The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 886: Here comes the domineering side leak.

"They are just soldiers charging ahead, and they have no right to refuse or refuse the tasks assigned by their superiors, they can only carry out..."

The police, like the army, is a team that insists on obeying orders.

The leader issued a word and issued an order. How many people would dare to raise questions even if they knew that there was a problem with the incomplete procedures?

Songfeng’s four acts were led by a third-level superintendent, and Dingtian was a deputy. This kind of low-level police, without the order of the leader, did not dare to dispatch the police without authorization, and even went to the feet of the emperor to secretly arrest successful entrepreneurs like Mai Xiaoyu.

Moreover, it is definitely not ordinary people who have the ability to unblock and use the power of the police to deal with Mai Xiaoyu. This kind of person is also the leader of Songfeng City Bureau, not the third-level superintendent at the deputy division level.

As a criminal police officer in the same system and in a career of licking blood, the Zhao team really does not hope that these criminal police who charge on the front line will become the victims of the upper-level fly camp Gougou.

Mai Xiaoyu pondered for a moment, and then asked, "What guarantee do you have that they are not the confidants of a certain leader?"

Team Zhao: "..."

He cannot guarantee.

What Mai Xiaoyu said makes sense. Leaders often leave it to their confidants to handle such things that are difficult to get on stage.

In other words...

Team Zhao glanced at Songfeng's four colleagues, and said nothing.

But Mai Xiaoyu said again: "Team Zhao, this time I will give you face. As you said, the four of them are just running errands, I can let them go, but the Songfeng police must give me an account. Otherwise, let alone the Songfeng police system, the entire officialdom of Songfeng City, I can also give it a major earthquake!"

Domineeringly, leaving a word, Mai Xiaoyu put out his cigarette **** and left.

The four Songfeng detectives were left looking at each other.

Because they often face vicious and cunning criminal suspects, many criminal police officers are not only full of evil spirits, they are also old fritters themselves.

By now, they have thoroughly understood. Even if he didn't know it before, he still understands now, and he was involved in a certain level of struggle. And that level is not something they can achieve.

If the arrest of Mai Xiaoyu is successful and brought back to the Songfeng Police Station, everything will be said separately; but now that the arrest fails, Mai Xiaoyu is rich and a half-step leader of the entertainment industry, and he is not a vegetarian!

If you can't make it right, the four of them will be scapegoats, scapegoats, and the lives of cannon fodder!

"Team Zhao, look... what should we do?" The Songfeng Interpol who led the team looked at Team Zhao for help.

Team Zhao thought for a while and said, "Aren't you injured? Those who should be hospitalized should be hospitalized, and those who should see the injured should see the injured..."


When Mai Xiaoyu walked out of the Chaoyang branch, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, there are many people enjoying the coolness and heat, and walking and chatting on the street.

His Mercedes-Benz took Ke Haoyi to the hospital, so he had to stand on the side of the road, preparing to take a taxi home.

With a creak, a private car parked in front of him.

The window of the car was lowered, revealing Wang Changgui's calm face: "Have you eaten yet?"


Since the Qing Dynasty, Shichahai has become a place for fun and summer. The three seas are rippling with blue waves, the weeping willows on the shore, the distant mountains are beautiful and the scenery is beautiful, and it is one of the scenic spots of Yanjing. The famous Chinese language "West Lake Spring, Qinhuai Summer, Dongting Autumn" praises the charm of Shichahai.

A large number of typical hutongs and courtyards along the coast, such as Da Jinsi Hutong and Xiaojinsi Hutong, Guanfang Hutong in the south and north, Ya'er Hutong, Baimi Xiejie, Yandai Xiejie, etc., are all traditional buildings in the old Yanjing, full of classical flavor.

Nowadays, many bars, nightclubs, and restaurants have been added, and the urban flavor is getting stronger and stronger. But Shichahai can still hear the crisp worms in summer, can still see the microcosm of the old Yanjing courtyard complex, and can still chew the Beijing culture.

The neon lights along the coast lit up both banks of Shichahai at night, and the faint reflections of the lights swayed in the water, which was so beautiful. Boating on the sea at Shisha at night has a special flavor. There is an atmosphere of tranquility, and that pool of wonderful clear water.

At this moment, Mai Xiaoyu was not in the mood to appreciate the summer night view of Shichahai. He and Wang Changgui were sitting in the Jiumen Snack Street on the north side of Shichahai, feeling sad.

Jiumen Snack Street!

Back in those days, there were always a few nights a week when a large group of people gathered here. Drinking and barbecue party, tasting old Yanjing's various traditional snacks, pointing the country's inspiring words, and talking about life, it was a joy.

It was a group of passionate people, it was a group of hateful people, it was a group of like-minded people... At the end of the nineties, the Nine Doors Anti-Palpa League that frightened Forty-Nine City was named because it often gathered here.

Things are now different.

It is said that since last year, the conflicts between the operators of Jiumen Snack Street and many old Beijing snack heirs have intensified; and the former Jiumen Anti-Pak Alliance has long since disappeared, because one person's death has caused a group of people...heart to death.

"Why do you bring me here?"

After eating the beef patties of "Pie Week", Mai Xiaoyu asked Wang Changgui on the opposite side.

"You haven't been here for many years, have you?"

"Is there a difference between coming and not coming?" Mai Xiaoyu pointed to the busy middle-aged owner of the food stall diagonally across from him, "He has been here all the time, but his heart is dead."

The middle-aged boss seemed to sense something, he looked up, his eyes swept across Mai Xiaoyu's face, and...there was no more, and he continued to do his work.

"You are too extreme, or you are too extreme."

"Wrong! It's not that we were too extreme, but that we were too stupid and thought of society too good. In fact, this is a cannibalistic society. Everyone just needs to live well and protect the people and things that they care about. As for whether other people were eaten, that is your police's responsibility and has nothing to do with us."

Wang Changgui opened his mouth and wanted to persuade him, but when he saw Mai Xiaoyu's expression, his lips changed: "Are you still going to achieve your small goal?"

"Otherwise, what do you think I have been doing all these years?"

"I think it is necessary to tell you one thing. The files of Dong Ping's death and the files of your detention are gone."

"I expected it early. It's not easy for someone to buy the detention center and arrange for someone to beat me?" Mai Xiaoyu slapped a bunch and took another sip of beer, "President Gui, you I understand the kindness of my heart. I still said that, you don’t need to worry about this, and your police can’t solve it.”

"If our police can't solve it, you can solve it? See if you can get it!"

"Don't tell me, I can do more than before. You see that I am alive and moisturized now, trash provokes me and I sweep trash, the police provokes me and I beat the police, the Ning family deceives me... I beat Ning Shirong in the year before last At the hospital, did you see him call the police?"

Wang Changgui: "..."

"In this society, the law is sometimes fair and just, but there are also many times when it serves the powerful. I am now a small powerful..."

"Yes, yes, let the Songfeng police give you an account, otherwise you will make the official Songfeng earthquake earthquake, Mr. Mai!"

"I'm really not scaring anyone, now I have used less than half of my power. Forget it, tell you that you don't understand. When the trustee at Songfeng finds your head, you will understand. Can you sell personal affection."

"You give me the bottom line first, how big you are going to do this time."

"I wanted to be a TV station. Who wants Songfeng police to intervene, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

"Maizi, listen to my advice. Officialdom is not as simple as you think. Be careful to trap yourself..."

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