The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1256 Drunk

"It's a terrible thing to be your man."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

It never occurred to Pan Chengchen that Xiaosi'er's family's financial power would be managed by Pan Chengchen.

But think about it, yes, more than 60% to 70% of the income of men in China is managed by the daughter-in-law at home.

"I'm already pretty good. Look at the daughter-in-law in our village who gives her a man two hundred yuan a day's pocket money. That's me."

Pan Chengchen said.

"I guess Xiaosi'er didn't spend the two hundred yuan from the beginning of the month to the end of the month."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

This is what Pan Chengchen said nicely, giving Xiao Si'er an allowance of 200 yuan a day, this money is only put on Xiao Si'er, it's not something you can spend as you want.

Ye Rongrong reckoned that Xiao Si'er really had to spend two hundred dollars in pocket money every day, so she wouldn't even think about going to bed at night.

"My little shop is sensible."

Pan Chengchen said proudly.

Although my husband is not as good as Brother Ye, he is suitable for me. A man with great abilities like Brother Ye cannot be controlled by a woman like me.

"Hehe, let's talk, I'm going to take a shower first."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile, got up and went to the bedroom.


At noon on the second day after Ye Rongrong came back, Ye Rongrong held a banquet at his home for some people close to him in the village. It was also a celebration of buying a helicopter.

In the countryside, buying a car is a big deal. It is to set off firecrackers and invite relatives and friends to a banquet, not to mention that Ye Guangrong bought a helicopter.

The noon wine table was placed in the front yard of Ye Rongrong's house. There were ten tables in total. Anyway, Ye Rongrong invited everyone who was close to him, and the money was not bad.

People in the countryside are very honest and know how to help each other. Whoever holds a big banquet will take the initiative to help, so although Ye Guangrong holds ten tables at once, it does not appear that there is not enough manpower.

Although the weather in winter is a bit cold, in the front yard, the winter sun will shine on the body, making people feel warm, which is an indescribable comfort.

If you have ever been on a roller coaster, then you know the feeling of your heart moving from top to bottom, itchy and comfortable, and the winter sun will make you enjoy the same pleasure

Everyone sat around the wine table full of delicacies, drinking plastic cups of white wine, and bowls of rice wine and rice wine. They bumped together from time to time, and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly warm.

More than 90% of the people sitting here have never been to the capital, and they are full of curiosity about the capital. Of course, Ye Rongrong also told everyone what he saw and heard in the capital.

Climbed the Great Wall, walked through the Forbidden City, and met foreigners of all skin colors.

"The Forbidden City, isn't that where the ancient emperors lived?"

Fifth Grandpa Ye always asked curiously.

Although Ye has never been to the capital city, he heard many people say that the capital city was the place where the ancient emperors lived. There is a very large courtyard there called the Forbidden City, where the former emperors lived.


Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Where the emperor lives, Qiba, have you ever been in?"

Ye Dequan looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise and asked.

"Grand Uncle, the place where the emperor used to live is now a tourist destination. Just buy a ticket and you can go inside."

Ye Rongrong explained.

"It would be great if I could go to the place where the emperor lives to soak up the royal air."

Ye Dequan said with emotion.

In the superstitious thinking of the old people, the place where the ancient emperors lived had a royal aura, and if you walk there, you can get the imperial aura.

The royal air is the noble air, and those who have the imperial air will be able to get promoted and get good luck.

"Xiang Hai, other villages pay money every year to let the villagers go out to travel. Shouldn't our village also go out to travel? Let's go to this capital city, so that we can also feel royal."

Ye Kongming said to Ye Xianghai.

This is about to enter the coffin, and he has never seen the outside world. Ye Kongming also wants to travel outside to see the wonderful world outside like the old man on TV.

"Second uncle,

The village committee doesn't have that much money! "

Ye Xianghai said with some embarrassment.

The money in the village has basically been invested in the construction of this road in the village, and there is not so much money anymore.

If the whole village is required to travel to the capital, hundreds of thousands will not be enough.

Although there is so much money in the account of the village committee, it is not possible to use all of it for the villagers to travel.

What's more, who doesn't know that the consumption in the capital is high, hundreds of thousands, Ye Xianghai worried that it would not be enough for the whole village to travel to the capital for a few days.

"Village head, I will sponsor 200,000 yuan."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Many people in the village have never been out of Wenzhou City, especially the elderly in the village, basically they have never traveled.

Now that I am so rich, if I spend 200,000 yuan as a sponsor, it can be regarded as making a contribution to the village and gaining a good reputation.

"Second baby, you are this!"

Hearing Ye Rongrong's words, at this time, Ye Xiangde, who has always been quiet, interjected and said to Ye Rongrong than his thumb.

"That's right, the people of our village have given you a lot of blessings. It's better to be honored. Don't forget the folks when you have money. They have done so many good things for the village..."

Ye Kongming said with emotion.

There are a lot of rich people these days, but when they are rich, there are too few people who can still think about making some contributions to their fellow villagers. Let’s take your own village. Are there few rich people who have gone out in recent years?

When these people got rich, they moved out of Taoyuan Village. They made a lot of money outside. They built roads in the village and asked them to sponsor them.

Ye Kongming blushed for them. He went back to the village at the beginning of each year to sweep graves, drove a luxury car, and boasted that he earned millions, tens of millions, and hundreds of millions a year.

But asking them to take a little money for the construction of the village is very stingy.

Ye Kongming hates these people when he sees them, but Ye Rongrong is better.

In the past, everyone thought Ye Rongrong was a bum and worthless.

But now Ye Rongrong is the most capable person in Taoyuan Village, and more importantly, he has money, and he has never forgotten the people in the village.

Once again, it paid for the construction of roads, and built an elderly community for the elderly in the village, and now it also pays for the collective travel of the villagers.

This young man, it's better not to draw conclusions too early.

Those people who used to be capable in the eyes of the villagers, did they do anything good for the village?


Only Ye Rongrong, a former bum, did not move out of Taoyuan Village when he had money like those people. Instead, he stayed in the village and often gave some benefits to the villagers.

"Yeah, it's better to be honored."

"Glory has done a lot of good things for the village."


Everyone kept boasting about Ye Rongrong, which made Ye Rongrong blush uncontrollably. He also raised the cup more frequently, and there was a melodious clinking sound.

Even with Ye Rongrong's elite body, with so much white wine in his stomach, he still feels a little drunk. Maybe it's because "alcohol doesn't get drunk, everyone gets drunk", and this cheerful occasion makes people want to get drunk.

When the wine was gone, Ye Rongrong couldn't stand still.

Drinking at his own home is fun, of course Ye Rongrong will not cheat.

"Husband, I told you to drink less. If you don't believe it, you feel uncomfortable now?"

Liu Qingqing supported Ye Rongrong, and said with some reproach.

Just now Ye Rongrong drank at least ten catties of high-concentration liquor, Liu Qingqing felt distressed watching it, and kicked Ye Rongrong several times under the table, but Ye Rongrong still drank like this.

"Yes... it's a little uncomfortable, no... but happy."

Ye Rongrong said with some difficulty.

Ye Rongrong hadn't felt this drunk feeling for a long time.

Ye Rongrong thought about it. It has been two years since he got the "lazy system", Ye Rongrong has never been so drunk.

Ye Rongrong somewhat missed this feeling of being drunk.

Otherwise, as long as Ye Guangrong took out his own special hangover medicine, he wouldn't feel so uncomfortable.

But Ye Rongrong didn't do that.

As a man, throughout the year, he has to let himself get drunk twice.

"You can't get drunk even if you're happy. Let alone being uncomfortable, it's not good for your health."

Liu Qingqing said as she helped Ye Rongrong walk to the bedroom.

"This... men don't... don't drink... get drunk, where do you women... have a... chance!"

Ye Rongrong said drunkenly.

"Hehe, sister-in-law, brother Ye is really drunk!"

Pan Chengchen, who helped Liu Qingqing to support Ye Rongrong, couldn't help smiling at Liu Qingqing when he heard Ye Rongrong's words.

"Who...who is drunk, I...I can still drink..."

Ye Rongrong said with an unconvinced face.

"Honey, I got it, you can still drink, go lie down and sleep."

Liu Qingqing put Ye Rongrong on the bed, and said while undressing Ye Rongrong.

"Honey, I...I want you to sleep with me."

Ye Rongrong suddenly sat up from the bed, hugged Liu Qingqing and said.

"Old...husband, Chenchen is still here!"

Hugged by Ye Rongrong in front of Pan Chengchen, Liu Qingqing said blushingly.

"Hehe, I'll go now, and I won't disturb your love."

Pan Chengchen said something with a smile, and hurried out of the bedroom. Before going out, he didn't forget to close the bedroom door.

This man is easily impulsive when drunk, Pan Chengchen doesn't want to watch the "live broadcast"!


In the morning, as soon as Ye Rongrong pushed open the door, although the cold in winter was threatening, there was a ray of warm sunlight in the east reflecting on his face, like a mother's hand gently stroking his cheek, which was very comfortable.

The sun shines on the grass in the distance, covering the grass with a golden coat. The sun shines on the lake, and there are golden lights on the lake, adding a bit of charm to the lake in winter.

"Honey, you're up, I'll bring you breakfast."

Liu Qingqing, who was sitting in the yard playing, stood up from her seat and said to Ye Rongrong.

"it is good."

Ye Rongrong responded, took Dudu from Liu Qingqing's arms, and hugged her to bask in the winter morning sun.

One of the feelings that sunlight gives people is warmth, and the sun in winter is no exception. The first feeling it gives people is warmth.

"Xiao Sier, come here."

Seeing Xiao Si'er busy outside the yard, Ye Guangrong called him over.


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