The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1244 Medical Ethics

"Stop talking, the dean is here!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong walk into the auditorium, everyone in the auditorium stopped talking, and those who were standing hurriedly found a place to sit down.

Ever since Ye Rongrong's big thunder at the meeting, every time there was a meeting, as long as Ye Rongrong's figure appeared, the conference room was absolutely silent.

Now Ye Rongrong's prestige in the hospital is very high, and everyone respects and fears Ye Rongrong.

Ye Rongrong was in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, and he was definitely a character who said nothing, and when he sneezed, there was an earthquake.

"Very well, basically everyone is here tonight."

Ye Rongrong stood on the rostrum, looked down, and said very satisfied.

So many people listened to his class tonight, which made Ye Rongrong feel honored.

"Before class starts, I have something to tell you. Due to personal reasons, starting tomorrow, I will not come to the hospital to work often. The Chinese Medicine Hospital is managed by Vice President Nalan Hai on my behalf."

"Of course, this doesn't mean that I don't care about the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine at all. I talk to the management of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine every week. I will still manage the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It's just that the management method has changed. In today's words, it is the network office. "

"Of course, if you need any feedback to me directly, you can contact my assistant Zhang Hua, and she will email your questions and suggestions to me."

"Okay, let's stop talking about the gossip here, and start class now."

Ye Rongrong said this, took a sip of tea, and continued: "Before class, I want to ask you a question. As a medical staff, what is the most important thing?"

Following Ye Rongrong's words, the medical staff below began to think.

"Zhu Xiaohong, tell me!"

Ye Rongrong pointed to Zhu Xiaohong who was sitting in the front row.


Zhu Xiaohong stood up nervously.

I really didn't expect that the first thing the dean asked was his name.

"Yes, it's you. What do you say is the most important thing as a medical staff?"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said to Zhu Xiaohong.

"It's medical skills!"

Zhu Xiaohong blushed and said nervously.

"Very well, she said that the most important thing for a medical staff is medical skills. Do you have any other opinions?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"Young man, tell me, what is the most important thing for a medical staff?"

Ye Rongrong pointed to a young medical staff and asked again.

"I... I think it should also be medical skills."

The young medical staff stood up and said.

"Very good, you also think it's medical skills!"

"This beautiful female doctor next to him, what do you think is the most important thing as a medical staff?"

Ye Rongrong pointed to the young woman next to the young medical staff and asked.

"I think it's careful!"

The young woman thought for a while and said.

"Careful, good, another different answer!"

"Any other answers?"

Ye Rongrong asked the people below.





Soon the answers came out one by one.

"Very good. Everyone talked a lot. Some talked about medical skills, some said carefulness, and some talked about patience, responsibility, and love. There were many answers."

"This is the first class I want to give you. This class is not to teach you how to identify herbs and prepare prescriptions; it is not to teach you how to see, smell, inquire, and treat patients; The content of your class can be summed up in two words, 'Medical Ethics'."

"Gong Tingxian of the Ming Dynasty said that 'the patient seeks medical treatment, and he sends life and death', which shows that the medical ethics relationship between medical personnel and patients is based on life and death, and life is at stake. Everyone's birth, old age, sickness and death have a wide impact."

"Medical ethics is the standard of a hospital's quality. If a hospital wants to form a good medical style and hospital style, it must use medical ethics to coordinate the relationship between medical staff.

Relying on the unity and cooperation of all parties, mutual respect, mutual support and mutual cooperation, the whole work can be carried out in an organic, unified, rhythmic and effective manner. "

"Conversely, a hospital without medical ethics will not last long. I think everyone should understand this."

"If the doctors in your hospital have no medical ethics, the patient will come to see the doctor at most once, and he will never choose your hospital next time. This is not a matter of a patient. It will affect the patient's family, friends, relatives, relatives and friends. They'll have relatives and friends too."

"Didn't I say something? Within the four seas, all are brothers and sisters. Don't underestimate a patient. His network, broken down, is really within the four seas, all are brothers and sisters!"

"Good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles, that's how it is."

"In fact, this has something to do with the habits of us Chinese people. Good things are easy to make people jealous and unwilling to spread them. But bad things, everyone wants to spread them everywhere, for fear that others will not know."

"Ming Dynasty doctor Luo Lian wrote medical books and gave them to his son, but one day, when his son got drunk and healed people, Luo Lian angrily said to his son: 'How can you play with your life?"

"So he burned all his medical books and did not pass them on to his son. This shows that the ancients paid great attention to medical ethics in the training of medical talents."

"Similarly, there is also Sun Simiao, a famous doctor in the Tang Dynasty: If someone comes to ask for help due to illness, he should not ask whether he is rich or poor, whether he is old or young, whether he is old or young, whether he is a relative or friend, whether Huayi is stupid or wise, or whether he is universal or not, just like a close relative. "

"What a noble medical ethics and what an admirable practice. From what Sun Simiao said, we can clearly feel his attitude of treating patients as close relatives."

"Medicine is a science of saving lives, and a doctor is a profession of saving lives. If you don't regard patients as close relatives, then why do you do your best to treat them with selflessness in your heart?"

"Secondly, our income comes from patients. From this level of understanding, patients are undoubtedly the parents of our medical workers. How different are they from close relatives?"

"The charm and brilliance of Chinese medicine does not only come from its miraculous curative effect and unique theoretical system, but also a very important reason is the medical ethics of the masters of traditional Chinese medicine that shine with the brilliance of human nature!"

"It has been passed down to this day along with the unique diagnosis and treatment art of Chinese medicine."

"Looking at the various schools of Chinese medicine in ancient and modern times, all those who have made achievements are all doctors with both virtue and skill. They use their words and deeds to interpret medicine as benevolence, and use their hard work and sweat to defend the dignity of medical ethics!"

"Only a person with medical ethics is a real Chinese medicine practitioner, a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner."


It took quite a while for Ye Rongrong to finish his long speech. Looking at the people in the auditorium, many of them seemed to be in deep thought.

This scene was seen by Ye Rongrong. After spending so much time talking, it still had an effect.

In fact, Ye Rongrong knew in his heart that it was easier said than done.

Taking the medical ethics of famous ancient doctors to frame the doctors in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals is really a bit high.

No matter what others said, Ye Rongrong felt that his words were a little false.

In a word, it is easy to ask others, but difficult to do it yourself.

However, if a TCM hospital wants to become the world's top TCM hospital, medical ethics is very important. A hospital without medical ethics and medical ethics cannot become a world-class hospital.

For this class, Ye Rongrong has found a lot of information.

"Okay, having said all that, what is the standard of medical ethics? Everyone's standard of medical ethics is different. I don't need you to change anything. As long as you follow your own heart and don't violate it, then you are a qualified doctor." medical staff."

"Okay, that's all for today's class."

Ye Rongrong put the notebook together and said.



With warm applause, Ye Rongrong's first class to the medical staff of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is over.


"Dean, Dean..."

As soon as Ye Rongrong came out of the gate of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, he was about to drive back to the parking lot when Wu Tianyu called to stop him.

"Dean Wu, what's the matter?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Wu Tianyu suspiciously and asked.

"Dean, you haven't assigned my job yet!"

Wu Tianyu said depressedly.

Originally, Wu Tianyu thought that Ye Rongrong would assign his work well before going back, but it turned out that it was already evening, and he would go back tomorrow, and he hadn't even assigned his work yet.

Now, Wu Tianyu was a little anxious.

Mu Yuhan, who came with me, has been assigned work, and is also the volunteer team responsible for the establishment of the Chinese Medicine Hospital, and is also the exclusive official website of the Jianzhong Hospital.

But I lost it, as if I was forgotten.

I don't know what to do now. For this matter, Wu Tianyu approached Vice President Nalanhai, but he said that he couldn't make the decision, so he asked himself to wait for a few days, and the president will arrange it.

But now Dean Ye himself is going home, and Wu Tianyu doesn't know when he will come to the hospital again, so Wu Tianyu can only come to see Dean Ye by himself.

You know, Wu Tianyu is a returnee talent who has studied abroad and eaten foreign ink. When he was the political commissar of the Second Affiliated Hospital of the Naval Hospital, he was highly valued by the leaders of the Naval Hospital and was the key training object of the hospital.

This time I was transferred here to be the political commissar of the Chinese Medicine Hospital of the PLA General Hospital. I didn't know which link went wrong, but it turned out to be a flat transfer and became the vice president of the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

At the beginning, Wu Tianyu was in a very bad mood, and even had some resistance to the work of the Chinese Medicine Hospital, but the understanding of the Chinese Medicine Hospital these days made Wu Tianyu feel that working in such a thriving Chinese Medicine Hospital might not be a bad opportunity.

Since it was an opportunity, he couldn't let it go, which was why Wu Tianyu was so anxious to find Ye Glory for a job.

"Yeah, how could I forget about this?"

Ye Rongrong suddenly remembered that he hadn't assigned work to Wu Tianyu yet.

It seems that these two days I have only been thinking about going home and forgot about work.

Suddenly, Ye Rongrong understood that he was not a qualified manager just by reading a few management books. It seemed that going home and becoming a farmer was the right way.

I'm not good at managing people!

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