"...This is what Ruoxi requested."

"She has been begging me to find a windy day..."

"She said she didn't want to, had a bad taste, and didn't want to be buried in the dark underground..."

"Ruoxi is my Fujin, you can't take it away..."

Mai Xiaoyu was empty in his hands, but he seemed to be holding a casket of ashes, and burst into tears.

Everyone present was attracted by his performance, and most of them could hear the sincere sincerity from his choking voice, as if the script had really lost Fu Jin’s... .


Brother Fourteen?

What seems to be wrong?

It was brought to the end of Mai Xiaoyu's trial, and everyone suddenly reflected.

Since it is the crying scene of the fourteenth elder brother, why not wear plain clothes?

Don’t you say that Mai always starred? How come the lines of the fourteenth brother?

Also, the look of a blue jacket with dark brown dots and bottom, but the look of Si elder brother!

Mai Xiaoyu wiped the tears from his face, took a deep breath, and adjusted his mood.

Li Hui's brows became more frowning, and the deputy director beside him was secretly shocked.

Glancing at Li Hui, the assistant director turned around and waited for the assistant. The assistant apologized while crying and explaining in a low voice.

The desk book is wrong!

Today, in addition to Mai Xiaoyu’s audition for the fourth elder brother, two other actors came to audition for the fourteenth elder brother, all of which were kept by the assistant.

When the assistant handed in the table book just now, he accidentally took the wrong table book and handed the table book of Brother Fourteen to Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu doesn't know.

Therefore, when I got the desk book, I was shocked for a moment when I saw the lines.

After listening to the little assistant's whispered explanation, the assistant director felt a black line in his forehead. Disregarding the reprimand of the assistant, he turned around and explained in a low voice in his heart: "Director Li, I was too busy today. I got the wrong script for Mr. Mai."

Li Hui is not stupid, can he not see that the script is wrong?

He said lightly: "How do you think he behaves?"

"Mr. Mai" is not used, but "him" is used, which shows that Li Hui wants to listen to the truth.

The assistant director pondered for a moment, and said: "I personally feel that he is very dedicated and emotionally expressive. He is better than the previous two actors who auditioned. He doesn't look like a newcomer. On the contrary, he is a bit old-fashioned."

Li Hui nodded non-committal: "Give him Si elder brother's notebook and let the camera continue."

When Mai Xiaoyu got the second copy, he stared at the assistant with wide eyes.

The little assistant was about to cry: "I'm sorry, Mr. Mai, I'm sorry, I just took out my desk book."

"Why didn't you remind me earlier and make me cry for nothing."

The little assistant was so frightened that he put his hands together and apologized again and again.

He is an employee of Li Hui's studio. Li Hui's studio is under the banner of Mengren, Mengren has investment, and Mai Xiaoyu is also his big boss.

"Looking at you scared, teasing you, it's not that serious."

With a soothing sound to the little assistant, Mai Xiaoyu flipped through the desk for the second time.

This time it took a long time. The lines are easy to say, mainly for the brewing of emotions. If the crying scene is not made with eye drops or tear sticks, but with real feelings, the actor's mood will be temporarily affected and it takes time to calm down.

Ten minutes later, Mai Xiaoyu's second audition began.

According to the script setting, in the early stage of the four brothers' scenes, there is not much dialogue, mainly because each time he plays, he can show a strong aura and can hold the scene. Sometimes there is no actor to play against, and you can only rely on your acting skills to hold up the entire scene, which is not small.

Although Li Hui praised Mai Xiaoyu, and tried his best to cast him as the star, but when it comes to the TV series he directed, he will not relax at all.

Therefore, in addition to a scene that focuses on aura, there is also a crying scene in the Fourth Brother Taiwanese book he prepared for Mai Xiaoyu. The crying scene is the fourth eldest brother after enthroned, and seeing Ruoxi's death memorial reaction, it is a very difficult crying scene.

This crying scene, how the crying method is exquisite, is absolutely different from the previous crying scene of the fourteenth elder brother.

Regarding the display of aura, Mai Xiaoyu performed very well.

The pictures in the strange dreams; the bigwigs of the cute people at different stages; and the full-level liar skills and high-level psychology skills, allowing him to easily show the domineering and profound aura of the four elder brothers.

Next comes the crying scene.

But seeing Mai Xiaoyu, holding a prop in his hand to use the memorial, the expression on his face began to change. From the shock of knowing Ruoxi's death, to disbelief, to believing; from crying depressed to crying hysterically...

Twenty minutes later, the trial show finally ended. Mai Xiaoyu, who was in a good mood, returned to the dressing room and began to remove her makeup. And Li Hui led the director team, sitting in front of the monitor, looking back at the two scenes of Mai Xiaoyu's trial over and over again.

Make-up is troublesome, and it is not easy to remove makeup.

Mai Xiaoyu was sitting in front of the dressing table, and the makeup artist took a few assistants and apprentices to help him remove his makeup.

"Mr. Mai, have you ever acted in a play before?" The makeup artist asked casually without stopping his hands.

"Life is like a play, it all depends on acting."

"I'm not kidding. You acted so well just now. It's completely different from those rookies who just debuted. It's better than many old actors."

The makeup apprentice next to him nodded vigorously and said, "Yeah, yeah, when Mr. Mai just now, when you were in the crying scene, I was a little bit inexplicably sad, and my eye circles were wet..."

Before he finished speaking, he took a cold look.

Not a makeup artist, but an assistant to the makeup artist.

The crew is a small society, with distinct levels and strict order divisions.

What is Mai Xiaoyu's identity?

Even the makeup assistant is not qualified to talk to you, your little apprentice dare to intervene in a relationship, is there any rules!

This is the internal rules of the crew.

That is, Mai Xiaoyu makeup remover ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ replaced with a general actor makeup remover, do you see if the makeup artist personally helps. The makeup artist is also a big boss in the crew, in charge of the entire makeup department!

After finally removing her makeup and putting on her own clothes again, Mai Xiaoyu was already sweating profusely, but she felt an indescribable sense of comfort.

Walking out of the dressing room, Li Hui greeted me with a smile and gave a hug: "Hahaha, I found the treasure, Lao Sun He Xin Ru is waiting to envy me!"

"As for so happy?"

"Of course. Mr. Mai, what you did just now is very good, far beyond my imagination."

"Is it that exaggerated."

"You ask them."

The members of the director team present, as well as cameramen, makeup artists, prop artists and others nodded and praised.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and scolded: "You can kill me. Director Li, this is a TV series directed by you. If I don't perform well, it will be your signature."

"Since our cooperation, whether it is my signature or the reputation of the cute drama, when has it been smashed? It will not be smashed before, and it will not be smashed in the future!"

"It seems I'm ok for the trial, if nothing else, I'll go back first."

"Don't leave in a hurry." Li Hui pulled Mai Xiaoyu, "Mr. Mai, discuss something with you."

"what's up?"

"After watching your two scenes, I suddenly had an idea."

"Then what?"

"That's how I think about it. In order to save the crew's expenditure on the remuneration of the actors, let more funds be invested in the blade, I hope you can do more..."

"Don't you want me to play the fourth and the fourteenth at the same time?"

"Mr. Mai is indeed a smart person." Li Hui gave a thumbs up, "Well, my idea is very good and surprising."


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