The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1252 Fly home

"Honey, do you want to see any movie?"

Ye Rongrong asked Liu Qingqing.

This "safety number" is equipped with advanced and advanced home theater, and you can watch many latest movies and TV series.

"There are no movies I'm interested in recently, my husband, why don't you accompany me to see the beauty of the sky!"

Liu Qingqing said.

This was Liu Qingqing's first time flying by plane, and she was very excited, especially sitting by the window and looking at the scenery below, it was very interesting.

"it is good."

Ye Rongrong hugged Dudu and sat beside Liu Qingqing. The two of them leaned against the car window quietly, watching the scenery outside the plane along the way.

The plane flew in the clouds and fog, the sky was very blue, there were clouds below, and the sun was a bit dazzling, making it uncomfortable to watch for a long time.

"Honey, I... I'm a little dizzy."

Liu Qingqing glanced at the ground a few times, her whole body was a little soft, she was afraid of heights.

Liu Qingqing never thought that she would be afraid of heights when flying.

"Just don't look down."

Ye Rongrong patted the back of Liu Qingqing's hand and said.

Fear of heights is a symptom that many people have. It cannot be treated by medicine or acupuncture, and it can only be treated by oneself.


Liu Qingqing responded, leaned on Ye Rongrong's shoulder and closed her eyes, it would be much more comfortable.

The speed of the plane was very fast, quickly flying over one big city after another, Ye Rongrong enjoyed the magnificent rivers and mountains of China on the plane.

Only on the plane can you see the whole picture of these rivers and mountains.


Two hours later, the plane flew over Taoyuan Village.

"So... is that a plane?"

Ye Dequan was sitting in the yard basking in the sun, just in time to see the helicopter in the sky.

In Ye Dequan's impression, the iron bumps that can fly in the sky are airplanes, but the airplane he saw today is different from the airplane Ye Dequan saw in the sky before.

"Grandpa, that's an airplane, a helicopter. I heard that only soldiers in the army can fly it."

Ye Xiangsheng, who was working in the yard, looked at the helicopter flying in the sky and said to his grandfather.

My grandfather is so old, and his eyesight is still so good, he can see the planes in the sky clearly from such a distance.

This vision is much better than that of my eldest granddaughter. My eldest granddaughter is only in the fifth grade of elementary school, and she wears glasses. Without glasses, she can't see clearly.

It seems that I have to tell my son and daughter-in-law that this kid can't let them play with their mobile phones all the time.

"Hey, why is this plane flying to Ye Rongrong's home?"

Ye Dequan said doubtfully.

"It's really flying to Ye Rongrong's house!"

Ye Xiangsheng looked up and saw that the helicopter landed directly at Ye Rongrong's home.

"I gonna go see."

Ye Dequan stood up on crutches and said.

Ye Dequan lived to be more than ninety years old, and he has never seen what this plane looks like, so he wants to see it.

One day, when I stretch my legs to death, I can brag with my old brothers who have gone one step ahead of me in the underworld, telling them that I have seen an airplane and know what it looks like.

"Grandpa, I will accompany you."

Ye Xiangsheng hurriedly protected Ye Dequan and said.

"I don't need your help, I'm still strong."

Ye Dequan pushed Ye Xiangsheng's hand away and said.

When this old man Ye was young, he was a martial artist. He practiced kung fu since he was a child, and he is in good health. He is almost a hundred years old, and his body is still very strong. He can climb the mountain road alone.

Of course, at his age, no one would let him climb the mountain road.

This scene was not only seen by Ye Xiangsheng, but also by many people in Taoyuan Village. Many people put down their work and walked towards Ye Rongrong's house.

Few people in Taoyuan Village have seen what a plane looks like. Suddenly a plane flew to Taoyuan Village. Naturally, men, women and children went to watch the excitement.


on the helicopter.

"Wake up, wife, you're home."

Ye Rongrong gently pushed Liu Qingqing awake and said.

The address set by this "safety number" Ye Rongrong is Taoyuan Village, Yangping County.

It flew over Taoyuan Village and stopped flying. After all, Ye Rongrong didn't set a landing location.

This is the difference between a machine and a human. In an intelligent machine, it does not have the function of independent thinking like a human brain cell, but only acts according to the instructions input by a human.

Of course, Ye Rongrong will not give instructions to the "Safety Number" to land. Ye Rongrong doesn't want others to know that his "Safety Number" is far different from ordinary helicopters.

"Well... I'm home."

Liu Qingqing opened her eyes and said.

It was really reassuring to sleep on my husband's shoulders, and I slept soundly.

"I'm home, I'm going to land the plane."

As Ye Rongrong said, he handed the sleeping "Dudu" to Liu Qingqing and said.


Liu Qingqing hugged "Dudu" in her arms.

I haven't been home for almost a month, and Liu Qingqing is very homesick. Now that I'm finally home, Liu Qingqing is very excited.

No matter how nice the outside is, it is better not to have your own home.


Ye Rongrong walked into the cockpit of "Safety", changed the driving mode from automatic to manual, and then drove the helicopter to his yard.

"Xiao Sier, look at a plane flying over."

Aunt Liu pointed to the sky and said to Xiao Si'er.

"Where... is there really a helicopter coming?"

As soon as Xiao Si'er looked up, he saw a Kubi helicopter flying towards the parking lot in the big yard.

"What a cool helicopter!"

Xiao Si'er looked at the helicopter that kept descending, her eyes lit up, and she ran to the parking lot quickly.


"Wow woof..."

Ye Rongrong just got off the helicopter.

Suddenly, a snow-white figure rushed towards Ye Rongrong from a distance, at such a speed that the leaves on the side of the road were lifted up, like wind and clouds.

"Hehe, I haven't seen you for a month, and I've grown taller again."

Ye Rongrong touched "Xiaobai", who was almost half the height of a person, and said happily.

Among the "little guys" at home, Ye Rongrong has the best relationship with this "little white".



The "King Kong" who followed closely behind "Xiaobai" also called out to Ye Rongrong affectionately.

After not seeing their master for so long, these "little guys" miss Ye Rongrong.


Suddenly, the cry of "beep" sounded.

It turned out that Liu Qingqing walked off the plane with "Dudu" in her arms, and "Dudu" who was woken up by "King Kong" and their cries burst into tears.

"Dudu, don't be afraid, we are home."

Liu Qingqing hurriedly hugged "Dudu" and coaxed her.

"Let's all go play!"

Seeing that these guys made his precious daughter cry, Ye Rongyao immediately called them away.

"Wow, the master is back, the mistress is back, Dudu is back."

The parrot "Ying Ying", who was scared by the helicopter and hid in his nest with "Wen Wen", cautiously poked his head out to have a look when he heard the buzzing sound of the plane.

Soon, "Yingying" saw Ye Rongrong and others coming down from the plane, and immediately waved his wings and flew towards Ye Rongrong's position, screaming loudly while flying.


As soon as they heard that Ye Rongrong and the others had returned, the figure of "Six Ears" also appeared. While shouting loudly, he dexterously jumped over the wall of the small courtyard, and turned his legs and ran towards Ye Rongrong and the others.

"Duddu, Dudu, don't cry, my brother is playing hide-and-seek with you, you can't see me, but you can see me..."

Seeing "Dudu" crying, the flying parrot "Yingying" tried to coax "Dudu" in different ways.


Not to mention, the bastard "Ying Ying" is still good at coaxing children, just cover her eyes with her wings and show her eyes, and she actually coaxed "Dudu" to laugh out of tears.

"This cherry blossom is not bad."

Ye Rongrong nodded in satisfaction and said.

Although this parrot is usually a bit "second-hand", it can still work at this critical time.

"It's still Yingying who is amazing, it's worth my love for it."

Seeing that "Dudu" burst into tears, Liu Qingqing said happily.

Liu Qingqing was still very satisfied with the performance of "Yingying".

Compared with those little guys who scared "Dudu" to cry, this "Yingying" is much more sensible.


"Six Ears" finally ran to Ye Rongrong at this time, and stretched out his hands in front of Ye Rongrong.

This is something to eat!

"You bastard, besides eating, what else do you know? See how sensible Yingying is, and when she sees 'Duddu' crying, you can coax her to laugh."

Ye Rongrong patted the hand extended by "Six Ears" dissatisfied and said.


The little monkey scratched his head with his hands, and looked at the parrot "Ying Ying" who was making "Dudu" laugh.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, he ran over, slapped the parrot aside, and made a face at "Doo".


Seeing the grimace made by "Six Ears", "Dudu" immediately laughed.

"Bad...bad guy."

Being slapped on the ground by "Six Ears", "Yingying", who was a little dizzy, stood up from the ground and cursed at "Six Ears" angrily.


"Six Ears" has a bad temper, how could "Yingying" scold it, and squeaked angrily at "Yingying".

"Yingying" was so scared that she flew away immediately.

"Okay, stop making trouble, take it out and eat."

Ye Rongrong flicked "Six Ears" on the head lightly, then took out a peach from his pocket and handed it to "Six Ears".

This guy has been thinking about the peaches in his own space.

"Brother Glory, are back!"

Xiao Si'er said to Ye Rongrong with some excitement.

After not seeing Big Brother Ye for a month, Xiao Si'er's heart is empty, and she has no energy to work.

"Yes, it's almost Chinese New Year, of course I'm going home."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Brother Glory, is this a helicopter?"

Xiao Si'er pointed to the helicopter behind Ye Rongrong and asked.

This helicopter is really cool, Xiao Si'er fell in love with it after seeing it.

"Honey, I'll take Dudu home first."

It's windy outside, it's a little cold, Liu Qingqing is afraid of being cold and "beeps".

"Okay, let's go!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"My, how about the helicopter I bought? Isn't it beautiful!"

Ye Rongrong said happily.


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