The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1199 Taken away

"Someone called the police and accused you of beating a student for no reason. Please follow us to the police station to assist in the investigation."

The leading policeman looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

A nationally renowned university like Capital University will have a police station next to it.

"What beating is it? It's a normal martial arts competition. It's a normal martial arts exchange. Why should Brother Ye be arrested?"

"That's right, you can't touch Big Brother Ye!"

"Which bastard is it? Lost in the martial arts contest, and even called the police, shameless!"

"Don't let me know who it is, or I won't spare him."

"You can't take Master Ye away!"

Hearing that these policemen came to trouble Ye Guangrong, Sun Yueyuan and the others immediately yelled in disobedience.

"Who called the police?"

Ye Rongrong frowned and asked.

You must know that my kicking hall is a kind of normal martial arts communication, and it is a matter of the martial arts world.

Normally, as long as there is no death, no one will call the police.

Whoever calls the police will break the rules of the martial arts world and will be shamed by the martial arts world.

"I have no comment on this. You beat up some people from the martial arts club, right? They sued you for intentional injury. Please come with us now!"

said the lead policeman.

After all, it was a Korean who called the police this time. As long as it involves a foreigner, it is a major incident and must be dealt with as soon as possible to satisfy the foreigner.

"You can't take Brother Ye away!"

"I don't allow you to take Brother Ye away!"

"Why do you take Brother Ye away? You are still being unreasonable!"

Qin Yue and a group of people stopped the police and refused to let them take Ye Rongrong away.

"Please don't hinder our police handling the case!"

The lead policeman frowned and said.

After all, this is Capital University, one of the top universities in China. The students here are either the best students in the country, or the children of deep families.

Either way, the police are unwilling to confront them.

"Okay, I'll go with you!"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

After all, it's not a problem to be noisy on this main road.

What's more, Ye Rongrong is no longer the little girl she used to be, and she is not afraid of entering the police station anymore.

"Brother Ye"

As soon as they heard that Ye Rongrong was going to go with the police, Sun Yueyuan and the others immediately looked at Ye Rongrong anxiously and said.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Ye Rongrong smiled at Sun Yueyuan and said.

"Let's go!"

The lead policeman glanced at Ye Rongrong and said.

His tone was much better than before.

It is not easy for someone to be a policeman in the capital.

After all, there are too many big shots in the capital, if you don't have a good eye, it will be troublesome to offend people who shouldn't be offended.

Therefore, the police in the capital city are the highest-quality police in the country.

"What should I do?"

"This is troublesome!"

"Everyone, quickly find a relationship and get Brother Ye out!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong get into the police car, everyone said nervously.

They were all trying to get Ye Rongrong out.

"Don't be nervous, Brother Ye will be fine."

Seeing that everyone was anxious to call to find a relationship, Qin Yue hurriedly said.

Others don't know Ye Rongrong's identity, but Qin Yue does.

Uncle Liu, who dares to move easily!

Qin Yue guessed that the police station was going to have a headache. It was easy to ask the Buddha, but it was difficult to send the Buddha away!

"Qin Yue, how do you know Brother Ye will be fine?"

A girl looked at Qin Yue suspiciously and asked.

"Of course I know. Don't ask any more questions. Brother Ye will be fine anyway."

Qin Yue said with certainty.

As for the reason, Qin Yue will not explain it.

In the interrogation room of the police station.

Ye Rongrong sat on the seat, opposite to him sat two young police officers, a man and a woman.

Ye Rongrong had been to the police station a few times, so he knew that there were two police officers during the interrogation, one was in charge of the interrogation and the other was in charge of recording.

Because Ye Rongrong voluntarily cooperated with the investigation, the police station was polite and did not handcuff Ye Rongrong.

Otherwise, Ye Rongrong would simply quit, and he was a major general after all, so how could he bear that kind of treatment!

What's more, I didn't do anything wrong.

"I said two, can you hurry up, I'm still in a hurry!"

Ye Rongrong looked at his watch, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon, and the hospital is now at work.

It's fine that the dean didn't go to work in the morning, but he didn't go this afternoon, so it's a bit unreasonable.

"Then let's begin!"

The young policewoman nodded and said.


asked the policewoman.

"Ye Rongrong!"


The policewoman continued to ask.

"Women, do you believe it?"

Ye Rongrong said depressedly.

Ye Rongrong hated these police officers asking about their gender. A big man like himself doesn't look like a woman at all.

So understand, but also knowingly ask.

"Be serious with me, this is the police station, not something you can joke about."

The young policewoman shouted unhappily.

"Ahem, Xiao Liu, pay attention to your attitude!"

The young male policeman who took the record coughed and said to the young female policeman.

This young policewoman just came out of the police academy, so she doesn't know how deep the water in the capital is.

Talking to the suspect with such an attitude, if the other party has a strong background, it is easy to get into trouble.

Without knowing the other party's background, this question can't be so rushed.


The young policewoman also realized that her tone of voice was wrong.


The young policewoman asked after softening her tone.

"Temporarily a doctor!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"What does it mean to be a doctor temporarily?"

The young policewoman asked suspiciously.

A doctor is a doctor, this is a doctor for the time being, what does that mean?

"It's just to be a doctor for a while, but after a while, I won't be a doctor."

Ye Rongrong said.


"The PLA General Hospital."

"The PLA General Hospital?"

The young female policeman was stunned for a moment, and even the male policeman who was taking notes looked at Ye Rongrong.

The "People's Liberation Army General Hospital" is the top hospital in Beijing, and the "Liberation Army General Hospital" is affiliated to the military department. Many doctors in it have military positions and are not under the jurisdiction of the local police station.

However, this identity still needs to be confirmed, after all, there are many scammers pretending to be soldiers.

Some scammers even went to the police station.

"Which department in the People's Liberation Army General Hospital and what is the job?"

the male policeman asked.

"The director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital, with the rank of major general."

Ye Rongrong reported his position directly.

It wasn't that Ye Rongrong wanted to pretend to be aggressive, but that he wanted to leave the police station early.

"Major General? Director of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine?"

The two young policemen stood up from their seats in fright.

This identity, for the two ordinary policemen, is an incredible big shot.

He even invited such a big Buddha into the police station, and the two of us are so unlucky to interrogate him, if he holds grudges?

Thinking of this, the foreheads of these two young policemen were sweating from the cold.

"This is impossible!"

The young policewoman was unwilling to believe this reality.

After all, the man in front of him is no older than himself, how could he be a major general.

"Well, I'll go out first."

The young male policeman said something, and hurried out of the interrogation room. This matter is too big, and the director must be informed.

"Boss, it's not good!"

Panting, the young policeman ran into the office of Zhao Yunhai, the director of the police station.

"Xiao Li, what's the matter?"

Zhao Yunhai looked at the young policeman suspiciously and asked.

"Director, we got into trouble. We arrested a major general and sent him to the police station."

Xiao Li said out of breath.

"Major General? How did you capture the Major General?"

Zhao Yunhai was also quite frightened.

The non-commissioned officers in the army cannot be arrested randomly, and the police station Ye has no right to arrest him. Fortunately, he even arrested a major general and entered the police station.

This is to let the police station sit on wax!

Once a police station arrested a school-level officer in the army, but the police station was almost demolished by the soldiers.

Now the people below him have arrested a general-level officer, which is not bad!

"It's not Han Bangzi's fault!"

said the young policeman angrily.

If it weren't for these annoying Han Bangzi to report the crime, how could there be so many things!

"Have you confirmed his identity?"

Zhao Yunhai asked.

"Not yet. To find the director is to confirm his identity."

said the young policeman.

"Where is his unit, which unit is it from?"

Zhao Yunhai asked.

"He said he was the major general director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the PLA General Hospital."

said the young policeman.

"A major general from the PLA General Hospital?"

Zhao Yunhai frowned and said.

"Yes, he said his name is Ye Rongrong, and he is from the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army."

The young policeman nodded.

"Wait a minute, I'll make sure."

After Zhao Yunhai spoke, he called the PLA General Hospital.

"Director, is that person the major general director of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital?"

Seeing Zhao Yunhai hang up the phone, the young policeman asked anxiously.

"It's basically confirmed. He is the director of the Chinese Medicine Hospital of the PLA General Hospital. Don't talk about it, go to the interrogation room!"

As he spoke, Zhao Yunhai hurriedly led the young policeman outside.

No matter whether it is a general in the army or a general of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital, they cannot be offended by his small dispatch.

This Han Bangzi is really harmful!

In the interrogation room.

"That Dean Ye, you drink tea!"

The young policewoman respectfully brought a cup of hot tea to Ye Rongrong.

Although it is still uncertain whether this is the real major general, the young policewoman dare not take the risk!

He is a very ordinary policeman who has just graduated from the police academy, so he can't afford to offend big shots.

"Look, your attitude is much better. In the future, don't use the attitude of interrogating prisoners whether they come or not. That attitude makes people very uncomfortable."

Ye Rongrong took the hot tea and began to teach the young policewoman a political lesson.

"Yes, Dean Ye, what you said is too correct, I will definitely change it."

The young policewoman nodded and said.

It seems that what my classmate said is right, if you don't come to the capital, you don't know that your official is in a small local county. The police is a very important profession, and others are afraid of the police.

In the capital, the first time I participated in an interrogation, I met a major general, and I was really frightened.

Ye Rongrong, who the young policewoman is most worried about now, is taking revenge.

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