"Where did he go?"

Zhao Yue asked. update the fastest


Weng Tao said without thinking.


Zhao Yue was stunned for a moment, looked at Weng Tao suspiciously and asked, "Then when will he come back?"

"I don't know about this. It's estimated to be seven or eight days. Maybe I won't come within a year. How can I know the exact time when I come back?"

Weng Tao said impatiently.

"Well, this yard looks very beautiful, can you let us go in and have a look?"

Zhao Yue thought for a while and said.

How can there be such a coincidence, I just went to the city zoo to play yesterday, and I went on a trip today, and I don't know when I will come back.

Zhao Yue has encountered this trick frequently since the day he became a reporter.

If some people don't want to be interviewed, they will make up excuses that they are not at home, travel, travel, or even go abroad.

From Zhao Yue's point of view, the reason Weng Tao made up was too bad, and it was impossible to deceive a professional reporter like herself.

"This is not acceptable. This is a private estate, and idlers cannot enter it. If you don't believe me, take a look here."

Weng Tao pointed to the two lines of words "private territory, no entry for idlers" posted on both sides of the door, and said to Zhao Yue and the others.

"Let's take a look, it's convenient for you!"

Chen Hongjun took out fifty yuan from his wallet and handed it to Weng Tao and said.

As a reporter, Chen Hongjun often encounters being stopped at the door by the guards. Many times, if you give the guards a little money, they will make it easier.

"Give me your money! Or I'll beat you!"

Seeing Chen Hongjun handing him the money, Weng Tao of course understood what he meant, and immediately said with a dark face.

"Don't be angry, we just want to go in and have a look."

Zhao Yue naturally saw that Weng Tao's face was not good-looking, so he hurriedly smoothed things over.

You must know that not all guards are greedy for petty gains. For some guards with a strong temper, if you give him money, he will feel that you are insulting him.

It is also very possible to hit people with your hands.

"Go away right away, I don't want to see you again, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Weng Tao stared at Chen Hongjun and said.

In Weng Tao's view, Chen Hongjun used money to insult himself, which Weng Tao could not tolerate.

Weng Tao, who was born in the military, hates this the most.


Chen Hongjun didn't expect Weng Tao to have such a big reaction, so he wanted to explain.

"Don't talk about Hongjun, let's go!"

Zhao Yue interrupted her boyfriend and dragged him to the car in a hurry.

"Yueyue, we won't be interviewing anymore? You don't believe the guard's words, do you?"

Sitting in the car, Chen Hongjun asked his girlfriend suspiciously.

"How is this possible? As soon as I heard what he said, I knew he was lying to us. I am sure that Ye Rongrong is 99% in this yard."

Zhao Yue shook his head and said.

"The key is that the guard won't let us in!"

Chen Hongjun frowned and said.

The doorman just won't let the two of us in, so neither of us!

"Don't let us in, let's find a way to get in."

Zhao Yue said.

"Yueyue, do you have a solution?"

Chen Hongjun looked at his girlfriend in surprise and said.

"Look, this yard is so big. Except for this gate, it is surrounded by fences and covered by plants. Can't we just find a remote corner where no one will find out and climb in?"

Zhao Yue said with a smile.

As a reporter, Zhao Yue didn't do this kind of things like overcoming the wall.

You must know that a reporter who cannot follow, squat, climb over walls, or secretly take pictures is not a successful reporter.

"Yueyue, if you have a quick mind, we'll climb over the wall and get in."

Chen Hongjun nodded happily and said.

After saying that, Zhao Yue drove the car to a place where Weng Tao could not see it, and then stopped the car, which gave Weng Tao the illusion that he had already left.

The two walked around a small path and came to the fence wall on the left side of the large yard.

"Junjun, look, what a beautiful wintersweet, so fragrant."

Although standing outside the fence, Zhao Yue could still see the winter plums protruding from the fence in the small courtyard.

Smelling the fragrance of wintersweet, looking at the beautiful flowers blooming on the branches.

Zhao Yue remembered a poem "The fairy in onyx clothes changed into a new dress, lightly dyed the same yellow as before spring. I don't want to compete for the snow, but only give the lonely beauty to the fragrance."

"Yes, it's really beautiful and fragrant!"

Chen Hongjun nodded and said.

What Yueyue said is really right, the wintersweet blooms are really beautiful and fragrant.

Chen Hongjun often sees winter plums every winter, but this is the first time he has seen such bright and beautiful blooms in this yard.

Moreover, the floral fragrance of wintersweet here gives Chen Hongjun the feeling that it has a particularly pleasant smell, which makes people feel refreshed and comfortable when they smell the fragrance.

Now Chen Hongjun has the idea of ​​transplanting this wintersweet into his home.

"This courtyard must be very beautiful, let's climb in quickly."

Zhao Yue said impatiently.

"Okay, I'll push you up first."

Chen Hongjun nodded and said.

To put it bluntly, the fence of Ye Rongrong's house is to guard against gentlemen, not villains. It is really too simple to enter the yard through the fence.

In less than two minutes, both Zhao Yue and Chen Hong climbed into the yard.

"Yeah! We're in."

Zhao Yue happily slapped Chen Hongjun together, as a celebration of breaking into the private yard.



The position of the two intruders was just discovered by the "King Kong" passing by here, and the "King Kong" immediately rushed towards Zhao Yue and the others.



Two sharp screams sounded in the yard.

"what happened?"

In the small courtyard, Ye Rongrong, who was watching Liu Qingqing breastfeeding "Dudu" intently and still drooling, was startled by these two sharp screams.


Liu Qingqing, who was breastfeeding with "Dudu" in her arms, looked up at Ye Rongrong anxiously and said.

After all, the scream seemed to be coming from his own yard, so nothing could happen!

"It's okay, I'll go take a look."

Ye Rongrong used the "detection technique" to quickly discover two intruders subdued by "King Kong".

The screams just now were the terrified screams of the two intruders who were frightened by "King Kong".


Looking at the big wild boars rushing towards the two of them, Chen Hongjun hurriedly protected Zhao Yue behind him.

In this case, the first person the wild boar bites will be himself.

As long as Zhao Yue is fine, Chen Hongjun will be relieved.

As for myself?

Aren't men supposed to protect women?

If you can't even protect a woman, how can you talk about loving her!

"How to do how to do?"

Looking at a group of big wild boars staring at her, Zhao Yue couldn't help but tremble a little.

It's not that Zhao Yue has never seen a wild boar, but it's the first time Zhao Yue has seen such a big wild boar, especially the pair of fangs, it's really scary!

The most important thing is that these big wild boars are staring at him.

What used to be excitement has now turned into fear.

The face that was still rosy before was now extremely pale from fright.

You must know that if you cross this fence and encounter this group of big wild boars, even if you kill Zhao Yue, you will not climb the fence.

"No...it's okay, and...I'm here!"

Chen Hongjun's face was pale, and he spoke with some difficulty.

Several big living wild boars, one even bigger than a tiger, appeared in front of it with a bloody mouth, showing scary fangs, and anyone who saw it would be terrified.

Now Chen Hongjun's body is trembling, his feet are weak, and he can't even walk, let alone run away.

What's more, can a human run past a wild boar?

Chen Hongjun felt like he was going to die.

"I... I'm afraid!"

Zhao Yue hid on Chen Hongjun and said tremblingly.

"No...don't be afraid, you...you should call the police, quickly."

Chen Hongjun looked at the wild boar vigilantly, and said with difficulty.

Now Chen Hongjun was so frightened that he could hardly speak.

"You... you go away, or I... I won't... you're welcome!"

Chen Hongjun threatened the "King Kong" and them tremblingly.


"King Kong" snorted and rushed towards Chen Hongjun.

Of course "King Kong" understood what Chen Hongjun said.


You are a thief, sneaking into the yard and threatening yourself.

There is no reason for this, dare to challenge yourself.

He really thought that the No. 1 "guard" in his manor was a vegetarian.

Therefore, "King Kong" should give Chen Hongjun a little color.

"Ah, no!"

"Quick... run!"

Seeing "King Kong" pounce on them, Chen Hongjun and Zhao Yue screamed in fright.

Both of them wanted to run, but their trembling legs just couldn't take a step.


"Ouch... help..."

"King Kong" was very fast, and immediately pinned Chen Hongjun under him and couldn't move.

As for Zhang Yue being directly knocked down by Chen Hongjun, she fell to the ground so painfully that Lihua was in tears, it was truly pitiful.

But Zhang Yue ignored the pain and screamed for help, now fear occupied her nerves.

"Thief, don't kill if you pay, don't kill if you pay!"

At this time, Ye Rongrong rushed over, followed by "Yingying", a guy who likes to smoke.

This guy shouted excitedly when he didn't see the two intruders subdued by "King Kong".

"Help, save us!"

Seeing someone approaching, Zhang Yue hurriedly called for help.

"King Kong is back."

Ye Rongrong looked at Chen Hongjun, who was being pressed down by "King Kong", and Zhang Yue, who was sitting on the ground, looking pretty and pitiful, and frowned and shouted at "King Kong".

Ye Rongrong could tell from the clothes of these two people that they were not thieves, they might be tourists from the city or relatives of someone in the village. Seeing the beauty of his yard, he climbed over the wall and entered.

No matter what the possibility is, "King Kong" cannot be allowed to hurt people.

After all, this king kong weighs almost a ton. If you are not careful, your whole body will be crushed on this young man, which will really kill you.

This animal is an animal after all, no matter how smart it is, it will not think so much about people.

So Ye Rongrong hurriedly got "King Kong" off of Chen Hongjun.


Seeing the master coming, "King Kong" immediately let go of Chen Hongjun and ran to Ye Rongrong to ask for credit.

"Good job, let's play!"

Ye Rongrong patted "King Kong" on the head and praised him.

This "King Kong" is just like a five or six-year-old child, criticize when it should be criticized, and praise when it should be praised.

Not allowing it will dampen its enthusiasm.

After being praised by Ye Rongrong, "King Kong" happily took his family to play. (to be continued...)

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