The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 871: Absolutely can't bear it.

With the arrival of a new day, the Cannes Film Festival is drawing to a close.

The great success of the premiere once again caused widespread media coverage.

Word of mouth is undoubtedly, the box office, you can see the first clues today.

According to the screening plan of this year's Cannes Film Festival, a media screening venue, a premiere screening, and two screening screenings for general audiences were allocated.

This treatment is quite good, and it is inseparable from the private operation of Hualong Pictures.

Both trial screenings are scheduled for this afternoon. No need to wait for the box office, just know the ticket sales and attendance.

According to the reaction of ordinary audiences at the premiere, there should be no suspense about the effect of the two scenes on the screening of ordinary audiences this afternoon.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the streets of Cannes have already become lively.

Cannes has a Mediterranean climate, warm in winter and cool in summer.

The clear sky, pure air, blue sea, white sandy beaches, humid sea breeze, and the stars that can be seen from time to time make Cannes in May extremely popular and crowds of tourists.

Contrary to the bustling on the street, in a high-end apartment near Lumiere Palace, the curtains are tightly closed. The bright sunshine can only pass through the silk curtains and cast mottled light and shadow on the mahogany floor.

There are two people on the bed.

One is Mai Xiaoyu and the other is Li Bing.

Mai Xiaoyu leaned against the bed, revealing his strong upper body; Li Bing also leaned against the bed, only pulling up the thin concealed chest, revealing only the fragrant shoulders and lotus root arms.

In fact, it doesn't make much difference whether it is covered or not. The places that should not be seen, the places that should be touched, the places that should not be touched, Mai Xiaoyu has "looked", "touched" and "touched" all the time last night.

After the two woke up, they maintained this posture, and no one spoke. It has been almost ten minutes.

Although the indulgence last night was full of fun, after waking up today, it was still slightly embarrassing.

To emphasize, it was Li Bing who was slightly embarrassed, not Mai Xiaoyu.

Li Bing is also very old. He has long been out of place, and he has been in the entertainment industry for many years, so he can see through the issues between men and women.

It’s just that what happened last night is a bit like she and Fan Bing are fighting for Mai Xiaoyu’s favor, and it’s a bit like she used her body to make some unspeakable deal with Mai Xiaoyu, and it's a bit like...

In short, when she woke up, when facing Mai Xiaoyu, her expression and heart were not as natural as before.

This awkward silence was broken with Mai Xiaoyu's sigh.

"Hey, I couldn't resist the temptation, you took advantage."

His face also showed an expression of unlovable birth.

Li Bing looked at Mai in disbelief and I took advantage of you? "

"Isn't it, Sister Bingbing? Are you worthy?"

This Li Bing is angry.

"You kissed me first last night!"

"But you tempted me first."

" are shameless, you beast!"

"Should it be a human-shaped beast?"


Li Bingle came out and slapped Mai Xiaoyu angrily: "You are so embarrassed to say that I was tossed to death by you last night. Is it wrong to say that your human-shaped beast is wrong?"

"Blam me? I recharged for two days, but you were all squeezed out."

"You guy..."

Li Bing had nothing to say, raising his hand and hitting, but this time the action was a bit big, causing the thin sheet to slip off, revealing a big chunk of chun.

Mai Xiaoyu deliberately stared at him: "Hey, hey, Chun just vented."

"Whatever, you haven't seen it before."

"Yes, I've touched and kissed." While speaking, Mai Xiaoyu took Li Bing into his arms, stroking the fragrant shoulder with one hand, and playing with the white rabbit with the other.

Li Bing did not refuse and let him do evil.

Mai Xiaoyu knew that the embarrassment in Li Bing's heart was over.

"Are you relieved now?"

"Don't worry?"

"What do you say?"

Li Bing was silent for a moment, arched into Mai Xiaoyu's arms, and changed a comfortable position: "You really didn't have anything to do with her?"

"I am not interested in other people's grievances. I only have three principles in life: take care of my own people, maximize my own interests, and repay any grudges."

Thinking about it, Li Bing found that Mai Xiaoyu's conclusion was really correct.

"Then I am my own person?"

"What do you say?"

"Because of last night?"

"It was ons last night. What does it have to do with your own person? But, you are Li Xue's sister, of course you are also considered your own person. If you are not happy in Yihua, you are always welcome to come to our Mengren."

Li Bing suddenly sat up from Mai Xiaoyu's arms: "In other words, if I rejected you last night, wouldn't it have any effect?"

"There are not so many ifs in the world." Mai Xiaoyu pulled her back into his arms again, "what has happened, then take over reality."

What can be done if you don't accept the reality? Anyway, what should have happened happened, and Li Bing drank a little last night, and he didn't reject Mai Xiaoyu ml.

"I will ask you one more question."

"Are you a problem girl?"

"Have you and Xiaoxue...ah..."

Mai Wan directly flicked on her cherries: "You are really very sick. The rabbits don't eat the grass at the edge of the nest."

Li Bing hit Mai Xiaoyu again, rubbed his chest and sat up: "I believe you, if you and Xiaoxue are also...I am afraid it will be difficult to accept."

"What are you doing?"

"Go back to the hotel, it's past ten o'clock." Li Bing said while holding the bra, "Help me buckle it."


Mai Xiaoyu flew bra directly, picked up Li Bing and pressed it on the bed.

Before Li Bing could speak, she had already kissed her cherry lips, and her hands were walking around her body; and Li Bing also kissed Mai Xiaoyu back, stroking her hands back and forth on Mai Xiaoyu's developed back muscles.

The belated "morning exercise" has begun...

On May 24, the 62nd Cannes Film Festival came to an end with the screening of the closing film.

The Huaxia Legion performed well and won the best screenwriter award in the main competition unit. In addition, in the "Film Cornerstone" unit aimed at discovering and promoting new film talents, a young female director from Yanying won the second prize and a bonus of approximately RMB 100,000 with her graduation work.

However, this kind of award has little influence in China; and the award-winning Huaxia people, UU Reading, cannot attract the interest of foreign filmmakers.

Even the domestic films that won the Best Screenplay Award in the main competition unit are far less popular than those in the non-competition unit.

, A pan-sci-fi work with suspense themes, has been recognized by the international film circles. This is evident from the fact that Shi Hao frequently deals with the visiting publishers of various countries.

"China’s first real science fiction movie", "China film science fiction pioneering work", "a science fiction movie that needs to be watched three times" have not only been affirmed by domestic public opinion, but also by international public opinion. .

It has become the most popular Chinese film at the Cannes Film Festival and one of the most popular counselor films.

There is also a film that is also very famous, and its reputation is severely polarized!

Not only was shortlisted for the best film nomination of this year's Cannes Film Festival, but also won the honor of best actress, and was also called the most powerful contender for the 2009 **** film award by many foreign media.

The latter award is not a great honor. The purpose of the award is to reward the most unexpected, discouraging, most incomprehensible and ridiculous film of the previous year.

whatever, Sky Group likes it!

In the competition with Hualong Pictures, Sky Group successfully purchased the North American distribution rights at a high price.

When Mai Xiaoyu heard the news, he had already flown back to the country, mourning for Ning Shirong for three seconds, and then plunged into a new battle.

From Malgobi, as soon as he returned to Yanjing, he heard a very **** news from his assistant Yu Ping.

Ma, who is in the middle of the lawsuit, actually wants to enter the entertainment industry, and there is already a local TV station that has invited her to participate in a variety show of talk. She also agreed and has been doing publicity.

What's more **** is that the subject of the conversation is the story between her and Wang Bao.

This is absolutely unbearable! rw

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