The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1265 Falling into the Tiger Park

"Okay, let's go see the tiger."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Although Ye Rongrong has never been to this city's zoo, he has also heard people say that there are tigers in this zoo, but he has not seen it yet.

"Excuse me, where is the tiger area?"

Ye Rongrong asked a zoo worker.

"It's not far ahead, you go straight, then turn left and walk two hundred meters and you will see it."

The staff pointed to the road ahead and said to Ye Rongrong.

"Okay thank you!"

After thanking the staff, Ye Rongrong took Liu Qingqing and Xiao Mengmeng to the place pointed by the staff.

"Uncle, look, that's a lion!"

"'s a bear, a big black bear!"

"This is a wolf, a terrible wolf! The eyes are green."

"That's an elephant with such a long nose!"


Walking all the way, all I saw were ferocious beasts, and all the way was Xiao Mengmeng's cheerful voice, dragging Liu Qingqing's arm and dancing, pointing at the animals that I don't usually see in the distance, very happy.

Lion area, bear area, elephant area, wolf area, all the way forward, stop and go.

It's not a very long way, and after walking for more than half an hour, I arrived at the Tiger District.

"Uncle, look, there are tigers there."

Xiao Mengmeng pointed to Ye Rongrong not far away.

"Well, let's go and see."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Soon we arrived at the place where the tiger was locked up. The tiger was locked in a place surrounded by barbed wire. The barbed wire was more than four meters high, which could effectively prevent the tiger from running out.

After all, under normal circumstances, a tiger can probably jump over an obstacle that is 2 meters high, but it will be very difficult if it is higher. It is impossible for a tiger to jump over a barbed wire fence that is 4 meters high.

There is a big red sign hanging on the barbed wire, which says "Tiger Park" in big characters. Below the big characters, there are a few lines of small characters, telling everyone that this place is dangerous, pay attention to safety, and prohibit climbing.

The place where the tigers are held is not big, only about two or three mu of land, but most of the dozen or so tigers held there are South China tigers.

There are still obvious differences between the South China tiger and the Amur tiger. In terms of body shape, the South China tiger is smaller than the Amur tiger. In terms of coat color, the Amur tiger's coat color is much lighter, which is light yellow in winter and thicker yellow in summer. Orange, even reddish.

The chest, abdomen and inner sides of the limbs of the Siberian tiger are pure white, with a wide range of white, while the South China tiger has a lot of milky white. The winter fur of the Siberian tiger is much longer than that of the South China tiger, and the tail hair is particularly plump, making the tail look thick and fat, which is the most obvious sign of the Siberian tiger

Tigers are not very good at climbing, but they are good at swimming and like to bathe. The tiger group is strictly disciplined, and the tiger that eats first is always the first to catch the prey.

The Siberian tiger is the largest tiger. It lives in the Xing'an Mountains and Changbai Mountains in the northeast of China and Siberia in Russia. The South China tiger is distributed in the south of the Yangtze River. It is one of the rare and endangered animals in China.

"Husband, let's go to the viewing bridge to see."

Liu Qingqing said to Ye Rongrong.

The viewing bridge is just above the tiger park, and tigers can be seen clearly at close range on the bridge.

"it is good."

Ye Rongrong nodded and took Xiao Mengmeng and Liu Qingqing's hands and walked towards the viewing bridge.


Walking up the viewing bridge, the area below is where the tigers live. The viewing bridge is more than four meters above the ground. Don't worry about the tiger jumping up and hurting people, because the tiger can't jump up to such a high height.

Although there was a little snow in the morning, the snow has passed and the sky is clear now. The sun is shining and it is warm. Many tigers in the tiger area are also basking in the sun in their own territories.

Although tigers are ferocious, they seldom attack people, except for injured tigers and female tigers raising young.

However, once a tiger attacks and eats people, it must be killed, because it attacks humans, and now it is easier to subdue humans than wild animals, and it will no longer be afraid of humans, and will continue to attack humans.

So zoologically deal with the attackers,

Tigers that kill humans are all shot to death.

Because after this kind of tiger has the first time, there will be a second time, and even the breeder will bite it.

"Dad, Dad, I want to see tigers, I want to see tigers."

Wenwen shouted to Zheng Junqiang on the viewing bridge.

The viewing bridge has guardrails, and Wenwen, who is only four years old, is blocked by the guardrails and cannot see the tiger below clearly.

"Okay, sit on Dad's shoulders and watch."

Zheng Junqiang saw that many parents on the viewing bridge let their children sit on their shoulders to watch the tiger, and let Wenwen sit on their shoulders.

In this way, children can see farther.

"Daddy, tiger, white tiger!"

Wen Wen, who was sitting on Zheng Junqiang's shoulder, could see further away, and he could see the white tiger not far away at a glance.

This white tiger is not native to China, but imported from abroad.

However, according to historical data, there were also white tigers in ancient China, but current scientists have not found white tigers in the wild in China.

"White tiger? Where is the white tiger?"

Li Yue had never seen a white tiger before, so she poked her head out of curiosity and asked Wen Wen.

"There, there!"

Wen Wen leaned out, waved her hands excitedly and said to her mother.

"Don't move."

Wenwen kept twisting his body, which made Zheng Junqiang unable to grasp Wenwen's feet.

"Mom, little tiger, little tiger..."

Seeing the cubs approaching not far away, Wenwen leaned down excitedly.

At this moment, a scene that no one expected happened!

"Ah... no... Wenwen..."

But at the next moment, Li Yue screamed and wanted to reach out to grab Wenwen, but it was still a step too late.


Zheng Junqiang hastily grabbed Wenwen's leg, but he still didn't catch it and let go.


"My God!"


Under the astonished gaze of the crowd, the child just fell off the viewing bridge.

With a bang, the child landed heavily on the grass in the Tiger Garden!

The tourists were all startled, and when they came back to their senses, they shouted one after another.

"Not good! The child has gone down!"

"Hurry down and save people!"

"This is the Tiger Park, how do you get down, don't die!"

"Call the police, call the police!"

"Staff, what about the zoo staff!"


The people on the entire viewing bridge were in chaos, everyone wanted to jump down to save others, but when they thought that there was a tiger below, the king of all beasts, everyone flinched.


Li Yue's face turned pale with fright, she looked at Wen Wen who fell below in panic, and shouted in fear.

Fortunately, the soil on the ground was not hard, and with the thick weeds, Wen Wen didn't seem to be hurt too much when he fell, and he could still sit up from the ground.

But suddenly, he may have hurt him from the fall, or because of fear, he sat on the ground and cried loudly, calling his parents.


Seeing that her child was fine, Li Yue breathed a sigh of relief, but when she thought that this was a tiger garden, Li Yue's heart turned cold!

"damn it!"

Zheng Junqiang couldn't help but slap himself, he didn't even protect the child, and let him fall into the tiger garden.

Without much hesitation, Zheng Junqiang was about to climb over the railing and jump down.

I want to save my child before the tiger discovers his child.

"What are you doing!"

"Don't be impulsive!"

Several tourists hurriedly grabbed Zheng Junqiang who was about to jump off.

Are you kidding me, here is Tiger Park!

Isn't this jumping to feed the tiger?

Have there been few reports of tigers eating people in the past two years?

"Let me go, let me go, let me go, I want to save my child!"

Zheng Junqiang shouted excitedly.

"Don't be impulsive, the tiger garden is below!"

"Calm down, there will be a way to save the child!"

People pulled Zheng Junqiang to persuade him.

"That's my child, my child, I want to save him!"

Zheng Junqiang shouted excitedly.

"My child, please save my child! Huh..."

Li Yue cried and begged the people.

"Mom... woo... Mom..."

Wenwen was also frightened, crying from below.

"The staff is here, don't panic!"

Seeing a few staff members in uniforms of the zoo walking over quickly, everyone's uneasy hearts were relieved.

"My son is down there, save my child, save my child!"

Li Yue excitedly said to the zoo staff.

"Don't get excited, everyone don't speak loudly, so as not to attract the tiger's attention!"

The staff hurriedly said to everyone.

As long as they do not attract the attention of tigers in the tiger park, children are safe, but once they attract the attention of tigers, they are in danger.

Fortunately, the current situation is not very bad.

A staff member of the zoo looked down, but there was no sign of the tiger, so he said to other staff members: "I will tie a rope on me, and I will jump down, hug the child, and quickly pull me up." .”

The staff in the beast area have received some training, such as how to deal with such emergencies.

Just when the staff of the zoo tied the rope on themselves, took a breath, and prepared to get off the viewing bridge.


The sudden roar of the tiger startled everyone.

The staff member was startled and looked down, only to see a South China tiger standing up in the distance and looking towards the place where Wenwen landed.

Wenwen's cry caught the tiger's attention.


"Ah! The tiger is here!"

"This is troublesome!"


Seeing a tiger looking this way, everyone turned pale with fright.

At this time, the staff of the zoo who were about to go down to rescue people were also stunned, looking at the tiger in the distance with sweat profusely, not daring to move.

The atmosphere was deadlocked for a while, everyone including Li Yue and his wife held their breath.

Everyone dared not make a sound, for fear that the tiger would rush over suddenly.

The tiger just looked at this side so fiercely, motionless.

ten seconds...

twenty seconds...

thirty seconds...

Everyone was praying that the tiger would not come over. As long as there was a delay, a professional rescue team would arrive.

Then the child will be safe.

At this time, no one dared to go down. Without professional weapons and protection, going down here was basically equivalent to giving the tiger extra food.

Everyone can only watch and pray that the tiger is full in the morning, and now he is not hungry and has no interest in children.

But things didn't go according to people's wishes, and the scene that I didn't want to see the most happened.

A minute later, the tiger suddenly moved, and slowly walked towards Wenwen with its paws.

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