The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1263 Ye Glory gets married twice?


Liu Qingqing said with some surprise.

"Mengmeng, is your aunt dressed beautifully today?"

Ye Rongrong asked Xiao Mengmeng.


Xiao Mengmeng nodded and said.

"It's better to have Mengmeng, sweet mouth!"

Liu Qingqing happily touched Xiao Mengmeng's head and said.

A woman naturally likes others to praise her for her beauty.

"It's snowing outside, will you be cold if you go out like this? Don't be a beautiful and frozen person."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Although my wife is very beautiful in this outfit, the weather outside is very cold.

It's snowing now, and there is air conditioning in the house, so I can't feel the cold, but it's very cold outside.

"I hate it, then I'll change into a down jacket!"

Liu Qingqing looked at the white snow on the top of the mountain not far away, after thinking about it, she decided to go inside and change clothes.

In such a cold day, it is better to wear more clothes outdoors.


When Ye Rongrong drove to the kindergarten, it was already eight o'clock in the morning, and basically everyone had arrived.

"Mr. Ye, Miss Liu, you are here."

Seeing Ye Glory and the others driving over, Xu Yan came over to say hello.

"Hi Teacher Xu, long time no see."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"It's been a long time. Mr. Ye went to the zoo today. The entrance fee and lunch are arranged by the school, so the fee is based on the number of people, 200 yuan per person. The school will pay for the part that is not enough. If there is more, it will be saved for the next time. For group activities."

Xu Yan said.

Class group activities like this are organized several times a year by the school to increase the interaction between students and parents, and between parents and the school.

This fee is uniformly collected by the school from the parents, and the fee is basically based on the AA system.

"it is good."

Ye Rongrong nodded, took out 600 yuan from his wallet and handed it to Xu Yan.

"Mr. Ye, do you take the bus or drive yourself?"

Xu Yan asked.

Now many parents have their own private cars, and they will drive there. Of course, some people don't have a car, or don't want to drive, so the school called a bus.

"We can drive ourselves."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Okay, you can just follow the bus and drive later."

After Xu Yan confessed, she went to receive other parents.


After waiting for about half an hour, the bus in front started to move, and Ye Rongrong drove behind the bus.

It was already nine o'clock in the morning when the car drove to the city zoo.

Although this city's zoo is very famous, it is the first time for Ye Rongrong to visit this zoo.

When he was young, Ye Rongrong wanted to go to the zoo to see animals, but his family was poor at that time, and his parents didn't have the time to bring Ye Rongrong to the zoo to see animals.

Parked the car, got out of the car, and saw that the entire parking lot was full of cars.

Today is the weekend, and many parents bring their children to the zoo to play.

Entertainment places such as zoos and aquariums basically rely on children to drive the economy.

It's not for children, adults rarely go to these places, the cost is so high, it's better to watch "Animal World" at home.

High-definition, and professional commentary, much more interesting than this.

But for children, their ideas are different from those of adults, and they like the fun of playing.

"Everyone gather here!"

"Everyone gather here!"

Seeing that everyone got out of the car, Zhao Yafen shouted to everyone with a small horn.

Today I went to the zoo, led by kindergarten teachers Zhao Yafen and Xu Yan.

"It's all here, let's count the number of people first."

Seeing everyone gathered together, Zhao Yafen and several teachers began to count the number of people.

In addition to determining whether all the people are gathered, there is also the purchase of tickets based on the number of people.

Tickets to the zoo cost 100 yuan a piece, and 50 yuan for children with a half discount.

"Okay, everyone is here, now let's explain a few important things.


"I will hand over the tickets to everyone in a while, and everyone will enter the zoo in order with the tickets."

"In principle, parents bring their children to visit the zoo, and there is no need for everyone to gather together."

"So everyone should pay attention to their children, pay attention to safety, and don't cross any warning lines to avoid accidents."

"If you encounter an emergency, just call our mobile phone number. Everyone should have our mobile phone number."

"At 11:40 noon, everyone still came here to gather. We went out for lunch on time. After lunch, we went to the aquarium to see the underwater creatures."

"I'll say it again, everyone..."

Zhao Yafen repeatedly explained the precautions to everyone with a small speaker.

In particular, explain to everyone to take good care of their children and avoid getting lost or other accidents.

Soon, the teacher who went to buy tickets came back and gave everyone a ticket. With the tickets, everyone can enter the zoo to see animals.

"Uncle, let's hurry up!"

Xiao Mengmeng pulled Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing towards the ticket gate with an excited face.

Xiaomengmeng is very happy today. Xiaomengmeng has not been so happy since her parents passed away.

But now, Xiao Mengmeng feels deep love from Ye Rongrong and his wife.

Xiaomengmeng feels that she is very happy and happy now.

After checking the tickets, Xiao Mengmeng took Ye Rongrong with her left hand and Liu Qingqing with her right hand to play in the zoo, making people feel like a family of three.

"Honey, what are you looking at?"

A young woman in the zoo looked at her husband with a dark face and asked.

Today is Saturday, and it's rare that I and the child's father have time to take the child to the zoo together.

Well now, just arrived at the zoo, my husband's eyes are fixed on other beautiful women.

Li Yue admits that she is not as beautiful as that woman, but her husband is so blatantly staring at other people's wives in front of her, Li Yue feels very uncomfortable.

It hasn't been seven years since we got married, hasn't we reached the "seven-year itch" yet?

What's more, the school belle of that year hasn't turned into a yellow-faced woman yet?

As a man like myself, his eyes are fixed on other beautiful women, which is tolerable or unbearable!

This bad phenomenon must be killed in the cradle, and it must not be fueled by his arrogance.

"not good!"

Zheng Junqiang secretly complained in his heart.

I was patronizing to look at the beautiful women just now, but I forgot that there was a big jealous person beside me.

Zheng Junqiang felt that he couldn't be blamed for this. It was because the woman was so beautiful that he even ignored that he was still with his wife by his side.

But Zheng Junqiang didn't panic, and said to Li Yue with his expression unchanged: "Honey, I'm just curious about the relationship between those three people."

I secretly praised myself for my quick wit.

You must know that not all men have such an unflappable ability to respond in times of crisis.

"What's so strange, just like us, a family of three."

Li Yue said in a bad tone.

My husband's reason is too far-fetched, if you want to get away with it, don't even think about it.

"No, wife, take a closer look."

Seeing his wife's attention being diverted by him, Zheng Junqiang continued.

"No problem? A very warm family of three!"

Li Yue carefully looked at Ye Rongrong and the others, but found nothing wrong.

"Don't you think that woman is too young? She looks only about twenty years old, how could she have such a big child!"

Zheng Junqiang said.


Li Yue also noticed Liu Qingqing's age at this time.

After all, Liu Qingqing gave the impression that she was less than twenty years old.

How could it be possible to have a child of five or six years old, unless she had a child at the age of fourteen or five, but how could that be possible.

"Wife, what do you think they are related to?"

Zheng Junqiang asked with a face full of advice.

"I guess this woman is the child's stepmother! I didn't see such a big age gap between the couple. This man probably got a second marriage."

Li Yue thought for a while and said.

"It's my wife who is amazing. She can see the essence of things at once. This woman is definitely a stepmother."

Zheng Junqiang nodded and said affirmatively.

But my heart was full of jealousy. It was really "a good cabbage was beaten by a pig". How can someone marry such a fairy-like wife in a second marriage.

It's so fucking different for the same person!

"Stop flattering, don't look at other women anymore."

Li Yue rolled her eyes at Zheng Junqiang and said.

"How could it be? My wife is so beautiful. I don't think my own wife is enough. How can I look at other women? Compared with you, they are nothing."

Zheng Junqiang breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly flattered him.

This level can be regarded as prevarication, otherwise I would never even think about entering the house at night.


Search the pedestrian sightseeing area near the entrance of the zoo. Most of the animals here are harmless herbivores, and most of the animals are kept in cages.

"Uncle, look, aunt, you are a giraffe, so tall."

Xiao Mengmeng excitedly pointed to a group of giraffes locked in the fence ahead and said to Ye Rongrong and the others.

"It's a giraffe."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Although this was Ye Rongrong's first time seeing a giraffe at close range, Ye Rongrong still recognized it at a glance. It was a giraffe.

There are introductions and pictures of giraffes in the elementary school books. In addition, Ye Rongrong also watched the animal world when he was a child, so he naturally knew giraffes.

"Uncle, I want to take a photo with a giraffe!"

Xiao Mengmeng pointed to the giraffe and said.

"Okay, let's buy some leaves for the giraffe to eat first."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

This zoo allows visitors to feed the animals in the zoo, but it is not allowed to feed the things brought by the tourists themselves. They must buy special animal food from the staff.

One is for the health of the animals, and the other is naturally to make money.

Ye Rongrong spent 20 yuan to buy two leaves from the staff. This giraffe likes to eat these leaves the most.


Ye Rongrong gave two branches of leaves to Liu Qingqing and Xiao Mengmeng respectively.

"Auntie, let's feed the giraffe."

Xiao Mengmeng holds the leaves and stands outside the fence, waving the branches to attract giraffes.

The giraffes here have been used to being fed by people, and they are not afraid of people at all. Seeing Xiao Mengmeng waving at it with a leaf in his hand, a giraffe came over immediately.

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