The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1200 Save People

"Dean Ye, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! The people below are ignorant, and you have been wronged!"

As soon as Zhao Yunhai walked into the interrogation room, he excitedly said to Ye Rongrong.

"Are you the director of this police station?"

Ye Rongrong looked suspiciously at the middle-aged man who walked into the interrogation room and talked to him excitedly and asked.

"Yes, I am Zhao Yunhai, the director of the police station, Dean Ye, this is not a place to talk, come and sit in my office, I have good Longjing tea there."

Zhao Yunhai said enthusiastically.

"Don't be so troublesome, I want to ask if I can go?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Zhao Yunhai and asked.

"You can go anytime, anytime!"

Zhao Yunhai hurriedly nodded and said.

During the process of coming to the interrogation room, Zhao Yunhai already understood what happened.

It turned out that it was Han Bangzi who was playing tricks. He lost the martial arts contest and beat him up, accusing Dean Ye of intentionally hurting others.

If it is an ordinary person, for the sake of international influence, the police station will deal with the person concerned anyway.

But this Dean Ye is not an ordinary person, he is a major general level figure, not to mention wounding someone during a martial arts competition.

Even if someone is beaten to death, it is not under the control of the police station, nor can it control it.

"That's good, I'm leaving!"

As soon as Ye Rongrong heard that he could leave at any time, he said, and walked outside the interrogation room.

"Dean Ye, Dean Ye..."

Zhao Yunhai hastily chased after him.

"Is there anything else?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Zhao Yunhai suspiciously and asked.

"Dean Ye, I'll drive you back."

Zhao Yunhai said flatteringly.

"No, I'll take a taxi myself!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

What a joke, take the police car back to the hospital, and no one will suspect that I have done something wrong.

Ye Rongrong wouldn't go back in a police car!

In rural areas, many people think it is bad luck to ride a police car.

Ye Rongrong is also this kind of person.

"Dean Ye, you see what happened to this matter, you just give me such a chance to make amends!"

Zhao Yunhai said hastily.

"No, really no!"

After Ye Rongrong refused again, he stopped paying attention to Zhao Yunhai.

Outside the police station, Ye Rongrong stopped a taxi and headed towards the People's Liberation Army General Hospital.

By the time we arrived at the PLA General Hospital, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon!

Ye Rongrong had just entered the gate of the hospital when an ambulance stopped beside Ye Rongrong.

"Doctor, please save my child!"

Ye Rongrong vaguely heard the cry of a young woman.

"It's too late, let's be sad!"

The doctor who ran out of the hospital checked the child who had been pushed out of the car, shook his head and said regretfully.

One step too late, the child's heartbeat has stopped, and the pupils of the eyes are dilated, which can basically confirm the death.

"No, no, my child is not dead, not dead, you lied to me, you must have lied to me, doctor please, save my child, save her, I will give you whatever you want, I ..."

The young woman begged the emergency doctor.

"I'm sorry, I really can't do anything, the child is dead, please let your condolences pass!"

" lied to lied to me, the child is not dead...not dead..."

The young woman cried while hugging a five or six-year-old girl.

"It's really pitiful. There is such a big child. If you say it is gone, it will be gone. Who can bear it!"

"That's right, today's children are the treasures of the family. Parents, who can bear such a blow!"

"It's so pitiful!"


Seeing this scene, many onlookers couldn't help sympathizing with the young woman.

"what happened?"

Ye Rongrong stepped forward to ask at this time.

"Ye... Dean Ye, this child has been poisoned for too long and has no heartbeat!"

The emergency doctor looked back and saw that it was Ye Rongrong, who was startled.

Said nervously.

You must know that Ye Rongrong is a leader at the level of the dean, the leader of the hospital.

This suddenly appeared behind him, which was really scary.

"Let me see!"

Ye Rongrong knelt down and carefully examined the little girl lying on the stretcher.

The little girl looked five or six years old, but now her lips were black, her face was blue, and her eyes were closed.

Ye Rongrong touched the child's cheek, it was very cold, the heart had indeed stopped beating, and his hands and feet were also cold.

"Doctor, please save my child, he is not dead, woo woo..."

Seeing Ye Rongrong checking her daughter, the young woman immediately begged Ye Rongrong crying.

"Your child is not dead yet, I want your child to live, shut up now!"

Ye Rongrong glared at the young woman and said.

At this moment, rescuing the child is the most important thing. The young woman was crying by the side, and Ye Rongrong was upset.

Hearing what Ye Rongrong said, the young woman immediately covered her mouth to prevent her voice from affecting Ye Rongrong's efforts to save her child.

As long as it can save her child, the young woman is willing to do anything.

Ye Rongrong checked the child and determined that the child was poisoned by carbon monoxide, to be precise, gas poisoning.

Fortunately, the child wasn't dead yet, and his heart didn't completely stop beating, and it was so weak that even with an amplified listening device, he couldn't hear it.

Moreover, this weak heartbeat is still intermittent, and there is a danger of stopping beating at any time.

"The child is not dead?"

The emergency doctor was stunned for a moment, and looked at Ye Rongrong in shock, unable to believe it.

How is this possible, the body is cold and the heartbeat has stopped, how could it be possible that he is not dead!

But seeing Ye Rongrong's actions, the emergency doctor also felt a little unconfident.

Ye Rongrong quickly took out the silver needles, took out the longest silver needles, and quickly inserted them into the little girl's heart to protect the heart and prevent the heart from stopping.

After all, once the faint beating of the heart stops, even if Ye Rongrong has the ability to reach the sky, he will not be able to save the little girl.

After protecting the little girl's heart, Ye Rongrong quickly inserted silver needles in different positions of the little girl.

Soon the silver needles began to turn black.

The reason why silver needles are regarded as the most commonly used tool for acupuncture is because of their special effects.

In ancient times, Chinese medicine basically had a set of silver needles in each hand.

The biggest difference between silver needles and iron needles and copper needles is that the silver needles can largely neutralize the toxicity of some poisons.

This is why the ancient courts used silver needles to test whether food was poisonous.

In the feudal era, before the emperors ate every meal, eunuchs used silver needles to test for poison in advance.

Ye Rongrong quickly took off the blackened silver needle, and quickly replaced it with a new one.

Ten minutes later, the silver needle no longer turned black. Ye Rongrong understood that the poison in the little girl's body was almost exhausted, and the rest would have no effect on him.

"All right!"

Ye Rongrong pulled out all the silver needles and said.

"Okay? How is it possible?"

The emergency doctor couldn't believe it, so he knelt down and examined the little girl.

" is this possible?"

The emergency doctor shouted loudly with a look of hell.

Really intimidated.

Because he found that the little girl really came back to life, her heartbeat was normal, and her body was no longer extremely cold.

This is truly brought to life!

"Doctor, how is my daughter?"

The young woman couldn't take it anymore and asked the emergency doctor.

"Okay, I'm alive! This is nothing short of a miracle."

The emergency doctor came back to his senses and said excitedly.

"Really? My child really came back to life?"

asked the young woman excitedly.


At this moment, the little girl opened her eyes and shouted at the young woman.

"My child, my child! Woohoo..."

Seeing that her child had woken up, the young woman hugged her child and cried excitedly.

His child is not dead, really not dead.

"It's amazing, this can be saved!"

"Genius doctor, this is really a miracle doctor!"

"It's too powerful. Which department is this miracle doctor? I'm going to seek medical treatment from him."

"He is the director of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. His medical skills are amazing. He cured my relative's disease."

"Chinese medicine hospital? I didn't expect the doctors in the Chinese medicine hospital to be so skilled!"


Seeing Ye Rongrong save the little girl, the onlookers started talking.

"Okay, your child is still very weak, go to the hospital for an examination!"

Ye Rongrong said to the young woman.

"Thank you, thank you doctor for saving my daughter. Our family will always remember this great kindness in our hearts."

The young woman said gratefully to Ye Rongrong.

If it weren't for this doctor, the young woman knew that her child would not survive!

"Okay, take your child to check it out!"

Ye Rongrong said, and left. After all, there are still many things in the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, and he is still waiting to go back to deal with them.


"Hi Dean!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong walk into the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, the medical staff of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine said respectfully to Ye Rongrong along the way.

"Ah hello!"

This is what Ye Rongrong said the most along the way.

"Dean, you are back."

Seeing Ye Rongrong come back, Zhang Hua immediately stood up from his seat.

"Well, is there anything important to attend to today?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"Huaxia TV has passed the interview application today. Dean, when do you think you will have time for an interview?"

Zhang Hua said to Ye Rongrong.

During the recent period, Chinese medicine hospitals have cured many intractable diseases and saved many people.

Coupled with the low fees for ordinary people, the VIP system for rich people, high fees, and voluntary donation methods, all attract the interest of the news media.

It's just that the Chinese Medicine Hospital of the PLA General Hospital is affiliated to the military department. Without the hospital's consent, the news media dare not report it.

Therefore, many news media applied to interview the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Propaganda Department of the General Hospital directly gave this authority to the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

After all, everyone in the People's Liberation Army General Hospital now knows that the Chinese Medicine Hospital has a very powerful dean.

What other people say about the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine doesn't count. Only the words of this Dean Ye are useful.

"Forget about interviewing me, let Vice President Nalan and Political Commissar Li accept the interview!"

Ye Rongrong said.

Nalan Hai was selected by Ye Glory as the candidate for the director of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This kind of publicity naturally made him show his face more!

As for himself, Ye Rongrong knows his own affairs, and there are too many secrets. Of course, he can hide from the media, so he hides from the media.

You must know that those who are really capable have always been relatively low-key, and at least they don't make much news.

Ye Rongrong also didn't want to be on the news, because being on the news meant constant troubles.

"Okay, I'll arrange it now!"

Zhang Hua went out after saying that!



Chinese New Year is approaching, there are so many things to do, and there is not much time to code at home, but no matter what, I still want to thank everyone for their support.

The otaku also tried his best to guarantee three chapters on Sunday.

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