The Live Broadcast Teaches Lockpicking, The Police Pay Attention To Me!

Chapter 56 Lufu Palace Security Captain, Your Fingerprints Have Been Engraved!

Solve the digital code.

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

He picked up his phone and checked the time on it.

On the phone clock, the numbers of the stopwatch flashed rapidly.



That's the solution to the fingerprint sensor.

The fingerprint reader in this underground vault.

Not equivalent to.

Common optical fingerprint sensors and semiconductor fingerprint sensors on the market.

He uses the world's most sophisticated, near-infrared sensor.

Obtain a distribution map of finger veins.

stored in the template.

And then in the computer.

Create a unique vein database.

Absolutely not.

Because the temperature and sensitivity are not enough.

And identify abnormal situations.

And Lufu Palace in order to strengthen the security.

Absolutely guarantee the security of the vault.

Every two hours, the fingerprint of the fingerprint device is replaced.

At this time.

The phone vibrated.

Su Chen took out the phone and looked at it.

It is a new message from the national security department.

I saw a message on the screen that read impressively.

"Second floor, Ximen, security captain."

And sent, a photo of a middle-aged man.

That is.

Now in this time period.

Fingerprints on the fingerprint reader.

It's the security captain.

If you want to crack this fingerprint device.

We need to find the security captain.

Get his fingerprints.

Su Chen counted the time.

Walk quickly up the stairs.

Came to the west gate on the second floor.

In the crowd, he identified the security captain.

Among the blond and blue-eyed crowd.

Soon, he saw it.

Next to the pillars of the foyer at the West Gate.

A Gaulish man in a straight suit was standing there.

Seemingly laid back.

But the eyes are very keen.

Inadvertently, he scanned the tourists with his eyes.

Su Chen went around a corner.

Squat down.

He quietly untied the shoelace of his right foot.

Then he took a cup of coffee from the drinking water equipment next to him.

Walk quickly to the security captain.

"Hello, sir, it's my first time to Lufu Palace."

"I'm a little lost."

"Can you tell me where the painting "Young Martyred Woman" is located?"

"I've been looking for it for a long time but haven't found it."

While talking, Su Chen panned in all directions, with a worried expression on his face.

"Well, sir, this painting is hard to find."

The security captain nodded, expressing his understanding.

"You go around the hall and you can only see it in a corner on the left."

"It's almost diagonally across from the painting Liberty Leading the People."

"Oh, yes, thank you very much."

Then, Su Chen lowered his head suddenly, as if he had discovered something.

Immediately put the coffee cup in your hand.

Handed it to the security captain.

"Sir, I'm sorry, please take it for me first."

"I'll tie my shoelaces."

After finishing speaking, he squatted down.

The security captain still doesn't understand what's going on.

It was stuffed in Su Chen's hand, and the coffee cup was warmed up.

Then, Su Chen quickly tied up his shoelaces.

Get up and stand up.

"Thank you, sir!"

"Happy to be of service to you!"

The security captain found nothing unusual.

Smiling, he handed the cup to Su Chen again.

Everything works fine.

Su Chen easily followed the tourists and walked forward.

As if just a tourist who came to visit.


Soon, he returned to the front of the underground vault.

Is in hand.

The coffee cup that the security captain was holding just now.

And the security captain's fingerprints have been left on the coffee cup.

Su Chen smiled.

He looked at the coffee mug.

He begins to use his superpowers.

Use your eyes to scan fingerprints on coffee mugs.

Peel off the epidermal layer of non-living cells.

Su Chen can see the first layer of living skin cells, which have a certain amount of electrical resistance.

They also form specific shapes on the surface of the skin, the common fingerprint ridges and grooves.

Specific electrical qualities in cells and how they are arranged.

The combination of these two makes the skin surface electrical resistive.

Can be measured and its change is unique.

His brain was running fast.

Convert the fingerprint into a string of codes calculated by a special algorithm.

It's like arranging and combining into a corresponding barcode according to fingerprints.

From fingerprints to fingerprint feature points to fingerprint feature maps to a string of digital symbols.

Complete this three-stage calculation on the fly.

After a few seconds.

He completed the fingerprint collection of the security captain.

Then, according to the fingerprint digital features just extracted in the mind.

Start the calculation.

Immediately there was another overwhelming force in Su Chen's mind.

A powerful algorithm, like a stream of current, mathematically transforms the collected fingerprint terminal points, bifurcation points, bifurcation points, isolated points, ring points, short lines, etc., and saves them one by one in Su Chen's mind in the database.

After a series of calculations, Su Chen has calculated the corresponding fingerprint model in his brain.

And mapped onto Su Chen's pupils.

Su Chen opened his eyes.

Stand in front of the vault door.

Align your pupils with the fingerprint sensor on the door.

Soon, the screen on the fingerprint sensor starts matching.

The whole machine starts to react.

After a sound of electricity passing through.

The small screen flickers.

"Fingerprint matching successful."

Green text appears on the screen.


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