The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1273 Winter Swimming

"Yeah, you know I'm not someone who gives up so easily."

Zhao Yue nodded and said.

" don't want to go over the wall, do you?"

Li Hongjun asked anxiously.

This time I was lucky, the owner was at home, what if the owner was not at home next time, or came late, and met those big wild boars again.

Anyway, Li Hongjun would never agree to let his girlfriend climb over the wall.

It is too dangerous.

"Whoever said I was going to climb over the wall, I wouldn't be so stupid."

Zhao Yue glanced at her boyfriend and said.

After learning this lesson, Zhao Yue dared not climb over the wall and enter the yard again.

"Then how do you get in?"

Li Hongjun asked suspiciously.

After all, the owner of the family did not welcome the two of them very much, and did not accept interviews.

"Of course I have my own way."

Zhao Yue said confidently.

"You won't do anything stupid, I tell you, I will never agree."

Li Hongjun stared at Zhao Yue and said anxiously.

In the world of journalists, some female reporters even sell their bodies in order to interview the people they want to interview. This is absolutely unacceptable to Li Hongjun.

Men can wear any hat, absolutely not a cuckold.

"Hate, what are you thinking about!"

Zhao Yue blushed, glanced at her boyfriend and said.

Everyone is an adult, of course Zhao Yue understands what her boyfriend said.

Are you kidding me, are you that kind of casual woman?

"That puts my mind at ease."

Hearing that his girlfriend didn't think that way, Li Hongjun felt uneasy and let it go, but asked curiously: "Then why did you let him accept your interview?"

"Of course I'm looking for friends. You know I have a lot of friends. I think there will always be one who knows him."

Zhao Yue said.


"Husband, what's the matter?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong walk into the yard, Liu Qingqing asked Ye Rongrong while holding the child.

"It's nothing, I just hired someone to sneak in over the fence and was scared by King Kong and them."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Is everything okay?"

Liu Qingqing asked with some concern.

"Nothing happened, and people were kicked out by me."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"That's good."

Seeing that nothing happened, Liu Qingqing was relieved.

After all, King Kong looks so scary, it will be troublesome if he scares someone out of good or bad.

"Doo, Dad hugs."

Ye Rongrong reached out and hugged his daughter.

"I'm gaining weight again."

Ye Rongrong said happily.

"What is gaining weight? It's growing up."

Liu Qingqing said dissatisfied.

"Yes, I have grown up."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"By the way, husband, I've made up my mind, we'll make it into a gym next door."

Liu Qingqing said.

"Okay, you have the final say on this matter. I made a list of what fitness equipment to buy, and Xiao Sier and I will go buy it."

Ye Rongrong said.

Little things like this are basically what my wife says.


In the afternoon, the courtyard of Ye Rongrong's house was very lively. Most of the men, women and children in Taoyuan Village came to Ye Rongrong's courtyard.

Today is Taoyuan Village's annual winter outing competition. In previous years, the winter outings were basically in the big river in the village, but this year everyone chose Ye Rongrong's place.

After all, Ye Rongrong's big pond is very big, bigger than many lakes. Now everyone doesn't call it a pond, but a lake.

Men, women and children in Taoyuan Village have the habit of winter outings, which originated from Ye Rongrong's father's generation.

At that time, medical conditions were poor, and the state called for all people to exercise. At that time, Taoyuan Village was very poor. Unlike now, every village has free fitness equipment.

The only things I can exercise are running and swimming.

People in the countryside get up early every day in the dark, so there is no time for morning jogging, and people's ideas at that time were different from what they are now. If you run in the morning, people will make fun of you.

So people at that time basically chose to swim in reservoirs or rivers during their slack.

Especially winter swimming is very beneficial to the body. Winter swimming can improve the quality of life, eat well, sleep well, be energetic, think quickly, rarely catch colds, and suffer from other diseases less.

So Ye Rongyao's father's generation can basically swim, but in Ye Rongyao's generation, people's living conditions are better, there are more entertainment items, and there are fewer people who can swim. Everyone will splash in the river.

In fact, in Ye Rongrong's opinion, swimming is a very good skill, not to mention the benefits of swimming to the body, at the very least, if one day you accidentally fall into the water, you also have the ability to save yourself.

In recent years, many people who cannot swim have drowned to death.

"Glory, don't take part in the competition!"

Ye Xianghai, the old village head, said to Ye Rongrong wearing briefs.

Men don't pay much attention to swimming, basically just a pair of shorts to cover important parts, unlike women who also wear an extra piece of fabric.

"I'm a member of Taoyuan Village, so why can't I participate in the competition?"

Ye Rongrong said unwillingly.

The winter swimming competition for the whole village is a big event in the village, and Ye Rongrong, as a member of the village, is naturally unwilling to lag behind.

"You are number one every year, so let the rest of the village have something to look forward to!"

Ye Xianghai said helplessly.

This Ye Rongrong has never been good at studying since he was a child. He is very good at fishing birds from trees and fish from rivers. In terms of water quality, he is now the number one in Taoyuan Village.

Of course, more than ten years ago, there were still some people in the village who could beat this kid in water skills, but now these people are old.

This person is very old, and his physical strength and energy are far inferior to those of young people, especially young people in their early twenties and thirties, when they have the best physical strength and energy in their life.

If Ye Glory participates in the swimming competition, who else in the village will be his opponent? The first place will be taken by this kid 99% of the time.

"Village chief, you are being unkind, don't you want me to release water on purpose?"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

To be honest, Ye Rongrong didn't care about being the number one swimmer in this village. Besides, Zhiye Rongrong was one of the sponsors of this winter swimming competition. If he really won the first place, it would be meaningless to take this prize.

In this winter swimming competition, the first prize will be 3,000 yuan, the second prize will be 2,000 yuan, and the third prize will be 1,000 yuan. After that, there will be no prize money, but you can get a consolation prize of 200 yuan.

It means that everyone is happy. After the competition, there will be a banquet in the village at night, and everyone in the village can come to eat and drink.

The most important thing is that there is money in the village this year, and there are two big sponsors, so naturally they are generous.

You must know that in previous years' competitions, the first place was worth 1,000 yuan, the second place was 500 yuan, and the third place was 200 yuan. There was no such thing as a gathering for the whole village. Each finds his own mother.

"Look at what you said, there are several young people participating this year, and they are all very strong. Aren't I worried that you will lose this year? Don't blame me for not reminding you if you screw up the brand."

Village head Ye Xianghai said with a smile.

Ye Xianghai didn't really want Ye Glory to participate in the winter swimming competition, but he was just joking and enlivening everyone's tense atmosphere.

"That's right, Glory, you may not be able to win the first place this time. My honor has won the first place in the city's swimming competition. You should be careful when you come back to participate in our village's competition this time."

Ye Tiancheng said with a smile.

"That's an amateur swimming competition, isn't it? How can you compare with me as a professional player? You must know that I have been number one in swimming competitions in the village since I was 20 years old!"

Ye Rongrong said proudly.

"That's not necessarily the case. It's not like there's a saying, that... the Yangtze River is turbulent."

Ye Tiancheng thought for a long time, but he couldn't figure out what was in the words.

"Uncle Chen, you said that the back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and the front waves died on the beach?"

Liu Qingqing said with a smile while hugging "Dudu".

"That's right, that's it. Glory, you can't talk too much now, be careful when you shoot yourself dead on the beach."

Ye Tiancheng said jokingly.

"Hehe, my wife, are you standing there?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Qingqing who was holding the child with a smile and said with a smile.

"Of course I'm on your side, my husband, Dudu, let's cheer for Dad, shall we?"

Liu Qingqing said to the child with a smile.

"Everyone, come here and get ready, the competition will start soon."

At this moment, the fifth grandfather, Ye Xiangxiang, was heard shouting with a loudspeaker.

Today's winter swimming competition, the fifth grandfather has always been the chief referee, and together with several old people in the village, he formed the so-called referee team.

Although Taoyuan Village is a poor mountain village, what kind of competition is here? It's just like the one on TV, very formal.

Of course, there is one thing different from the competitions on TV. In the competitions like "Winter Swimming" in the countryside, it really puts friendship first and competition second. There will be no doping used by those players on TV. The referee blew his whistle.

The people in the countryside are simple, and these competitions come to have fun during the slack time. After all, there is always something to do, either playing mahjong or cards.

You must know that whether it is losing money or winning money, the daughter-in-law is not happy.

If you lose money, your own daughter-in-law will be unhappy, if you win, other people's daughter-in-law will be unhappy.

"Old Wang, you are already old enough to participate in this competition?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Wang Bingzhen who was wearing a pair of shorts like himself in surprise and asked.

"Why, why can't I participate in this winter swimming competition? I'm here from the biggest sponsor."

Wang Bing really understood Ye Rongrong said.

Wang Bing, who lived by the sea since he was a child, is really a good swimmer. Although he is old now, he still swims regularly to exercise his body.

Winter swimming is a very good activity, and Wang Bingzhen will definitely take part in it. Since he chooses to retire in Taoyuan Village, he must integrate into the village's culture.

So for this event, Wang Bingzhen sponsored 30,000 yuan, making him the largest sponsor worthy of the name.

"I'm afraid you have old arms and legs, can you swim to the opposite side?"

Ye Rongrong said jokingly.

The two are close friends, and they often make jokes about each other.

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