The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1238 The Warship Arriving Suddenly

Soon the helicopter flew over the small island. Through the satellite, Ye Rongrong knew that this small island in the high seas was called Nia Helen Island.

This is a small reef island. When the sea water rises, there is only one person standing on this small reef island. Now it is when the sea water falls, so the small reef island looks quite big, and the helicopter can be parked.

Ye Rongrong stopped smoothly on Nia Helen Island.

After the plane came to a complete stop, Ye Rongrong turned off all the power of the helicopter. In this case, no matter it was radar or satellites in the sky, it would be difficult to find the position of the helicopter.

After everything was done, Ye Rongrong came out of the helicopter cab and walked to the open space. Ye Rongrong took the "safety number" from his Qiankun ring.

"According to the deformation of this aircraft, it is completely copied."

Ye Rongrong said to the "safety number" in his hand.

Immediately, the "Safety" in Ye Rongrong's hand flew over the helicopter.


A dazzling white light came out from the "Safety".

Ye Rongrong looked at the position of the white light despite the uncomfortable eyes, and saw that the "Safety Number", which was only the size of a fist, was rapidly growing in size.

In less than a minute, "Safety" became exactly the same as the helicopter below it. As the dazzling white light disappeared, "Safety" soon flew down from the sky and stopped beside the helicopter .

The night was very dark, relying on the light of the moon, it was impossible to see the difference between the two helicopters.

Ye Rongrong immediately activated the "detection technique", and soon two helicopters clearly appeared in Ye Rongrong's mind.

Ye Rongrong carefully checked and compared the appearance of the two planes, and found no difference, they were exactly the same, even the position and size of the dirt on the planes were exactly the same.

Definitely carved out of a mold.

There is no difference in appearance, Ye Rongrong immediately turned his attention to the cabin, first the driver's cabin, the size and position of each switch button are exactly the same, and it is absolutely impossible to see the slightest difference from the driver's cabin.

When the line of sight was adjusted to the position of the cabin, there was no difference.

Ye Rongrong now feels like he is playing the game of "Let's find the difference", but Ye Rongrong just didn't find the difference.

Ye Rongrong didn't find the slightest difference, and felt relieved. Withdrew from the "detection technique", Ye Rongrong used his consciousness to fly the "Safety" to the side.

Ye Rongrong stretched his muscles and bones, and after blowing the sea breeze for a while, he took out an extra-large iron hammer from the Qiankun ring.

"The plane smashing game begins!"

Ye Rongrong took the big iron hammer, walked into the cab, and slammed it on the driver's dashboard. Not to mention, the effect of the big iron hammer was good.

With a hammer, the entire hard drive is shattered.

After more than a dozen hammers, the entire cockpit was completely changed, and Ye Rongrong went to the cabin to smash it again.

It took less than ten minutes to smash the entire interior of the plane, and Ye Rongrong walked out of the cabin and smashed it outside.

For ordinary people, facing a plane that is so much taller than their own height is really not easy, but for Ye Rongrong who can fly, these are not difficult things.

Under Ye Rongrong's strong strength and fast-paced swinging of the sledgehammer, this helicopter, which looked brand new just now, immediately turned into a pile of scrap metal.

Ye Rongrong took the scraps of copper and iron and threw them into the sea at different places near the small islands and reefs. The locations of each throw were at least one kilometer apart.

Soon all the fragments of the helicopter were thrown into the vast sea by Ye Rongrong.

If under such circumstances, all the fragments could still be found, Ye Rongrong would be convinced.

"This big iron hammer is very useful, just leave it!"

Looking at the extra-large iron hammer that was still on the ground, I think this large iron hammer is really useful. I will use it as a weapon in the next fight. I don’t think this fight will be necessary. I believe that the opponent will be scared to death. up.

Put the extra-large iron hammer in the Qiankun ring, and wash your hands at the beach.

"Hehe, call it a day!"

After Ye Rongrong washed his hands, he was ready to board the new "safety number" and take off back to the capital.

"what is that?"

Suddenly, Ye Rongrong found a warship on the sea not far ahead.

Ye Rongrong immediately reduced the "Safety Number" and put it in the Qiankun Ring.

Ye Rongrong didn't want any military to discover his whereabouts.


"It's a stupid cruiser!"

Through the "detection technique", the warship that Ye Rongrong passed by the current island position is a Japanese cruiser.

After all, Ye Rongrong could recognize the stupid Japanese military flag at a glance.

The Sunrise Army Flag, also known as the Rising Sun Flag, is a flag with a pattern of red sun and rising sun rays. During World War II, Japanese soldiers used the Rising Sun Flag to symbolize the occupied area, with the rising sun in the east. The meaning of challenge.

For Japanese stupid people, Ye Rongrong has a deep-seated hatred, and now he actually sees this Japanese stupid cruiser in the high seas near Huaxia Linhai, and the direction the cruiser is driving is the Huaxia sea area.

What does this mean, don't think about it, Ye Rongrong also knows that this is a provocation!

As a Chinese, how can I bear it.

It is tolerable, what is unbearable!

Ye Rongrong thought for a while, and had a bold idea in his heart.

Ye Rongrong belongs to the kind of people who have thoughts and actions.

Ye Rongrong quickly took off his clothes, changed into the swimsuit he took out from the Qiankun Ring, and took out the dedicated laptop computer in the Qiankun Ring.

This dedicated laptop was bought by Ye Rongrong in a computer store in downtown Wenzhou. The computer system inside does not use any operating system known on earth.

It is a special computer system compiled by Ye Rongrong himself. This computer can receive signals through satellites in the sky anytime and anywhere, and will not be detected by the monitoring system.

The main purpose of Ye Rongrong getting this computer is to facilitate hackers.

In Ye Rongrong's opinion, the attack on Japan's stupid computer network last time was too troublesome. In order to avoid being traced, Ye Rongrong found a lot of "broilers".

But this method still has certain dangers. If the other party also has a super powerful computer expert, they might be traced.

This is dangerous.

It is enough to do such a dangerous thing once, and Ye Rongrong does not want to put himself in danger for the second time.

After all, Ye Rongrong now has a family and is the head of the family.

So Ye Rongrong specially bought a laptop computer, and Ye Rongrong replaced all the systems in it with his own system.

In this case, you can escape the tracking of the Internet on the earth. After all, the systems are different, where to track it!

This laptop is placed in the Qiankun ring, and under normal circumstances, it will not be used.

I didn't expect to use it today.

Ye Rongrong turned on the dedicated computer and quickly connected to the Internet via satellite.

Through network hacking techniques, Ye Rongrong quickly connected to the computer network system of the Japanese National Defense Agency.

He quickly found out that the cruiser staying near him was the stupid Furutaka-class heavy cruiser "Kago".

This is Japan's stupid ace cruiser, and the entire Japanese army has only two cruisers of this level.

After determining the target, Ye Rongrong added a Trojan horse to the computer in the command center of the Defense Department.

This Trojan horse is very hidden, and its purpose is to cut off the connection between the command system of the Japanese stupid army and the cruiser "Jago".

Because under normal circumstances, the Japanese stupid military will not take the initiative to contact ships sailing at sea, not to mention, it is late at night, and the leaders of the Japanese stupid military's naval command center have gone home to rest.

In fact, hacking skills are not omnipotent. If the Japanese Army's network system is not connected to the Internet, no matter how advanced Ye Glory's hacking skills are, it will be useless.

Just like the "Jagu" cruiser, which uses the local area network system inside the Japanese military headquarters, it is very difficult for Ye Rongrong to gain control. It has to go through many "firewalls" in the process, which is very troublesome.

Ye Rongrong didn't have the time to make such trouble, he just unilaterally cut off the connection with the cruiser "Jagu" from inside the Riben Defense Command Center.

After silently cutting off the network connection between the "Jago" cruiser and the Japanese military headquarters, Ye Rongrong turned off the laptop and put it into the Qiankun ring.

Putting on the swimming goggles, Ye Rongrong jumped into the water.

Ye Rongrong, who has the "water attribute", is more agile than a fish in the sea, and started to swim towards the cruiser "Jagu" at an extremely fast speed.


Modern military ships, or submarines, have sonar as the only means of observation and detection in water.

After all, if you observe with your eyes, you will be affected by the light, especially in the water. The penetration ability of this light is very limited. Even in the clearest sea water, people can only see underwater creatures at a depth of three meters at most. .

This is why the water depth of ordinary small rivers is less than two or three meters, but the human line of sight cannot see the situation under the river.

This is still the time when the light is the best during the day, and at night like now, you can't see the bottom of the water at all.

Of course, radar can also be used, but radar detection attenuates too fast in water, and the shorter the wavelength, the greater the loss. Even if a high-power low-frequency electromagnetic pulse is used, it can only travel tens of meters.

Modern military ships, submarines, and of course civilian ships also use "sonar" to detect the bottom of the water.

Sonar, which is called sound navigation and ranging in Chinese, is an electronic device that uses the propagation characteristics of sound waves underwater to complete underwater detection and communication tasks through electro-acoustic conversion and information processing.

It has two types, active and passive, and belongs to the category of acoustic positioning.

Active sonar technology means that sonar actively emits sound waves to "irradiate" the target, and then receives the echo time reflected by the target in the water, as well as the echo parameters to determine the parameters of the target.

It evolved from a simple echo detection instrument, which actively emits sound waves, then receives echoes for calculation, and finally presents a rough outline on the display.

Passive sonar technology refers to the sonar passively receiving the radiation noise generated by ships and other underwater targets and the signals emitted by underwater acoustic equipment to determine the target's azimuth and distance.

When Ye Rongrong approached the cruiser "Jagu", he was detected by the sonar of the cruiser "Jagu".


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