The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 887: Fighter in Hexagram 8

"Maizi, listen to my advice: officialdom is not as simple as you think. Be careful to trap yourself in, then the gain will not be worth the loss."

Wang Changgui has a long-term heart, and this is his real purpose for inviting Mai Xiaoyu to dinner tonight!


Is it your job as a businessman?

Besides, you don't have that ability!

This kind of thing can only be top-down, bottom-up risk is extremely high.

For many years in the system, Wang Changgui has also cracked too many major cases of confession and failed to transfer many corrupt officials, but those were directly ordered to investigate from above; below are reported to be reported upwards, and reported under his real name...

what's the result?

When Songfeng received it, he was crazy, so he directly mobilized the local criminal police to arrest you, the real-name informant!

"Thank you for your kindness, I know the importance. Since I dared to report under my real name, I am not afraid of their retaliation. You forgot, I just said that I used less than half of my power. Tomorrow, watch the entertainment news and have a good show... "

However, Mai Xiaoyu miscalculated this time.

The "good show" he designed does not start tomorrow, but starts tonight.

What he didn't expect was that the lion king Liu Shishi took the lead in an offensive roar and fired the first shot.

That night, after eating and drinking, Wang Changgui asked the driver to drive Mai Xiaoyu home.

After returning home, Mai Xiaoyu took a shower and changed clothes. When he was worried that what happened in the parking lot this evening would frighten Liu Shi, he went upstairs to see her.

The doorbell rang.

The door opens.

Liu Shi felt relieved when he saw him.

"Brother Mai, you are finally back. The police didn't embarrass you, did they?"

Mai Xiaoyu touched Liu Shishi's head: "Of course not. Yanjing's police and I are in the same group."

"I know you are the best, so I don't need to worry about it. Before you come back, I still think that if the police dare to make things difficult for you, I will let them pay for their mistakes."

"Huh? Did you do something?"

"follow me."

Liu Shishi took Mai Xiaoyu and ran back to the bedroom quickly, sitting side by side on the carpet at the end of the bed, leaning against the end of the bed and looking at the laptop on the low table in front of him.


The computer stays on the Weibo page of Liu Shishi's personal authentication. She only updated her Weibo a few hours ago.

"What's wrong in the current society, can the police arrest people casually?"

A sentence without beginning and end is very abrupt, and it is also easy to lure and confuse the people.

No, just a few hours before Liu Shishi's little lions have already started fighting.

Weibo replied more than 20,000, and reposted more than 10,000.

As a celebrity and a public figure, Liu Shishi publicly questioned the police on his Weibo verified by his real name. This behavior is very risky.

But Liu Shishi didn't consider that much. According to the Weibo incident, it should be updated as soon as she returned home from the crew.

Mai Xiaoyu's heart warmed, and when she gently embraced Liu Shi, he kissed her forehead.

"Thank you for making you worried."

"No, nothing..."

Liu Shishiqiao blushed with shame, lowered her head, arms stretched out, hands sandwiched between the legs of the ratio, and muttered softly.

"Blush? You won't be shy anymore? I just warmed up and your face blushed like this. What should I do when I turn back to film?"

"Filming?" Liu Shishi raised his head and looked at Mai Xiaoyu in confusion.

"Yeah. In this filming, you and I also have kiss scenes and bed scenes in the scene. That's shy, what should I do when filming?"

"I, I, when I signed the contract, I didn't know that you were the leading actor, so I added a special clause to the contract, not kissing or making intimate scenes."

"If you don't take pictures, you won't take pictures. When the time comes, you can borrow or find a substitute." Mai Xiaoyu doesn't care. "Come on, let me see what your little lions say."

Relying on dramas, such as foot photos and other inspirational hype, and positive publicity, Liu Shishi is now also among the small flowers in the entertainment circle. Although the popularity, popularity, and number of fans are not as good as those of Shu Chang and Yang Mi, the cute little flowers of the same age, there are many little lions under his command.

She inexplicably said such a sentence on Weibo, which aroused the care and worry of countless little lions.

"What happened to Shibao?"

"Has Shibao been arrested?"

"Who bullied my Shibao?"

"Do you still have to ask, it must be the police!"

"The current police are all a family of police and robbers, and they don't have a good thing!"

"If the police dare to bully us Shibao, I will go to the police station to protest!"

"Count me in!"

"And I!"



"My wallet was stolen last month. I went to the police and waited for two hours. The policeman who received me was still drunk."

"What's that? My phone was stolen, and the surveillance has captured the thief's face. It has been two months, and the police still haven't caught anyone."

"First-class foreigners and second-class officials, who made us not foreigners? Little Japan lost a bicycle, and the police station can retrieve it in half an hour. We lost thousands of bicycles in our school, and the police did not find one. ."


The building is crooked, and the rhythm is also biased.

Not only Liu Shishi’s Weibo, because of the celebrity effect, various voices complaining and condemning the police's inaction began to appear on the Internet.

Use this for preheating, the effect is also good.

After browsing the related content above, Mai Xiaoyu pondered it secretly, and then told Liu Shishi: "This Weibo will be deleted when I wake up tomorrow morning."


Of course it must be deleted.

If Liu Shishi is an ordinary person, it doesn't matter if he complains on Weibo. But she is an entertainer, a rising star in the entertainment industry, and a public figure.

Due to the rich development of material life and cultural life, as well as the development of science and technology media, the public has more and more energy and financial resources to pay attention to various "entertainment gossip."

The words and deeds of celebrities will be infinitely magnified in front of the camera, in the media, and in the eyes of the public.

This Weibo by Liu Shishi involves the "police", which is likely to arouse the public's suspicion of misdirection, and the latter has been induced by some people to take the rhythm-this sign has now appeared.

The police will certainly not sit idly by. If Liu Shishi does not handle it properly, it is easy to cause criticism or official interference.

"Well, I listen to you." Liu Shishi nodded, still leaning on Mai Xiaoyu's arm.

"After deleting this Weibo tomorrow morning, I will update a Weibo to explain this Weibo."


"Yes, you just said that this Weibo is just a sigh unintentionally. It is not aimed at the Yanjing police, but the police in a certain city in North China. Please don't be suspicious. Remember, just this sentence, don't say too much."

"Okay, I listen to you."

"Also, five minutes after the new Weibo is updated, it is also deleted immediately."

"Huh? This is going to be deleted too?"

"Not only should you delete it, but also don’t answer any related questions. Whether it’s your fans or media reporters, as long as you ask this question, you won’t answer it. I will also say hello to your agent tomorrow morning. The reporter who interviewed this issue."

What a mess!

Update Weibo, delete; update again, delete again; still keep silent...

Liu Shishi's mind is messing around, but she has an advantage: don't think too much about things you don't understand, just listen to Mai Xiaoyu.

She chuckled softly, revealing the iconic "warm card" smile: "I listen to you."

"You are the cutest when you are good." Mai Xiaoyu touched Liu Shishi's head, "rest early, I will go down first."

"I send you."

That night, Liu Shishi slept soundly and had a very beautiful dream. Unfortunately, only half of the dream was awakened by the rapid ringing of the phone.

Ouchi touched the bedside table for a long time before touching the phone. After connecting, Liu Shishi asked in a daze, "Who?"

"Shishi, where are you now?"

The voice of the agent!

"At home, what's the matter? Is there something wrong with the crew's makeup and photos? I'll go over now."

"No, quickly delete your latest Weibo."

As Mai Xiaoyu expected last night, Liu Shishi's Weibo last night, after a whole night of fermentation, became a rhythm tool for many people this morning.

Some rhythms are purely spontaneous by fans and the public; some are deliberately done by people with intentions-imperialism will never die. There are too many "treacherous" and "independence" lurking, and they are always looking for opportunities. .

In short, the spearhead of these rhythms was directed at the Huaxia police. Fortunately, it is still early and the situation is not serious.

Thinking of Mai Xiaoyu's advice last night, she immediately logged into Weibo with her mobile phone and deleted the Weibo from last night.

Later, as Mai Xiaoyu ordered, he updated his Weibo, explaining that the Weibo last night had nothing to do with the Beijing police, but he saw the police from a certain city in North China come to Beijing to enforce the law.

Not long after the Weibo update, the agent's call came back.

"Shishi, why don't you explain, this explanation gets darker and darker!"

Liu Shishi looked at his watch: "I will delete it after waiting two minutes."

"Waiting? Do you know how many people will be reposted in two minutes? What impact will it have on you?"

"It's okay, Mr. Mai taught me to do this last night."

"Ms. Mai? Last night? Are you... together?" Everyone has a gossip heart, and Liu Shishi's agent is no exception.

"Oh, it's not what you think..."

Hearing Liu Shi had to explain, the agent was relieved: "Since Mr. Mai confessed, it should be no problem to think about it. Five minutes are up, you should delete Weibo soon. I have to find a way to deal with the reporter and see how to focus on it. I'm moving away on this matter."


Think of a way to shift focus?

The agent thinks too much.

Liu Shishi's Weibo "rebuking the police" incident, the rhythm brought about is not too turbulent, more fierce, violent and more shocking news followed by surprise on the Internet-from Longxing Studio!

June 7, 2009.

nine in the morning.

On the first day of the college entrance examination, Longxing Studio broke a sensational and violent news on Weibo.

"Angrily reveal the inside story of Songfeng TV Station!"

This time it’s not Longxing’s see you on Monday...Actually, according to the plan, we will throw out See you on Monday today and wait until Monday to break the news.

But Mai Xiaoyu spoke up and provided more shocking news. It doesn't matter if Monday is not Monday.

Calling names, Dao surnames, Longxing Studio is not afraid, and the spearhead is directed at Songfeng TV Station, exposing the power rent-seeking inside the station!

The eloquent article with a thousand words enumerated part of the detailed evidence to expose the fact that many current leaders of Songfeng TV Station used their power for personal gain and corruption.

XXX, the person in charge of the talk show, uses the person-in-charge responsibility system, relying on the unspoken rules of the power to be 18-line starlets. An artist who is not well-known should not be on his show unless he is in his bed.

A certain deputy director XX took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others in advertising business, TV dramas and clothing purchases, and to receive other people’s properties.

Director XXX took advantage of the right to buy dramas in his hand to make profits, and accepted monetary bribes and sexual bribes from the producers. Not only did some low-quality film and television dramas appear on the screen, they also closed the dramas at high prices, resulting in the loss of state-owned assets.

All allegations are well documented.

For example, in the accusation against the director of the station, such an example was cited.

In 2007, under the direction of the director, Songfeng TV purchased a 40-episode TV series made by a company at a high price of 150,000 yuan per episode for the first round of the prime time. The price of the series sold to other local stations during the same period was only 20,000 yuan per episode.

Afterwards, the manager of the company gave the director a bank card, and one million yuan was added to the card.

The card number and account name of the bank card were pointed out by Longxing Studio one by one, and they were clearly written in the article.

The TV station is shady!

This is what the public understands from Weibo.

And what the news media smelled was-a case!

In the breaking news world, Longxing Studio has always been known for its authenticity. Even if it is a celebrity who has been exposed by them, there is no way to sue them for slander. They can only start with infringement of privacy, private rights or reputation rights.

So few people would suspect that Long Xing broke the news. What's more, Long Xing broke the news this time. Even the specific cities, TV station directors, deputy directors, and program directors were pointed out, as well as bank card numbers, account names, and so on. …Is it true or not?

The major media contacted Longxing and reprinted the report after obtaining authorization. And it is clearly stated in the report that news comes from Longxing Studio and does not represent one's own views.

This is a typical representative who wants to eat meat but is afraid of being beaten. In case Songfeng TV station wins Longxing, these media can at most be regarded as melon-eating media who don't know the truth. They just delete the report and don't have to bear legal responsibility.

Songfeng TV station responded very quickly!

Just an hour after Longxing broke the news, Songfeng City TV station denied it through its official Weibo, claiming that Longxing Studio was made out of nothing and deliberately slandered, causing serious negative effects on Songfeng TV station, constituting crimes of defamation and disturbing public order, and they have already called the police. .

Immediately afterwards, the Songfeng Municipal Bureau of Radio, Film and Television and the Propaganda Department of the Songfeng Municipal Party Committee stated that they reprimanded Longxing Studio for excessively pursuing news effects. In order to cause a sensation, they deliberately concocted false news. This behavior must not be condoned and must be severely punished!

The presence of these two departments represents the official attitude of Songfeng City. The people who eat melon do not know who to trust for a while. The majority of media reporters don't care about the truth. They continue to be willing to work as porters, paying attention to increasing the click-through rate, and sitting and watching the follow-up development of the situation.

Longxing Studio, a private organization, this time the target of tearing and coercion is not a celebrity artist, it is changed to a local semi-official organization, and the local government has also come forward to refute the rumors...

Are there any fighters in gossip?

Who would care about Liu Shishi's "questioning the police" on Weibo?

Fight, fight, fight!

Tear·force, tear·force, tear·force!

How many people are looking forward to it.

Some celebrities who had been smashed by Longxing laughed and scolded Longxing Studio for doing what they deserved; some people who didn’t know the truth brought melon seeds and drinks to watch the show; some media reporters who made a living went to Songfeng City, just looking forward to it. This time the scale of tearing and forcing is bigger.

Longxing Studio did not let them down. At one o'clock in the afternoon, Guan Wei broke the news again...

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