"Mr. Mai, publishers from all over the world are very interested in it. I hope you can postpone the domestic release time and give me enough time to operate. This year, the Christmas schedule will be released globally."

"This way, will it affect the number of best foreign language films for next year's Oscars?"

"No. Several other investors are also interested in this quota. We have discussed it. Everyone will take all means to fight for this quota and ensure that the film meets the qualifications for next year's Oscar for the best foreign language film.

In addition, in the second half, I will arrange for this film to participate in as many important international film festivals and film awards as possible, so as to hold preview venues in various countries and create momentum for global releases. Doing so is not only beneficial to the film, but also greatly beneficial to increasing the international influence of the director and the starring role. "

"In this case, you can arrange it and don't go wrong."

"Uh... I have to tell you something in advance. Cameron's also decided to postpone it to the Christmas schedule. It will also be released globally simultaneously. There may be a fierce battle at that time."

"Cut, I'm still wondering why. Originally we planned to release in the summer vacation, weren't we going to be hard at home? Now we continue to hard work, nothing more than expanding the stage from the domestic market to the global stage. Why, you have no confidence. ?"

"To be honest, there is a little bit of emptiness in my heart."

"Don't worry too much. Although they are famous, we are not bad. They use mainstream 3D technology. We use live special effects and digital effects. The visual effect production methods are completely different. Maybe you can stimulate the box office through comparison."

On-site special effects is a traditional film technology that has almost disappeared; and digital special effects are digital technologies that have not yet been recognized.

Non-mainstream vs. mainstream is also one of the selling points.

The key is whether the "non-mainstream" is good enough.

"I understand what you mean, and this will be added to the publicity side." Shi Hao's confidence is much stronger.

"One more reassurance for you. It will be a loss for them to give up the summer file, because the summer file is also a 3D technology movie..."

Mai Xiaoyu remembers that in the strange dream, the global box office is booming, and a big reason is the use of large-scale 3D technology. Although it is not the first 3D technology film in the film industry, it really opened the grand chapter of 3D film in the film industry.

In reality, the same large-scale use of 3D technology will be ahead of the release and will definitely affect the box office.

Simultaneous global release, so it's finalized.

The specific details are left to Hualong Pictures. Who makes them the international agents of the film?

At that time, as the number of participating heavyweight film festivals increases, the international popularity of the main creators such as Xiaoxing, Huang Bo, and Li Bing will increase to varying degrees.

After hanging up the phone, Mai Xiaoyu returned to the living room, suddenly remembering whether Qingtian had won the North American distribution rights and hadn't asked him yet, and planned to call back his mobile phone to contact Shi Hao.

At this time, the doorbell rang.

Mai Xiaoyu raised his head, frowning slightly.

Ke Haoyi increased his vigilance and walked slowly to the door.

Mai Xiaoyu lives here. Not many people know it. It's midnight. Is it normal to be suspicious?


"Ding Dong!"

"Ding Dong!"

No one answered, but the doorbell became more and more rapid.

Ke Haoyi glanced through the cat's eyes, then opened the door.

A beautiful figure, with a fragrant breeze and the smell of wine, drifted past him, like a tired bird returning to its nest, and plunged into Mai Xiaoyu's embrace.

Ke Haoyi hurriedly closed the door and returned to his room.

"Mr. Mai, did you know that the premiere tonight was so successful."

"I know your company's films are excellent, but I never thought it would be so good."

"If, I mean if, next time there is a chance, don't forget me..."

Mai Xiaoyu looked helplessly at the child-like beauty in her arms, and said, "Sister Bingbing, you have been drinking too much."

"I didn't drink much, I was so happy."

"Then can you let me go first. I am a normal man. If you do this, I can easily lose control and be taken advantage of by you."

"You have the advantage, right." Li Bing, full of alcohol, let go of Mai Xiaoyu.

"What advantage do I take? It's obviously your old grass trying to lure tender cows."

"Are you still a young cow? Who do you say is the old grass!"

"Just kidding, just sit down and say. Have you been drugged? Why do I think you are not right tonight?"

It's strange to be right!

The good reputation abroad has attracted great attention from Yihua. One of the top executives flew to Cannes to attend the premiere. After watching the movie with his own eyes, he also saw the audience's reaction.

At the premiere dinner, distributors from all over the world were obviously interested in the film, and they had a good chat with Shi Hao.

Shi Hao proposed a simultaneous global release on the Christmas file, and the original Oscars for the best foreign language film inland places. Yihua also strongly supports and promises to do its best to help.

Yihua is not one of the investors, but Li Bing is Yihua's first sister...or one of the two or three actresses who are competing for the first sister.

This is enough to prove the importance of Li Bing in Yihua.

It is an excellent science fiction film, and the label of "Chinese Science Fiction" comes with a topic attribute.

After watching the premiere, the Yihua elders who were present revealed to Li Bing privately that he was going to propose the company to take this film as an opportunity to increase efforts to promote her to the international film market and strive to break into Hollywood.

Also, Mengren’s network must be maintained well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although Mengren is now working hard to open up the international film market for Cici, Li Bing and her play are not in conflict. It can be done like this, with the help of Li With the relationship of snow, take a cute sailboat to go to the international film scene.

Li Bing didn't conceal this remark, but he said it out of the box, and Mai Xiaoyu was dumbfounded.

"Sister Bingbing, have you leaked a lot of drinks?"

"I told you specifically."


"Fine, you are too shrewd to cheat. Since I want to take the ride of your company, I think it's better to tell you directly and be honest."

"Because of this?"

"Of course there are other reasons." Li Bing hesitated for a moment, "You left early for the screening yesterday, where did you go?"

While speaking, she took out her mobile phone and searched the Internet for a piece of domestic news.

"Fan Bing is suspected of bringing her boyfriend to Cannes!"

There are also two photos, which are the scenes of Mai Xiaoyu and Fan Bing chatting in a private cafe. Mai Xiaoyu's appearance is not photographed, but Fan Bing's smile is bright in the photos.

This is why Mai Xiaoyu is reluctant to contaminate Fan Bing.

Fan Bing’s topical route has its own topical attributes wherever he goes. How many reporters are staring at it!

How else can you become the queen of topics?

After a trouble, Mai Xiaoyu became one of Fan Bing's many gossip boyfriends, and he has been talked about by melon-eating people for many years.

Mai Xiaoyu is not willing.

Li Bing also guessed from Mai Xiaoyu's clothes and Fan Bing's departure yesterday. Seeing Mai Xiaoyu's expression, I knew I had guessed the truth.

"You guys had a great chat yesterday?"

"Are you jealous?"

"I just wanted to remind you from a friend's point of view, don't be used by others and don't know yet."

Mai Xiaoyu grinned, suddenly stretched out his hand, took Li Bing into his arms, and kissed him...rw

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