The Live Broadcast Teaches Lockpicking, The Police Pay Attention To Me!

Chapter 57 Liquid Nitrogen Fixed Scale! The Zhanlu Sword Is Within Reach!

Su Chen saw it on the fingerprint reader.

A prompt appears.

The words of successful pairing.

He quickly took out his phone.

Tapping the keyboard.

He typed lines of code on his phone.

These codes were designed by Su Chen in advance.

It is used to break through the defense system of Lufu Palace and control the monitoring.


The program accesses the security website address.

Appeared on the screen of the mobile phone, the interface of Trojan horse program intrusion and access defense system.

Without anyone knowing.

Quietly turn off the firewall of the defense system.


The Trojan horse program goes deep into the defense network data.

Find resources it can utilize.

attack the defense system.

It can be said that God does not know, ghosts do not know.

Soon, a message indicating that the operation was successful appeared.

The surveillance system is under the control of Su Chen.

Changed the picture on the big screen in the monitoring room to loop playback.

staff in the monitoring room.

at this time.

While drinking coffee.

While chatting easily.

Nothing unusual was found.

They glanced at the screen.

Everything is calm as usual.

"Guys, how about we go to the bar for a drink tonight?"

"Hahaha, tell us quickly, what happened to you and that girl last night?"

"Want to hear it?"

"I want to hear it, I'll tell you when I'm drinking at night!"

"Hahaha, you bad guy!"

Several security guards laughed and laughed easily.

Unaware of the strangeness of the monitoring screen.

This scene is as familiar as every day.

Everything has guards patrolling outside.

There is also the most sophisticated security system in the Lufu Palace Museum.

So, nothing to worry about.


They can't imagine it anyway.

Just today.

A boy from the rabbit country.

It would be dangerous.

About to break into the most secure vault in the world.


After completing the operation of the monitoring system.

Su Chen quickly sent a message to Jiang Ziwei.

"start to act!"

In the dark basement.

Jiang Ziwei hid in a corner.

She has scouted, there are no cameras here.

Jiang Ziwei stood up and looked around vigilantly.

Make sure there is nothing unusual.

Then, she picked it up from her carry-on backpack.

Take out a large bottle of liquid nitrogen that you prepared earlier.

The bottle of liquid nitrogen is contained in an insulated unit.

It needs to be at a temperature of minus 196°C for nitrogen to turn into a liquid form.

The temperature of nitrogen under pressure is very low.

As long as the item touches, it will change.

It begins to boil, taking heat away from the item.

Jiang Ziwei put on antifreeze gloves.

Once the nitrogen absorbs the heat, it will freeze quickly, causing frostbite to your hands.

Jiang Ziwei walked deep into the foundation.

Faintly looked up.

on top of the vault.

It was a huge jug.

The exterior is a skin made of steel.

She turned on the liquid nitrogen nozzle and quickly sprayed liquid nitrogen on the four steel pillars.

in the air.

A billow of white smoke rose rapidly.

The surrounding temperature dropped suddenly.

Jiang Ziwei suddenly felt a chill all over her body.

She couldn't help shivering.

Once successfully entered the vault.

After getting the sword, the base of the sword is a mechanism.

After triggering the mechanism.

Microscales on four steel pipes.

The difference in weight will be sensitively perceived.

This micro scale is like a balance.

The weight disappears and the scales tip.

At this time, the water in the jug will pour down like a waterfall.

Massive influx of vaults.

At that time, the people inside can only enter but not exit.

Lives are at stake.

Because of this balance problem.

Su Chen thought about this for a long time.

Trying to figure out how to fix it.

until once.

In the evening, he and Jiang Ziwei drank at the bar.

See the bartender holding a tank of liquid nitrogen in his hand.

Spray on wine glasses.

Liquid nitrogen vaporized and emitted bursts of smoke.

All of a sudden, a flash of inspiration came to him.

I thought of this way.


Once liquid nitrogen is vaporized,

It absorbs a lot of heat and can freeze objects in contact with it.

Spray liquid nitrogen on the microscale.

Fix the balance.

This prevents the tank from tipping.

Water will no longer pour into the vault.


Sure enough, as Su Chen designed it.

In just a few seconds.

under the action of liquid nitrogen.

Exterior of four reinforced columns.

It quickly condensed into crystal icicles.

As if frozen.

Very strong.

It's safe now.

Jiang Ziwei saw that there was not much time left.

She immediately told Su Chen.

"Su Chen, it's okay, let's act."

Su Chen outside the vault door upstairs.

After receiving the information.

The button to open the door was activated immediately.


This so-called "world's most stringent precautions" underground vault.

Under the design of Su Chen.

The alloy iron door opened slowly.

Immediately, Su Chen stepped into the vault.

in the house.

The lights were dim.

But in the dark.

Su Chen still saw it.

Inside the glass case in the center.

It is impressively placed.

It is the handle full of the charm of the Chinese national style.

Zhanlu Sword!

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