""You From the Star" will start soon!"

"Different love science fiction comedy!"

"The latest masterpiece of the top domestic screenwriter Ah Zheng!"

"Mai Xiaoyu and Chen Qiaoen starred together!"

"Famous director Sun Yaxing returns to the gorgeous masterpiece directed by idol dramas!"


In mid-December, the publicity work started before the launch of "Stars". 『』

In fact, many of the fans who follow Mai Xiaoyu and Chen Qiaoen already know this TV series.

For the producer, before each large-scale TV drama project is launched, the publicity plan has been drawn up. What stage of publicity, how much intensity, etc., are all planned and step-by-step.

Two or three months ago, "Stars" began to be promoted.

It's just that in the publicity at that time, the plot language was unclear, and the show was generally not optimistic in the industry and outsiders. I think the only highlight of this drama is mainly the combination of Mai Xiaoyu and Chen Qiaoen, which has a high ratings appeal.

Science fiction TV series, "Stars" is not the first. In the past, TV series with science fiction color tended to be children's themes. Science fiction TV dramas are almost equivalent to children's dramas, and they are almost finalized in the minds of the public.

The "Magic Phone" starring Shu Chang in the past few years is an exception, and it also has a science fiction color, but the main theme is also a magic comedy, not a science fiction.

Now entering the pre-launch publicity stage, some of the main lines of the plot are consciously disclosed to the outside world to increase the outside world's understanding of the plot, but the effect is limited.

The top domestic screenwriter A Zheng is being questioned about Jiang Lang's talents, and the reputation of the three original Gongdou dramas is not satisfactory, which lowers the force of the cute drama.

This time he switched to a love sci-fi comedy, and the audience wondered whether he could return to the high reputation of original TV series such as "Bright Sword", "Soldiers Assault", "Latent", "Fated I Love You" and so on.

Therefore, in most people's minds, the only highlight of "The Stars" is still the combination of Mai Xiaoyu and Chen Qiaoen.

People in the industry have discovered a suspicious phenomenon.

Since "Palace Lock Bead Curtain" and "Zhen Huan Biography", Moeren has stopped filming palace fights.

Before filming "Why", now filming "Stars", even after Ruby Lin's success in the broadcast of "The Princess of the World", the next TV series that his studio participated in was also a fashion drama.

In Mahler Gobi, this wave of palace fighting drama craze is your cute head, making everyone follow suit with their lives. As a result, as soon as the SARFT’s ban on broadcasting was issued, the loss was heavy, but you, the "leader brother", retreated.

Did you receive the wind in advance, otherwise how could you play so slippery!

This time the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued a ban on broadcasting that was too powerful to kill, and it caused more damage than the entertainment restriction that year. There were countless people in the circle who were shot.

If it is said that the palace fight drama and the cross drama withdraw from the golden stage, it does not constitute a real loss to the audience; it is only a choreography adjustment for the Shanghai Star Channel; then for the film and television that has spotted the golden avenue of the harem battle For the production company, it was a fatal blow.

The film and television production company that was shot can only adjust the production orientation, but adjusting the production orientation is not as simple as imagined. The small and medium-sized boats cannot bear the investment losses; the large and the large-sized boats are difficult to turn around, and the intangible losses are incalculable.

Regardless of the broadcast effect or the price, the prime time is the best time. No matter how hard you work on the ten o'clock show, due to the inherent shortcomings, it will never be able to surpass the prime time.

Moe is actually also affected.

"The Legend of Zhen Huan", which was originally scheduled to be broadcast next summer, will definitely have to adjust the broadcast time, and it will be broadcast in April to play the sidetrack of the policy.

Several Star Satellite TVs that have purchased the rights to the first broadcast also have the same intention. If it were to be broadcast in the summer vacation according to the original schedule, it could only be placed in the TV theater at ten o'clock. For the TV station, the advertising fee at that time slot is far less than the advertising fee at the prime time.

Also, the pre-broadcasting publicity plan has to be adjusted accordingly. Including online and offline, traditional media and new media, some publicity activities require the participation of the creators, and the itinerary announcements of the creators in "Zhen Huan Biography" have to be rescheduled.

For Mengren, it is still somewhat affected, but the impact is not big.

Some people in the industry suspect that Mengren received the wind ahead of time, so they suddenly changed the production direction, from Gongdouju to urban drama. Some people think that Mengren continued his consistent good luck, and Mai Xiaoyu was tossing about making TV dramas by himself. Only by chance escaped.

Moe Ren's recent two projects, "Why" and "Stars", he is both the male protagonist!

However, Chen Qiaoen is inclined to the first judgment of industry insiders.

The second meeting of the "Stars" crew will be over, and Chen Qiaoen called Mai Xiaoyu: "Did you know that the General Administration would issue a broadcast ban?"

"Don't be kidding, I don't have that ability."


Mai Xiaoyu did not know that the General Administration was going to issue a ban on broadcasting. He just combined the strange dreams, and then inferred possible changes in policy based on what happened in reality.

Because Gong Douju ​​is overly popular, and there have been targeted bans in the strange dreams, it is likely that it will appear in reality, so he will prepare in advance. The filmmakers first got together to finish the filming and broadcast, then gave up decisively, and returned to the urban drama route, which could have avoided the loss.

Certainly he can't tell anyone about his strange dream, he doesn't want to be dragged into sliced ​​research by the relevant department.

He explained it by luck, but Chen Qiaoen knew him too well and didn't believe in his so-called luck at all.

"Next time the General Administration has any major policy, please call my dad in advance."

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

Hailian Cinemas began to get involved in film and television drama production many years ago, laying out all links of the film and television industry industry chain.

In the past two years, because of the popularity of Gongdou themes, they have also participated in investing in many powerful Gongdou dramas. There are still two unfinished films. One has just started to enter post-production. Obviously, they can't escape the ban on broadcasting starting on May 1 next year. It will definitely bring losses to the investment of Hailian Cinemas.

Some losses are "force majeure", Chen Xiangnan, who is in charge of the Hailian Cinema, can accept it. However, Mengren has avoided the "force majeure" at the policy level. Although it may seem like a mistake, Chen Xiangnan does not believe in the theory of luck.

Therefore, he asked Chen Qiaoen to say hello to Mai Xiaoyu, and there will be similar things next time. If the cute person receives wind, call them in advance and let them know.

Mai Xiaoyu couldn't explain, and turned off the subject with a smile: "I haven't seen you for two months, have a meal together tonight?"

"Okay, I happen to have some immature ideas about the script, and I want to talk to you."

Each protagonist has his own way of understanding the script.

Chen Qiaoen believes that the ending of the script of "The Stars" is not handled properly, and it should logically be discussed with the screenwriter Ah Zheng. But Ah Zheng never showed up, so she had to tell Mai Xiaoyu her opinion.

She wanted to talk about the script during dinner at night, but after Mai Xiaoyu asked Ke Haoyi to book the hotel, she received a call from Diao Yi.

Diao Yi was extremely enthusiastic on the phone and urged him to come to the small barbecue party held by him.

Hearing Mai Xiaoyu said that he had made an appointment with Chen Qiaoen for dinner tonight, he directly asked him to bring Chen Qiaoen with him. It is also said that several episodes in "The Stars" have been created, one of which was sung by Chen Qiaoen, so she can give her a try.

Chen Qiaoen sang the episode in "The Stars", which Mai Xiaoyu suggested, but Diao Yi severely rejected it.

The reason is that Chen Qiaoen and Mai Xiaoyu are both ktv-level "singers" and have not received formal learning from the system, so they can only follow the path of the stiletto singer. And Diao Yi looks down on the shed insect singer the most.

Later, Mai Xiaoyu asked repeatedly, and Diao Yi reluctantly agreed.

Now that Diao Yi is so enthusiastic, Mai Xiaoyu knows that Diao Yi has something to ask for himself, and it is not too small.

Just go, he heard Shu Chang said that Diao Yi organizes a small barbecue party in the backyard of his villa every week, and invites friends who really understand music and are still pursuing music.

Shu Chang has been there many times, Huang Bo and Deng Chao have only been there once. The idol group f4 has never accepted an invitation, and it is the first time he has been invited.

Chen Qiaoen had no objection, so Mai Xiaoyu agreed.

Diao Yi’s villa is located in Shunyi, surrounded by green mountains and green waters, with a good environment and low density.

Mai Xiaoyu drove Chen Qiao'en there, but neither of them brought an assistant.

On the way to Shunyi, Chen Qiaoen took the initiative to talk about the script: "Don't you think that the end of the script is superfluous?"

"You mean that the male protagonist is an ordinary writer, and the whole story is just the plot of the novel he wrote to the female protagonist?"

"It seems that you also feel the same. This part does not help the plot at all, but affects the smoothness of the plot."

"Without this end, "Stars" cannot get a production license."

China’s film and television drama review system has never been transparent, but after years of hitting a wall, the industry has been touched by the industry.

Not to mention the movie, just talk about the minefields during the review of the TV series.

First of all, the protagonist can't be too distracted, and the mistress can't be happy. TV dramas must not contain content that endangers social ethics or national excellent cultural traditions. In short, the three views of heroes and heroines must be correct.

Secondly, the plots of unmarried children born in the 1980s are all detoured. TV dramas must not contain content that violates current laws, administrative regulations, and rules. This is involved in "Fate to Love You", so there will be two versions.

Once again, there must be police if there is a crime, and the suicide scenario cannot be a social cause. TV dramas must not contain content that disrupts social order and undermines social stability. Common commercial dramas involving illegal bridges such as kidnapping must be resolved by the police in domestic dramas, and private transactions cannot be conducted.

Fourth, the rejection of ghosts, "supernatural" people only exist in children's dramas, and animals after the Republic of China cannot be refined. TV dramas must not promote cults, superstitions, etc., and draw a clear line between various "non-human" creatures. "Aliens" and other "supernatural" elements only exist in children's dramas.

The male protagonist in "The Stars" is an alien who has lived on Earth for hundreds of years. If it is not specifically stated at the end, the whole drama is the plot of the hero's novel.

Even if the film is taken, it is impossible to be broadcasted by a TV station, and it can only be broadcast through the network platform.

Like "Magic Phone" produced by Moeren, it tells the time and space in the future, and it travels through ancient and modern times. How many people know that children's dramas are used to pass the trial to avoid censoring minefields?

This is the same reason as the "ghost film" in the mainland, and it will be reversed in the end. The various “ghost” elements related to before are either man-made conspiracies or psychological hallucinations. In short, they are not really ghosts.

Chen Qiaoen has been filming in the mainland for many years and naturally understands the mainland TV series review system: "However, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Internet, and foreign countries do not have these restrictions. What I mean is to shoot in two versions like "Hit". And only the ending part is different. , Much easier than "Hit"."

Mai Xiaoyu slowed down, turned his head to look at Chen Qiaoen, and sent a smile: "You really are the roundworm in my stomach. I have discussed this with Director Sun."

"You are the roundworm!" Chen Qiaoen pinched Mai Xiaoyu's waist, "Why didn't you tell me when you discussed it?"

"Aren't you busy making a movie some time ago. By the way, how did the movie go and when it will be released..."

After talking about "Stars", the two chatted again about Chen Qiaoen's newly completed drama, joking and laughing from time to time. The angry Chen Qiaoen started, and the painful Mai Xiaoyu grinned. It was getting dark 10, and the two drove to the villa group where Diao Yi's villa was located.

Between the mountains and rivers, villas are scattered among them looming; the main road has complete monitoring equipment and probes covering all directions; the security guards are distributed at various forks ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ whenever Mai Xiaoyu's Mercedes-Benz car passes by, the security guard salutes We greet each other, then indicate the direction to go, and then tell the security guard at the next intersection through the walkie-talkie.

The property fees of this villa community are quite high, and the relative property services are also in place to ensure the safety of residents. If it hadn't been for Diao Yi to say hello in advance and leave Mai Xiaoyu's license plate number, Mai Xiaoyu would not even want to drive in.

"The environment here is really good, the air is fresh, and the single villa covers a large area and the density is low. I didn't expect Teacher Diao to be so rich."

"So this guy never cared about money, just played his own music."

At the door of the villa, Yao Bina waved to greet her.

Following her instructions, Mai Xiaoyu parked the car and got down with Chen Qiao'en.

"Mr. Mai, Teacher Chen!"

"Jon, she is Yao Bina, the singer of the new signing of old Diao."

"I don't need to introduce you, "Good Business" is so famous, I watch the news." Chen Qiaoen was still being teased on the road in annoyance, and said to him, but when he turned to Yao Bina, he put on a smile, "Bena, you Okay, don't call any teacher, just call me Jon."

"Sister Jon, this is Yao Na Na, I am glad to meet you, you can call me Nana."

After a few simple exchanges, the two girls got to know each other and walked into the villa arm in arm.

Yao Bina didn't forget Mai Xiaoyu, turned around and said, "Boss, go here. Also, thank you."

Mai Xiaoyu waved his hand: "You said you don't need to thank me."

Chen Qiaoen also said: "You don't have to thank him. He signed you because you can sing well and you have to help him make money."

"It's not that."

"what is that?"

Yao Bina hesitated for a moment, glanced at Mai Xiaoyu, whispered in Chen Qiaoen's ear, her face turned red.

Chen Qiao'en was stunned, couldn't help but look back at Mai Xiaoyu, and muttered, "Such a god?"

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