At the end of November, when the storm was about to subside, Moeren officially held a press conference. In front of many media, Liu Xiaoli threw two heavy news. ∞Miscellaneous

First of all, Mengren plans to spend 100 million to invest in the film "Nine Doors": director Xiaoxing Xi, screenwriter Ah Zheng, photographer Zhang Xiaoquan, male protagonist Mai Xiaoyu, and female protagonist Shu Chang.

Secondly, after "Nine Doors" is released, no matter how much the box office is, cute people don't take any money.

Except for the part turned over to the state and distributed to theaters, theaters, and distributors, the part of the box office that belongs to Moeren will set up a charity fund in the name of Shuchang.

The charity fund will be dedicated to social welfare, used to rescue heroes from all over the country who have been injured and disabled due to righteous actions, and all the expenses of the anti-picking alliance members after encountering accidents in the anti-picking process, as well as free legal assistance.

The purpose of the charity fund is only one: to solve the worries of all those who do what is righteous and not let them shed blood and tears!

The first piece of news can be seen as a cute person giving a positive response to related disputes and discussions on the Internet some time ago.

The mainstream media was reluctant to report in depth about the disputes between Mengren and Qingtian, and Mai Xiaoyu and Ning's family, and Mengren did not contact the media to request in-depth coverage, so the media mainly focused on the film itself.

The second piece of news is different. It is a hot social issue that has received increasing attention in recent years.

In the current society, the world is going downhill, people's hearts are not old, and the world is cold.

"The five-year-old boy stumbled and fell into a deep-water pond. Hundreds of people watched and no one was rescued."

"The girl was raped by a scavenger in the public toilet, and more than 40 people watched without stopping."

"The gangster killed the college student in the street, but there were many spectators but no one helped him."


This kind of news is often seen, and it makes people angry and chilling.

Society needs positive energy and calls for positive energy.

In order to promote positive energy, the media will often report positively on the deeds of citizens who act bravely when they see righteousness. However, the outcome of bravely fighting for righteousness may not necessarily be good. There are not one or two heroes who shed blood and shed tears.

"The security guard sacrificed to save the Diaohe woman, and the rescued woman asked who asked him to save me."

"The 23-year-old young man kicked the pervert and saved the entangled woman but was detained."

"Helping the elderly suffered a huge amount of compensation and committed suicide by jumping into the river to prove their innocence."

"The stolen watched and rode away with cold eyes, while those who saw righteousness were injured and chilled."


News of this kind is often widely reported by the media. While screaming for injured and even sacrificed heroes, it is also a torture of the public's moral conscience.

The embarrassment encountered by being brave for righteousness is nothing new. It has already aroused social concern and aroused discussion among legal professionals.

It is difficult to characterize righteousness, the compensation standards of individual cases are inconsistent, the blood and tears of those who are righteous, the relationship between the indifference of the rescued and the reduction of heroes, etc., have all been the topics of public concern and public opinion.

There have always been voices calling for the establishment of a national compensation and encouragement system, and governments at all levels are also actively working to formulate relevant systems, but there is a lot of controversy.

In some places, a system of adding points to the college entrance examination for those who do what is right is implemented. After the policy was introduced, it immediately caused huge controversy.

Some people support it and think that brave actions need encouragement and praise.

"The college entrance examination bonus system for those who are righteous and brave" is similar to "education starts with a baby", which helps to improve the social atmosphere. When the next generation grows up, the social atmosphere is likely to take on a new look.

Some people oppose that it is a traditional virtue to act bravely and should be praised and rewarded, but it is not appropriate to adopt the method of "adding points for the college entrance examination".

The reasons for objection are also very good.

Article 2 of the Law on the Protection of Minors clearly stipulates that citizens under the age of 18 are minors. In reality, most of the students taking the college entrance examination are under the age of 18. Minors generally lack sufficient ability to foresee risks and are vulnerable to injury.

In addition, some parents may run around for the title of "Courageous Action", leaving room for corruption and failure of the college entrance examination.

In short, everything has advantages and disadvantages, and any relevant policies issued by governments at all levels across the country will be opposed by a vote of adults.

So how to establish a more complete protection mechanism, increase protection, and encourage more people to "scream when the road sees injustice, and take action when it is time to take action" has become an embarrassing issue that has been unresolved for many years.

Really want to solve this kind of problem, also need to introduce the relevant legal system at the national level.

For example, Canada’s "Care for Justice Act" mentioned that people who voluntarily and do not ask for rewards do not have to be responsible for rescuing injuries caused by negligence.

The "Good Samaritan Act" of the United States stipulates that a law that exempts those who are brave enough to rescue the wounded from liability without fear of being held accountable for casualties caused by negligence.

Singapore also has relevant regulations: if the recipient bites back afterwards, he must come to the door to apologize to the rescuer and be punished at 1 to 3 times the medical expenses. Those with bad circumstances shall be punished as slander.

The Chinese government has also been actively enacting and improving relevant laws, but before formal laws and regulations are promulgated, they can only rely on the laws and regulations promulgated by various places and people's moral shackles to change the social atmosphere.

For example, the "Regulations on Reward and Protection of People Who Do the Righteous and Brave" promulgated by Southern Guangdong Province protects the interests of heroes in an all-round way. The regulations clearly stipulate that if the property loss of others is caused by the brave act of righteousness, and the liability for compensation shall be assumed in accordance with the law, the brave act of righteousness shall provide appropriate economic subsidies for the special funds.

There is also the "Provisions on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Rescuers in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone" promulgated by Shenzhen City: If the rescued person fabricates facts, falsely accuses the rescuer, and constitutes a violation of public security management regulations, administrative penalties shall be imposed in accordance with the law. Constitute a crime, be held criminally responsible.

What's more, the Foundation has sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain in the past few years, striving to provide assistance to the injured heroes through their own strength and methods.

However, most of these institutions are non-governmental organizations. The source of funds is not guaranteed, the amount of relief is small, and the recipients of benefits are relatively small. Including the charitable fund that Moeren Film and Television plans to set up is the same, which is also a drop in the bucket.

However, unlike other non-governmental foundations, Mengren Film and Television has a strong influence and appeal.

When the media reported these two pieces of news, the movie "Nine Doors" created by Mengren and the proposed charity fund of the charitable foundation of the "Justice and Brave Foundation" made "how to protect and encourage those who are justified, and avoid the heroes from bleeding and crying" The topic has once again become a hot topic of high public concern.

Due to the early experience of Mai Xiaoyu, there was a lot of turmoil in public opinion, and the Nine Doors Anti-Stealing Alliance officially surfaced, which is familiar to many people.

Seeing the report on "Nine Doors" in the news, many netizens think that this is a film based on the Nine Doors Anti-Pickup Alliance as the material, reflecting the theme of anti-puffing volunteers. And no one thinks that the hot discussion in the early stage is the hype of the movie by the cute people.

Even if it is hype, the vast majority of the public also expressed support.

Moeren invested 100 million, and all the box office share was used to establish a charity fund to rescue heroes from all over the country who were injured and maimed and died due to brave actions of righteousness, and all the expenses of the anti-picking alliance members after the accidents encountered in the anti-picking process...

If it was hype before, the more such hype, the better!

Human hearts are grown in flesh.

Even if the current society has insufficient legal protection for those who do what is right, the number of people who choose to sit on the sidelines in the face of illegal behavior is gradually increasing, but no matter how indifferent people are, there is a balance in their hearts, and they can tell right from wrong.

When you see the hero bleeding and crying, you will be extremely angry!

Not everyone has to be a hero, but the more heroes in society who dare to see what is right, the more stable the society will be. Everyone living in the society will have more protection for their own power!

Subsequently, the Mengren official who had been silent for many days updated the second cross Weibo——

"Being brave when you see righteousness, knowing your mind and nature. Seeing righteousness and understanding your mind, and being brave to see your nature. In the future, you will never forget your original intention!"

After seeing the wheat flour, they left comments, liked and forwarded.

"Support the boss!"

"Distressed boss!"

"It turns out that the boss's experience is so distressing. No wonder the acting Fourth Master is also distressing."

"Boss, don't worry, even if you have been in jail, I still love you and I am willing to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Detention does not mean going to jail, in my heart the boss will always be innocent!"

"The previous record doesn't matter, boss you still own us!"

"My boyfriend is a policeman. He said that public security detention should not exceed 20 days. The online statement that the boss has been detained for more than 60 days is an extended detention. He supports the boss to sue the police!"

"When will "Nine Doors" be released, I will definitely go to the theater to support it!"


In addition to the wheat flour, the official accounts of the anti-pickling volunteer organizations all over the country also appeared.

There are also anti-puffing volunteers in various places-those who have been anti-puffing volunteers in the past, are now participating in private anti-puffing volunteers, and want to become private anti-puffing volunteers.

And the people who have been rescued by those who have seen righteousness, who have seen it with their own eyes, and who have been moved...

Follow Mengren's official WeChat account, like, leave a message to support, and forward Weibo, there are not many.

With the joint efforts of these people, in less than half a day, Mengren’s official Weibo on the second cross reached the top of the hot search list, surpassing the popularity of the upcoming "Gong Lock Bead Curtain".

"Mr. Mai, why don't you feel too anxious to cook!" Sun Yaxing, the director of "Palace Lock Bead Curtain", called and said jokingly.

"Brother Maizi, this is the first TV series I starred in. You robbed you of the popularity and topicality. No, you have to make up for me, take me back to film, and act as a couple with me." Tong Liya learned to act like a baby.

"Boss, are too boss." The actor Wang Kai babbled on the phone for a long time before suffocating such a sentence.


This time, it's really not Mai Xiaoyu's hiring of the navy for speculation, but the popular desire.

It was not toward Mai Xiaoyu, but toward him, which was a topic full of positive energy.

Promoting positive energy is one of the social responsibilities of mainstream media. Therefore, the media also pays great attention to this topic, and various related reports are frequently reported in the newspapers.

"Justice and bravery refers to citizens' actions to protect the country, collective interests and the personal and property safety of others, regardless of personal safety, to fight against illegal and criminal acts, or to rescue, rescue, and rescue people..."

"Courageous actions for righteousness are a manifestation of good social morals and customs, and also one of the important signs of social civilization and progress. It should be widely respected and supported by the whole society. The legitimate rights and interests of those who act boldly for righteousness should also be protected by law..."

"...Only from the perspective of China's civil legal system at this stage, the civil law's unclear legal definition of citizens' acts of bravery and the lack of legal remedies are two very prominent problems."

There is no need for someone to deliberately bring it, a wave of rhythm just rises.

In this wave of rhythms, many typical volunteers, non-governmental anti-picking volunteers and non-governmental anti-picking organizations from all over the country are interviewed and reported by the media. Live cases and touching deeds abound.

And this is only the first wave.

The second wave of rhythm is coming soon. The main body of this wave of rhythm is the anti-pickup brigade of the police in various places and the tremendous achievements they have made over the years.

"Revealing the Anti-Pickpocket Police: To catch pickpockets, everyone has a nickname, and tattoos dye their hair and change their style."

"Behind the capture of pickpockets is the long-term tracking and squatting by the anti-pickpocket police."

"Anti-pickup police are not easy to behave. They are all learned to identify, track and arrest them."

"Ten years of customs, an anti-pickup policeman's road to becoming a policeman..."

There is also the third wave of rhythm-the police and the people work together to fight back!

This is the focus of the key and the top priority of the mainstream media.

Since the birth of the private anti-picking alliance, its legitimacy has been questioned by some people, including some legal experts.

Moreover, some people have always held negative views on whether the process of civilian anti-picking volunteers arresting thieves constitutes violent acts or violent injuries.

Some time ago, the incident at Jiumen Snack Street was taken as an example. In the public opinion, there has always been Madame who believes that Mai Xiaoyu and the enthusiastic people have taken too much action and are suspected of violent injury.

The third wave of rhythm is mainly to highlight the correct posture of righteousness and courage, and to make suggestions to the non-governmental anti-picking alliance-to report to the police in time to protect the victims while minimizing their own risks.

Among them, it points out that the non-governmental anti-picking volunteers are commendable, but they should take the initiative to contact the police when they discover the situation to ensure that the police strikes accurately.

After the three waves of rhythm, positive social energy has been promoted, and public opinion has gradually subsided.

Mouth movement is always the easiest, just touch the upper and lower mouth; however, it takes time to implement it in real life, and it may take a long time.

Except for the rapid increase in the number of people applying to join non-governmental anti-picking organizations, and the temporary speeding up of the application process for some acts of righteousness, there is no other change, and public life is gradually returning to the normal state.

The Ning family and his son scoffed at this even more.

What can we do if we pull out the banner of bravery?

Have the ability to propose to reverse the case and request a retrial!

In the past, the evidence was changed and the physical evidence was missing, and now even the evidence has disappeared. No matter how hard Mai Xiaoyu toss, it is useless.

Ning Zhiyuan now only cares about one thing most, that is, the smooth transition of the group's power, allowing Ning Shirong to successfully take over Qingtian.

"Shi Rong, at the business reception the night before, did you make Shi Bin not be able to come to the stage in public again?"

"That kind of idiot, he took his own humiliation..."

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