The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1240 The boat is flooded

Although the quality of the ship's hull steel plate is very good, it cannot withstand Ye Rongrong's indiscriminate bombing.

Soon Ye Rongrong opened a big hole in the hull.

Sea water rushed into the cabin immediately and quickly.

"Hehe, continue in another place."

Seeing that a hole of two square meters was smashed at this location, Ye Rongrong changed his location and smashed it.

The main reason is that the sea water poured into this hole too fast, and the impact of the sea water made it difficult for Ye Rongrong to swing the big hammer in a stable position.

It's nice to punch holes here and there though.

Ye Rongrong thought happily.

"Report, it's not good, there is a large amount of seawater pouring into the fifth cabin of the ship."

Just when Hideo Fukuda was concentrating on searching for the shadow of "Mermaid" from the sonar, a terrified voice sounded in the command room.

"what happened?"

Hideo Fukuda turned his head and quickly checked the situation in the fifth cabin, only to see a large amount of seawater pouring into the fifth cabin.

"Close cabin five immediately!"

Now instead of thinking about the reason why the fifth cabin entered the seawater, but to quickly block the fifth cabin to prevent the seawater from the fifth cabin from pouring into other places.

Today's ships are all designed with airtight compartments, especially warships, which have more airtight compartments than ordinary transport ships in order to be attacked by enemy torpedoes.

This watertight compartment was first invented by China, and the watertight compartment was first used on inland river ships.

After the Song Dynasty, watertight compartments were also used on sea ships.

The technology of watertight compartments in the Song Dynasty was a step further than that in the Tang Dynasty. The bulkheads were surrounded by beams on the bottom plate, ribs on both sides and under the deck, and the thickness of the bulkheads was increased.

This not only increases the strength of the hull, but also facilitates watertightness.

First of all, due to the tight separation between the cabins, during the voyage, especially in the ocean voyage, even if one or two cabin areas are damaged and flooded, the water will not flow to other cabin areas.

From the perspective of the ship as a whole, it still maintains considerable buoyancy and will not sink. If there is too much water, the ship will not be able to support it. As long as the cargo is discarded and the load is reduced, it will not sink to the bottom of the sea soon.

If the damage to the ship is not serious and there is not much water ingress, the damage can be repaired by removing the cargo in the water ingress tank area without affecting the continued voyage of the ship.

If the water ingress is serious, you can also drive to the nearest port or land for repairs.

Therefore, the watertight compartment not only improves the anti-sinking performance of the ship, but also increases the safety performance of long-distance voyages.

Secondly, the compartments on board are divided, and the loading, unloading and management of cargo are more convenient.

Different cargo owners can load and take cargo in individual cabin areas at the same time, which improves the efficiency of loading and unloading and facilitates management.

In addition, because the deck is closely connected with the shell plate, it plays the role of strengthening the hull, which not only increases the overall transverse strength of the ship, but also replaces the process of adding ribs, simplifying the shipbuilding process.

It is precisely because of these advantages that the watertight cabin structure has these advantages, and modern large ships basically adopt this kind of airtight cabin design.

Nowadays, watertight compartment structure has become an important form of hull structure in modern ships.

Now only one cabin is flooded, and Hideo Fukuda doesn't care much about it.

After all, as long as the flooded No. 5 cabin is closed, nothing will happen.

For the entire "Jagu" cruiser, it has little impact.

"It's not good, the seventh cabin is flooded."

At this moment, another sound of panic came from the command room.

"what happened?"

This time Hideo Fukuda couldn't calm down anymore, and two cabins flooded in succession, which is very abnormal.

"I don't know why, the No. 7 cabin has flooded a lot."

Said a lieutenant commander in the command room.

"Close cabin No. 7 immediately, and send someone to investigate the cause immediately."

Hideo Fukuda immediately ordered.

The reason must be found out, these two cabins are flooded, and if there is another cabin flooded, it will be troublesome.

God bless Amaterasu, no more water will enter the cabin.

Hideo Fukuda prayed in his heart.

"Captain, it's not good.

Cabin No. 8 was flooded. "

"It's over, the No. 9 cabin is also flooded!"


As the cabins flooded one by one, Hideo Fukuda couldn't sit still anymore, and gave instructions one by one to go on.

"Quick... go and block it, and drain the seawater."

"Throw all the useless things on the ship into the sea."

"Hurry up and arrange for people to go to the sea to see what happened."


But before Hideo Fukuda finished his order, bad news came one after another.

"No, the No. 2 cabin is also leaking."

"Cabin No. 3 is also leaking."

The voice of the officer who reported was trembling.

With so many cabin leaks, the cruiser "Jagu" is doomed. If there is no way out, it will really sink. This is the high seas. Once this cruiser sinks, everyone will play with it.

"Quick, quickly throw all the weapons on the warship into the sea."

Hideo Fukuda immediately shouted loudly.

This time it's really over, more than half of the cabins are flooded, and now I can only hope that throwing all the items into the sea will allow the cruiser to last a while longer on the sea.

"Quick...quickly ask the headquarters for help, quickly..."

At this time, Hideo Fukuda still doesn't remember the "mermaid", this time it's really over, this cruiser can't be kept.

"I can't even connect to...!"

A correspondent said in a panic.


Hideo Fukuda was stupid, how could this happen.

At this time, he couldn't even connect to the headquarters, which was really fatal.

"keep in touch!"

Hideo Fukuda shouted.

"Or not!"

The correspondent's face was covered with sweat, and now everyone clearly felt that the ship was shaking and sinking.

"Say for help, send a mayday, send a mayday to all nearby ships."

Hideo Fukuda ordered immediately.

At this time, I can't count on the headquarters, I can only hope that there will be ships passing by nearby, and I will receive the distress signal sent by myself.

"It's bad, the No. 1 cabin is flooded!"

"Cabin No. 4 is also flooded, and I'm going to die."

The officers in the command room couldn't sit still anymore, and if they sat down, they would sink into the sea with the ship.

"Go... let's go!"

Hideo Fukuda immediately ordered.

At this time, nothing is important, the important thing is to think about what to survive.


When Hideo Fukuda and a group of officers ran to the deck, there were people on the deck, and everyone's faces were full of panic.

You must know that it is a very cold winter now, and the temperature in the sea is more than ten degrees below zero. If it falls in the icy sea, within an hour, it will be frozen to death by the cold sea water.

"Get off the speedboat quickly."

Hideo Fukuda immediately gave orders to the officers below.

"The speedboat...the speedboat has already launched."

At this time, the officers discovered that several speedboats on the cruiser had already launched, and it could be seen that the speedboats were full of soldiers.

At this time, the selfishness of human nature came out. At this moment of life and death, some people who were afraid of death rushed to the speedboat and ran away early.

The remaining soldiers and officers on the cruiser looked desperate.

Many people couldn't help crying at this time.

Because the whole ship has almost sunk, it is estimated that in less than ten minutes, the whole "Jago" cruiser will sink to the bottom of the sea.

"General, what shall we do?"

An officer looked at Hideo Fukuda in horror and asked.

At this time, the officer felt that he was too close to death.

"Jump into the sea, all jump into the sea for me."

Hideo Fukuda gritted his teeth and shouted loudly.

At this time, any password missions or "mermaids" are not important anymore. The important thing is to jump into the sea quickly, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope for survival.

"But it's still very cold now, what if..."

said one officer in horror.

In such icy sea water, you won't be frozen to death if you jump into it!

"If you don't jump, you will die faster. If you jump, there is still a glimmer of hope for life."

Hideo Fukuda gritted his teeth and jumped into the sea.

You know, if you stay on the ship, when the whole ship sinks, the attraction will suck people into the bottom of the sea.

At that time, no matter how good your water quality is, it is useless.

Jump into the sea at this time, keep the oil far away, and it won't be sucked in.


After Ye Rongrong made more than a dozen big holes in the cruiser, he quickly swam away.

This place cannot stay for long, and a rescue ship may come at any time.

Ye Rongrong threw the extra-large hammer into the Qiankun ring, and quickly swam to Huaxiahai.

Ye Rongrong, who has the "water attribute", swims as fast as a fish in the sea.


The moonlight shone on the shimmering surface of the sea, like covering the sea with a layer of glittering broken silver, and like crumpled green satin.

On the Haiying multi-purpose carrier-based helicopter of Magnesia, the two observers and the driver searched for something in this sea area over and over again...

It turned out that the distress signal from the "Kako" cruiser was received by the Magnesium Pacific Fleet patrolling the nearby waters, and a Furutaka-class cruiser unexpectedly sent a distress signal to Japan.

The commanders of the Magnesium Pacific Fleet were taken aback.

What exactly happened here, that a cruiser with such combat power was forced to call for help, and from the message received, it turned out that the cruiser "Jago" was about to sink.

What's happening here.

You must know that if a battle of this level of cruiser occurs, it will be captured by satellites in the sky immediately, but the Magnesium Pacific Fleet has not received any information about large-scale war in the Pacific region.

As a result, the Magnesium Pacific ships in the vicinity quickly moved towards the distress signal of the cruiser "Kago", and at the same time sent multiple Seahawk multi-purpose carrier-based helicopters to the wrecked sea area to find the target.

"Report, 'Sea Eagle One' has not found a target!"

"Report, 'Sea Eagle III' has not found a target!"

"Report, 'Sea Eagle 5' has not found a target!"


On a domestic helicopter, the observers turned on the onboard radio and shouted into the microphone.

"Continue to expand the search area, and we must find the cruiser 'Jago'!"

Commands came over the radio.

ten minutes later……

"Report, 'Sea Eagle 4' has no target...wait...then...what is that? My God..."

Immediately, the observers' terrified cries came from the radio station.

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