The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1222 Posting on the Internet

It's not even eight o'clock now, and the hospital hasn't even started working yet. How could someone want to see me so early!

"It's Zhang Wansan. This man has been waiting at the door of the office at six o'clock in the morning."

Zhang Hua said.

"You let him in!"

As soon as he heard that it was Zhang Wansan, Ye Rongrong understood what was going on.

"Dean Ye, Big Brother Ye, Divine Doctor Ye, save me, you must save me!"

Zhang Wansan walked into Ye Rongrong's office, saw Ye Rongrong sitting on the office chair, and immediately ran over excitedly and said to Ye Rongrong.

It turned out that last night, after hearing what Ye Rongrong said, Zhang Wansan immediately went to the big hospital for an examination, and it was confirmed that he was a carrier of this h.

That means you have AIDS.

Now who doesn't know the harm of AIDS!

When I think that I may be isolated, the people around me will look at me as if they are seeing a scourge. No beautiful woman is willing to approach me anymore, and I will be abandoned by my family...

One night, Zhang Wansan spent the whole night in anxiety. He didn't sleep at all, and he didn't dare to go home. He was afraid of infecting his family members, so he stayed in the hospital all night. When he saw dawn, he hurried to the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army. , Waiting outside Ye Rongrong's office.

Zhang Wansan wanted to call Ye Rongyao very much, but he didn't dare to call Ye Rongyao for fear of affecting Ye Rongyao's rest, so he waited in Ye Rongyao's office.

I have never been so anxious to wait for someone, it is simply a kind of suffering.

Zhang Wansan knew that the only person who could save him now was Ye Rongrong.

Now that Ye Rongrong came, Zhang Wansan saw the savior, so one can imagine how excited he was.

"I see you are in a hurry."

Seeing Zhang Wansan's excited look, Ye Rongrong wanted to laugh.

"Dean Ye, can I... can I not be in a hurry? This disease is fatal, you must save me! Please!"

Zhang Wansan looked at Ye Rongrong pleadingly and said.

"Are you sure now?"

Ye Rongrong asked with a smile.

"It's confirmed, it's AIDS, and it's all Xu Xiaoying's evil spirit, who's harmful to others, I..."

"Okay, don't talk about your things, I'm not interested, let's see if you dare to mess around like this in the future!"

Ye Rongrong interrupted Zhang Wansan's words.

He often walks by the river without getting his shoes wet. If he messes around like this again, he may not get AIDS next time, but some other acute terminal illness. If he can't wait for himself, he will die.

In the spirit of being friends, Ye Rongrong still persuaded this man not to go out and mess around often, and he must pay attention to safety.

"Don't dare, don't dare to mess around again."

Zhang Wansan said hurriedly.

Zhang Wansan was really scared this time. If he didn't know Ye Rongrong, a genius doctor, his life would be over this time.

"It's good to know!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Dean Ye, please treat me quickly, I dare not go home now, and I dare not contact others, for fear of infecting others."

Zhang Wansan looked at Ye Rongrong expectantly and said.

"You are not afraid of infecting me!"

Ye Rongrong said jokingly.

"Aren't you a doctor? Dean Ye, Brother Ye, you should treat me quickly. I'm very flustered and flustered right now."

What Zhang Wansan is most worried about now is his illness.

"Okay, go get a glass of cold water."

Ye Rongrong explained to Zhang Wansan.


Although he didn't understand Ye Rongrong's meaning, Zhang Wansan filled a glass of water and came over.

Ye Rongrong took out a spell, burned it, and all the ashes fell into the water glass.

"Drink this glass of water!"

Ye Rongrong said to Zhang Wansan.

Ye Rongrong still had a lot of things to deal with today, but he didn't have time to see a doctor for Zhang Wansan, so he directly used the "Zhu You Technique" to treat Zhang Wansan's illness, saving a lot of troublesome treatment steps.


For Ye Rongrong, Zhang Wansan still trusts him very much.

Without asking too much, he picked up the water glass and drank it in one gulp.

Zhang Wansan believed that Ye Rongrong would not let him drink such water for no reason, it must be the reason.

"Okay, you can go."

Ye Rongrong said to Zhang Wansan when he saw Zhang Wansan drank all the water in the glass.

"Let's go? Brother Ye, Dean Ye, please, please treat me!"

As soon as Ye Rongrong let him go, Zhang Wansan immediately begged Ye Rongrong in fright.

If Ye Rongrong didn't save him, he would really be doomed.


That's impossible, as long as Ye Rongrong doesn't treat him, Zhang Wansan won't leave after being beaten to death.

Anyway, Zhang Wansan made up his mind. If his illness is not cured, he will just stay in Ye Glory's office and never leave!

There is no way, the only one who can save himself now is Ye Rongrong.

"You are cured!"

Ye Rongrong said to Zhang Wansan with a smile.

The magic of this "Zhu You Shu" is that some diseases can be cured with just one spell.

It's just that the "Zhu Youshu" spell is very difficult to draw, and you can't make a mistake with a hook, a stroke, a vertical stroke.

This kind of special charm, ordinary people don't talk about learning it, even just looking at it can make people faint.

This requires strong spiritual power. In ancient times, those who could draw "Zhu You Shu" were all masters of practice.

Even for those masters who have practiced the Tao, the success rate of drawing the "Zhu Youshu" spell is less than 20 to 30%.

Ye Rongrong's success rate of drawing this "Zhu Youshu" spell is so high, mainly because the "lazy system" directly branded these spells in Ye Rongrong's mind.

Ye Rongrong only needs to draw according to the imprint in his mind, and the success rate is naturally ridiculously high.

You must know that throughout the ages, the success rate of drawing spells is so high, on earth, Ye Rongrong is probably the only one!

"All right!"

Zhang Wansan was stunned for a moment, and immediately said to Ye Rongrong, "Dean Ye, stop joking with me, I'm flustered, please help me!"

As a modern person, Zhang Wansan knows the horror of AIDS.

This is the only first-class STD in China. Not to mention how contagious it is, this disease is simply terminal.

Zhang Wansan said it could be cured, but Zhang Wansan inquired about it, and it was basically false.

Those AIDS patients basically rely on taking medicine to maintain their lives. The medicine cannot be stopped. If the medicine is stopped, the disease may kill people at any time.

However, the side effects of this drug for treating AIDS are particularly severe. People who take this drug are suffering, and it is said that people who take this drug will not live for twenty years.

Such a terrible disease, I only drank a glass of strange water, and agreed, isn't this a joke?

"You're really well, let's go, don't hinder my work."

Ye Rongrong said.

"It's really good!"

Zhang Wansan really couldn't believe it.

"Okay, let's go check it out!"

Ye Rongrong said to Zhang Wansan.

"Then...then I'll go check it out!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong didn't seem to be joking with him, Zhang Wansan said hesitantly.

"Go... By the way, don't tell others about the fact that I'm treating you."

Ye Rongrong explained to Zhang Wansan.

After all, AIDS is now the most difficult disease to treat.

If people knew this, and he had cured AIDS so easily, it would be fine, and he would never be able to live in peace in this life.

"Yes, I know!"

Zhang Wansan nodded and said.

Just now, Ye Rongrong burned a piece of yellow paper and put it in water, and gave it to himself to drink, saying that he was cured of his AIDS.

Don't say that I can't believe it now, even if it is really cured, if I tell it myself, others will not believe it, and they will feel that I am telling a story.

No one would really believe this matter if it was told in this place in the capital!


After Zhang Wansan walked out of his office, Ye Rongrong turned on the computer.

Enter a particularly large online forum community.

Ye Rongrong registered an account, of course it is impossible to use his real identity, just make up an identity and register an account, Ye Rongrong built a building and wrote a post.

"If you draw a high-tech helicopter from a virtual game and bring it into reality, how can it be legalized in the real world without making people feel uncomfortable? Do you suspect that your plane has an unclear origin and caused trouble?"

After editing the post, Ye Rongrong clicked OK and posted the post.

There is no way, it is impossible for Ye Rongrong to tell anyone about the "Safety" plane that was drawn in the lottery yesterday.

Therefore, I can't discuss with anyone in reality how to make this "safety number" legally appear in the real society without arousing anyone's suspicion and investigation by some departments.

Not in reality, Ye Rongrong can only turn to the virtual world of the Internet.

There is a saying that "three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang". I can't think of a good solution by myself, and there are thousands of boring people on the Internet. With so many people opening their brains, they should be able to come up with a solution for themselves. good idea.

Most importantly, on the Internet, no matter what you say, no one will take it seriously. There are so many things that are whimsical in the online world.

Posts like Ye Rongrong's are nothing on the Internet and will not arouse suspicion from any organization or department.

Everyone will just take this as another whimsical person's brain opening!

After posting, Ye Rongrong closed the laptop and locked the screen.

After all, this post has just been uploaded, so it is impossible for someone to reply so quickly, it will take an hour or two.

Ye Rongrong looked at his watch, it was almost nine o'clock, and it was time to inspect the ward!

Ye Rongrong thought for a while, then dialed the phone number of Xu Keming, the director of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital.

After all, the dean of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital is of a very high rank, not everyone can see it, even the branch deans like Ye Rongrong have to make an appointment in advance if they want to see Dean Xu Keming.

"Dean, I'm Ye Rongrong!"

The phone was connected, Ye Rongrong said.

"Glory, do you have something to do?"

Xu Keming asked suspiciously.

"Dean, I have something to discuss with you!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"I'm going out for a meeting in the morning, let me see, um... come to my office at three o'clock this afternoon!"

After Xu Keming looked at his schedule, he said to Ye Rongrong on the phone.

"OK, all right!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.


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