On board the cruiser "Kago".

The forty-five-year-old captain of the cruiser "Kago" Hideo Fukuda is already a general at a young age, that is, a lieutenant general. He is young and promising.

As a graduate of the Naval Academy of Japan, Hideo Fukuda considers himself the best existence in the Japanese Navy, and even set himself a goal to become an admiral of the Japanese Navy, that is, an admiral, within fifty years of age.

Commanding the cruiser "Kago" today, it is a purposeful provocation by the Japan Self-Defense Forces to set out from the Japan Sea to the Huaxia Sea.

At the same time, China's navy is testing the military deployment in this sea area, and the target is China's sea area.

The "Jagu" cruiser is equipped with the most advanced anti-radar system, which can effectively avoid the monitoring of ships by China's air satellites and radars.

Moreover, the stupid Japanese military is not afraid of the cruiser "Kago" being discovered. Even if it is discovered by Huaxia, just drive back. It is basically impossible to fight.

At most, Huaxia yelled "protest" and "condemnation" a few times, but they are used to it.

This is what is important. Warships from neighboring countries will enter China's waters whether they come or not.

"Hey, is there any movement from the sonar detection?"

Hideo Fukuda picked up the microphone and asked.

"Report sir, there is no movement for the time being!"

The sonar technician, wearing a huge headset on his head, replied respectfully.

"very good."

Hideo Fukuda nodded in satisfaction and said that there is no movement, which means that there is no Chinese naval deployment nearby.

"Power room, report the situation!"

Hideo Fukuda called the power room again and asked.

"Report, everything is normal!"

Powerhouse replied.

"Very good, pay attention to all departments, and everyone should go to the corresponding post. Ten minutes later, the ship will continue to move forward and target the Huaxia sea area. All departments are in a first-level combat state."

Hideo Fukuda took the phone and gave instructions to all departments on the ship.

The closer you are to the Huaxia Sea, the more careful you must be. After all, the Huaxia Navy is not a vegetarian. Military exercises over the years have shown that the Huaxia Navy is very powerful.


"what is that?"

The sonar technician looked at the screen in horror.

"what happened?"

The naval personnel on the side asked suspiciously.

"There is an object coming towards our ship under the sea surface!"

said the sonar technician.

"Is it a fish?"

The naval personnel on the side said indifferently.

In the vast sea, there are often fish flying towards the ship. There are too many such phenomena, and there is no need to pay attention to them.

The fish that dared to collide with the ship were basically smashed to pieces.

"No, it's... a human!"

Based on the signals sent back by the sonar, the sonar technicians could clearly see from the graphics formed that a humanoid creature was swimming towards the ship.


The naval personnel on the side froze for a moment, and immediately looked at the monitor.

"My God, it's really a human form, this...how is this possible?"

The navy personnel on the side looked like the devil.

After all, the speed of this swimming is no different from the speed of fish swimming. When will people be able to swim as fast as fish at the bottom of the water.

"Could it be... Could it be a mermaid?"

The sonar technician remembered a legend.

Legend has it that there is a mysterious creature in the sea, which is the mermaid, that is, the legendary mermaid, and of course there are also mermans.

It's just that people don't like to call it "mermaid" very much, and beautiful women are easy to let people daydream.

It is said that mermaids and humans have the same ancestor, but later the mountains and glaciers changed, the area of ​​the sea became larger and larger, and the area of ​​land became smaller and smaller.

With limited resources, the ancestors of human beings fought battles for survival. Some human ancestors lost the resources to survive on the mainland because of the failure of the battle, and could only develop to the bottom of the sea.

Human beings who live slowly under the sea, in order to adapt to the life under the sea,

The legs turned into fish tails, and it became the current mermaid. The legend of mermaids also began at that time.


The navy on the side froze for a moment, and said excitedly: "Yes, yes, it must be a mermaid, hurry... report this to the general!"

Soon, Hideo Fukuda received a report that a mermaid was found, and through the images passed by the sonar technician, Hideo Fukuda also thought it was a legendary mermaid.

This is an incredible discovery!

Suddenly, Hideo Fukuda became excited.

"Attention the power department. Without my order, the ship must not start. Attention the sonar department. Pay close attention to the mermaid's movements and prevent it from being monitored by the sonar."

"Attention the war department, don't shoot torpedoes or other weapons at the mermaid. After the mermaid approaches, catch me with a fishing net. You must catch the mermaid alive."

"Haha...we're going to catch the mermaid, and we're going to make a great contribution!"

Hideo Fukuda was very excited.

This is more exciting to Hideo Fukuda than provoking the Chinese navy. This is a worldwide discovery.

As long as you catch this "mermaid" by yourself, you will be famous all over the world.

At that time, I will be a world-renowned figure, and maybe I can be promoted to general in advance.

Capture alive, must capture alive!


"Hmm! No torpedoes!"

Ye Rongrong quickly swam towards the cruiser "Jagu", while being alert to the opponent's torpedoes.

Although Ye Rongrong didn't know much about the ship's technology, he knew that the ship had a "sonar" system that could detect creatures and reefs on the seabed.

It's as awesome as the radar that monitors the sky.

So Ye Rongrong has been on guard to prevent the opponent's torpedo attack.

Although Ye Rongrong is very confident in his body, he doesn't want to be attacked by torpedoes.

Once there is a torpedo attack, Ye Rongrong will fly to the surface of the water.

You must know that this torpedo is very powerful underwater. Submarines and ships are afraid of it, but they can't go to the sky.

As long as Ye Rongrong flies into the sky, the torpedo will have nothing to do with Ye Rongrong.

If you just fly on the water, you will be vulnerable to the gunfire of the ship.

In that case, it would be easy to be exposed to the surveillance of satellites, something Ye Rongrong didn't want to happen.

So Ye Rongrong chose to attack the cruiser from the bottom of the water.

The torpedo that worried Ye Rongrong most did not appear, which made Ye Rongrong heave a sigh of relief. It seems that the stupid cruiser did not find himself today.

Ye Rongrong is less than 100 meters away from the cruiser "Jagu".

"Here we come, the mermaid is near!"

The Japanese Navy on the cruiser "Kago" was excited.

Everyone knows that if this "mermaid" is really captured, the entire officers and soldiers on the cruiser will be famous.

This is a sensation in the world!

To know the image composed of the information fed back from the sonar, everyone is very sure that this is the "mermaid".

Although judging from the image, this "mermaid" does not seem to have a tail, and its shape is no different from that of a normal person.

But everyone doesn't care, maybe this "mermaid" also has limbs.

After catching this "mermaid", won't you know everything?

At that time, it will be clear what this "mermaid" looks like, and whether the whole body is covered with fish scales.

At that time, you must take a photo with this "mermaid", maybe you can buy a high price.

"The war department is ready to catch this mermaid with a fishing net. Don't let her run away, and don't hurt her. Remember, if you want to live, you must live."

Hideo Fukuda, who was already in the command room, excitedly gave instructions to the staff below.

Now that the mermaid is so close to the cruiser, she won't be able to run away this time, and she will definitely be caught this time.

The more I think about Hideo Fukuda, the more excited I get.

The legendary mermaid is about to be caught by herself.

The legend is about to become a fact. This discovery may even allow him to win the Nobel Prize in Biology.


Just 20 meters away from the cruiser, Ye Rongrong stopped and took out an extra-large hammer from the Qiankun Ring.

"Brother, it's time for you to make meritorious deeds."

Ye Rongrong was excited with a big hammer in one hand.

With this big hammer, Ye Rongrong is confident that he can turn this cruiser into the second "Titanic".

"Hmm...why did you stop?"

The officers in the command room of the "Jago" cruiser were a little stunned.

This distance is a bit far, and the fishing net cannot be cast that far.

Fortunately, within a minute, the "mermaid" moved.

Still continue to swim quickly towards the direction of the ship.

"Everyone on your marks and ready to cast your net!"

Hideo Fukuda excitedly gave instructions.


"Well, fishing nets!"

When he was about to approach the cruiser, Ye Rongrong saw the oncoming fishing net.

This is to catch myself all at once!

It's a pity that they thought too much, and wanted to catch themselves with this fishing net, but there was no way.

"Go aside!"

Under Ye Rongrong's thought power, the fishing net flew back backwards.

"What's going on here? How could this fishing net fly upside down?"

The people in the cruiser command were a little confused.

"Keep casting the net!"

Hideo Fukuda ordered.

I don't believe that the second fishing net can fly upside down.

Unfortunately, it was not their turn to cast the net for the second time, and Ye Rongrong had already reached the bottom of the cruiser.

"Go to hell!"

Ye Rongrong swung the extra-large hammer and smashed it to the hull of the cruiser under the water.

If ordinary people were on the bottom of the sea with such a heavy sledgehammer, they would have sunk to the bottom long ago, let alone swinging the sledgehammer underwater.


Ye Rongrong heard a loud noise in his ears. The hull of the cruiser was sunken a little, and there was no hole.

The quality is too good.

Ye Rongrong didn't want to think about it, if the quality of this iron plate was not good, how could it be used to make the hull of a cruiser!

"Damn it, I don't believe in this evil anymore!"

Thinking of this, Ye Rongrong swung his sledgehammer and continued to smash at the cruiser's hull.

"Where's the mermaid?"

Hideo Fukuda asked suspiciously.

"It may be close to our ship, and the sonar has no way to detect the position of the ship's hull."

The sonar technician said respectfully.

"The war department is ready, and once the mermaid is found, let me loose the net immediately!"

Hideo Fukuda gave the order and said.

In Hideo Fukuda's view, this mermaid cannot escape.

It is impossible for her to hide in the position of the cruiser's hull all the time. As long as she is detected by the sonar again, she will definitely be caught.


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