"Mr. Mai, I really took you. The matter is more serious than you thought. Songfeng is in a mess now."

Mr. Li said the truth, including the sentence "I really served you", because the current situation in Songfeng City's officialdom is only worse and not the worst.

I didn't see the leader of Songfeng City, sitting on the single sand on the left hand side of Mr. Li, hunched over and watched him talking, completely losing the official power of the past.

In late May, when Mai Xiaoyu returned to China from Cannes and came to Songfeng, when he took over some of the corruption materials from Songfeng TV station's leadership from Mr. Li, Mr. Li had never thought that things would evolve to the present situation.

At that time, he thought that Mai Xiaoyu made a big fuss, and that it was obvious that Mai Xiaoyu would have to spend a lot of time to solve things that he could solve with a single sentence.

Now he can see that Mai Xiaoyu's big problem is very successful, and he has done a very big job.

Songfeng TV is determined to be over, and it is very likely to be a nest case. He has heard the news from the province that the investigation team arrived in Songfeng City within a few days, stationed in Songfeng TV Station, and launched a special investigation on the content of Mai Xiaoyu's real-name report.

He asked someone to investigate the material and then gave it to Mai Xiaoyu. He couldn't be more clear about its authenticity. In order to give the public an explanation, the investigation team will definitely conduct a rigorous investigation. When the time comes, the radish will be pulled out and the mud will be removed.

He still remembered that when the materials were handed over to Mai Xiaoyu, he specifically hinted that he did not want to be involved in unprovoked right and wrong because he believed that he could not get any benefit from this matter.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't use his tiger skin, but like ordinary people, he reported to the relevant departments, or reported to Songfeng TV Station under his real name.

From the real-name report to the present, in just 20 days, Songfeng TV broke down.

However, it is likely not only Songfeng TV Station, but also Songfeng City's officialdom, will collapse.

First, as the supervisory unit of Songfeng TV Station, Songfeng Municipal Bureau of Radio, Film and Television cannot shirk the blame.

Secondly, Songfeng City Bureau sent police officers to Beijing to arrest Mai Xiaoyu secretly. It is suspected that the identity of the whistleblower of Mai Xiaoyu had been leaked, causing public outrage.

Who is Mai Xiaoyu?

Mengren film and television boss, worth billions.

Songfeng City is only a second-tier city in North China, and the reported Songfeng TV station is only a semi-official organization. But Mai Xiaoyu, the real-name whistleblower, still cannot avoid being retaliated against by the whistleblower, and the nature is bad.

The state requires three orders and five applications to protect the safety of whistleblowers, and no unit or individual may retaliate against whistleblowers. As early as the 1990s, the Supreme Procurator promulgated the "Regulations on Protecting the Rights of Citizens to Report," which set out more detailed provisions on how to protect whistleblowers.

But what about reality?

A TV station leader in a second-tier city was reported, and the local police went to the imperial capital to secretly arrest the informant.

That's the imperial capital!

Whose face is this hitting?

Once implemented, the nature is not bad, but rather bad.

Moreover, the whistleblower is still a successful private entrepreneur with a wealth of wealth and still cannot escape the fate of retaliation. If he hadn't practiced Sanda, he would have been arrested by Songfeng officers. If he is caught back to Songfeng, what the end of the fall will be, the people who eat melon can think of it with their toes.

Successful private entrepreneurs have experienced this kind of experience. If the whistleblower is replaced by ordinary people, the end will definitely be even worse!

It is not an exception that ordinary whistleblowers in China encounter retaliation. Serious retaliation in some places can even force the whistleblower to report to death, or force whistleblowers to make crazy actions.

After Long Xing broke the incident, Kuang Zhi Da v, lawyers and legal experts from all over the world expressed their views and opinions on how to effectively protect whistleblowers in China through different social platforms.

Fortunately for legal experts. They took the hypothesis that Mai Xiaoyu encountered retaliation after reporting the matter, discussed the matter, and conducted academic discussions on how domestic laws should effectively protect the safety of whistleblowers.

Lawyers everywhere are different. Those lawyers who have represented whistleblowers in retaliation cases almost all list the cases they have represented.

The lawyers who won the case lament that the domestic legal system still has a large omission in protecting the whistleblower; the lawyers who lost the case pointed directly to the relevant departments and agencies in certain places and violated national laws and regulations, not only leaking the identity information of the whistleblower, but also changing it. Retaliation by tricks.

In short, lawyers still discuss the loopholes in relevant domestic laws around real cases and how to improve them.

Knowing the big v is different, this is a special group with strong combat effectiveness.

This group has always been not afraid of big things but not big things, and never cares whether retaliation is true or not.

As long as they are allowed to occupy the commanding heights of morality and law, they will set up rows of high fortresses, come and smash all the cannons, vowing to "blow and kill" each other into scum.

Moreover, they are extremely good at bringing rhythm and mobilizing public emotions, and their sensibility is far greater than rationality. They have contributed to the first wave of rhythm on the Internet.

Their spearhead has been directed at the Central JI Committee, because Mai Xiaoyu directly reported to the Central JI Committee. The identity information has been leaked, and it is difficult for the Chinese JI Committee to get out of ties.

Their spearhead was directed at the local official of Songfeng, accusing them of protecting each other and trying to protect Songfeng TV station by covering the lid.

Their spearhead was directed at the Songfeng City Police Station, calling them power dogs, and retaliating against whistleblowers.

Their spearhead has been directed at relevant domestic laws and regulations and local officialdoms, because Mai Xiaoyu was not the first and will not be the last to be the whistleblower who suffered retaliation.

This is already more troublesome. Ke Songfeng City has also had a public security dispute about beating reporters and smashing equipment, and the other party of the "dispute" is still the security of Songfeng TV Station.

This is the death of oneself.

The reporter is the uncrowned king. You have offended so many media outlets. Do you want to make it better?

As a result, many media simultaneously pushed the situation from one high dynasty to another higher dynasty, once again bringing a wave of more violent rhythms.

And Mai Xiaoyu updated Mengren's official Weibo at the right time and at the right time. The company admitted that it had reported to Songfeng TV Station under his real name, and Songfeng City could not handle it.

Songfeng TV station is over, and Songfeng Municipal Radio, Film and Television Bureau is involved as the competent unit. They also clarified for Songfeng TV station together with the Songfeng Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department. Can these two departments not be responsible?

Songfeng City Public Security Bureau fell, did the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee bear any responsibility?

Songfeng TV station's police, and the chaos of Songfeng City Public Security Bureau, Songfeng City Discipline Inspection Commission is not aware of it?

There is also Songfeng City Organization Department. When it inspects cadres every year, is there any notice?

do not know? Then what do you, the secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and the head of the organization, do!

knowledge? Know why not deal with it in time!

In addition, Songfeng’s local protectionist sentiment is serious. Are the four teams of Songfeng City responsible?

The Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, the Secretary of the Disciplinary Inspection Committee, and the Minister of the Organization are all members of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee. At the same time, problems arise. As the leader of the Municipal Party Committee, the leader of Songfeng City, should he assume leadership responsibilities?

And the mayor of Songfeng City...

Calculating with his fingers, how many departments of the Songfeng Municipal Party Committee and Government are involved?

Yes, Mai Xiaoyu left room when updating Mengren's official Weibo, only for Songfeng TV, and nothing in other departments...at least on the surface, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

However, although the matter is small, it can't stand the investigation, and even more can't stand the worry of some people.

What do you say?

If you say you can do it, you can do it, or you can do it;

It's like being the leader of Songfeng City, this time he must be responsible. But whether this responsibility is big or small, he may not have the final say.

The so-called one radish, one pit, there are countless prefecture-level cities in a province, and each prefecture-level city has only one leader.

Pull up your radish and throw it aside. Wouldn't it be an extra hole?

Some qualified mayors, deputy secretaries of the municipal party committee and others of prefecture-level cities are worried about the pit of the top leader in Songfeng City. Even the top leaders of third- and fourth-tier cities in the province are worried about them.

After all, Songfeng is a second-tier city, and the number one in the third and fourth-tier cities is certainly not as good as the number one in the second-tier cities.

The officialdom is unfathomable.

The officialdom tricks are hard to guard against.

In Songfeng City, it is not only the top pits that people are worried about. The mayor, the secretary of the political and legal committee, the secretary of the discipline inspection committee, the organization minister, the director of public security, etc., are all planting pits, and the carrots planted in it are unstable, and there is a chance. Unplug.

Faced with this situation, many people in Songfeng City had to carry out active self-rescue activities. According to different levels, the types of self-rescue activities are also different.

Some tried to contact Mai Xiaoyu, some were active in the province; some were airborne directly to the upper level; some Songfeng city leaders came to Mr. Li for help like this.

Not asking for help.

He inquired from the province that someone was eyeing his pit, and he was going to make a fuss about this incident and take this opportunity to replace his carrot.

Mr. Li has been a Confucian businessman for many years, he has made many friends all over the world, has experienced countless storms, has seen many official struggles, and has never seen Songfeng like this. It is too special!

He was very clear about the cause of this incident. Songfeng TV station sought out Ma Rong to show on the show in order to get the ratings, and also talked about Wang Baoqiang's feelings.

Mengren came forward to persuade, but was refuted by Songfeng TV station. Mai Xiaoyu retaliated against Songfeng TV station in anger, killing chickens and cursing monkeys.

Why did it end up in the end, to such an uncontrollable level?

Should Mai Xiaoyu's combat effectiveness be so defying!

Yes, the beginning of the situation is indeed the script designed by Mai Xiaoyu, but the process of the situation has already appeared in the plot designed by Mai Xiaoyu, out of his control.

There are many factors involved in this, both internal and external factors of Songfeng, but Mai Xiaoyu is the most critical part of the whole situation, from the beginning to the end.

And at the end... Whether others are dead or alive, his goal has been achieved-Songfeng TV has become a "chicken" to be slaughtered.

No one dared to protect from the head of the station, the secretary of the Taiwan Party and Party Committee, and the middle-level cadres in various departments in the station, and almost all of them were secretly taken measures to prevent people from fleeing.

This is the official decision of Songfeng City, and the officials have unanimously decided to use Songfeng TV Station to give an explanation to the people of the whole country, to the beaten media, to the whistleblower Mai Xiaoyu, to the province, and to the high-level officials.

Isn't this what Mai Xiaoyu wants?

But the problem now is that even if the whole Songfeng TV station blood sacrifice is taken, the situation may not be able to calm down. It is Mai Xiaoyu that decides the final outcome of the situation!

If Mai Xiaoyu is unwilling to give up, or reach a py deal with others in advance, and cooperate with some people in this province to pull carrots to make room, Songfeng City will be able to vacate a lot of big pits and pits!

With this in mind, President Li could not help but think about the incident of Mai Xiaoyu buying African Americans and marching on the streets two years ago.

The original intention is to promote "This Man From Earth" and strive for a high box office.

He got what he wanted, but Uncle Sam cried.

And this time Songfeng... how similar.

"You didn't answer the phone less these days, did you?" Mr. Li asked calmly.

"Isn't it? My Yali mobile phone almost didn't blow up. Most of the phones are from your province. I have been turned off for several days."

It seems so.

President Li stopped talking nonsense, and said concisely: "Two cleansing."

Mai Xiaoyu was also very happy: "I agree, but I have two conditions attached."

"tell me the story."

"Songfeng City Police Department must give me an explanation. There is also the Songfeng City Justice Bureau, where there is a deputy section chief whose surname is Zhang, because he has offended a certain leader many years ago. After more than ten years, otherwise, with his ability, he would have been a deputy."

"Yes, I will promise you on behalf of Songfeng. The deputy chief surnamed Zhang, I will guarantee him to the right place before he retire."

When the py transaction was concluded, Mr. Li hung up and nodded to the middle-aged man on the opposite side.

The middle-aged man wiped his sweat in relief: "Fortunately, fortunately, he promised to clean up."

"What I mean is that he is owed a clearing of favors."

"Ah...That's it. Anyway, thank you Mr. Li this time."

"Don't worry about thanking me, and go to the province tomorrow for activities. I hope that my investment in you will not be lost."

"President Li, don't worry, I know how to do it."

The two had a brief conversation, and President Li excused that there was an international long distance call, and knocked out the top leader of Songfeng City.

Looking at the other person's leaving back, he squinted his eyes, saying that he owed Mai Xiaoyu a favor instead.

The so-called "two cleansing" refers to his favor for providing ammunition to Mai Xiaoyu, and he agreed with Mai Xiaoyu to only punish the "evil" and not pay off the favor.

But in fact, the gap between the two favors is too great, even if Mai Xiaoyu puts forward two additional conditions, President Li will also take advantage of the boss.

He has saved the political future of Songfeng's top leader. As long as the other party is active in the province and keeps the pit of Songfeng's top leader, he and his group will greatly increase their influence in Songfeng in the future.

The kindness that Mai Xiaoyu has returned is a big profit for him!

However, Mai Xiaoyu didn't get entangled, and he happily agreed to "two cleansing", which made Mr. Li secretly sigh.

He is a Confucian businessman, a Confucian businessman.

Can you be called a Confucian businessman if you take advantage of it and pretend to be ignorant?

This kid, it's no wonder that several other companies have good personal relationships with him, but I don't know who will have the last laugh with him and Qingtian in the future.

I'm afraid this favor will not be repaid...

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