The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1221 Theory of Feng Shui

The next morning, after breakfast, Ye Rongrong stood in the yard and looked at the layout of the Liu family's big yard, his eyes lit up.

In the past, Ye Rongrong didn't know Fengshui, so he couldn't tell whether this courtyard was good or bad, but yesterday he got "Advanced Fengshui Technique", and his head was full of Fengshui knowledge. When he stood in this courtyard, he unconsciously used Fengshui techniques to see It depends on the feng shui of the yard.

The feng shui of this Liu family courtyard is really good. There is a saying about the environment of the house in feng shui. It is believed that the terrain that meets the "Tibetan wind gathering Qi" should be "the left is the green dragon, the right is the white tiger, and the front is the green dragon. For Suzaku, and later for Xuanwu."

In simple and easy-to-understand words, the situation of the general environment of the house should be: there should be a high mountain on the back, a low hill in the distance in the front, surrounded by guard hills on the left and right sides, and the hall should be spacious. And it must be surrounded by curved water.

Of course, this is an idealized environment model. In the actual selection, as long as the terrain or buildings in the rear are higher than the front, the terrain or buildings on the left are higher than the right, and the hall is open, then this environment will have " The condition of storing wind and gathering gas".

There is a mountain behind the home, that is, there is a backer, and the nobles will naturally come to help.

Sitting really means that there is a mountain behind your house, which means there is a backing behind your house.

If there is no mountain behind the house, but there is a tall building behind it, it also belongs to the style of sitting solidly.

If the height of your own building is the same as that of several surrounding buildings, and the strength of several buildings is enough to support your own building, it is also a solid backing.

But if the building behind the building is lower than the building of your own home, it means that the backing is weak and it is difficult to meet noble people.

But now the back of the Liu Family Courtyard should be supported by high mountains, and there should be low-lying hills in the distance in front, surrounded by guard hills on the left and right sides, this terrain location is excellent.

Look at the rivers and water flow around Liu's courtyard. Feng Shui says "mountains surrounded by water" and "jade belts around the waist". Have good Feng Shui.

And this Liu family compound is located at the bend of the river, with an excellent aura.

This Liu family compound, surrounded by mountains and rivers, is an excellent geomantic treasure.

Ye Rongrong wouldn't believe it if he didn't invite a Feng Shui master to choose the site when the Liu Family Courtyard was being built, and the layout of the courtyard, people who don't know the art of Feng Shui, can't arrange it at all!

"Glory, what are you looking at?"

Mr. Liu just came back from his morning exercise outside. Seeing Ye Rongrong standing outside the yard, walking around, staring around the yard, he asked suspiciously.

"Grandpa, I'm looking at the Feng Shui of our yard."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Look at Feng Shui?"

Mr. Liu asked suspiciously.

Doesn't this look at Feng Shui from a Feng Shui master? My own grandson-in-law still understands this.

"That's right, the geomantic pattern of our yard's geographical location is really good, Grandpa, when our yard is being built, please come to see the Fengshui master who is very skilled!"

Ye Rongrong said to Mr. Liu while looking at the feng shui of the yard.

This layman watches the excitement, while the expert watches the doorway.

In the past, Ye Rongrong didn't know the art of Feng Shui, so he felt that the location of the Liu Family Courtyard was good, with a wide view, fresh air, and a comfortable place to live.

Now that I understand Fengshui, from the perspective of Fengshui, I know that the Fengshui pattern of the Liu Family Courtyard is very good, and the aura here is excellent, which makes people live comfortably and feel very good.

Don't underestimate the aura, the quality of the aura can determine a person's health and luck.

This is why people who live in the basement are prone to disease, difficult to get rich, and always poor, because no matter what kind of building, the feng shui in the basement is the worst. Tao will be affected.

"How do you know that you asked a Feng Shui master to look at it when you built this courtyard? Do you really understand the art of Feng Shui?"

Mr. Liu looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise and asked.

One must know that the Liu Family Courtyard has been built for fifty years.

At that time, Mr. Liu was still young. If Ye Rongrong hadn't mentioned this matter, Mr. Liu would have almost forgotten about it.

When the Liu Family Courtyard was built at that time, Mr. Liu's father invited a very famous Taoist priest from Maoshan to choose the site for the Liu Family Courtyard. Even the general layout of the courtyard was arranged according to the Taoist priest's requirements.

At that time, Mr. Liu was still young, and he didn't understand why his father asked a Taoist priest to look at Feng Shui when he built the house. However, as he grew older, he came into contact with some secrets that were not known to outsiders.

Let Mr. Liu understand that the theory of geomantic omen in China for thousands of years is not nonsense.

It's just that I didn't expect that my miraculous grandson-in-law would also understand this complicated Feng Shui technique.

"know a bit!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Then tell me, how do you know that our yard was visited by a Feng Shui master?"

Mr. Liu immediately said with interest.

After all, everyone knows that the art of Feng Shui is very important, but there are very few people who really know the principles of Feng Shui.

When Mr. Liu was free, he also read a few Fengshui books, but he was so confused that he couldn't understand them!

The art of Fengshui in Huaxia has always been taught between masters and apprentices, and will not be passed on to outsiders. This also makes the art of Fengshui more mysterious and less known to outsiders.

"First of all, as far as the location of our yard is concerned, it is completely in line with the terrain of 'Tibetan wind gathering energy', with the green dragon on the left, the white tiger on the right, the red bird in the front, and the Xuanwu pattern in the back. The water is also in line with the pattern of 'surrounded by mountains and water' , the layout of the 'jade belt around the waist', this is one of them."

"What about the second one?"

Grandpa Liu asked curiously.

"The second is the wall at the gate of our yard. This wall is called the screen wall."

"Look at the courtyard's lighting wall, which is in the shape of a circle. According to the theory of ghosts and ghosts, ghosts may appear in the Yangzhai to visit, and ghosts can only walk straight instead of turning."

"This wall is used to prevent ghosts from entering the house. This rotating wall can prevent ghosts from entering the house. Of course, it is not the case in terms of Feng Shui."

"What's the saying in Feng Shui?"

Mr. Liu immediately became interested.

When the old man reached the age of knowing his fate, he became very interested in these Feng Shui theories.

"You should know that the gate of this courtyard is the air outlet of a house, but it may also be a place where evil spirits collide, so a wall is built here, called a Fengshui wall. A very important function in Fengshui is to block external evil spirits. "

"If there is no such wall, after opening the door, evil spirits can directly see through the hall, which is a very bad sign, if there is an obvious wind blowing, it will be even more unlucky. This kind of wind is called draft. It's a sign of evil spirit."

"So, in a traditional courtyard, whether it is to build a wall behind the gate, or to place a screen in the hall, it is all to block the evil spirits or drafts that may appear."

"So that's it. Let me tell you, why do you want to build such a convoluted wall behind the gate? It turns out it has such an important function. Then tell me, what other positions are related to Feng Shui."

Mr. Liu is getting more and more fascinated the more he listens now, so he naturally wants Ye Rongrong to continue introducing.

"Of course, apart from this swirling wall, there are many clever Feng Shui formations in this yard, such as this gazebo in the yard..."

"Dad, Glory, what are you talking about?"

Ouyang Lizhu saw that Ye Rongrong and Mr. Liu were chatting speculatively in the yard, and even forgot to eat breakfast, so she asked.

"We're talking about feng shui formations. I didn't expect Glory to know so much about feng shui. Our family really found a treasure!"

Mr. Liu said happily.

The more he got in touch with his grandson-in-law, the more Mr. Liu felt that his grandson-in-law was so powerful and almost omnipotent. Mr. Liu was really satisfied with such a grandson-in-law.

Now Mr. Liu is really glad that his eldest granddaughter did not marry that dude of the Zhang family, otherwise he would not have such a powerful grandson-in-law.

At such a young age, he already has the rank of major general. Although he is a civilian major general, it is not a big deal. Among the top families in the capital, among the younger generation, there is no one who has become a major general at Ye Rongrong's age.

One must know that it was Ye Rongrong's own ability to obtain the rank of major general, and the Liu family did not contribute at all.

"Glory, do you know the art of Feng Shui?"

Ouyang Lizhu looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and said.

From Ouyang Lizhu's point of view, the theory of geomantic omen is actually a feudal superstition. She never thought that her son-in-law would understand this.

"Where do you understand it? It's simply proficient. In my opinion, those few masters in the construction department are not as good as Glory."

Mr. Liu said with a smile.

This Fengshui theory is defined as a feudal superstition in textbooks, but in reality, even if the government departments build some important buildings, they still have to apply the traditional Chinese Fengshui technique.

Therefore, in the Ministry of Construction of the country, there are still a few Fengshui masters, but those people are naturally not called Fengshui masters, they are called design consultants.

"That's great. If someone in the family wants to buy a house one day, let Glory go and see how Feng Shui is."

Ouyang Lizhu said jokingly.

"Don't, just treat me as nonsense, let's eat!"

Ye Rongrong said immediately.

I don't have the time to accompany someone to buy a house.

It seems that I'd better go home early, it's better to be at home, I can bask in the sun in my yard all day long, there are not so many things to do.


After breakfast, Ye Rongrong drove to the People's Liberation Army General Hospital to go to work.

"Dean, someone wants to see you outside!"

As soon as Ye Rongrong sat down on the office chair, Zhang Hua walked into the office and said to Ye Rongrong.

"Someone wants to see me so early? Who is it?"

Ye Rongrong asked with some doubts.

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