The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1254 The Depression of

"I asked you to come out to scare people. I have told you several times, but you still ran out so suddenly. It is really persistent."

Ye Rongrong pinched the tiger cat's neck and said to it.

"Meow meow!"

"Tiger Head" cried aggrievedly.

It's really Huluopingyang being bullied by his master. You must know that in the mountains, he bullies others by himself.

At my own speed, except for that scary guy lying on the roof every day, the master can catch me so easily.

"Tiger Head" is depressed.

Originally, he wanted to give the master a surprise attack, but he was caught unexpectedly.

It's a good thing that my younger brothers are all in the mountains, otherwise they would be ashamed if they saw this scene.

"Why are you still not convinced?"

Ye Guangrong stared at "Tiger Head" and said.

I don't think it's a big deal, in case an old man in his seventies and eighties comes to the family one day and is so frightened by this "tiger head", he won't be scared to death, and if it is serious, he will be scared to death.

That's why Ye Rongrong warned this "tiger head" long ago, not allowing it to appear out of nowhere like this.

I didn't expect that I would stay away from home for a month, and it committed this old problem again. If I don't educate it well, it will cause trouble for myself sooner or later.

"Meow meow……"

"Tiger Head" looked at Ye Rongrong pitifully with watery eyes and shouted.

If a girl sees the pitiful appearance of "Tiger Head", she will definitely feel distressed and comfort her in her arms.

It's a pity that Ye Rongrong is not a woman, but a man with a heart of stone.

Anyway, in the heart of "Tiger Head", Ye Rongrong is a man with a hard heart, who is not gentle to himself at all, and he must know that he is a female.

He also shamelessly looked at his own place.

My mother told me that that position is not for male creatures to see, only my partner can do it.

But he couldn't beat the master, so he showed it to him.

woo woo...

You don't ask the master to be responsible for you, but you also have to be gentle with yourself!

Why did I run out so excitedly?

Don't you miss him too much?

What a piece of wood, doesn't understand the mind of a female creature at all.

She is a female, and she even named herself "Tiger Head", which is so ugly.

Fortunately, Ye Rongrong didn't know the messy thoughts in this "tiger's head", otherwise he would probably faint from fright.

I was actually liked by the cat all the time!


"Your trick is useless to me, face the wall and think about it!"

With that said, Ye Rongrong threw the "Tiger Head" to the corner of the wall and said to it.

"Meow meow……"

After landing, he immediately stood up and shouted to Ye Rongrong dissatisfied.

This master is too hateful, how can he treat himself like this?

Not gentle at all.

Fortunately, I am still infatuated with him.

If you make yourself angry again, you will... just run to the mountains.

There is also a group of little friends who are chasing me. If I go back, I will be treated like a "princess" all day long.

Where is it like the master, who doesn't feel pity at all.

"Don't pretend to be pitiful with me, face the wall and think about it."

Ye Rongrong doesn't like the "tiger head" thing.

If it was other animals, I might get hurt by throwing it like this, but this "tiger cat" won't, it has nine lives just like a cat.

There is a legend in the countryside that "cats have nine lives", and people still believe it.

Although from the perspective of life, this is impossible, no matter what kind of creature it is, it only has one life.

However, the vitality of this cat is much stronger than that of other animals. Cats have an instinctive response to restore balance and a sensitive sense of balance, which is unmatched by other animals.

People often see cats falling from a high place without any damage to their bodies, while dogs will either die or be injured if they fall from the same height, and cats can manage to withstand various accidents, injuries and troubles. And it turns bad luck into good luck, so there is this saying.

The reason why it is said that there are nine lives is because in China, "nine" is a mysterious number.

In ancient China,

"Nine" is the extreme number of yang numbers, that is, the number with the largest singular number, so the number "nine" is often used to refer to emperors, and things related to emperors are mostly related to nine. For example, ancient emperors liked to call themselves "Nine Five". The Honor".

Of course, in addition to the powerful instinct to restore balance and a sensitive sense of balance, cats also have a strong self-healing ability.

Science now shows that both domestic and feral cats purr when injured.

This throaty grunt helps them heal bone injuries and organ damage


After "Tiger Head" called out to Ye Rongrong, he obediently pretended to face the wall.

A good cat doesn't suffer from immediate disadvantages, and "Tiger Head" knows that he can't beat his master at all.

This is a perverted existence!

Anyway, in the heart of "Tiger Head", Ye Rongrong is a "non-human".

"Blade, watch it for me, don't let it play tricks."

Ye Rongrong raised his head and said to the big carving "Blade" standing on the eaves basking in the sun.

The speed of this "Tiger Head" is too fast, only "Blade Edge" can restrain it in the whole yard.

"Blade" glanced at "Tiger Head", then raised his head proudly again.

"Hmph, what's so great, if you have the ability, you won't be caught by the master to look at the yard."

"Tiger Head" glanced at the proud "Blade Edge" secretly, muttering disdainfully in his heart.

Of course, "Tiger Head" only dared to think about it in his heart, but he didn't dare to provoke "Blade Edge".

One thing falls one thing, this "blade" is the natural enemy of "tiger head".

If it wasn't for Ye Rongrong's house, this "tiger head" was also Ye Rongrong's pet, and the "tiger head" would have entered the stomach of "Blade Edge" long ago.


"Husband, what shall we have for dinner tonight?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong enter the yard, Liu Qingqing asked.

It's been a long time since she cooked for her husband, but this time at home, Liu Qingqing wanted to cook for Ye Glory.

As a full-time housewife, Liu Qingqing's biggest hobby is cooking for her husband.

"Honey, I like to eat whatever you cook."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

It's been a long time since I ate the food cooked by my wife, and Ye Rongrong misses it very much.

There is a saying that is not wrong at all, "If you want to learn well, you have to sleep with the master", my wife sleeps with me every day, this level of cooking skills is improving day by day!

Now the level of any super chef is not enough for Liu Qingqing, only Ye Rongrong's cooking skills can still overwhelm her.

Of course, according to Liu Qingqing's progress, maybe one day, her culinary skills will surpass Ye Guangrong's.

On this point, Ye Rongrong doesn't mind at all.

Throughout the ages, masters teach apprentices will keep a hand, this is for outsiders.

Like his own wife, Ye Rongrong naturally wished that her cooking skills were much better than his own, because in the end it was all at the expense of him.


Liu Qingqing gave Ye Rongrong a white look, and happily ran to the back kitchen to cook.

Women are really duplicity creatures.


"Uncle, uncle."

When Xiao Mengmeng came home from school, she saw Ye Rongrong who was teasing "Wang Zai" in the yard, and immediately jumped over excitedly.

Having not seen Ye Rongrong for a month, Xiao Mengmeng misses Ye Rongrong very much.

"Hehe, Xiao Mengmeng has grown taller."

Ye Rongrong picked up Xiao Mengmeng who was rushing towards him, turned around, and said happily.

Ye Rongrong treats this little Mengmeng like a big girl.

"Uncle, have I really grown taller?"

Xiao Mengmeng asked happily.

These children want to grow up quickly and become adults, because in their eyes, the world of adults is wonderful.

But for adults, childhood is the best, and I want to go back to childhood, because it was really a carefree and beautiful time, without worrying about livelihood, and without complicated intrigues.

When I grow up, the world becomes more complicated, and it is not as beautiful as I imagined when I was a child.

"Well, I've grown up a lot."

Ye Rongrong put Xiao Mengmeng down, nodded and said.

It's hard to find that she has grown up after watching this child every day, but after not seeing her for a month, it's obvious that she has grown up.

It is also the child who is at the age of growing, and he grows very fast.

So in rural areas, when people buy clothes for children, they don't buy clothes that fit just right. They need to be one size bigger. Otherwise, they won't be able to wear them after a few days.

"Uncle, am I a big girl?"

Xiao Mengmeng looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"How can it be so fast? To become a big girl, you have to eat more and grow up."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Well, Mengmeng will eat more and grow up quickly."

Xiao Mengmeng nodded and said.

"Tell uncle, has anyone bullied you at school these days?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

Although Ye Rongrong told the kindergarten teacher and principal to take care of Xiao Mengmeng, he was still afraid that Xiao Mengmeng would be bullied in the kindergarten.

"No one bullies me, but there are a few male classmates who are particularly annoying. They always hang around me and write me love letters."

Xiao Mengmeng said.

"Write a love letter?"

Ye Rongrong suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

How old are the children in this kindergarten, and they can write love letters. This puppy love is too early.

"Then how did you handle it?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xiao Mengmeng and asked.

"I handed the love letter to the teacher, and the teacher criticized all the male students."

Xiao Mengmeng said.

"That's right!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and praised Xiao Mengmeng and said.

"Uncle, today the teacher taught us a poem, and I will recite it to you."

Being praised by Ye Rongrong, Xiao Mengmeng said happily.

"Okay, listen to Uncle and see if you recited anything wrong."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

The fragrance of red lotus root and the remnant jade mat in autumn.

Untie Luo Chang lightly, and get on the Lanzhou alone.

Who in the cloud sent brocade books?

When the word geese returns, the moon is full on the west tower.

Flowers drift by themselves, water flows by itself.

One kind of lovesickness, two places of worry.

There is no way to get rid of this feeling, so I lowered my brows, but raised my heart.

Soon, Xiao Mengmeng recited Li Qingzhao's "Yijianmei" poems word for word.

After listening to Xiao Mengmeng reciting "One Cut Plum", Ye Rongrong frowned and asked: "Mengmeng, do you understand the meaning of this poem?"


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