The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1220 Late Night Lucky Draw

"I'm also a little homesick, and I miss the little animals at home. Tianlai novel ww"

Liu Qingqing said.

Before going back to her natal family, Liu Qingqing especially wanted to visit her natal family, to see her relatives, people and places she was familiar with.

But after staying for half a month, Liu Qingqing really wanted to go back to her home.

Although my natal family treated me very well, they didn't regard me as a married daughter.

But Liu Qingqing felt that her heart was no longer here. For this natal family, she no longer had the sense of belonging that she had when she was a child.

I always feel that this is not my home, my home is in Taoyuan, and there is my home.

If her man was not in the capital, Liu Qingqing would have gone back long ago.

"Then I'll take care of things here in the past two days, and let's go home!"

Ye Rongrong said.

Although the Chinese medicine hospital has not been built into a world-class Chinese medicine hospital, it is basically on track, and Ye Rongrong can let Nalan Hai take charge of the Chinese medicine hospital.

Besides, now is the information age, it is completely possible to manage the hospital through the information network, even for meetings, you can also use video conferencing.

"Well, husband, let's sleep!"

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong with a slightly red face and said.


Ye Rongrong knew what his wife meant at a glance.

To be honest, when Liu Qingqing's aunt came a few days ago, Ye Rongrong had been holding back for several days and hadn't had a married life. Seeing Liu Qingqing's hint now, he was so excited that he was dying.


After a sexual encounter, Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Qingqing who was already tired and fell asleep, feeling a little distressed.

It was really difficult for her, in order to satisfy herself, she gritted her teeth and held on.

It seems that this man is too powerful, which is not a good thing.

After strenuous exercise, Ye Rongrong couldn't sleep, thinking about the two hundred glory points rewarded by the "lazy system" tonight.

Ye Rongrong had the urge to draw a lottery.

So Ye Rongrong entered the lottery drawing interface of the "lazy system". The lottery drawing interface has not changed, it is still the same, but Ye Rongrong has not entered for a few days, and it is a little strange.

Ye Rongrong clicked the start button with consciousness, and the pointer on the loading plate quickly rotated, and soon stopped at the position of the skill bar.

A small golden box appeared in front of Ye Rongrong's eyes, and soon a golden book appeared in Ye Rongrong's mind.

Ye Rongrong looked at the writing, the title of the book was "Advanced Feng Shui".

"Advanced Feng Shui"?

Ye Rongrong stared blankly at the golden book.

Fengshui is a mysterious art with a long history in China. It is also called Qingwu and Qingnang. It is called Kanyu in a more academic way. Wind is vitality and field energy, and water is flow and change.

Fengshui is originally a technique of geography, that is, a method of checking geography on the spot. It is also called geography, and it was called geomancy in ancient times. According to legend, the founder of fengshui is Jiutian Xuannv. The relatively complete knowledge of fengshui originated in the Warring States Period.

The core idea of ​​Fengshui is the harmony between man and nature. Fengshui is mainly related to the site selection, orientation, and construction methods and principles of palaces, houses, villages, and cemeteries. It is a science of choosing a suitable place.

Fengshui is divided into: dragon, cave, sand, water, direction, meaning, shape, sky, and there is also the theory of one fate, two luck, three geomantic omens, four accumulated yin virtues, and five books.

But anyway, the theory of Feng Shui has now been defined as a superstition, so how come there is such a thing in this "lazy system" lottery.

"Will the host learn "Advanced Feng Shui" immediately?"

While Ye Rongrong was still wondering, the electronically synthesized sound of "Lazy System" came from his mind.

"Learn now!"

Ye Rongrong immediately shouted in his mind.

Regardless of whether this "Advanced Feng Shui" is useful or not, since he got it, of course Ye Rongrong has to learn it.

In the old saying, this is called "the art is more than the body", if one day there is no food to eat, let someone go to see Feng Shui,

It's also very good. Nowadays, people attach great importance to Feng Shui, so the income must be good.

Soon "Advanced Feng Shui" turned into stars and merged into Ye Rongrong's mind.

A few minutes later, Ye Rongrong's mind was full of Feng Shui knowledge.

After checking the feng shui knowledge in his mind for a while, he stopped reading it. After all, Ye Rongrong really didn't want to be a feng shui master in the past.

After looking at the remaining glory points, Ye Rongrong clicked the start button again consciously.

After consuming one hundred glory points, the pointer on the turntable rotates quickly.

Soon the pointer stopped at the position of the special category column.

A small golden box appeared in front of Ye Rongrong's eyes, and soon the small golden box opened, and something like a small model of a helicopter flew out.

"what is this?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the small airplane model with some doubts.

Soon, the model of the helicopter flew to Ye Rongrong's hand. It was very small, the size of a small children's toy, and it was not even the size of Ye Rongrong's palm.

"Highly Intelligent Automatic Small Helicopter"

Immediately, information about the helicopter model appeared in Ye Rongrong's mind.

"Why give me a child's toy?"

Ye Rongrong was a little puzzled.

No matter how awesome this "highly intelligent automatic small helicopter" is, with such a small size, apart from being used as a children's toy, Ye Rongrong really doesn't know what it is used for.

"The highly intelligent automatic small helicopter can be intelligently transformed into a helicopter with a length of six meters and a width of three meters. The host can use consciousness to control the change in size and shape of the 'highly intelligent automatic small helicopter'."

"The high-intelligence automatic small helicopter adopts the most advanced technology of the Maya planet. Its flying speed can reach matt at the fastest speed. The space of the aircraft can carry ten passengers. It can have a fully intelligent driving function according to the positioning, and its safety can withstand the first-level shell attack. But water and 6 empty driving..."

Soon Ye Rongrong immediately had the information of this model aircraft in his mind.

From this information, Ye Rongrong understands that this is a very powerful high-tech aircraft, and its technological content has surpassed the level of earth aircraft technology by at least a thousand years.

What Ye Rongrong cares most about, apart from the changeable size and shape of this "highly intelligent automatic small helicopter", is its power and safety performance.

The power of this "highly intelligent automatic small helicopter" is not like the current aircraft on the earth, which uses oil as fuel.

This "highly intelligent automatic small helicopter" uses the technology of the law of energy conservation, and a high-tech energy converter is installed in the moving box of the aircraft.

During the flight, the aircraft will automatically convert energy into power, so there is no need to worry about its power, that is to say, there will never be a problem of insufficient fuel.

That is to say, this "highly intelligent automatic small helicopter" does not need to be refueled at all and can fly permanently.

The second is safety, which is also the most important point of Ye Rongrong.

This "highly intelligent automatic small helicopter" made Ye Rongrong a little unbelievable. According to the "lazy system" passed to Ye Rongrong's mind, the fuselage material of this aircraft is the most perfect metal material on the Mayan planet, which is resistant It is level 100, and it is mainly used as the flagship ship of space battle ships, which can withstand ten consecutive bombardments of space cannons.

You know, a single bombardment from the cosmic cannon can penetrate the earth.

That is to say, this aircraft can resist the attack of all weapons on the earth.

At the same time, even if the plane falls from a height of 10,000 feet, its special anti-shock system can prevent the personnel in the plane from being harmed, and the plane uses the principle of energy conversion, so there is no explosion.

Even if this plane falls into the deep sea, its tight sealing structure can prevent seawater from entering the cabin at all, and it can also be used as a submarine in the sea.

This "highly intelligent automatic small helicopter" will automatically execute the safest automatic driving mode according to the actual situation until the aircraft is out of danger.

This "highly intelligent automatic small helicopter" also has contingency measures. In order to prevent power problems in case of danger, this aircraft also has a backup power source. This backup power source is usually locked. When there is a problem with the power source, the backup power source will automatically start.

The life safety of the personnel in the aircraft can be fully guaranteed.

It can be said that as long as you don't encounter a cosmic black hole or a star with a temperature of tens of thousands of degrees like the sun, sitting on this plane will basically not be dangerous.

This safety factor can be tens of thousands of times higher than the current aircraft.

Using this helicopter, Ye Rongrong doesn't have to worry about his family getting into danger when they fly.

"You are so safe, let's call you 'Safety Number'."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while, and named this "highly intelligent automatic small helicopter" "Safety".

With this helicopter, it will be much more convenient for me to travel from Taoyuan Village to the capital in the future.

Ye Rongrong thought to himself.

But soon, Ye Rongrong started to have a headache again. How can this "safety number" exist legally without causing investigation by relevant departments.

After thinking about it, Ye Rongrong didn't think of a clue for the time being. Looking at the time, it was already one o'clock in the morning, and Ye Rongrong felt sleepy.

So Ye Rongrong lay on the bed, closed his eyes and prepared to sleep, but before going to sleep, Ye Rongrong checked his attributes.

Host Gender: Male

Host age: 29

Host Fame: Squire and Celebrity

Host Honor: Philanthropist, Major General

Host Level: Excellent Lazy.

Host physical condition: general elite level.

Host life skills: god-level chef (cook), advanced acupuncture, advanced medical skills, advanced animal taming skills, experts in thousands of languages, wine brewing skills, master-level Go skills, and advanced engraving skills.

Other skills of the host: Taijiquan, iron cloth shirt, master-level piano art, master-level painting skills, god-level hacking skills, gambling skills, advanced driving skills, Lingbo Weibu, advanced Fengshui.

The host's special abilities: water attribute, mind power, detection, treasure sensing, wind attribute, intelligence aura, ten-second time stillness.

Host glory value: 13o


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