The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 910: Only make kiss scenes with Mai Xiaoyu

Science and technology are developing, the times are advancing, and the China Entertainment Circle is becoming more and more prosperous. China's film and television companies have never stopped moving forward.

Qingtian is one of them.

The acquisition of a certain theater chain in the United States is one of DynaSky's global deployment strategies, and it is also the best opportunity for Ning Shirong to make merits and achievements.

Although DynaSky’s board of directors had disagreements on this matter, a group of people headed by Vice Chairman Ning Zhihe questioned the move, believing that the move was too radical and risky, but it was ruthlessly suppressed by Ning Zhiyuan’s faction.

After all, Ning Zhiyuan is the chairman of the Sky Group.

In order to realize the tradition of "three fires for new officials" after the completion of the acquisition, Ning Shirong won the North American film "The Antichrist" at this year's Cannes Film Festival at a high price. Distribution rights.

Behind the high price, there is the "credit" of Hualong Pictures.

Ning Shirong is not a fool.

He saw the "conspiracy" of Hualong deliberately raising the price, but his extreme self-confidence made him despise the enemy in both strategy and tactics.

The main competition unit of the Cannes Film Festival paid off his confidence-"The Antichrist" not only won the nomination for best film at the 62nd Cannes Film Festival, but also won the honor of best actress.

And at the subsequent 34th Toronto International Film Festival, he was nominated for the master unit.

With the acquisition of American theaters, after rounds of arduous negotiations, it finally came to an end, and the North American release of "Antichrist" was put on the agenda. However, Uncle Sam, who is severely anti-Chinese and extremely dissatisfied with China's acquisition of American theaters, gave Ning Shirong a head.

"Antichrist" was banned in the United States.

In fact, there was a warning sign for the ban. The film was temporarily banned after it was released in France. The relevant person in charge of the French Ministry of Culture explained that the ban was only a procedural issue, but did not explain to the media what the procedural issue was.

However, the ban on "Antichrist" in France was only short-lived, and it was eventually broadcast in theaters.

Ning Shirong believes that there will be no such behavior in the more democratic America.

For example, "This Man Comes From Earth" produced by Moe Ren is also suspected of blaspheming Christianity, and has also triggered large-scale demonstrations across the United States. Isn't it also broadcast?

There is also the "Nativity of Jesus" produced in the United States, which has also been controversial after it was released in the United States, but it has not encountered a ban.

But "The Antichrist" was banned by the United States.

A well-known film critic in the United States commented on this film:

The representative of the "antichrist" in the film is the "image of a witch". One of the main lines of the film is the essay written by the heroine, the subject of the mass murder of witches in European history.

This in itself is an anti-female theme, and the heroine is also in the process of writing the essay, gradually mentally perverted (relative to normal people), or spiritual sublimation (relative to the awakening of the witch's nature among women).

All in all, due to religious issues and ideological advances, this film has been banned in the United States.

As the North American hairdresser of this film, Sky Sky Group is bound to lose a certain amount of profit. This loss has limited impact on Qingtian, a big business man, but it may be fatal to Ning Shirong, who is responsible for acquiring the work of the US theater.

Because of him, decisions, strategies, mistakes, mistakes!

Ning Zhi and the party will definitely not let go of this opportunity, and the neutrals within Qingtian are also very likely to be moved by them. As a result, a new round of doubts was raised once again on the large-scale acquisition of American Cinemas by Sky Sky, which Ning Shirong is in charge of.

In order for Ning Shirong to successfully take over Qingtian, Qingtian fights become more and more fierce, so how can Ning Zhiyuan still have the mood to fight with Mengren?

As he told Zheng Keyu, since the two sides have nothing to do with each other, if there is nothing to do with each other, the water in the well will not be off the river.

It's really the same as Ning Zhiyuan imagined. Is there nothing to do with each other?

Perhaps the Ning family is.

But if Mai Xiaoyu can't help it, as a cute boss, why should he go to the stage to star in "Scary Step by Step" and suffer the crime of filming?


Late September.

Hengdian World Studios.

The filming scene of "Step by Step" crew.

This scene will be a kiss scene of "Ruoxi" and "Ba Ge" lingering and rolling in the sea of ​​flowers.

As in the strong kiss scene some time ago, there are many people around the two, multiple cameras have been set up, and the lighting artist is lighting up, and the makeup artist is ready to touch up the makeup at any time.

Liu Shishi bit the eighth brother's hand hard and said, "Back then, you made me punish me and bullied me. It's not too late for a gentleman to avenge him."

Eighth elder brother laughed.

Five shots were taken in this shot, too.

Next, I'm going to shoot Ruoxi, the two of them kissed, and then fell into the subdivision of the flower sea.

The makeup artist finished his makeup and all departments were ready. With the director Li Hui's "Exon", the lingering kiss scene began.

Ruoxi, who was sitting on the fence, wanted to get up, eight grandpa grabbed her, then held her face, and wanted to kiss her.

Seeing the opponent getting closer, Liu Shishi suddenly pushed the opponent away.

"Sorry, I'm not ready yet."

After finishing speaking, no matter what the other party's reaction is, the male second stunned, ran to the director Li Hui.


This time Li Hui seemed very calm, looking at Liu Shishi.

"Director Li, I'm sorry. The lock in my heart hasn't been opened yet. At this stage, I can't try a large-scale performance...I can't do it."

Can't act?

When you and Mr. Mai are making a kiss scene, why don’t you say that you can’t act?

You even asked me in private to say you don't need a substitute?

What an old driver Li Hui is, he has long seen the tricky inside.

He nodded: "Let's do it, let me take a substitute first, and you can make some close-up shots after the filming is over."

"Thank you, Director Li."

"Don't thank me, go, Teacher Mai is over there."

The stuntman prepares, the positions are re-adjusted, and all departments begin to prepare again.

The male number two from Xiangjiang realized the embarrassment of Mai Xiaoyu that night, slipped to Li Hui and sat down, and sighed in Cantonese: "It's really not easy to go north, no wonder many people have returned to Xiangjiang."

Li Hui also said in Cantonese: "You think too much. It is customary for cute female artists not to shoot kiss scenes, and it is already stated in the contract."

"But didn't she shoot that night?"

"Who did she shoot with? You are such a smart person, you still need me to say more?"

"You mean..."

"I didn't say anything."

"Understood, I didn't hear anything."

"There is a saying that you are right. It is not easy for Hong Kong and Taiwan artists to enter the mainland, but they also score points. Like you this time, it is likely to open up the situation."

"I also hope that otherwise I wouldn't have promised you to take this drama."

"I told you that Mr. Mai is not a ticket to play. How is it now? You can play two roles with ease. Tell yourself how his acting skills are."

"Surprise, I felt very comfortable when I was shooting rivals with him. And the two roles he played gave me completely different feelings, like two people..."

When they were chatting, Liu Shishi was already walking towards Mai Xiaoyu, accompanied by his assistant.

It's not yet his turn to play Mai Xiaoyu. He is sitting under a parasol in a remote corner and talking on the phone with Shi Hao, CEO of Hualong Pictures.

"Are you sure, "Antichrist" has been banned by the United States?"

"The news is accurate. This time Ning Shirong has lost a lot. I heard that because of this incident, Kinte has once again questioned the acquisition work led by Ning Shirong."

"Ning Zhihe is still very powerful. Perhaps this time he can win over Qingtian's centrist power and deny Qingtian's acquisition."

"It's not that easy. If this acquisition is successful, it will be of great help to the strategic development of Kinte."

"But if he succeeds, Ning Shirong's qualifications will be much stronger, and it will be even more helpful for him to take over Qingtian in the future."

"But Ning Zhihe is not so short-sighted, right?"

"President Shi, you still don't know enough about human nature. Ning Zhihe may not be short-sighted, but he has to consider the future of his son Ning Shibin. Qingtian loses this opportunity, and the next time, Ning Shibin is just a idiot. .If Ning Shirong is allowed to take over Qingtian and wait until Ning Zhi and Lao Mai abdicate, do you think Ning Shibin can stand up? Don’t forget, Ning Shirong is not a good man and believer. Ning Shibin still wanted to borrow my hand. Get rid of him, can he not hold grudges?"

"You mean, in order to protect his son, Ning Zhihe must desperately prevent Ning Shirong from taking over Qingtian?"

"Of course, otherwise, after the elder generation of the Ning family gives up, his son will have to be rided on his head by Ning Shirong for the rest of his life. If you are replaced by you, can you tolerate it?"

"Hope to be as you said."

"I also hope that this old fellow Ning Zhiyuan is not simple. As the chairman and the largest shareholder, there are many people who support him. I can't guarantee whether Ning Zhihe can beat him. But I can't guarantee. Prepare yourself in advance. Once Ningzhihe wins this round and the acquisition of DynaSky is rejected, Hualong should not miss a good opportunity to take over."

"You can rest assured that the company has already opened a board of directors, and the other seven shareholders have also expressed support. If it can be taken, we will have a certain say in the two theaters in the United States. There is another thing, in November "Twilight The world premiere of "City of the City 2", are you coming?"

"I won't join in the excitement and plan to take a good rest. Don't you know how hard it is to film a TV series, especially in August, every day filming is like a sauna."

"Mr. Mai, with all due respect, I have been unable to figure it out, why are you doing a good job filming?"

"Swipe your face and become famous, or how will you make a movie in the future?"

"Are you still planning to act in a movie?"

"Wait for the response after the broadcast of "Step by Step". If the response is good, why don't I act in a movie? I have to let Ning Shirong know how he will die in the future."

Ke Haoyi, who was standing by, came over when he saw Liu Shi and coughed slightly.

Mai Xiaoyu changed his words: "Don't talk about it, let's talk later."

Hanging up the phone, seeing Liu Shishi walking over with his assistant, he asked, "Is it finished?"

Liu Shishi shook his head: "I may have annoyed Director Li again..."

After hearing her talk about the incident, Mai Xiaoyu was happy: "In other words, only I can enjoy your kiss in the play?"


Thinking of the situation that night, Liu Shishi glanced at him angrily.

"I'm so honored." Mai Xiaoyu smiled stupidly, as if he didn't understand anything, took out a pack of carrots and handed it over, "I'll reward you."

Many artists have the habit of eating snacks when filming.

Tong Liya's bags often contain specialties of Xijiang, and they have been distributed to the crew, and many of them have been given to Mai Xiaoyu; Liu Shishi also has the habit of eating snacks, and dried carrots are one of her favorites.

"Thank you." Liu Shishi smiled and took it and opened the bag.

"Mr. Mai, you take our poems as rabbits and use carrots as rewards?"

Yang Mi's sudden appearance interrupted the conversation between the two. She was here to visit the class.

When visiting the crew, it is often necessary to greet the crew in advance, and the same is true when Yang Mi is visiting the crew. Therefore, Mai Xiaoyu is not surprised to see her suddenly appear.

"Nonsense, rabbits don't like carrots."

Mai Xiaoyu murmured that Liu Shishi and Yang Mi were already hugging each other happily, and put a slice of carrot sticks into Yang Mi's mouth.

The crew is preparing for Liu Shishi for his body, catching up with the Yang Mi troupe to distribute gifts, Li Hui simply announced that the crew will take a 20-minute break.

After distributing the drinks and snacks, Yang Mi and Liu Shishi returned to Mai Xiaoyu's parasol.

Looking at Mai Xiaoyu's bald head, Yang Mi put on sunglasses: "It's too dazzling."

"Want to die? There are a bunch of bald heads in the crew."

"But yours is the roundest, it's poetry."

"Well, everyone said that, and he said he had a round head and a small face."

"I really want to touch it."

"If you want to touch it, feel it." Zhao Liying's voice came from behind Mai Xiaoyu. At the same time, she kept her little hand on Mai Xiaoyu's head and touched it back and forth, "It feels so good."

"Little potatoes, do you want me to fertilize you again?"

"you dare!"

Zhao Liying patted Mai Xiaoyu’s bald head lightly, then ran to Liu Shishi and Yang Mi with a smile, and then stretched out her hand to gesture in front of Mai Xiaoyu, and said in his tone: "Your face is too big. NS."


Liu Shishi and Yang Mi who were eating snacks were choked at the same time.

Mai Xiaoyu drove Zhao Liying's little hands out of anger: "Little revenge mentality is too strong."

"Who made you always bully me before."

"Aren't you filming, why are you here?"

"Something went wrong with our crew, we will take a two-day break..."

Hengdian Film and Television City is a large-scale comprehensive tourist area integrating film and television tourism, vacation, leisure and sightseeing. It has been rated as a national 5A tourist area for its heavy cultural heritage and unique historical scenes.

Since its establishment, with the vigorous development of China’s entertainment industry, 13 film and television shooting bases spanning thousands of years of time and space and bringing together the characteristics of the north and south, including Guangzhou Street, Xiangjiang Street, Ming and Qing Palace Gardens, Qin Palace, and Qingming Shanghe Tu, have been built. , And two large modern studios.

So far, Hengdian Film and Television City has become China's largest film and television shooting base. Every year, it welcomes a large number of film and television crews and is developing towards the world's largest film and television shooting base.

In the entertainment industry, actors often have a saying: I am either filming in Hengdian or on the way to filming in Hengdian.

No, Huo Jianhua, Wang Luodan and others just finished their work on the team of "Step by Step". A few days later, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying met again to visit the team.

Yang Mi himself came to Hengdian to film. It's just that she came early and had to wait two or three days for the start-up ceremony, so she went to visit her friends who were filming in Hengdian. The first stop was the crew of "Step by Step".

Zhao Liying was currently filming in Hengdian, and learned that Yang Mi was going to visit the "Bubu" crew, and her crew was temporarily taking a break because of something wrong, and the two met together.

Soon, Wang Kai, Re Yizha and others, as well as actors who are familiar with Yang Mi and Zhao Liying, also gathered around. Everyone got together to chat. After a few minutes, they talked about the unexpected situation encountered by Zhao Liying’s crew. ...

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