The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 898: Block cute people? Just kidding.

"She's called Qin Xue."

"What I do every day is to get money from men..."

"Hey, let me say it first, I don't lie to **** workers."

"Yes, they still serve you."

"Who told you that she is a **** worker?"

"Your description is very similar."


The turmoil that Mai Xiaoyu reported to Songfeng TV Station under his real name has been gradually forgotten by the public under the deliberate guidance of the media.

After the dust settled, Mai Xiaoyu was involved in the filming of the crew of "Mao Li".

Since it is the end of June, the temperature in Yanjing is high and it is very hot during the day.

The crew often chooses to shoot outdoor scenes from 6 to 8 in the morning and at night. It is too hot during the day and only shoots indoor scenes because the room is air-conditioned.

What is being filmed now is the scene in the third episode of "Mao Lie". The five-person group of Mao Lie is going to deceive a man and a woman two liars who cheat under the banner of love.

"She deceives people, usually in three steps."

"The first step is to win the love of men by relying on your beauty."

"The second step is to win the trust of men."

"The third step is to trick the money from the man's pocket into his own pocket."

"Mao Deception" focuses on the truthfulness of the content.

Just like this line, in reality, when a female **** liar cheats a man, this is a basic routine. Other dazzling routines are all based on these three basic routines and evolved.

Because it is a web drama, the plot is relatively simple, so the crew is not big, there are only thirty or forty people.

Order a meal at noon and have a meal and rest at the shooting site.

The "Nest" of Xia Lie's group of five is a three-bedroom well-decorated, more than 100 square meters, provided by Mai Xiaoyu. Each room and living room has air conditioning, more than enough to accommodate thirty or forty people.

During the meal, the crew members are also divided into pieces.

Director Mai Xiaoyu, executive directors Lin Yiping, Wang Yuqi, and five protagonists Xue Jiajia and Reyiza sit in the small bedroom for dinner; the other members of the crew are basically grouped together by department and scattered in the other two bedrooms and living room. .

Group acting... The demand is small, at least for today's indoor scenes, no extras are needed.

"Our crew is too conscientious, the food is really good."

Looking at the crew's lunch box with plenty of meat and vegetables and fruit, Reyiza said with emotion.

"Zaza, you have been saying that since the first day, the level of flattering is too low to fool Mr. Mai." The actor Yang Yi quipped.

After many days of filming together, the five protagonists have long been acquainted, and they didn’t care about the hot clothes, and said seriously: “Really. You have few crews, and some crews are particularly stingy. The boxed meals are unpalatable, and they may not be full. ."

"real or fake?"

"of course it's true."

The college entrance examination results have come out. Xue Jiajia scored more than 400 points in the cultural course and easily entered the Yanying Performance Department. He is very concerned about all kinds of gossip related to the entertainment industry.

"Sister Zaza, will the food for the big director and the big crew be better?"

"Zhang Jizhong is the big director, right? "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is a big crew, right? There is also a box lunch with rice and pickles."

"Is there any such thing? It seems that it is better for Mr. Mai, right? Mr. Mai."

"Eat your meal!" Mai Xiaoyu took the chopsticks and tapped on Xue Jiajia's head, "You are still in the mood to care about the crew's food, think about your role. I was stuck with you in the morning and I have been unable to make it through. Hurry up. After dinner, I'll tell you about the leader of a liar gang, what it should do, and the details that need attention."

"Oh, got it."

Xue Jiajia answered with a pouting mouth, rubbing the beaten place angrily, and no longer opened his mouth to eat.

Hot clothes can't see it through: "Mr. Mai, you are too strict with Jiajia..."

"Do you want to say that she is still a child?"

Hot clothes tie: "..."

Lin Yiping and Wang Yuqi also opened their mouths one after another, persuading Mai Xiaoyu not to demand too much of Xue Jiajia.

Because Xue Jiajia is still young and has no experience of professional acting knowledge, and "Mao Li" is a web drama, the requirements for actors are not as high as TV dramas.

The most important thing is that Mai Xiaoyu not only has high requirements for Xue Jiajia, but also high requirements for other actors. Reyiza, who can be regarded as an actor from a professional background, has also been mentioned several times by him.

The result of being too demanding is that the shooting progress is slow and lagging behind the original shooting plan.

After all, this is a web drama.

Compared with other online dramas, the production funding of "Mao Deception" is quite sufficient. The props, costumes, makeup, art, and graphics are all comparable to TV dramas, and the quality is very high. The actors' acting skills are almost fine, there is no need to pursue perfection too much.

After listening to the opinions of the crowd, Mai Xiaoyu declined to comment and asked Xue Jiajia: "You are the first female, you decide. If you think I am strict, I will shoot like this in the future."

Xue Jiajia gave him a white look: "You're so long-winded, have you finished eating? Just tell me the drama after eating!"

The drama is very simple.

Beat other people out, only Mai Xiaoyu and Xue Jiajia were left in the room.

Mai Xiaoyu said: "Jiajia, do you still remember how I colluded with you to lie to your mother?"

Xue Jiajia lowered her head to meditate for seven or eight minutes, then raised her head sharply, a clear look flashed in her eyes...



Qingtian Building.

Office of the Chairman.

Ning Zhiyuan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, looking into the distance, and said with deep eyes: "We can't let him go on like this."

Secretary Dong Zheng Keyu stood behind him and asked in a low voice: "You mean Mai Xiaoyu?"

"Do you understand the cause, course and result of Songfeng's incident?"

"He was just lucky. If he was caught by Songfeng police at that time, there would be enough for him to drink a pot."

"Luck is also one of the strengths. Moreover, he performed well in the follow-up and handled things very well. Not only did he achieve the results he wanted, but he also got a lot of favor."

"what do you mean?"

"I wanted him to train Shirong, but he grew too fast."

"I understand, I'll make arrangements now. However, Deputy Dong Ning only dealt with Mai Xiaoyu. We started again so quickly, will it..."

"You mean the shooting?" Ning Zhiyuan smiled faintly, "Are you sure Shi Bin asked someone to do it? He is the boss of an entertainment company, and he is good at acting."

"You mean he directed and acted by himself?"

"I don't rule out this possibility. But it's okay, let the fourth man jump out, otherwise I don't know, they have so much opinion on Shirong's succession."

"I understand, I will find someone to make him disappear in the world forever."

"But Yu, you still don’t understand what I mean. Before Shirong took over, the fourth gang would stare at us, wishing we could do it. Otherwise, you think, why did I do everything possible to get Shirong away from sin? ?"

Zheng Keyu was puzzled and was silent.

He followed Ning Zhiyuan for decades and understood the latter's style, and he also developed a habit of waiting for instructions when he didn't understand.

Sure enough, Ning Zhiyuan retracted his gaze from enjoying the scenery, turned around and said: "No one likes people who do not follow the rules, and those who break the rules are even more Didn’t he report Songfeng TV in his real name? , You arrange for someone to communicate with the first and second line TV..."

"Let the TV station jointly block cute people?" Zheng Keyu woke up instantly.


Ning Zhiyuan's methods are not brilliant, but they hit the nail on the head.

In the entertainment industry, major TV stations such as first- and second-line satellite TVs are absolutely in an active position.

If they jointly block Moe Ren, it is not just Moe Ren TV series that will be blocked, but Moe Ren artists may also be involved.

In fact, the provincial first- and second-line satellite TVs have faintly formed a tacit understanding and have begun to reject cute people.

Liang Pei brought the already-formed "The Voice of China" project and bumped into the wall everywhere, and no satellite TV was willing to cooperate and buy the broadcasting rights.

In the last round, "The Voice of China" was still on Blueberry TV.

However, Sister Yu, who has been promoted to the deputy director of the Blueberry Satellite TV Program Center, also called Mai Xiaoyu after the case of Songfeng TV station broke out, and said tactfully that he had done a little too much this time.

However, Blueberry TV did not reject "The Voice of China", not because of the personal relationship between Mai Xiaoyu and Sister Yu, but because of interests.

The success of "Running Man" and the high box office of the big movie "Running Man" gave Sister Yu ample confidence and successfully persuaded the leadership under pressure to win the broadcasting rights of "The Voice of China".

As a successful CEO, Liu Xiaoli has already realized this. Just after Mai Xiaoyu reported to Songfeng TV Station under his real name, he once talked to Mai Xiaoyu alone about the consequences that cute people might face.

Mai Xiaoyu's answer is very simple, wait for "Latent" to be broadcast.

The 30-episode spy war drama "Latent" has been sold to four local stations and officially aired at the end of June.

At the beginning of July, the trial broadcast of "Latent" on the local station ended perfectly.

Seeing the complete ratings statistics of the four local TV stations, the provincial TV stations can't sit still...

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