The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1264 Visiting the Zoo

"it is good."

Liu Qingqing also happily fed the giraffe with leaves.

Going to the zoo like this, in Liu Qingqing's impression, only happened when she was a child.

At that time, I was still a child, clamoring for my parents to take me to the zoo to play.

In a blink of an eye, I grew up, and I became an adult and took my children to the zoo.

Time flies so fast, and in a blink of an eye, I'm already married and the mother of my child.

"Uncle, this giraffe is so cute, let me touch it."

While feeding the giraffe, Xiao Mengmeng gently stroked the giraffe with her hands, and said excitedly to Ye Rongrong.

"Be careful it bites you."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

This little Mengmeng plays with the group of brats in the village every day, she is very courageous.

"Uncle, you lied. The teacher said that giraffes can't bite people."

Xiao Mengmeng said.

"Really? It seems that uncle has made a mistake."

Ye Rongrong said in a daze.

"Husband, take some photos of me and Xiaomengmeng."

Liu Qingqing said to Ye Rongrong.


Ye Rongrong took out his mobile phone and took a few photos of Xiao Mengmeng and Liu Qingqing with the giraffe.

"Okay, let's go ahead."

After taking the photo, Ye Rongrong said to the two beauties.

"Uncle and aunt, look quickly, the peacock, the peacock has opened its tail."

Walking to the Peacock Garden, Xiao Mengmeng hurriedly pointed to the peacock in front of her and said to Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing.

"It's really turned on."

Liu Qingqing hurriedly took out her mobile phone to take a picture. She never thought that she would be able to see the peacock unfold when she came to the Peacock Garden.

You must know that this peacock is known as the "King of Birds". It is the most beautiful ornamental bird that has ever existed, and it is a symbol of auspiciousness, kindness, beauty and luxury.

There are four kinds of peacocks in the world: green peacock, blue peacock, white peacock and black peacock.

Now it is the blue peacock that opens its tail, and the one that can open its tail naturally is the male peacock.

Generally, the male peacock unfolds its tail screen and keeps making various graceful dance moves to show off its beauty to the female peahen so as to attract the female peahen.

"Husband, hurry up and take a photo with the peacock."

Liu Qingqing handed her mobile phone to Ye Rongrong and said.

"it is good."

Ye Rongrong picked up his mobile phone and took a photo of Liu Qingqing with the peacock in the background.

"Uncle, I want to shoot too, I want to shoot too."

Xiao Mengmeng said hastily.

"Hehe, how could we lose our little Mengmeng?"

Ye Rongrong took the mobile phone and took a few photos of Xiaomengmeng.

After visiting the Peacock Garden, the three of them strolled forward, joking and joking along the way. The atmosphere was very good and warm, like a very happy family.

The only incongruity is that Liu Qingqing's mother is too young and too beautiful.

Along the way, countless men cast jealous eyes on Ye Rongrong. Under their gaze, Ye Rongrong had already been hacked into pieces.

Of course, Ye Rongrong also noticed the hateful eyes of these men, but Ye Rongrong didn't respond, and he couldn't hurt himself, which made Ye Rongrong a little proud.

Not being grinded by the sky is not a hero, and not being envied by others is a mediocrity, so my brother married a stunning wife, and I am jealous of you.

Ye Rongrong thought to himself.

"Uncle, I can't walk anymore."

Xiaomengmeng was tired from playing, and she didn't want to leave.

"There are gazebos and stone benches in front, where should we sit down?"

Ye Rongrong pointed to the pavilion not far away and said.

The gazebo was not far away, and they arrived within a few steps. The three of them sat on the benches of the gazebo to rest.

"Wife, let's go somewhere to rest!"

Zheng Junqiang pointed to the location of the gazebo and said to Li Yue.


I don't feel tired, but the child's father has walked so much with the child, it's time for him to rest.

Zheng Junqiang walked to the gazebo with the child in his arms, and unexpectedly saw Ye Rongrong and the others, he couldn't help being stunned, staring at Liu Qingqing stupidly.

just far away,

I thought Liu Qingqing was very beautiful, but she wasn't too shocked, after all, she was a little far away and couldn't see clearly.

But seeing Liu Qingqing at close range now, Zheng Junqiang lost his mind.

How could there be such a beautiful woman in this world!


The severe pain from the waist brought Zheng Junqiang back to reality.

It's over!

Why did he forget that his jealous wife was by his side.

"Does it look good?"

Li Yue whispered in Zheng Junqiang's ear.

"Okay... no... not good-looking."

Zheng Junqiang said hastily.

I was about to say what was in my heart, but fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise I would be miserable when I went home.

He is a dragon in front of others, but in front of his wife, Zheng Junqiang sadly finds that he is a poor worm.

"It's really embarrassing to me, sit on the side for me."

In order not to let her husband stare at other people's wives, Li Yue chose to sit on the stone bench next to Ye Rongrong, so that her husband would not be able to see that stunning beauty.

In fact, it wasn't Li Yue's fault that she gave birth to her own man, even Li Yue herself was stunned by this stunning beauty, not to mention that her husband was a normal man.


Zheng Junqiang obediently sat down on the stone chair beside him.

No matter how beautiful other people's wives are, they don't belong to me, but my own wife is the most important thing in my life. Even if she is a yellow-faced woman, I have to obediently let her go.

It's not that I'm afraid of her, but that I love her.

Ye Rongrong naturally saw this scene, and even Ye Rongrong, who had sharp ears, could hear Zheng Junqiang and his wife's whispering each other clearly.

Regarding Zheng Junqiang's current hopeless appearance, Ye Rongrong said secretly in his heart: "You deserve it!"

Nima who made him look straight at his wife, this is punishment.

It is best to go back at night and then kneel on the washboard.

Ye Rongrong thought viciously in his heart.

This man is like this, he can look directly at other people's wives, but he does not allow other men to look directly at his own wife.

It is basically difficult for people who are strangers to each other to communicate with each other outside.

Because people who are strangers to each other will be wary of each other, for fear that the other party is a bad person.

For younger children, though, there are less complicated ideas.

Seeing Xiao Mengmeng eating snacks, Zheng Junqiang's son Wenwen ran to Xiao Mengmeng a few steps without Zheng Junqiang and his wife not paying attention, looked at the snacks in Xiao Mengmeng's hand eagerly, and asked Xiao Mengmeng Said: "Sister, what are you eating?"

"I'm eating sweet potato chips!"

Xiao Mengmeng looked at Wenwen and said.

"Is it tasty?"

Wenwen looked at Xiaomengmeng drooling and asked.

Children are more greedy, this is the nature of every child.

"Delicious, do you want to eat?"

Xiao Mengmeng looked at Wenwen and asked.

"Well, sister, Wenwen also wants to eat."

Wen Wen nodded and said.

"Here, it's delicious."

Seeing Wenwen's eager look, Xiao Mengmeng pulled out some potato chips and handed them to him and said.

Liu Qingqing often teaches Xiao Mengmeng that good things should be shared with everyone. Xiao Mengmeng does this very well and is very sensible.

"Thank you sister!"

Wenwen reached out to take it and said happily.

"Wenwen, how did your mother teach you?"

Before Wenwen put the potato chips into his mouth, Li Yue looked at Wenwen with a frown and said.

"Mom, if Wenwen wants to eat, just take a slice."

Wenwen pursed her mouth and said with some grievances.

"Didn't Mom tell you that you can't eat other people's food. Besides, these potato chips are not healthy food, and children can't eat them."

Li Yue walked over sullenly, took the potato chips from his son, and threw them into the trash can.

"Woo woo woo..."

Seeing his mother throwing away his potato chips, Wen Wen burst into tears immediately.

"Don't cry, cry again, I won't bring you to the zoo next time."

Li Yue took out a tissue to wipe Wenwen's hands, and said threateningly.

Xiaomeng dreamed that Li Yue looked fierce and threw away the potato chips, she was also frightened, and leaned towards Ye Rongrong with some fear.

Xiao Mengmeng didn't understand why Wenwen's mother was so fierce, and even threw away all the potato chips she gave Wenwen.

"That's not the case, is it?"

Seeing that Xiao Mengmeng was scared, Liu Qingqing was a little unhappy and said to Li Yue.

"I'm sorry, my child has a bad stomach and can't eat snacks. Once he eats snacks, he won't eat, so we don't let him eat snacks."

Li Yue didn't shake his face on purpose, seeing Liu Qingqing's and the others' displeasure, he hurriedly explained.

"Mengmeng, some people just don't know what's good or bad, let's ignore them, let's go."

Ye Rongrong glanced at Li Yue with a cold face, then turned around and said softly to Xiao Mengmeng.


Xiao Mengmeng answered with her head lowered.

Ye Rongrong took Xiao Mengmeng's hand, and left the pavilion with Liu Qingqing.

There are many kinds of animals in the city zoo, including zebras, hippos, elephants, camels...

Ye Rongrong took two beauties, one big and one small, for a stroll.

"Uncle, there are monkeys over there."

Xiao Mengmeng excitedly pointed to the monkeys in the monkey garden in front of him. At a glance, there were more than 30 monkeys. Some of them were swinging, some were jumping from one tree to another. are picking each other's lice.

"Hehe, there are monkeys in our house too!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Six ears are so bad, they often bully me, I don't like it."

Xiao Mengmeng said.

"Wait back, uncle criticized it."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

The monkey "Six Ears" at home is really naughty. He often bullies children and robs them of food. Children in the village are often made to cry by "Six Ears".

Many children complained to Ye Rongrong about "six ears".

Ye Rongrong also criticized the "six ears" a few times, but that guy's skin is very thick, after talking about it for a few days, he began to grow skin again.

"Well, it's better to spank it~ass!"

Xiao Mengmeng said.

"Okay, uncle will spank its ass when we get back."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Honey, why didn't you see the tiger?"

Liu Qingqing asked suspiciously.

After walking around for so long, Liu Qingqing didn't see the king of the forest's ferocious tiger.

"Uncle, I want to see the tiger."

Xiao Mengmeng immediately said excitedly.

In the eyes of children, tigers are the most majestic animals, so they must be seen.

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