The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1253 This plane is mine

"Beautiful, just plain cool!"

Xiao Si'er said while touching the body of the helicopter with her hand.

Although Xiao Si'er saw a helicopter up close once when she came to transport watermelons last time, it was a transport helicopter, and its appearance was far worse than this one.

This is the plane driven by a man, much cooler than the Audi Q7 that Kai Ye's big brother owns.

If it's going out to pick up girls, isn't it...

Thinking of this, Xiao Si'er stopped immediately, if she let her daughter-in-law know her thoughts, she would have to kneel on the washboard!

Oh, I was wrong, it was the keyboard, and now the washboard is almost impossible to find.

"Of course, can my eyesight be worse?"

Ye Rongrong said with a little show off.

Isn't there a saying that goes, "Wealth and honor do not return home, just like brocade clothes walking at night".

I'm still so young, I don't know how to show off, I don't look like a young man.

Ye Rongrong found that since he became the director of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, he has looked like an old man.

No, it should be said that people are not old, and their hearts are old, which is very bad.

Young people still need to have a young mind.

"Brother Glory, can I go in and have a look?"

Xiao Si'er asked with some excitement.

"Okay, just look at it, it's not a problem if you think about it."

Ye Rongrong waved his hand and said proudly.

"I dare not open this thing."

Xiao Si'er shook her head and said a word, then walked into the cabin impatiently.

Although he is very excited and Xiao Si is also quite courageous, but he really dare not let him fly the plane now.

If it falls from mid-air, no one will be able to save it.

"Glory, come back!"

"I haven't seen you for a month, and I'm not used to it."


"Glory, this is the plane!"

"This plane is so beautiful, whose family is it?"


Before Ye Rongrong got his things out of the plane and was about to take them home, he was surrounded by a group of enthusiastic villagers.

Everyone was attracted by this helicopter.

From this point of view, Ye Rongrong got out of the helicopter, so he knew that Ye Rongrong came back by helicopter.

Many villagers couldn't help but sigh with emotion, this Ye Rongrong is getting more and more capable, and now he takes a special plane to go home.

In the eyes of ordinary people in the countryside, this is the treatment that only great leaders can enjoy!

After all, it is located in a remote place, and I have never seen any private jets.

"Glory, why is this plane so small, how can it seat hundreds of people?"

Ye Dequan held on to his crutches, walked around the helicopter, looked at Ye Rongrong with some confusion and asked.

Although Ye Dequan had never been on a plane before, nor had he ever seen a plane on the spot, but he had heard people say that the plane was huge and could seat hundreds of people.

But Ye Dequan went around in a big circle, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see that this plane could hold hundreds of people, but it would be great if it could hold dozens of people.

"Great Uncle, this is a small helicopter, which is different from the passenger plane with hundreds of people you always said."

Ye Rongrong explained.

They are all old and deaf, but this Ye De is almost a hundred years old, his body is still very strong, his eyes are not blurred, and his ears are good. Ye Rongrong doesn't need to speak loudly, he can hear clearly.

"Why is it different, aren't they all iron bumps flying in the sky?"

Ye Dequan asked with some confusion.

In Ye Quande's view, what difference can an iron bump flying in the sky call an airplane?

"Uncle, you don't know this. This is a helicopter. It can't carry many people. Only those who are very rich can afford it. It is driven by individuals and does not carry passengers."

Ye Xianghai explained to Ye Quande.

Being able to become the village head, Ye Xianghai is considered a capable person in the village, and his knowledge is of course much better than that of Ye Quande, an old man who has never traveled far.

"It's still us Qiwazi who has the ability to get on a private jet. Give our village and Ye Shi an embarrassment!"

Ye Quande looked at Ye Rongrong,

Said very satisfied.

Now people from all over the world, who doesn't know that Ye Rongrong, who came out of Taoyuan Village, is such a capable person!

Those clan members of Ye's ancestral hall, who dare to underestimate Ye's in Taoyuan Village now.

In the past, people from Taoyuan Village went to see other clans' places, and no one else was willing to come to Taoyuan Village, a poor mountain valley.

To put it bluntly, I just look down on the Ye family in Taoyuan Village, and feel that the Ye family in Taoyuan Village has not produced many capable people.

It's different now, clansmen from other ancestral halls often come to Taoyuan Ye's to visit.

As Ye Dequan is the person with the highest seniority in the Ye family in Taoyuan Village, these clansmen will come to visit him when they come. Ye Dequan doesn't care about the gifts or red envelopes these people bring, and what he wants is this attention.

For a person of his age, many things are taken lightly, but Ye Dequan is still very happy with this feeling of being taken seriously.

Now Ye Dequan, whenever outsiders come, they will say that Ye Rongrong is good and capable.

"That is, Glory's ability, there is nothing to say about that."

Ye Xianghai nodded happily and said.

It was also the first time for Ye Xianghai to see this helicopter at such a close distance.

"Brother Ye, can I take a photo with this helicopter?"

A young girl asked Ye Rongrong.

"Of course, you can shoot whatever you want."

Ye Rongrong nodded with a smile and said.

Ye Rongrong had the impression that this young girl was Ye Tiancheng's daughter-in-law. Ye Rongrong's daughter-in-law seemed to be called Wang Xiaojia. When they got engaged, Ye Rongrong organized the engagement banquet for them, so Ye Rongrong had some impressions.

It's just that isn't she in the city with Ye Rongrong? Why is it in Taoyuan Village?

But after taking a closer look, Ye Rongrong understood that Wang Xiaojia was pregnant, and she was raising a baby in Taoyuan Village.

"Brother Glory, the inside of this plane is too luxurious."

Xiao Si'er exclaimed inside.

Although Xiao Si'er has never taken a private jet, she has taken a passenger plane.

The interior decoration of this airliner is far from that of my brother Glory's helicopter.

"Glory, can we go in and have a look?"

Li Xiaoli, the village women's director, poked her head into the helicopter hatch to take a look, then turned her head and asked Ye Rongrong hesitantly.

Li Xiaoli has never been on a plane in her life, and she doesn't know what the inside of the plane is like.

But the interior decoration of this plane is too luxurious, Li Xiaoli is a little worried that it will be damaged.

Everyone knows that this plane is much more expensive than a car. If I get dirty or damage the item inside, my family can't afford it!

"Go in and have a look!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"If it gets dirty, will the boss be unhappy?"

Li Xiaoli thinks it's better to ask clearly. I heard that private jets are very expensive, hundreds of millions or billions, which sounds scary.

The price of a seat in this plane is probably enough to buy a big house in the city.

"No, just step on it."

Ye Rongrong waved his hand and said.

This "safety number" has an automatic cleaning function. If it is dirty, it can be cleaned automatically without being cleaned by people.

"Qiwazi, if something breaks, the boss won't ask you to pay for it."

Ye Dequan also wanted to go inside the plane, but he was worried like Li Xiaoli, fearing that the plane would be dirty or damaged.

After all, this is a very expensive big guy.

"Hehe, Grand Uncle, this plane belongs to me, you can look at it and touch it casually, don't worry about getting it dirty or damaged."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Now there are only a few old people in the village who are still used to calling themselves by their nicknames, and this Ye Dequan is one of them.


"Glory, is this plane yours?"

Ye Rongrong's words can scare the people of Taoyuan Village quite a lot!

This plane turned out to be Ye Rongrong's own.

At first, everyone thought that this was some big boss in the capital who sent someone to fly Ye Rongyao and the others home, but they didn't think about it.

This helicopter is really too expensive.

"That's right, mine, everyone, go ahead and visit."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Glory, is this plane worth a lot of money?"

Ye Xianghai came back to his senses, took a long breath, and asked like Ye Rongrong.

Now Ye Xianghai doesn't know what to say anymore. Before Ye Xianghai educated his grandson, he often used Ye Glory as a negative example.

What to say, if you don't study hard like Ye Rongrong, you will have no future when you grow up, and you won't be able to get a wife.

Now the sum of several grandchildren in my family who are already working is not as good as Ye Rongrong's ability alone!

This face was slapped!

"The internal friendship price is more than 100 million."

Ye Rongrong said.

"More than 100 million, is a lot of money?"

Ye Dequan looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

Ye Dequan, who had never attended elementary school, did not understand how much this 100 million was.

"That's 10,000 yuan!"

Ye Rongrong explained.

In the countryside, if you tell the elderly in the village hundreds of millions, they will not understand. The unit they know most is ten thousand.

"Ten thousand ten thousand dollars!"

Ye Rongrong's words frightened the old people in the village who came to watch the excitement.

That's too much money too.

With so much money, how many houses can you buy? Ye Glory actually used it to buy such a lump of iron.

Really too prodigal.

Of course, everyone can only think about this in their hearts.

Now Ye Rongrong has the capital of a prodigal!

It's a pity that Ye Rongrong's parents didn't enjoy this wealth!

"It's still Qiwa who has the ability!"

Ye Dequan, who came back to his senses after a long time, said to Ye Rongrong with emotion.

"Great Uncle, you can go to the cabin of the plane to look around and touch it. Don't worry about breaking it. This plane is very strong and it won't break. I'll go back first."

Ye Rongrong talked to the villagers and walked to his yard.

"Glory, this is what you said, if it is broken, you can't make us pay for it!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong walking towards the yard, Li Xiaoli shouted hastily.

"No, Aunt Li, just rest assured."

Ye Rongrong turned his head and said, and ignored the people behind him.

"Hehe, if I ask you to pay, you can't afford it."

Ye Xianghai said something to Li Xiaoli, and climbed into the helicopter.

"I can rest assured that."

With that said, Li Xiaoli couldn't wait to climb onto the plane.



As soon as Ye Rongrong entered the yard, a black shadow rushed towards Ye Rongrong.

If it is an ordinary person, it will definitely be frightening.

But Ye Rongrong is not an ordinary person, he grabbed the black shadow's neck quickly with quick eyesight, preventing it from moving.

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