The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 897: The dust settles and the harvest

In mid-to-late June of 2009, Songfeng TV station broke out.

Although it is only a local TV station with limited influence, this is a large-scale TV station nest case, which formally unravels the inside story of TV station corruption to the world.

After verification, the real-name informant Mai Xiaoyu, all the contents of his report materials are all true.

The reported television station directors, deputy directors, and program producers have been sacked one after another. According to their explanations, Songfeng TV station has more inside stories. Many people from Songfeng TV station were interviewed, and many TV station leaders and middle-level cadres were dismissed one after another.

The director of the advertising center, there are circumstances of bribery and corruption, such as accepting food from advertising agencies, famous watches, and cash.

Deputy director of the TV station office, involved in bribery in tourism business undertaking and clothing procurement.

Director of the editor-in-chief of TV series, bribery involving TV drama procurement, payment of the balance, etc.

Director of the Taiwan Service Center, involved in accepting bribes in aspects such as the progress and quality supervision of the projects under construction in Taili, and the approval and payment of project funds.

A certain deputy director has an improper relationship with a young female anchor in the station for a long time...


The case has been qualitative since then!

"Unexpectedly. I always thought that the entertainment industry was chaotic. I didn't expect the TV station to be so chaotic."

"Are you stupid, isn't the TV station an entertainment circle?"

"He's a fairy tale. I've heard about the chaos inside the TV station a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to be so chaotic!"

"I heard that the female anchor is a sister of Songfeng TV Station. It turns out that there is someone on it."

"Damn, maybe it's below!"

"Will other TV stations be the same?"

"A sister from other TV stations, will there be someone on it?"


This is why every circle hates that the rules in the circle are broken.

Mai Xiaoyu blasted Songfeng TV station. What happened?

The people eating melons watched it with gusto, and at the same time they had their brains open and speculated about other TV stations.

Especially the provincial satellite TV, because the satellite TV can be watched by national audiences, and some popular TV hostesses themselves have gossip, which is even more serious.

Many netizens are speculating about how the popular female anchors of various provincial satellite TVs are in position; whether there is anyone on it; whether the previous gossip is true or not...

Some popular female anchors are okay, they just eat melons and don’t care about them; but some popular female anchors are deliberately stained and smeared so that they have to stand up and refute the rumors.

In the entertainment circle, there are many grievances and grievances. If you have the opportunity to hack you, your opponent will never miss it.

Nowadays, marketing companies not only have a large number of navigators, but also have convenient connections, transparent prices, and diverse methods.

Most of the attention of the people who eat melon is on the inside story of the TV station. Few people know that the first deputy director of the Songfeng City Public Security Bureau has retired early, and the first and second leaders of several departments have quietly replaced.

For Songfeng TV, whether it is in the province or in the city, the keynote is strict, fast, and serious.

The domestic TV stations are also unwilling to make a lot of noise about this matter, which attracts continuous public attention.

Does anyone have anything messy at home?

This involves the overall view, the media must pay attention to the correctness of the general direction, pay attention to social impact.

Therefore, the whole incident ended with the investigation and punishment of the case of Songfeng TV Station. The media does not engage in expansion, and after centralized reporting, no follow-up reports will be carried out.

At this time, the Chinese JI committee stood up and proactively announced the report acceptance process

In order to make the situation fade out of the public eye as soon as possible and demonstrate the positive energy of the society, the media reported the reporting process of the China JI Committee. It is shown by means of both pictures and texts that letters, visits, telephone calls and the Internet are the main channels through which the discipline inspection and supervision organs accept letters and visits from the masses.

The China-Ji Committee and CCTV media took Mai Xiaoyu’s real-name report to Songfeng TV as an example to show the public the visit reception hall set up by the China-Ji Committee in Beijing and the reporting process.

In the reception hall, there are reporting windows, and each window is for different provinces, and the reporter is assigned a number to accept.

During the reporting process, there are staff members who specialize in answering questions from the masses, with signs on their chests. When filling out the report form, there are also staff members who will patiently guide by the side.

In addition, there is an interview room in the visiting reception hall, where the staff communicate face-to-face with the visiting people, carefully check the materials of the visiting people and listen to their demands. When the crowd left, the staff shook hands and sent off.

This is an on-the-spot interview report by the official media, which shows that the Central Committee of the People’s Republic of China attaches great importance to public reporting, its attitude to protect the safety of whistleblowers, and its determination to combat various corruption and violations of discipline and law within the system. It has been reprinted by many domestic media. .

In the process of promoting positive energy, Liu Xiaoli held a press conference on behalf of Mengren to explain the fact that Mai Xiaoyu reported the retaliation against Songfeng TV station under his real name.

Through the reporter, she first expressed her gratitude to all those who cared about Mai Xiaoyu.

Then told reporters that after verification, the Songfeng police did not come to Beijing to secretly arrest Mai Xiaoyu, but to investigate the illegal phenomenon of Songfeng TV station, secretly came to Beijing to summon Mai Xiaoyu.

In order to keep secrets, the measures they took were a little too drastic, which caused misunderstandings and conflicts.

Finally, I quoted the words of Mai Xiaoyu from the Mengren official Weili-"You will see the sun after the wind and rain, and the people in the morning are not afraid of anything", exposing the disclosure of the identity of Mai Xiaoyu's report.

The reporter also knew the severity and did not dare to ask in depth. When reporting, he either didn't mention the leaks, or used the spring and autumn brushstrokes.

The Central Committee of the People's Republic of China will definitely investigate the leak, but the media cannot report it with fanfare, at least until the results are released.

This is a matter of principle.

"Son, you are finally mature."

"Maizi, you are finally mature!"

The crew of "Mao Deception" received a compliment call from Comrade Old Mai and Wang Changgui's sigh on the phone. Mai Xiaoyu's answer was only one yin and yang weird: "The maturity in your is it hello? I am fine too?"

Again, he is just an ordinary person, and at best has more titles than ordinary people as successful famous entrepreneurs.

Things can finally have this kind of "satisfactory" result, thanks to his title.

Try it with an ordinary person... Songfeng will be able to push you down.

Besides, after this incident, he and Mengren gained a lot.

The "chicken" of Songfeng TV station died, and it succeeded in conquering a bunch of "monkeys".

No TV station would dare to ask Ma Rong for a show, even if they wanted to, they couldn't ask for it.

Ma Rong was injured, and the injury was not minor. In the case that Moeren sued her, she had to postpone the trial time because of her injury.

Song Jiji heard that the injury was more serious. Moreover, after the Song family learned of the situation at the time, they worked directly with Ma Rong's relatives in the hospital.

Songfeng's officialdom only made small adjustments, and did not experience turbulence, and the top leader kept his pit. At the opening and closing ceremonies of the Tourism Festival in July and August, a number of cute entertainers were specially invited to participate in the commercial performance, and the specifications and prices received were very high.

Many media owe Meng Ren.

Mr. Li owes Mai Xiaoyu a favor.

I am very satisfied with the general behavior of cute people.

Moe once again proved in the entertainment industry that the power of his half-step big and cheap is not inferior to the real big and cheap; he also has the ability to break the wrist with the big and cheap.

But Mai Xiaoyu is still unhappy.

Therefore, there is an interaction between him and netizens on Mengren's official Weibo.

"Mr. Mai, how do you know there is a problem with Songfeng TV Station?"

"The paparazzi broke the news."

"The paparazzi is so powerful. If you do not secretly photograph the entertainment industry, but secretly photograph officials, will the corruption problem be eradicated?"

"I think the paparazzi problem that plagues the entertainment industry will be cured."

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