The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1241 Surprise

"Haiying No. 4, Haiying No. 4, please report the situation, please report the situation!"

The command center immediately called "Sea Eagle No. 4".

"I am 'Sea Eagle 4', I have spotted my target, and the sea is full of floating corpses of soldiers!"

The observers of "Haiying 4" said in horror.

This is the first time the observers of "Haiying 4" have seen such a terrible scene.

Although the moonlight was a bit dim, the observers of the "Haiying 4" clearly saw the bodies floating on the sea through the moonlight, at least more than two hundred corpses.

"Sea Eagle No. 4, report your location immediately!"

An anxious voice came from the command center.

The sea is full of dead soldiers, which shows a problem. Something really happened to the cruiser "Jago".

"My location is east longitude..."

The pilot of "Sea Eagle IV" immediately reported his position.

"All the helicopters flew to the east longitude... to search for the surviving personnel, and all the ships that received the order immediately stepped forward to the designated position."

The voice of the command center sank for a while before giving the order in a low voice.

Needless to say, something really happened to the cruiser "Jago".


Located on the east coast of the island, the Yokoga Port covers an area of ​​more than two million square meters. It is the largest and most functional naval base in the Pacific Ocean of Magnesia.

In the naval base, a building surrounded by soldiers with guns and live ammunition is now brightly lit, and all non-commissioned officers are called to work.

In the conference room on the fifth floor, Admiral Mai Hill slammed the table: "What happened, why did this happen?"

"General, no survivors have been found for the time being, and it is impossible to know the specific reason."

Said the four-star general Hikari.

"There are no survivors, increase the search area for me, and you must find out the reason for the sinking of the cruiser 'Jago'."

"Commander, I have connected to the call of the Commander of the Japanese Navy."

The secretary said to Admiral Mai Hill.

"bring here!"

Admiral Mai Hill said.


"General Mai Hill, you're not kidding me, are you?"

Masao Kosaka, commander of the Japanese navy, said in disbelief.

You know, this "Kago" cruiser is Japan's most advanced "Furutaka" class cruiser, and it is one of the two trump cards of the Japanese Navy. Now the Pacific Commander of the Magnesium Army actually told himself that his "Kago" cruiser It sank, and the soldiers and officers on the cruiser became floating corpses in the sea.

Isn't this a joke?

Of course Masao Kosaka knew what mission the cruiser "Kago" was going to perform.

You must know that the Self-Defense Forces Command Center is paying close attention to the "Kago" cruiser, and will definitely report to itself whenever there is a situation.

Until now, I have not received any report of the abnormality of the "Jago" cruiser.

How could something happen to the cruiser "Jago"?

Still sunk?

Isn't this a joke?

Even if the combat power of the "Jago" cruiser is attacked, it is impossible for it to sink so quickly.

What's more, I haven't received any reports of the cruiser "Jago" being attacked.

What my stupid navy commander didn't know about today, the people of this country actually knew that the cruiser "Jago" had sunk. How could this be possible?

It's not that Masao Kosaka doesn't believe in Admiral Mai Hill's words, he really can't believe it!

This is simply a fantasy!

"Do you think I'd be so leisurely, get up from bed in the middle of the night, and play this joke on you?"

Admiral Mai Hill said in a cold tone.

What is the stupid navy commander doing today? His own warship sank, and he didn't even know that this ally is nothing but trash.

"No... no kidding!"

Masao Kosaka was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

If the cruiser "Kago" sinks, the consequences...

Kosaka Masao didn't dare to think about it.

"Check it out yourself!"

Buy Hill Admiral a fire,

Hang up the phone, what time is this, the stupid naval commander is still dreaming today.

Kosaka Masao, who was hung up, ignored the attitude of the commander of the Mei Army, and hurriedly called the Self-Defense Forces Naval Command Center.

"How is the cruiser Kako now?"

Masao Kosaka immediately asked a rear admiral on duty.

"everything is normal!"

The rear admiral said while turning off the sound of the small island movie.

In the opinion of the rear admiral, the cruiser "Jago" is so powerful that there will be no problems. If there is a problem, someone must report it to him.

He would never have thought that the connection between the command center and the "Jago" cruiser had actually been broken long ago.

It's just that no one took the initiative to contact the "Jagu", so no one noticed anything unusual.

"Are you sure? Where is the Jiagu now?"

Kosaka reassured his ambition, and asked again with certainty.

Maybe Admiral Mai Hill was really joking with himself.


When asked by the commander, the major general hesitated for a while.

Because he didn't know where the cruiser "Jagu" was sailing at all, so he just focused on watching "little movies" at night.

"What? You don't know?"

Masao Kosaka suddenly had an ominous premonition, could it be that the cruiser "Kago" really sank.

"I... I'll check now!"

The major general also found that his commander's tone was not right.

Could it be that something happened to the "Jago" cruiser, but why no one reported it to him!

How dare you go beyond yourself and report directly to the commander, this is to kill yourself.

Don't let yourself know who it is, or I will kill him!

The poor major general still doesn't know that the one who will die is himself.

"I'll see for myself!"

Now Masao Kosaka doesn't believe the major general at all.

If the cruiser "Kako" really sank, Masao Kosaka will be the first one who will not let go of this major general.


Ten minutes later, Masao Kosaka arrived at the Navy Command Center of the Self-Defense Forces.

"Report, the cruiser Kako cannot be contacted!"

Said a female officer at the command center.

"Continue to contact!"

Masao Kosaka said with a trembling voice, sweating on his head.

The major general behind Masao Kosaka has already fainted from fright.

What should I do if I don't faint?

On the phone just now, he swore that the cruiser "Jago" was fine.

Is this normal?

Now that the signal can't even be connected, something must have happened to the cruiser "Jago".

Now he is dead, and if there is a problem with the "Jago" cruiser, he will go to a military court.

A crime of dereliction of duty cannot escape.

"Still can't get in touch!"

The female officer who operated said anxiously.

"Give me the magnesium army base!"

At this time, Masao Kosaka believed that something had really happened to the cruiser "Kago".

Now that the cruiser "Jagu" cannot be contacted, we can only turn to the Magnesium Army for help.


For everything that happened later, Ye Rongrong didn't care at all.

In the vast ocean, Ye Rongrong swam briskly for an hour. On a small uninhabited island, Ye Rongrong took off his wet swimsuit and put on clean clothes.

After Ye Rongrong put on the shoes, he took out the "Safety Number" from the Qiankun Ring and transformed it into the normal size of the "Safety Number", and then got into the cab of the "Safety Number".

"Drive to the People's Liberation Army General Hospital in Beijing!"

Ye Rongrong sat in the cab and said lazily.

The current "safety number" has a very advanced level, and can automatically navigate through the voice system and automatically generate flight routes.

Soon the "Safety" automatically flew towards the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army according to the navigation, and Ye Rongrong sat in the driver's seat and slept.

As everyone knows, because of his willful behavior, many people can't sleep at night.


"Find out, did you find out why the Kako cruiser sank?"

Admiral Mai Hill frowned and said coldly.

This "Jagu" cruiser sank so silently. If the reason is not found out, the magnesium army will have trouble sleeping and eating!

"I asked the survivors, and the Kagu sank because the cabin flooded."

An officer returned.

"The cabin is flooded, is it under torpedo attack?"

Admiral Mai Hill asked in surprise.

Modern naval ships are designed with many compartments. Even if one or two compartments are hit by a torpedo, the ship will not sink.

And battles like battles between cruisers will definitely be captured by satellites in the sky.

However, after checking the satellites, there was no trace of any battle.

This is the strangest and most taboo place for the Magnesium Army.

"After asking all the survivors, no one can explain why the cabins of the cruiser Kagu flooded one by one, but before the cabins of the cruiser flooded, a strange thing happened."

"What strange thing?"

Admiral Mai Hill asked suspiciously.

"Before that, they discovered the mermaid through sonar, and when they were about to catch it, there was water in the cabin, and it was out of control. They suspected that the mermaid broke it."

said the intelligence officer.


Admiral Carlton raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "Nonsense, how could there be any mermaids in this world? I watched too many movies about them."

"Will the general be a new type of weapon, similar to a humanoid weapon?"

said one officer suspiciously.

"You mean Huaxia's new naval weapons?"

Admiral Carlton felt that this possibility was very high, and this was probably a powerful weapon.

A weapon that can silently sink a "Furutaka" class cruiser.

Just think about it, Admiral Carleton's hairs stand on end.

"Send this information to the CIA immediately, and we must figure out this new weapon of Huaxia."

Admiral Carlton said immediately.

If it is not clear, the Chinese navy will have trouble sleeping and eating with this weapon possessed by Huaxia.



As soon as the Prime Minister of Japan heard the news of the sinking of the cruiser "Kago\

,"The stupid Japanese who hasn't sweared for many years, finally blushed today with a thick neck!

Saburo Koizumi, the Japanese stupid prime minister, sat on a maroon nanmu chair, his eyebrows almost squeezed into a line.

After a while, Koizumi Saburo came back to his senses, picked up the internal phone, and made a call.

This is the biggest loss of Japan's navy since World War II. The most powerful naval cruiser "Kago" sank, and hundreds of naval officers died in the sea.

The point is, when did it happen, and the reason is still unknown.

This made Koizumi Saburo not know how to explain to the people.

If it is not done well, Koizumi Saburo will step down.

Koizumi Saburo deliberately pushed this "pot" on Huaxia.

It's a pity that there is no trace of evidence, and empty words are not what a mature politician should do.


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