The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 909: Cute people become the first

The next day.

Before dawn.

Mai Xiaoyu put on makeup, put on costumes, and then hid in the nanny's car to catch up on sleep.

With a crash, the car door was opened and Li Hui got in.

"Ms. Mai, make up for the scene of the strong kiss tonight. Shishi seems to be unable to adapt, I plan to let him be a substitute."

Mai Xiaoyu squinted at Li Hui: "Director Li, the original plan was a stand-in. Why did you suddenly let Shishi on her own last night?"

"She found me two days ago and said she wanted to challenge..."

"Don't change the subject, I'm asking, why no one told me beforehand."

"Shishi wants to give you a surprise, can't you see the little girl's mind?"

"What's your mind, don't talk nonsense, just film the scene, don't engage in any of these."

"Well, well, your business has nothing to do with me anyway, but it can't affect the progress of the shooting. Tonight, let's take a substitute."

"Director Li, let Shishi have another try tonight."

"Huh?" Li Hui, who was about to get off the car, turned around and looked at Mai Xiaoyu weirdly.

"After returning to the hotel last night, we both practiced for a while. This time it should be fine."

"Exercise?" Li Hui looked at Mai Xiaoyu playfully, "Practice kissing in the room?"

"Practice kissing scenes!"

"You two practiced kissing scenes and didn't do anything else? It's a long night..."

"Googling, you're the director, can't you be so dirty?"

"The love of male and female lovers, how can it be called dirty...well, don't interrupt your rest, I hope to give me a surprise tonight."


In September, the weather gradually became cooler, and I didn't suffer as much as it was in August when I was filming.

The film crew continued to be divided into two groups AB and filmed, and the filming of the scene was finished during the day. In the evening, the shooting of the night scene of Group A was over, and the strong kiss scene of last night began to be filmed.

The kiss scene tonight was filmed smoothly.

Liu Shishi raised his hand to hit Mai Xiaoyu, and Mai Xiaoyu grabbed her wrist with one hand and embraced her waist with one hand, and kissed her hard...

"Crack, this one is over!"


Liu Shishi's performance tonight is the same as last night, and Li Hui is very satisfied with the scene.

Finish shooting, call it a day!

The staff began to tidy up props and equipment, and the actors also removed their makeup and changed their clothes.

Most protagonists have special cars, so you don't need to wait for the crew bus, and wait for the crew to clean up before they can go back with the main unit.

Mai Xiaoyu took off his makeup and changed his clothes, went into his nanny car, and told Ke Haoyi: "Go back to the hotel."

Before the car started, the door was opened, and Liu Shishi sat up.

"How did you come?"

"My car was given to Wang Kai and Zaza."

"You are good to talk."

Wang Kai and Reyiza are newcomers, and cannot enjoy the treatment of the crew equipped with a special car.

Yes, Mai Xiaoyu is also a newcomer, but his newcomer is different from other newcomers.

In the days of filming "Mao Li", Re Yizha got acquainted with Mai Xiaoyu. When I came to the crew of "Step by Step", sometimes after the filming, I would like to ride Mai Xiaoyu's car back to the hotel, but Mai Xiaoyu firmly refused each time.

It's not that Mai Xiaoyu took the air, but Wang Kai and Mai Xiaoyu must have no objection. The problem is that Wang Kai has been in contact with him for a short time and can't let go. Every time he waits for the crew to take the bus back to the hotel.

Liu Shishi fastened his seat belt and asked, "Brother Maizi, are you okay with your lips?"

"It's okay, you performed very well tonight, and Director Li praised you too."

"Well, thanks to you last night... Um, let's go for a supper together later, I'm a little hungry."

"You go with them. I'm tired and sleepy. I just want to go back to sleep. I knew filming was so hard. I shouldn't have agreed to Director Li at the beginning. I felt like getting on a thief."

"Oh, okay……"


Not every drop of milk is called Deluxe, and not every liar has super high acting skills.

However, successful liars are often masters of performance, psychology, and eloquence. Otherwise, they will not be able to grasp the mentality of the deceived and complete the whole scam with their brilliant eloquence.

Mai Xiaoyu is a successful liar. Whether facing the lamb or facing the camera, his excellent psychology and acting talent can make him familiar with him. At least in the eyes of the other starring actors in the play and the old drama bones supporting the play, Mai Xiaoyu's starring in this play is not a play ticket.

The food provided by the crew is also very good, even better than the crew of "Mao Li".

Although it will cost more to do so, it can win the hearts of extras.

Group performance is a poor group, in the eyes of many crews, it is "living props." Normally work eight hours a day, with an hourly salary of five yuan, double overtime, and the crew provides packed lunches.

This is the rule, no one can change it.

In order to save money, some crews deliberately notify the group to show up after 8 o'clock, just to save a breakfast.

The "Step by Step" crew did not do this. Instead, it improved the quality of the lunch. If the work was finished late that day, it would provide midnight snacks.

In this way, during the summer and autumn seasons when the crew gathers together in Hengdian and scrambles for group performances, "Step by Step" never has to worry about not finding enough extras.

The crew is in harmony, and there is no one outside. The filming of "Step by Step" is progressing very smoothly.


Since the beginning of last year and the harvest period from the end of last year, Moeren has become a trend.

Ning’s previous shady loss calculations are no longer able to influence Moeren, and they have to be crushed from the commercial level...not to mention that Mengren’s potential is difficult to deal with, and the shareholders of Hualong Pictures first refused to agree.

"Magic Land and Wizardry" has not yet been drawn, and the total box office is still growing; "Twilight Saga 2" has entered the pre-release promotion stage, and will only be released globally in November. Global readers and fans are eagerly looking forward to it. Global box office Can be expected!

"Interest spokesperson! It's only a few that he has reached the height of interest spokesperson, and there is more than one..."

In the office of the chairman of the Qingtian Group, Ning Zhiyuan let out a sigh, unspeakable aggrieved.

Secretary Dong Zheng Keyu stood silent with his hands hanging aside, but his heart was like a mirror.

Ning Zhiyuan wanted to use Songfeng TV's case to urge many domestic TV stations to boycott the cute guy, but it failed.

There is viewership competition inside, and there is interest temptation and temptation outside, and the film "Latent" resolves the unformed boycott plan. As for the entertainers who urge TV stations to boycott cute people, that's even more ridiculous.

Mengren’s stars are shining, and there are many first-line stars. Most of them are branded with the identity of the image spokesperson of domestic and foreign luxury brands and the image ambassador of China.

You let the TV station block them?

Does Nyima TV still want to sponsor advertising?

This time, Ning Zhiyuan’s plan for the Mengren, Mengren did not fight back, and several shareholders of Hualong Pictures did not say anything. Instead, it was those domestic and foreign luxury brands who came forward and warned the Ning family with very artistic words.

In the vernacular, it means that the grudges between you Qingtian and the cute people have nothing to do with us. We don't care how you fight, but we can't win our interests!

Why can Ning Zhiyuan be so aggrieved?

"I looked down on him, I looked down on him, I didn't expect him to grow so fast. I lost the opportunity to kill him in the budding state, and now I'm afraid there will be no chance again."

"Ning Dong..."

"You don't need to persuade me, I'm at this age, and I haven't seen any storms. Although I can't hold him down, he won't want to move me at all. At best, the water in the well won't break the river in the future."

"Dong Ning, what I want to say is not about this. I received the latest news that the "Antichrist" won by Shao Rong at a high price has been banned in the United States. Vice Dong Ning and the others are likely to use this matter to make a fuss... "

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