The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1255 You Know

"Well, the teacher said that this means that a poetess in ancient times missed her husband."

Xiao Mengmeng said.

"Well, that's right."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Of course, Ye Rongrong knew about "One Cut Plum". Ye Rongrong learned this poem when he was in junior high school. It was the work of Li Qingzhao, a famous poetess in Song Dynasty.

After Li Qingzhao and her husband Zhao Mingcheng parted, they expressed their deep affection that they could not bear to part with, reflecting the pure heart of a first-married young woman indulging in the sea of ​​love.

This "One Cut Plum" appeared in junior high school textbooks, and Ye Rongrong thought it was not a big problem, but he taught this kind of love poems in kindergarten, and even explained the lovesickness between men and women to such a young child.

From Ye Rongrong's point of view, something was wrong.

Ye Rongrong felt that it was necessary for him to tell the principal of the kindergarten that he should not teach the children these intimate poems.

"Honey, it's time to eat."

Liu Qingqing's voice came from the kitchen calling for dinner.

"Let's go and eat."

Ye Rongrong picked up Xiaomengmeng and walked out of the kitchen.

"smell good!"

Ye Rongrong put down Xiaomengmeng, smelling the aroma of vegetables wafting on the table, couldn't help reaching out to eat a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs.

"Wash your hands first, and pay attention to hygiene."

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was about to grab the sweet and sour pork ribs, Liu Qingqing patted Ye Rongrong's back lightly.

"It's my wife, Mengmeng, let's wash our hands."

Ye Rongrong took Xiaomengmeng to the kitchen faucet to wash his hands.

My wife has a cleanliness disorder, and if she doesn't wash her hands or let people eat, Ye Rongrong can only be obedient.

After all, the male lead outside, the female lead inside, at home, of course Ye Rongrong has to listen to his wife.

Of course, as the head of the family, Ye Rongrong has always made up his mind on major matters.


"The food cooked by my wife is delicious."

Ye Rongrong picked up a piece of twice-cooked pork, chewed it in his mouth, and said happily.

"Well, the meals made by my aunt are the best."

Xiao Mengmeng also flattered Ye Rongrong.

"Really, I thought I didn't cook for more than a month, and this skill is rusty."

Hearing Ye Rongrong and Xiao Mengmeng's praise, Liu Qingqing said happily.

"How can you? If you continue to improve your culinary skills, you will overtake me."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Co-author, you are boasting that your cooking skills are better than mine!"

Liu Qingqing put a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs on Ye Rongrong's rice bowl and said with a smile.

"That is, if you learn everything, wouldn't my master be unemployed? As the old saying goes, if you teach an apprentice, the master will starve to death."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"What? You still have a hand? No, you must teach me!"

Liu Qingqing stared at Ye Rongrong and said dissatisfiedly.

"It depends on your performance, you know."

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Qingqing with a smile and said.


Liu Qingqing rolled her eyes at Ye Rongrong, and ate with a blushing face.

Of course Liu Qingqing understood the meaning of these words.

"Uncle, aunt, what are you talking about? I don't understand?"

Xiao Mengmeng looked at Liu Qingqing and Ye Rongrong curiously and asked.

"That... Mengmeng, you are still young, you will understand when you grow up, so hurry up and eat."

Ye Rongrong said to Xiao Mengmeng with some embarrassment.

I forgot, there is also a small light bulb here.


Xiao Mengmeng answered, then bowed her head to eat.

The world of adults is too complicated, and children always don't understand it.

Xiao Mengmeng seems to grow up quickly, and can integrate into the world of uncle and aunt.


"Boss, you are back."

Fang Bolin walked into the living room, saw Ye Rongrong playing with Dudu in his arms, and said happily.

"Brother Ye, you are finally back. We thought you would not return to Taoyuan until after the Chinese New Year."

Pan Chengchen also said in surprise.

I don't know why?

When Big Brother Ye is not at home,

Pan Chengchen always felt that something was missing in his life.

"Then how is that possible? This New Year must be celebrated at my own home."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Ye Rongrong is a very traditional person and thinks that the Chinese New Year must be celebrated in his own home.

Because in Ye Rongrong's eyes, home is the post station of his life, the paradise of his life, and the harbor of shelter from the wind. No matter when and where, he still never forgets the way home.

Home has its own hotbed for survival and a variety of special tastes that can be tasted endlessly.

Although the house cannot be eaten or drunk, as long as there is it, no matter how precious things in the world, it will become eclipsed.

So in the ends of the earth, no matter how exciting the outside world is, Ye Rongrong will go home to celebrate the New Year.

In Ye Rongrong's view, home is the starting point and the end of his life. Going home for the New Year is a kind of feeling and a kind of sustenance.

"Boss, should we report to you first?"

Fang Bolin asked.

"I just came back today, so please forgive me and let me stop."

Ye Rongrong said hurriedly.

He just came back from the capital and got rid of the complicated things in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. This time, Fang Bolin had to report to work, and of course Ye Rongrong didn't want to.



Fang Bolin and Pan Chengchen couldn't help laughing happily as Ye Rongrong was frightened.

This beauty is full of charms with a smile, but fortunately Ye Rongrong has enough concentration, otherwise he would show his brother pig's appearance.

"Hehe, he's too busy in the capital, so let him rest for a few days."

Liu Qingqing said to the two girls with a smile.


Fang Bolin was a little suspicious.

After all, Fang Bolin is aware of her boss' habits.

It's unbelievable that he's busy.

"By the way, Linlin, Chenchen, we brought you gifts from the capital, and I'll get them for you."

After speaking, Liu Qingqing stood up and went for a gift.

Before going home this time, Liu Qingqing went to the city to do some shopping and bought a lot of things.

For rural people, it is not easy to go to other provinces, and they will bring some gifts to relatives and friends when they come back.

Everyone is happy.

Ye Rongrong remembers that when he was a child, what he looked forward to the most was when his parents came back from a long trip to work.

In addition to missing his parents, every time his parents return from work, they will bring him a lot of delicious food.

So this time when he came back from the capital, Ye Rongrong specially asked Liu Qingqing to buy some special products and gifts in the capital, bring them back as gifts, and make everyone happy.

"Gift, what gift?"

The girls were very interested in these gifts, Fang Bolin and Pan Chengchen were very happy when they heard that there were gifts received.

"You can open it and see for yourself."

Liu Qingqing took out two exquisite gift boxes, handed them to Fang Bolin and the others and said.

"Perfume, Chanel perfume."

Fang Bolin said in surprise.

Perfume, cosmetics, and nice clothes are all women's favorites.

"Is this going to be expensive?"

Pan Chengchen looked at the gift box in his hand and asked.

Chanel perfume, of course Pan Chengchen knows, this is a world famous brand perfume, very expensive.

Although Pan Chengchen's current income is not low, he is still reluctant to buy it.

It's just that she didn't expect sister-in-law Qingqing to give herself such an expensive set of perfume.

Pan Chengchen has seen this Chanel perfume on the Internet, and the online price is tens of thousands of sets, and it is estimated that it will be more expensive in physical stores.

"It's okay, my mother has a membership card, 30% off, much cheaper, and I don't know what to buy, so I will give you a set of perfume, I hope you like it."

Liu Qingqing said.

"I like it very much. I have wanted to buy this perfume for a long time, but I have been reluctant to buy it. Thank you sister-in-law."

Pan Chengchen said happily.

"Let Xiao Si'er buy you a set."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Hehe, he has no money. His money has to be handed over to the company every month. I just give him two hundred yuan for living expenses. How can he afford it?"

Pan Chengchen said with a smile.

My mother taught my sisters that if you want to control a man, you must first control his money. As long as you control his money, you can basically control this man.

Pan Chengchen firmly believed in what his mother said.

Because there is a successful example at home!

From childhood to adulthood, Pan Chengchen saw that his father had no status in front of his mother.

Usually, if I want to buy some fruit to eat, I have to ask my mother for money.

Every time I look at my mother like a prisoner, asking why I want the money, and where the money I gave you is spent.

The two sisters, Pan Chengchen, felt that their father was pitiful, and secretly gave him money so that he could have a few dollars with him to buy fruits and vegetables.

Apart from going to work, his father basically stayed at home, and he couldn't go out without money, and it was even more impossible to spend a lot of time and drink.

Go to work on time, leave work on time, others say that my father is a standard good man,

Pan Chengchen knew that it wasn't that his father didn't want to go out to play, but that he didn't have any money in his pocket!

This man has no money in his pocket, and he doesn't speak loudly. How can he have the face to go out and play!

In terms of managing her husband, Pan Chengchen generally agrees with his mother's way, but there is one thing that Pan Chengchen thinks differently from his mother.

From Pan Chengchen's point of view, this man also wants face. This is on the outside. If he doesn't have a penny in his pocket, that won't work. It will embarrass the man and make his man look down upon.

Therefore, Pan Chengchen would put two hundred dollars in his man's pocket every day, and he only needed to check how much money was spent and where it was spent every night.

As long as there is less than two hundred yuan in his man's pocket, Pan Chengchen will replenish it to two hundred yuan, so that the money in his man's pocket will not be less than two hundred yuan, nor more than two hundred yuan.

Of course, if you need to spend a lot of money, just tell yourself that as long as it is reasonable, Pan Chengchen will give it.

As a result, Xiao Si'er was very happy, saying that it was right to let his wife manage the money, and that the wife managed the house properly.

In fact, men don't know that women control men's money, but what they really want to control is men's hearts.

A smart woman knows how to control her man like this, and she won't make him feel disgusted.

Only the kind of woman who tightly controls a man and wishes not to give him a penny is the most stupid.

Because in this case, there will be two results in the end: one result is that your man can't stand it in the end and divorces you; the other result is that your man becomes cowardly and is looked down upon by others.



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