma family agreed, Ma called Mai Xiaoyu again.

After the call was connected, Mai Xiaoyu's tone was joking: "Why, did the police uncle look for you?"

"Mai Xiaoyu, don't be too much!"

"Yo, is this going to threaten me again?"

"Who dares to threaten you, you are a big boss with billions of hands and eyes. But I am not a bully, don't push me in a hurry, when I will explode everything I know, you will have a hard time! "

"It's strange, are you here to give me an ultimatum?"

"Even if it is. I will ask you one last time, whether your company will withdraw the lawsuit!"

"Ma, I will tell you one last time. Honestly accept the legal decision. After the court pronounces the verdict, you should apologize and compensate you. From now on, you should be steadfast, behave in a proper manner, and don't punish the moth again."

"Are you threatening me? I'm telling you, I'm barefoot and I'm not afraid of wearing shoes, it's a big deal!"

"First of all, I have to remind you that although I am a cute boss, I have been barefoot for so many years; secondly, I am not threatening you, but a kind reminder. It doesn't matter if you worship money, but you must stick to the basics of being a human being. The bottom line is, don’t steal other people’s bread and enjoy the love you have done. By the way, has Song Jiji paid attention to you recently?"

"Mai Xiaoyu, wait, I will let you pay for what you say today!"

The Ma family's counterattack began quickly.

First, Ma's parents took the initiative to contact the local media and revealed the tragic experience of the family during this period.

In front of the media, they spit their noses and tears to denounce the cute bullying behavior. Not only has it had a huge impact on their lives, but it has also seriously affected their physical and mental health and so on.

In addition, their daughter studied hard for many years and worked hard and conscientiously. Finally, she passed the interview and stayed at Yanjing TV station, but some time ago, she was expelled by the TV station for unnecessary reasons because of the cute bullying behavior.

At present, Yanjing's life is lonely and helpless. Whenever they think of their daughter's tragic experience, they feel heartbroken at night.

The daughter already knew that she was wrong, but the cute people were still trying hard to force their daughter to death. What shocked them even more was that their daughter cried on the phone several times and said that she didn't want to live anymore.

The remarks that broke into tears were not only reported by the media, but also specially recorded into a video and posted to the Internet.

Seeing the tearful performance of the two old men, many netizens really fell into the trap, thinking that Meng Ren did a little too much this time. Since Ma knows that he is wrong, he shouldn't keep chasing him. Doesn't he have to be forced to death to give up?

"She is a child in her early twenties, why can't she give her a chance..."

This report and video were reprinted by many media and big v. Not for cute people, but to attract the public and attract attention.

The studio that first broke the news spared no effort to promote this article and video, and the mercenary naval forces took the rhythm everywhere, revisiting the various bullying behaviors of the cute people in the past, kidnapping public opinion and calling on more netizens to stand up and denounce the cute people.

Beating down a dog is never the code of conduct that most Chinese people believe in.

Therefore, the Ma family's counterattack this time has worked well. Public opinion has been divided, and fans have torn apart on the official Weibo.

Some people think that Ma has already known that it is wrong and that cute people should not hold on to it, lacking the mind and demeanor of a big company; rebuttors think that they are all adults, and mistakes are wrong, and they must be responsible for their actions. It's not that Moe gets the evidence, who has thought about what Wang Bao will end up with?

For this kind of chaos, Mai Xiaoyu didn't care at all.

He dialed the cell phone of Zhu Zeyuan, the leader of private coal enterprises in Sanjin Province.

"Brother Zhu, one wants to trouble you. UU Reading"

"What's wrong?"

"Do you have any friends in Sanqin Province who can speak for themselves?"

Zhu Zeyuan's base camp was in the Sanjin, and his influence radiated from the Sanjin to the surrounding areas. And Sanqin Province and Sanjin Province are adjacent to each other, and he also has many good friends with energy there.

"That's great. Help me clean up two people..."

After the Ma family fought back, Moe had commissioned Longxing Studio to investigate the Ma family's situation.

The feedback received is: Ma's mother is a cadre of a local bureau-level unit and is considered an official, so she knows how to abduct public opinion with miserable routines; her dad is an ordinary employee of a certain institution, but likes to dance.

Mai Xiaoyu firmly believes that an official’s **** is not clean at all, no matter how much feces there is, as long as they are willing to investigate, they will definitely be able to find out the problem. As for ordinary employees, since they love to dance, they should start with their style. There may be unexpected gains.

After some words, Zhu Zeyuan completely understood.

"They are ordinary people, can you be more serious with them? Being careful is counterproductive and makes people think you are too domineering."

"Haha, haven't someone said that we cute bullies? Brother, I'll tell you, no matter who you are or what status. As long as you provoke me, I won't let him go easily."

"You are as aggressive as before. I've left this to you, wait to hear it."

It's not that Mai Xiaoyu's work is too detrimental to the Ma family, but that Ma's family provokes him first.

It's just a clown jumping beam. I don't know how to discipline my daughter, but instead of getting worse, don't blame him for being rude.

His Mai Xiaoyu was never the Virgin, nor was he a year of passion for justice and light more than ten years ago, but a liar who insists that people do not offend me and I do not offend others, and if anyone offends me, I will retaliate ten times!

We greeted Zhu Zeyuan, he turned on the computer and logged into Weibo, ready to start the second round of

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