The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1216 Eat together?

"Are you hungry yet?"

As one auction item after another was sold, Ye Rongrong's stomach became more and more hungry, mainly because Ye Rongrong didn't eat much at night.

This Pang Tao is also really, he didn't prepare food for everyone, he is too stingy, no wonder he can become a big entrepreneur, this is all deducted!

In fact, Ye Rongrong didn't even think about it. Those who came to the charity gala were short of food and drink. The charity gala started at eight o'clock, and several people hadn't eaten yet, so there was no food for this charity gala.

"We had some snacks before we came, and we're not hungry."

Liu Xixi shook her head and said.

"Honey, are you hungry?"

At this moment, Liu Qingqing remembered that her husband didn't eat much at night, so everyone came here to participate in this charity gala.

"I'm hungry!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"How about we go out and eat something."

Liu Qingqing said.

The sky is big and the earth is big, and my husband is the most hungry.

No charity gala is as important as her husband's belly.

"Why don't you ask the waiter to bring you something to eat?"

Liu Xiaofeng said hastily.

If you really wait until you come back from eating outside, the party will almost be over. In that case, the Liu family will be absent from today's party.

Going back at night, I can't explain to my elder brother.

It is very embarrassing for me to bring Ye Glory to familiarize myself with these high-end gatherings in the capital today, but return without success.


Ye Rongrong nodded, and called the waiter not far away.

"Sir, is there anything I can do for you?"

The waitress walked over and asked Ye Rongrong respectfully.

"Get me a meal!"

Ye Rongrong said to the waitress.

"A meal?"

The waitress was stunned, wondering if she had heard it wrong.

This was the first time a waitress had encountered such a thing.

After all, the people who participated in the charity gala were all rich or noble people, and no one was short of a meal, and on such an occasion, they were too embarrassed to eat!

"Why not?"

Ye Rongrong frowned and asked.

Isn't this a hotel? How could there be nothing to eat!

"Yes sir, what do you need?"

The waitress came back to her senses and said hastily.

Although this gentleman's request was a bit special, the waitress didn't dare to say anything more. You must know that the people who can come to this Beijing Hotel are basically people of some status.

Especially to participate in this kind of charity gala, which is qualified to participate in very prestigious people, but the hotel manager has repeatedly explained that the service must be thoughtful and satisfy the guests. If anyone makes the guests unhappy, they will not be fired. easy.

"Just two or three small dishes, a soup, and half a catty of rice."

Ye Rongrong said to the waitress.

"OK, just a second!"

said the waitress.

"Don't wait, hurry up."

Ye Rongrong said hurriedly.

This person is either not hungry, and when he is hungry, it will be particularly uncomfortable.

Especially for a big eater like Ye Rongrong, he didn't get full from this meal, and his stomach became very hungry.

"Okay, I will as soon as possible."

The waitress said, and hurried to prepare the meal.

After all, the people in this hall are people they can't afford to mess with.


The seats in this hall are all around a small round table, and each small round table is arranged with four seats, and the four of Ye Rongrong just occupy a round table.

Ye Rongyao sat at the table in the middle and back, because the hall is very large, and the people who came here were not full. Most of the people basically sat in the front row, and there were few tables near Ye Rongyao. Everyone pay attention They were all at the front desk where the host was, but few people paid attention to Ye Rongrong and the others.

The kitchen of the Jingcheng Hotel is very fast, less than ten minutes,

Several waiters brought over three exquisite side dishes, a bowl of seafood soup, and a large bowl of rice.

"Please enjoy!"

After putting the food on the table, the waitress said to Ye Rongrong and left.

"Would you like something to eat?"

Ye Rongrong asked Liu Qingqing and the others.

"you eat!"

Liu Xiaofeng said hastily.

Liu Xiaofeng can't do such a shameful thing when eating on such an occasion.

"I'm not hungry!"

Of course Liu Xixi has to take care of her ladylike image, and she won't eat on such an occasion.

"Husband, you can eat, we are not hungry."

Liu Qingqing said.

After all, Liu Qingqing and the others are not as thick-skinned as Ye Rongrong, and they still have to take into account the image of some ladies.


Seeing that no one was eating with him, Ye Rongrong just lowered his head and ate food alone. This Capital Hotel is indeed a top hotel in Beijing. The food is very fresh, and the chef's cooking skills are also very superb. The food suits Ye Rongrong's appetite.

Of course, another reason was that Ye Rongrong was really hungry.

"Who is that person, why did he eat at this charity party?"

"I don't know him, he's really a bumpkin!"

"I don't know how he got in."


Some people in the hall naturally noticed Ye Rongrong who was eating, which caused dissatisfaction among some people and began to discuss in a low voice.

The Liu family is relatively low-key, especially Liu Qingqing and Liu Xixi, except for some top family children, most of them are unknown to outsiders.

Even Liu Xiaofeng is very low-key, except for communicating with some big entrepreneurs and children of big families, basically other people will not take the initiative to communicate.

This is also why many people who participated in the charity gala today did not know the identities of Ye Rongrong's group.

This is how the world is like, birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. If you don't reach that level, you can't get in touch with people at that level.

"What a disgrace to this man!"

A young woman glanced at Ye Rongrong with disdain, and whispered to the middle-aged man beside her.

"shut up!"

The middle-aged man immediately glared at the young woman beside him, and shouted in a low voice.

Are you kidding me, this is the eldest uncle of the Liu family, now he is a major figure in the rank of major general, if he wants to kill himself, it is just a matter of one finger.

A silly secretary like myself dares to say that the uncle of the Liu family is ashamed.

The real shame is herself.

People have the ability to eat like this on this occasion.

People's identity and status are qualified.

Not to mention eating, even if he takes a bath here, no one will stand up and say that he is wrong.

If someone like me dares to do this, the consequences...


"who's that person?"

Pang Tao also noticed that Ye Rongrong was eating, and asked the middle-aged man sitting beside him with a frown.

"That's the eldest uncle of the Liu family, Ye Rongrong, who is now the dean of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the PLA General Hospital, at the rank of major general."

The middle-aged man glanced at Ye Rongrong and said to Pang Tao.

In terms of status, this uncle of the Liu family is the tallest person in today's charity gala, with a rank of major general, and his status is higher than the deputy mayor of the capital city who came to the charity gala today.

"Uncle Liu's family? Major general?"

Ye Rongrong's identity shocked Pang Tao.

You must know that although Pang Tao has some status, he is only a big businessman after all, and he can't compare with Ye Rongrong, a major general.

Even if Ye Rongrong is a civilian major general, he is still a major general. This status is not comparable to that of a businessman.

"That's right! I heard that this uncle of the Liu family has a very good personal relationship with old masters like Mr. Qin."

The middle-aged man said.

The status of this middle-aged man is not ordinary, he is a child of a big family in the capital, but he is not in politics, but in business. These children of a big family basically know Ye Rongrong's current identity.

Ye Rongrong became a civilian major general, and he was the first among the younger generation's children of the big family, so it naturally attracted the attention of the big family.

In addition, Ye Rongrong has a very good relationship with Qin Lao, Ma Lao and many other big figures of the older generation. For such a special person, the heads of each family strictly warned their children not to mess with Ye Rongrong.

"Then I'm going to say hello!"

After speaking, Pang Tao stood up and walked towards Ye Rongrong's position.

"Hi Dean Ye, I am..."

Pang Tao walked to Ye Rongrong's table and introduced himself to Ye Rongrong who was eating.

"I know, you are Pang Tao, the chairman of the Ponzi Group, why don't we have some food together."

After swallowing the food in his mouth, Ye Rongrong looked up at Pang Tao and said.

"No... no, I've already eaten."

Pang Tao was stunned for a moment, and said hastily.

"Oh, it looks like I'm the only one hungry."

Ye Rongrong said with a self-deprecating smile.

"Dean Ye, I really didn't expect you to come to our charity gala. You are a distinguished guest. Come and sit at the front."

Pang Tao said hastily.

One must know that according to rank, this uncle of the Liu family is the highest-ranking leader attending this charity gala today, how can he be allowed to sit in the back.

"I think it's good to sit here, don't move, you can do your own work, I am very casual, and you don't want to be yours all the time, making it look like a sale, I don't listen Habit."

Ye Rongrong looked at Pang Tao and said.

"Then I sit here with you?"

Pang Tao said.

"It's really not necessary, you should go quickly, I can't even eat if you are here."

Ye Rongrong urged Pang Tao to say.

"Well then, Dean Ye, if you have anything to do, call me anytime."

Pang Tao said to Ye Rongrong.

No way, status determines attitude.

At Pang Tao's age and position, he naturally has his advantages in how he behaves, otherwise he would not be able to start from scratch and become one of the top ten richest people in China.


Auction items on the stage were sold out one by one, and the charity gala was almost over.

"five million!"

"Seven million!"

"Ten million!"

Ye Rongrong had just finished eating, and when he dared to wipe his mouth with the paper towel that Liu Qingqing handed over, he heard an offer of 10 million. What he bought turned out to be a chamber pot used by a noble concubine in the late Qing Dynasty.

This made Ye Rongrong very speechless!

The hobbies of people in this big city are really special!

It's not something that country people like myself can understand.


Sorry, I drank three drinks today, this update is a bit late, the second update is around nine o'clock, please forgive me.

I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year!

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