The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1245 No one needs a grandma!

"Dean, do you see my work?"

Wu Tianyu looked at Ye Rongrong nervously and asked.

"You are responsible for the work of the discipline inspection committee of the hospital!"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

The person in charge of the Disciplinary Committee of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was transferred yesterday, and there is no new person in charge of the Disciplinary Committee of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Ye Rongrong thinks it is better to let Wu Tianyu take charge.

Although he is also a newcomer, at least he looks pleasing to the eye.

In order to avoid it, the general hospital transferred a person who made him look uncomfortable.

"This requires the consent of the general hospital?"

Wu Tianyu said.

I have worked in the Naval Hospital, and I know that the disciplinary committee cadres of this branch are arranged by the General Hospital.

"Well, I'll tell Dean Xu and Dean Li tomorrow. You are the new vice president of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. You have also worked as a political commissar, and you have also worked in the discipline inspection system. It is just right to be in charge of this."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Then I will obey the arrangement."

Wu Tianyu said.

"That said, I'll go back first."

Ye Rongrong talked to Wu Tianyu and got into the car.


By the time Ye Rongrong drove home, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

"Honey, you're back."

Seeing Ye Rongrong walking in, Liu Qingqing immediately stood up from the sofa in the living room, greeted Ye Rongrong and said.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the people sitting on the sofa, especially the crying young woman, and asked Liu Qingqing in a low voice.

"My aunt and my uncle are at odds again, no, I ran over to complain to my mother."

Liu Qingqing whispered to Ye Rongrong.

The weeping young woman was Ouyang Lizhu's third sister and Liu Qingqing's third aunt. Because she was the youngest, she was also called my aunt, Ouyang Lijuan.

Ye Rongrong didn't know her very well, he had only met her two or three times, and knew that her husband was the vice president of a listed company. The relationship between the couple, how should I put it, always had conflicts.

This may be related to the family background of the two. Ouyang Lijuan was born in a prominent Ouyang family, while her husband is a classmate whom he met in university, and his family conditions are average.

At that time, Ouyang Lijuan resolutely married a classmate with average family conditions despite her family's opposition.

In the first few years, the relationship was good, but in the last few years, Ouyang Lijuan always got into trouble with her husband.

Ye Rongrong didn't have the curiosity to know the specific reason, so naturally he didn't know.

"Oh, then I'll go upstairs first."

Ye Rongrong whispered to Liu Qingqing.

Seeing the woman crying, Ye Rongrong was annoyed.

"Honey, sit with me for a while, and I'll go up with you later."

Liu Qingqing held Ye Rongrong's hand and said.

Seeing her aunt in pain, Liu Qingqing felt that she was so happy. She had a man who loved her so much. Liu Qingqing was afraid that she was dreaming, so she held Ye Guangrong's hand and didn't want to let go.

In this life, I just want to hold my man's warm big hand quietly like this.


Ye Rongrong is not feeling sleepy now, so he just sits with his wife for a while.

"Woooo... Glory is back."

Ouyang Lijuan, who was crying, saw Ye Rongrong coming, and said something to Ye Rongrong in tears.

"Well, hello, auntie."

Ye Rongrong nodded in response.

"Wuuu, I'm not good, little aunt. Your heartless uncle, he is not good at me. He even yelled at me today. I've grown up so much, and no one has ever yelled at me like this..."

Ouyang Lijuan said to Ye Rongrong while crying.

"Auntie, why did uncle yell at you?"

Originally, Ye Rongrong didn't want to meddle in other people's business. After all, it is difficult for an upright official to break up housework. But Ouyang Lijuan said that her husband, Ye Rongrong's little uncle Huang Zucheng, was not nice to her at all. agree.

That little uncle, Huang Zucheng, Ye Rongrong met twice, and he knew it from his face. From his appearance, that little uncle was an honest person.

On this point, Liu Qingqing also confirmed it.

The reason why the Ouyang family finally agreed to the marriage between Ouyang Lijuan and Huang Zucheng,

The main reason is that Ouyang Lijuan's young lady has a very temper, and many children from aristocratic families are unwilling to marry a woman with such a temper.

Of course, apart from the reluctance of the children from the aristocratic families, the parents of those children from the aristocratic families also don't want their future daughter-in-law to have a bad temper. After all, to marry a daughter-in-law, one must marry a virtuous one, and no one wants to marry a bad daughter-in-law at home.

Marrying a daughter-in-law to serve as an "Lafayette" at home, no one is willing to do such a thing.

As a result, Ouyang Lijuan is in her thirties and has not yet married.

Later, several family members of the Ouyang family thought about it, and felt that Huang Zucheng was honest and a pretty good person, and Ouyang Lijuan wanted to marry Huang Zucheng wholeheartedly.

So the heads of the Ouyang family also helped them.

After the marriage, Miss Ouyang Lijuan's temper never changed. No matter Huang Zucheng, she never retaliated and let Ouyang Lijuan do everything.

As a result, Ouyang Lijuan's eldest lady became more and more tempered.

I started to dislike Qi and Huang Zu, either today I said he was incapable, or tomorrow I said he was like a "dull goose" and didn't know how to be romantic.

Anyway, he often disliked Huang Zucheng, and ran to his mother's house crying for no reason if he came or not.

At the beginning, Ouyang Lijuan's parents would call Huang Zucheng over and talk about it several times.

After a long time, I also felt that this girl in my family was wrong, and Ouyang Lijuan's parents were too embarrassed to talk about their little son-in-law.

In the final analysis, it was all my little daughter's fault, even trivial things, and my temper.

Ouyang Lijuan's parents also knew that they had spoiled their little daughter since she was a child, and they didn't know how to understand her husband.

Talking about her little daughter a few times, but seeing no effect, Ouyang Lijuan's parents no longer like to listen to her daughter's crying complaints, and they don't give her a head start.

Seeing that her parents didn't stand up for her, Ouyang Lijuan cried to her elder sister Ouyang Lizhu.

"He came back late at night, and when I said a few words to him, he yelled at me and told me to stop."

"Wuuu, sister, he dislikes me, he's tired of me, sister, I don't want to live with him, I want a divorce!"

Ouyang Lijuan said while crying.

"Okay, it's normal for husband and wife to quarrel. Maybe he's very tired at work. If you talk to him again, he must be a little annoyed. He'll be fine tomorrow!"

Ouyang Lizhu said helplessly to her sister.

For her brother-in-law, Ouyang Lizhu still understands, she is very honest and down-to-earth, and she loves her sister very much.

My younger sister has been reared by her parents since she was a child, and she has to follow her heart in everything.

But between husband and wife, there must always be humility. It is wrong to always point fingers at one's husband and be dissatisfied with one place or another.

"It's great for him to work overtime, so he doesn't have to go home to cook, sister, you don't know, I'm hungry and wait for him until seven o'clock?"

Ouyang Lijuan said dissatisfied.

"Auntie, you can cook and eat yourself!"

Liu Qingqing said.

"How could I know that? He does all the housework at home. Before marrying me, he promised to do all the housework."

Ouyang Lijuan said confidently.

"Then can you order takeaway?"

Liu Xiaofeng looked at Ouyang Lijuan speechlessly and said.

"The things outside are so unhygienic, they might be gutter oil."

Ouyang Lijuan shook her head and said.

"Auntie, why don't you hire a nanny, so you don't have to worry about it."

Liu Qingqing suggested.

"It's okay if you don't talk about this matter. If you talk about it, I will be even more angry. You say that he has a salary of 20,000 to 30,000 a month, and he has to pay off the mortgage and car loan. Where can I find a nanny?"

"That's fine. He still wants to save face so much that he won't let me ask my natal family for money. What kind of man do you think he is? Why did I fall in love with him before?"

Ouyang Lijuan said dissatisfiedly while wiping her tears.

"Didn't you choose this yourself?"

Ouyang Lizhu said with a wry smile.

My sister, I don't even know what to say.

"I used to think he was pretty good. He listened to me for everything, but now he would talk back. Sister, why do you think this man changed his mind so quickly? How many years have he been married?"

Ouyang Lijuan said sadly.

Ouyang Lijuan felt that she was wronged. Before she got married, she thought he was pretty good, and she wanted to marry him desperately.

She even broke up with her family for him, but now?

How dare he talk to himself so loudly, yell at himself so loudly.

Ouyang Lijuan felt very wronged.

"Auntie, can I say a few words?"

Ye Rongrong couldn't bear to listen anymore, and couldn't vomit something in his heart.

"you say?"

Ouyang Lijuan wiped her tears with a tissue, looked up at Ye Rongrong and said.

"Do you women feel that you are very wronged by spending a few more sanitary napkins every month, so you hold back and ask your husband to spend money for you? In fact, men's money is not just blown by the wind..."

"You know, the average life expectancy of women is longer than that of men. In addition to most women not smoking and drinking, there is another very important reason, that is, men have to bear heavier social responsibilities, and men have to bear more life pressure than women. Much more."

"You are a woman, you can think of the nonsense when you come out, you cry when you are bored, and you are happy when you are beautiful, you are coquettish and self-willed, you turn somersaults to express your feelings, when tossing is comfortable and when it is over."

"No one said anything about you... Women, be more emotional. Everyone can forgive you for being emotional."

"You can commit intermittent neurosis regardless of the consequences and the opportunity, and then call it: We have those few days every month...I didn't mean to..."

"Think about it, every time you say this to him coquettishly, he will take you into his arms and say, you have a cute temper!"

"This old trick has been tried time and time again. Even if you kick to death their cat that has been raised for ten years when you are sick, who would want to get angry with you?"

"You have never thought about why you are! No one is short of grandma!"


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