The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1272 Mysterious Place

" you alright?"

Seeing that the big wild boars were gone, Zhao Yue hurriedly hugged her boyfriend Chen Hongjun who fell to the ground and asked.

"I... I can't move!"

Chen Hongjun said with some difficulty.

Just now being crushed by such a big wild boar, Chen Hongjun's face turned pale from fright, and now he has lingering fears, and even his voice trembles.

"Woooo...Junjun, I'm the one who hurt you."

Zhao Yue hugged Chen Hongjun and cried loudly.

If I hadn't insisted on interviewing Ye Rongrong, and I hadn't suggested climbing the fence, my boyfriend wouldn't have been hurt by wild boars.

If her boyfriend can't move in this life, Zhao Yue will never forgive herself in this life.

"No... don't cry, as long as you're okay."

Chen Hongjun comforted Zhao Yue and said.

Fortunately, the owner of this family appeared in time, otherwise the consequences would be really unimaginable.

No matter what, he and Zhao Yue are still alive.

"No... woo woo, I'm the one who killed you, even if you can't move for the rest of your life, I... I'll stay with you... woo woo..."

Zhao Yue hugged Chen Hongjun tightly and cried.

"Okay, stop crying, he's fine, it's just that his feet are so frightened that he can't get up."

Ye Rongrong didn't want to see this crying scene, so he spoke.

"Really, is my boyfriend really okay?"

Zhao Yue looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise and asked.


Ye Rongrong said affirmatively.

With Ye Rongrong's medical skills, it can be seen at a glance that this Chen Hongjun has scratched a little skin, which is a skin trauma, and it is not impossible to move.

Mainly because I was scared by "King Kong", now my legs are trembling and I can't use my strength.

"But...but I really can't move!"

Hearing Ye Rongrong's words, Chen Hongjun looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

Chen Hongjun didn't feel that he would be disabled, but that he was seriously injured and needed treatment, otherwise he would not be able to get up.

"Okay, don't cry and cry, let me go."

Ye Rongrong said to Zhao Yue who was holding Chen Hongjun.

"You... what do you want?"

Zhao Yue looked at Ye Rongrong with some anxiety and asked.

Zhao Yue worried that Ye Rongrong would hurt her boyfriend.

Maybe it's because caring makes chaos, don't even think about it, if Ye Rongrong wanted to harm them, he wouldn't have saved them from the claws of "King Kong" just now.

"Don't worry, it's just treating your boyfriend."

Ye Rongrong said.


At this time, Zhao Yue also realized that she was too nervous, and responded with a blushing face, and quickly moved away.

Ye Rongrong walked to Chen Hongjun's side, and patted Chen Hongjun's feet with his hands.


Chen Hongjun couldn't help crying out in pain.

"Okay, you can get up now."

Ye Rongrong clapped his hands, stood up and said.

"All right?"

Chen Hongjun was stunned for a moment, and suddenly found that his body could really move.

He hurriedly sat up from the ground and shouted excitedly: "I...I can really move, I can move."

"Woooooo..., that's great, that's great."

Zhao Yue happily hugged her boyfriend and cried.

This woman is like this, she cries when she is happy and she cries when she is sad.

Women are made of water, there is nothing wrong with that!

"Okay, who are you and why did you crawl into my yard."

Ye Glory stared at Zhao Yue and Chen Hongjun and asked.

"We are reporters from the news channel of Wenzhou TV Station. We are here to interview you. The guard at the gate didn't let us in, so we climbed the fence to get in."

Seeing that her boyfriend was really fine, Zhao Yue's mood also stabilized, she looked at Ye Rongrong with tears and said.


Ye Rongrong had always felt that he had seen this young woman somewhere before, but now that he thought about it, wasn't this the silly girl reporter who asked him yesterday?

Fortunately, Zhao Yue didn't know that Ye Rongrong thought of her as a foolish female reporter, otherwise she would definitely go crazy.

She is a well-known talented woman in the TV station, she is an excellent female reporter, how can she accept the title of "silly girl".

"Yes, my name is Zhao Yue, and I'm here today to interview you, the tiger-fighting hero."

Zhao Yue looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

"Okay, you can go."

Ye Rongrong waved his hand and said.

For reporters, Ye Rongrong thinks that they are a group of very good people who report many bad events in society, expose many bad things to the public's attention, and finally solve them.

They are a very important part of promoting the construction of social civilization.

But Ye Rongrong didn't want to be interviewed. Ye Rongrong didn't like to be in the news. He made everyone know about him. When he went to the street and pointed on the road, Ye Rongrong didn't like it very much.

Just like those celebrities, if they eat a meal, go to the toilet, say a few words to someone, or even sneeze, they will be picked up by some reporters, and there is no personal interest at all.

Ye Rongrong didn't want to live a life like that.

So when it came to the news, Ye Rongrong didn't even think about it, he never thought about being the focus of others.

"What's the meaning?"

Zhao Yue didn't understand the meaning of Ye Rongrong's words, and asked suspiciously.

"It's just that I don't accept interviews, you can go."

Ye Rongrong said coldly.

Ye Rongrong didn't like these two reporters. Without his consent, he even climbed the fence and broke into his house. What's the matter?

If I'm not at home today, I might die.

"We really want to interview you sincerely, can you give me ten minutes?"

Zhao Yue said.

"Would you like to go, or if you don't, I'll call King Kong over."

Ye Rongrong looked at Zhao Yue and the others and said threateningly.

"I... let's go now."

Chen Hongjun now knows that the giant wild boar that almost killed him just now is called "King Kong". Now Chen Hongjun feels cold when he thinks of it.

"Yingying, you take them away."

Ye Rongrong said to "Yingying".

After all, these two people came in over the fence. If no one (or Ye Rongrong's animals) took them away, they would be easily attacked by other animals again.

After glancing at Zhao Yue and the others, Ye Rongrong turned his head and went back.

"Thief, thief, go!"

"Yingying" waved its wings and said to Zhao Yue and the others impolitely.

"What a clever parrot!"

Zhao Yue looked at "Yingying" with glowing eyes and said.

It was the first time Zhao Yue saw such a smart parrot, and she was very surprised.

"Go, or I will call King Kong to come."

"Sakura Sakura" threatened viciously.

In this yard, the parrot is the most capable of pretending to be the tiger.

"No, no, we'll just go with you."

Chen Hongjun said hastily.

For this place, Chen Hongjun has a shadow, wishing to leave this place as soon as possible.

"hurry up!"

"Yingying" said, and waved her wings to lead the way.

"So clever!"

Looking at the "Yingying" flying in front of her, Zhao Yue couldn't help but took out her phone and wanted to take a picture of it.

"Don't be afraid of being handsome!"

"Yingying" turned her head, looked at Zhao Yue with dissatisfaction and said.


Zhao Yue hurriedly put the phone into her pocket.

It seems that I have become more and more bird-spirited this time. This parrot is simply too smart, too clever, and so cute.

"It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful here!"

Following behind "Yingying", Zhao Yue couldn't help but become insane as she watched the dreamlike scenery of the yard all the way.

It's really beautiful here, just like the beautiful back garden in a fairy tale.

Zhao Yue has the urge to stay here and not want to leave.

"Yeah, it's really beautiful here, like a fairyland."

Chen Hongjun also looked at the scenery in front of him in a daze and nodded.

This is the first time Chen Hongjun has seen such a beautiful manor. It is really beautiful, and it is a beauty that perfectly combines humanities and nature.

"Yingying" turned her head, saw Zhao Yue and the two were pulling far behind, immediately flew over, and said unhappily: "Go!"


Zhao Yue reluctantly withdrew her eyes, followed "Yingying" and walked out.

She didn't dare to look any further, Zhao Yue worried that she would be reluctant to leave here.

"Quack quack..."

A group of big white geese came and passed by.

"That is……"

"My God!"

Seeing the big white goose passing by, both Zhao Yue and Chen Hong were terrified.

They all felt that there was something wrong with their eyes, and they were hallucinating.

After wiping their eyes, Zhao Yue and Chen Hong were both dumbfounded when they looked back at the big white goose passing by.

I didn't get dazzled, and I really saw a big white goose that was about the height of a person.

How can there be such a big white goose in this world?

Think again about that scary giant wild boar we just encountered.

Both Zhao Yue and Chen Hong couldn't help but looked at each other, seeing each other's shocked eyes.

Both felt that this place was too mysterious.

In the shock of the two, they walked all the way to the gate of the yard.

"How did you get out of there?"

Seeing Zhao Yue and Chen Hong coming out of the yard, Weng Tao asked in surprise.

Because Weng Tao was sure that the two of them did not pass through the gate.

How did they get in?

Weng Tao was a little puzzled.

"Thiefs, they are thieves."

The parrot "Yingying" said immediately.

"Who are the thieves? We are reporters, reporters."

Zhao Yue said dissatisfied.

Growing up so big, Zhao Yue has never been called a thief like this before, so one can imagine how depressed she is.

"Thief, thief..."

"Sakura Sakura" kept shouting.

"I don't care how you got in, just disappear from my eyes now."

Weng Tao said to Zhao Yue and the others with a dark face.

Hearing what "Ying Ying" said, Weng Tao understood that the two must have climbed over the fence into the yard from some corner on the side of the yard.

As the guard of the yard, he let two strangers break into the yard, this is like slapping Weng Tao in the face!

No wonder Weng Tao would be polite to them.

"Let's go."

Seeing Weng Tao's expression of wanting to beat someone up, Zhao Yue hurriedly dragged her boyfriend outside.

"This tiger-fighting hero is too mysterious."

Sitting in the car, Zhao Yue said excitedly.

"You're not still thinking about interviewing him, are you?"

Looking at his girlfriend's expression, Chen Hongjun could guess what she wanted to do.

Thinking of those terrible big wild boars in this yard, Chen Hongjun really didn't dare to climb over the fence to enter this yard again.

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