The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1218 Get the Rosary Beads

"Buy this rosary?"

Hearing the electronically synthesized sound of the "lazy system", Ye Rongrong was stunned!

Ye Rongrong really didn't understand how this "lazy system" allowed him to buy a "Prayer Bead" of Buddhist power.

Is there something special about this rosary?

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong didn't respond in a daze, Liu Xixi gently pushed Ye Rongrong down.

"Well, what's the matter?"

Ye Rongrong came back to his senses and asked.

"It's nothing, brother-in-law, you are distracted!"

Liu Xixi said.


Ye Rongrong responded and turned his attention to the auction.

"Eighty million!"

"Ninety million!"

"One hundred million!"

"One hundred and ten million!"


In such a short while, the price of this rosary left by Master Huineng has reached 110 million.

This is no longer for charity, but the value of the rosary itself!

Master Huineng, the Sixth Patriarch, an illiterate monk, can be compared with the sage Confucius, which shows how profound his Buddhist attainments are.

After the Sixth Patriarch, no one in Buddhism dared to call him the Patriarch, which shows his status.

In the history of Chinese Buddhist circles, except for Bodhidharma, no one can compare with the Sixth Patriarch Huineng.

The personal rosary he left behind, even a single one, is a priceless treasure. Now that we have encountered it, everyone will naturally not let it go.

"One hundred and fifty million!"

"One hundred and sixty million!"


This price is still being added continuously with a base of 10 million.

Now those who are asking prices are some big bosses, and quite a few of these business people are very superstitious.

Now the monks in many temples in China are very rich, because of these rich bosses, they are very willing to spend money to pay tribute to gods and Buddhas.

In the terms of current textbooks, there are only two words "superstition".

As for many children from aristocratic families, they are watching the fun now. On the one hand, they do not have that much money themselves, and secondly, young people nowadays are all highly educated and do not believe in gods and Buddhas very much.

From childhood to adulthood, textbooks have written that these things are feudal superstitions and cannot be believed.

Even today's young people teach their children that these are feudal superstitions, and let their children not believe in such superstitions.

For example, Ye Rongrong himself, Ye Rongrong believes in Buddhism, but when the children grow up and go to school, Ye Rongrong will also educate the children. These are feudal superstitions and cannot be believed.

This is the inevitable result of the changing times and the progress of society.

The gods and Buddhas are too far away, whether you believe it or not, you still have to rely on yourself!

So let the children not believe in gods and Buddhas, let them believe in themselves.

Soon the price reached 200 million, but the competition is still fierce.

It is said that most of the richest people in China are concentrated in the capital and Shanghai. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

Looking at the situation, 200 million, there is no pressure on many big bosses in this hall, and the bidding is still so fast, without even frowning.

"Two hundred and eighty million!"

"Two hundred and eighty-five million!"


It will reach 300 million in a blink of an eye. Although the competition is still fierce, some people have withdrawn from the competition.

After all, it is just a piece of rosary. If it is a string of rosary beads owned by Patriarch Huineng, let alone 300 million, it will be 3 billion. Anyone who is worth enough will definitely buy it.

"Three hundred million!"

Ye Rongrong directly shouted a high price of 300 million.


Liu Xiaofeng was taken aback, reacted, and hurriedly said to Ye Rongrong who was beside her: "Glory, you are crazy!"

Are you kidding me, 300 million?

How to take it out!

The Liu family must have so much money, but it is impossible to donate a huge sum of 300 million for this charity gala.

None of the principals of the Liu family would agree.

And the deposit in his own bank is only more than 10 million, which is far from the 300 million!

This Ye Glory is really crazy, spending 300 million yuan to buy such a rosary.

Does he have that much money?

Compared to Liu Xiaofeng's uneasiness, the two sisters Liu Qingqing are much calmer!

Liu Xixi knows how powerful her brother-in-law is, and saw her brother-in-law win tens of billions on the tanker with her own eyes.

Isn't it normal for my brother-in-law to shout 300 million now?

My brother-in-law is so powerful, if I go to any casino, won't the money come back?

And Liu Qingqing, as Ye Glory's pillow, of course knows how much money her man has.

Not counting the tens of billions of assets of the "Qingyao Charity Foundation", in terms of personal assets, my husband has 300-500 million.

As for the specific figures, Liu Qingqing didn't pay attention to them. In Liu Qingqing's view, it doesn't matter how much money there is. The important thing is that the family can be happy.

As for Ye Glory spending 300 million to buy a rosary, Liu Qingqing wouldn't say anything, as long as her man was happy.

Money is actually something outside of the body, enough to use and spend is enough. On this point, Liu Qingqing sees it very clearly.

There are not many women who can understand this point. There are many women who, just because of money, quarrel with their men and end up getting divorced.

"Why am I crazy? I think this rosary is good. Buy it and wear it on your hand. It will bring good luck."

Ye Rongrong rolled his eyes at Liu Xiaofeng and said.

As a child of a big family, 300 million is scared like this, it seems that this mental quality needs to be trained a lot!

Since the last time he used all 16.6 billion for charity at one time, Ye Rongrong's mentality has become much stronger. He doesn't frown at 300 to 500 million.

"Where did you get so much money, it's impossible for the Liu family to take out 300 million at once!"

Liu Xiaofeng said depressedly.

This is 300 million Huaxia coins, not 30 million or 3 million.

It's over this time, and I have no way to explain to my family.

It was the first time to bring Ye Rongrong out to participate in such an event, but there was such a big mistake, and he was not scolded to death by the elders of the family.

Should I pay the 300 million yuan or not?

Hand it in, there must be great opinions within the Liu family!

But if you don't hand it over, it will affect the reputation of the Liu family's Huaxia top family.

Liu Xiaofeng estimated that the Liu family will definitely make up for the 300 million in the end. For the big family, this reputation is very important.

Only in this way, Ye Rongrong's status in the Liu family will plummet, and the younger generation of the Liu family will not be able to act as a representative to the outside world.

"Hehe, sister-in-law, don't worry, my brother-in-law is rich!"

Liu Xixi said to Liu Xiaofeng with a smile.

"You paid for it yourself?"

Liu Xiaofeng looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise and asked.

Liu Xiaofeng knew that Ye Rongrong was rich, but he never thought that Ye Rongrong was so rich that he was willing to spend 300 million to buy this rosary.

"Yes indeed!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Rongrong never thought of spending the Liu family's money to buy this rosary bead of Patriarch Huineng.

"How are you so rich?"

Liu Xiaofeng looked at Ye Glory in surprise and said.

"I never said I had no money!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Xiaofeng with a smile and said.

It feels so good to be rich!


"It's him!"

As soon as Ye Rongrong shouted 300 million, many people turned their heads to look at Ye Rongrong.

Especially the big entrepreneurs who are still bidding now can't help frowning.

To be able to become a big entrepreneur, the contacts and information are naturally very well-informed, and of course he knows the identity of Ye Rongrong.

"Mr. Wu, do we still have bids?"

A young female secretary asked the old man sitting beside her.

"Not for the time being, let's see the situation."



Immediately, many big entrepreneurs who were planning to raise prices ceased their fire.

No one here wants to be the first person to offend the uncle of the Liu family.

After all, the Liu family is the top family in China, and it would be a difficult time to offend the Liu family!

"One time for 300 million yuan, two times for 300 million yuan, if there is any price increase, it will be sold if there is no price."

The host Xu Yushan shouted loudly on the stage.

"Three hundred and ten million!"

At this time, a middle-aged businessman shouted.

"Okay, this gentleman paid 310 million, is there any higher, 310 million once, 310 million..."

"Three hundred and fifty million!"

Ye Rongrong directly increased the price to 350 million at one time.

This is to tell everyone that this rosary is bound to be obtained by oneself.

"Three hundred and fifty million?"

After hearing that Ye Rongrong quoted such a high auction price, everyone once again focused their attention on Ye Rongrong.

"Will the Liu family take out so much money?"

"When did the Liu family give such a large amount of authority to the children of the family!"

"This uncle of the Liu family is too bold. He actually spent 350 million yuan to buy a rosary. Aren't you afraid that it will be difficult to explain when you go back?"


Many aristocratic families couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"Three hundred and fifty million times!"

"Three hundred and fifty million times! Is there any price increase?"

Xu Yushan held the microphone and said excitedly.

Three hundred and fifty million yuan, but it is more than the sum of the auction prices of all the previous items. I didn't expect that just such a rosary would be so valuable.

Xu Yushan even had the idea of ​​robbing the rosary.

Of course it's just an idea.

"Three hundred and fifty million times, congratulations to this gentleman for obtaining this rosary handed down by Master Huineng."

Seeing that no one raised the price, Xu Yushan hammered down and said loudly.

In fact, 350 million, many big entrepreneurs sitting in the lobby can shout out without frowning.

But now that the uncle of the Liu family is determined to win, many big entrepreneurs who intend to buy this rosary have retreated.

After all, at this time, if anyone continues to raise prices with this uncle of the Liu family, it will be troublesome if he makes this uncle of the Liu family hate him.

Among other things, this uncle of the Liu family is already a major general at such a young age, not to mention the top family behind him, the Liu family, as far as his own status is concerned, he is not something everyone can offend.

Therefore, many entrepreneurs who were able to bid again collectively stopped asking for bids, which was regarded as a face for Ye Glory.

"May I take this rosary now?"

After the auction, Ye Rongrong walked directly onto the stage and asked Xu Yushan with a rosary in his hand.

I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. I bought this rosary for 350 million yuan. If it is exchanged by someone later, it will be a fake in my hands, and I will be in trouble.

Therefore, Ye Rongrong feels that the safest thing is that this rosary is in his hands now.

After all, money touches people's hearts, and many people will take risks for money. In Ye Rongrong's view, the safest place is in his own hands.

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