Before the Cannes Film Festival was over, Mai Xiaoyu had already flown back to Yanjing.

The response exceeded his tone, surprisingly good.

There are many factors here.

There are reasons for the superb acting skills of Huang Bo, Li Bingbing, etc., the credit of "copying" the script, the bonus of the deepening of Xiaoxing Xi's director skills, and the halo effect of "China's first science fiction film".

According to Hualong Pictures’ plan, frequent appearances at international film festivals in the second half of the year will help increase the international influence of Mengren and Hualong, and increase the international presence of Xiaoxing Xiaoxing, Huang Bo, and Li Bingbing. Reputation.

Which of these people can really go to the international film scene depends on the operation of each company and the individual's own luck.

When he first returned to Yanjing, Mai Xiaoyu was in a good mood.

After preparing to go to the preparatory group to try out the filming work.

However, after returning to the company, he learned from Yu Ping that Ma Rong wanted to enter the entertainment industry and had agreed to an invitation from a local TV station to attend a talk show, telling the story of himself and Wang Baoqiang.


"Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"Mr. Liu said that your affairs in Cannes are very important, and there is no need to disturb you. Our company has publicly issued a statement asking the other TV station and program group to stop inviting Ma Rong to show."

"Haha, less than, how many years have you been in the company?"

"For several years."

"Then do you think the TV station will care about our company's statement?"

In the entertainment circle, the TV station is a relatively independent small circle.

Niubi TV stations can take advantage of the superior resources of their provincial radio and film groups to integrate and establish entertainment companies, such as the relationship between Mango TV and Tianyu Media; they can also "block" some disobedient artists-these artists will never want to join the media Any film and television drama and variety show on the platform.

Local channels are relatively weak due to factors such as pattern and coverage, but they can still avoid private entertainment companies.

People are organized in the system, which is a proud advantage!

Not to mention that cute people are only half-step big and cheap, even if they are big and big, whether they sell face or not, it depends on the close relationship between each other.

Since the other party wanted to talk about Ma Rong, it was obviously aimed at the ratings and advertising expenses. If you send a statement, they will remove Ma Rong?

Give me a break!

Yu Ping understands this. After years of working as Mai Xiaoyu's assistant, her vision has also risen.

"Mr. Liu also knows, so he arranged for Mr. Liang to go there privately and communicate with the other party to resolve the matter."

Liang Pei came from within the system, and he has certain personal connections in the system. Perhaps this can be properly resolved through communication.


Mai Xiaoyu did not dare to bet on the probability of "maybe".

In the unlikely event that Ma Rong is on TV, even if viewers and netizens become more aggressive, as long as the ratings increase significantly, and attention and topic levels increase significantly, believe it or not that other local stations can line up to invite Ma Rong to appear on the show?

Maybe the provincial satellite TVs that are on the stars will also get in.

By then, the day lilies are cold.

Even if Mai Xiaoyu has the ability to reach the sky, he can't want to turn things around. He can only watch Ma Rong step on Wang Baoqiang's wound and become a frequent visitor to many TV stations.

These years, the rapid devaluation of courtesy, justice, integrity, and moral integrity in society, especially in the entertainment industry, is even more worthless.

Want to be famous?

What if there is no good looks, no superb acting skills, and no support from the sponsor?

The answer is only one word: make!

Acting as a demon, acting ugly, acting strangely, all kinds of acts...As long as they are not deliberately killed, they can be "red".

In recent years, through various works, have few people become famous online?

A few years ago, Yenching University, one of China's top universities, the young lady who often appeared on the shore of Weiming Lake, "dancing" inexplicably in front of many Yenching University students, showing a "curvaceous posture", also became popular.

Regardless of the various criticisms at the time, people withstood these criticisms, in disputes on topics such as whether "Tsinghua students" and "whether ugly people make strange things", through day after day, year after year "writing" "Finally succeeded in taking the position.

Even if people in the circle sneered at it, they are considered "stars" anyway.

Don't look at the small announcements that you received, but compared to four years of hard work, the graduates who eventually had to transform their livelihoods were much better.

What is even more frightening is that now, through various public relations and public relations, a group of fans have been gathered and they have been portrayed as one of the typical inspirational characters...

This is really a dog.

This is just one example, but it can also reflect from the side that the so-called Chinese traditional virtues such as courtesy, justice and shame in the entertainment circle are becoming less valuable in the face of interests.

Unless the artists who were exposed for drug abuse and prostitution and were arrested by the police are named and "banned" by the General Administration, everything else does not matter. As long as the program group can bring ratings, topics, and attention to create value for the TV station.

Only relying on Liang Pei’s personal connections in the television circle can solve this problem through communication?

Mai Xiaoyu was skeptical, so he took out his cell phone and dialed Liang Pei's number.

After a while, Liang Pei answered the phone.

"Mr. Mai? Why do you call me at this time? I'm watching the news. Our company's movies are in Cannes."

"I have returned home."

"came back?"

"Hmm. How's the communication progress on your side?"

Progress is not going well.

As Mai Xiaoyu guessed, local stations also have to survive. Good dramas can’t be bought, good variety shows can’t be bought, catching up with Ma Rong are getting popular all over the world. Inviting shows to increase the ratings, and advertising fees can also earn dozens of percent more.

Of course, the ways and methods of the TV station leaders' speeches and handling of things are very high-level.

By virtue of his own relationship, Liang Pei finally met the deputy director in charge and the director of the local station one after another.

At the wine table, he said all the good things, but people pretended to be stupid and pushed six or two five.

"It's really inappropriate to do this."

"We are a local station, and the station is poor. The responsible person responsibility system was implemented a few years ago."

"What the program should do, how can it be welcomed by the audience, and increase the ratings are completely left to the program team."

"The station only looks at the results, and those who are able to go, the ratings are too bad and directly cut off."

"Brother, you also came from the TV station. You should know this kind of thing too."

"So it's hard for me to ask questions directly, I suggest you talk to the person in charge of the program group directly..."

These are the words of the deputy director in charge.

The director's words are more level.

"You should not find me for this kind of thing, you should find a specific person in charge."

"Old Liang, the General Administration has conveyed a new spirit of instruction. I will be more recent, and I have to learn and implement these spirits."

"I can't entertain you well this time. Next time, next time you come to our place again, I will entertain you."

"To be honest, I envy you. If it weren't for your age, I would really imagine you being so free and easy..."

Well, Liang Pei found the person in charge of the talk show's program group again. .

"You cute people have big business, you must be big-minded. If you are a girl, why bother to be aggressive?"

"The contract has been signed. If the guests are replaced now, even if the program team breaches the contract, it will have to pay liquidated damages!"

"Liquidated damages are still a trivial matter. The problem is the program schedule and ratings. The ratings of the show I made have continued to decline this year. If it doesn't improve anymore, it will definitely be cut off by the station."

Listen, listen!

Do you kick the ball?

Do you shirk each other!

Are you arguing with each other!

These are the full-level skills of government departments, agencies and institutions.

When Liang Pei was on Dolphin TV before, he was equally proficient in playing, not worse than them.

But he is now the vice president of Mengren's film and television market operations and an executive of a private enterprise. Even if he has a deep understanding of these skills, there is no solution at all.

Don't talk about him, no one can solve it.

Otherwise, how many years of the above three orders and five applications, can't it also change the phenomenon of ordinary people's difficulty in doing things?

"Mr. Mai, what I mean is that our company selected a few TV series that were popular in the past few years and sold them cheaply. Only the person in charge of that program, I think this person's heart is very lively, it is better for me to try , And try to get his high salary to our company."

This is the suggestion given by Liang Pei.

This TV series, no matter how hot the ratings were back then, no matter how high the first broadcast rights, second and third rounds are sold, it will be worthless after a long time.

It's just like the popularity of Qianqian, Hu Xu and others. The first broadcast rights are in units of "100,000", but now they are sold to local stations. The price of a single episode is also "1,000", and other TV stations are not necessarily willing to buy it.

If it is outdated, video websites have also bought the right to broadcast online to flood the film library, which can no longer attract young people.

Liang Pei's so-called cheap sale is basically equal to half-selling and half-free. The TV station offers a low price. Whether it is broadcast or not, the key is to get the rebate.

The cute person is not short of the money, and the rebate will be greatly improved when the time comes, and it will be easy to talk with the pocket of the leader of the TV station.

Then the high salary of the person in charge of the talk show was dug over, and even if the show with worrying ratings was abandoned, the possibility of Ma Rong being on the show would be cut off.

"Lao Liang, let me ask you, if you do this, then the TV station will find Ma Rong to show the show, what should we do? The company continues to post money in it? And the person in charge of the show, he is a thing, we cute people don't collect rubbish! "

"There is no other way."

"I have a way. When you meet with their channel leader, you don't need to treat or give gifts, so tell them that I'm back. Also, if you tell them, just say what I said. If they insist on finding Ma Rong on the show, the consequences will be conceited!"

"Mr. Mai..."

"According to what I said, it's just a local station. I really think of myself as an uncle!"

After hanging up the phone, Yu Ping gave a thumbs up excitedly: "Boss, you are too domineering. If my boyfriend has half of you, I will be satisfied."

"Pull it down, your boyfriend dare to man with you, don't you let him kneel durian!"

"I'm not as fierce as you said, I'm pretty ladylike, okay."

Mai Xiaoyu blinked: "I heard you call your boyfriend. At first I thought you were training your son."

"Boss——" Yu Ping protested, "Even if it is, it is still under your influence."

In protest, she asked gossiping again: "Boss, if that TV station doesn't give you face, how do you plan to make them bear the consequences? People are TV stations and don't have to sell our face."

"It's just a local TV station..."

Not to mention the local TV stations, even if the provincial satellite TV provokes Mai Xiaoyu, he can make the other party "concern the consequences"!

With the ultimatum, Mai Xiaoyu has asked Liang Pei to give it to the other party. You don't need to think about how the other party will react.

And he wanted the local station to do the job, kill the chickens, and let the other TV stations that are willing to invite Ma Rong to show on the show, carefully weigh the powerful relationship among them, so as to completely eliminate the future troubles.

His plan must not be told to Yu Ping.

After sending Yu Ping out, Mai Xiaoyu took out his rice phone, found out the contact information of President Li, and called.

"Mr. Li, this is Mai Xiaoyu. Do you have many friends in Songfeng City..."


It is not a trivial matter for a privately-owned film and television company to build a local TV station, nor is it that easy, it takes time.

Mai Xiaoyu temporarily put this matter aside, contacted Li Hui, and came to the crew to try out.

The crew is in the audition stage.

Mai Xiaoyu, the owner of Moeren Film and Television, personally starred, and the influence on the show was mixed.

On the positive side, some people think that the word-of-mouth and ratings of the cute drama starring the boss himself will be more assured, otherwise it will be his own face.

On the bad side, some people think that the cute drama starring in the boss's own ending is obviously a play ticket. Considering that Ma Rong broke out the rumor that the cute boss "Sleep all over the female artist under his banner", it will inevitably make some people suspect that Mai Xiaoyu went for the "scourge" of Liu Shishi.

The news of the starring Liu Shishi has long been announced.

"Mr. Mai, you are finally here, but it makes me want to see through."

Mai Xiaoyu appeared in the preparatory team, Li Hui greeted him warmly, and the attitude of the others in the preparatory team was also very ardent.

"Director Li, I only have two or three days. Let's make a long story short and try it out. I'm going to another place in two days."

"Are you coming back and leaving now?" Li Hui thought slightly, "Songfeng?"

The Songfeng TV station invited Ma Rong to appear on the program. Due to the secretive efforts of the cute people, the publicity and reports in the media are limited, and the people who know how to eat melons are limited. However, in the entertainment industry, this matter is not a secret.

If the cute person handles it improperly, it is likely that Wang Baoqiang's reputation will be severely damaged, and he has not been prosecuted yet, and can only be condemned on a moral level.

Moral condemnation...hehe, since ancient times, it has been the biggest killer used to fool the kind people!

Mai Xiaoyu didn't lie to Li and nodded: "Some people do it by themselves, and I have no reason to fail them."

"Mr. Mai, they are a TV station, so you can move your whole body when you are involved. Don't be impulsive."

"I have no urge at all, so hurry up and try the show."

Li Hui's lips squirmed a few times, but he didn't persuade him any more. With a wave of his hand, a group of people rushed up.

Mai Xiaoyu is here to audition, not to audition.

So he was pulled into the dressing room, and the makeup artist, stylist, and costume artist went out at the same time, surrounded him, discussing and discussing, making gestures on him, and experimenting on his face.

Mai Xiaoyu suffered an old crime.

It was not until more than two hours later that Mai Xiaoyu came out of the dressing room.

At this time, he had changed into a blue mandarin jacket with dark brown polka dots, a hood on his head, and a long braid hanging on the back of his head.

When he came out of the dressing room, his eyes were full of joy, anger and colorlessness, and he hid his steps with his hands on his back. The domineering power immediately radiated from his whole body, and Li Hui and the others were bright.


As soon as Li Hui waved his hand, the assistant director motioned his eyes, and the assistant held the desk and handed it to Mai Xiaoyu.

"Mr. Mai, this is the script for your trial show. Do you get familiar with it... Is half an hour enough?"

It can be done in ten minutes at most!

The entire book was "copied" by Mai Xiaoyu!

However, he took a look at the desk book and was stunned.

This book... is not quite right.

After the surprise, Mai Xiaoyu didn't think too much, quickly remembered the lines of the trial, closed his eyes and recalled the scenes in the strange dream, brewed good feelings, and returned the script to the assistant.

Li Hui asked: "Mr. Mai, are you okay?"

Mai Xiaoyu made an OK gesture.

"let's start."

With Li Hui's words, Mai Xiaoyu's first crew audition began.

Only at the beginning, Li Hui was also stunned...

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