The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1270 Aunt Liu wants to change rooms

In the morning, Liu Qingqing got up at six o'clock as usual. update the fastest

Don't look at last night, Liu Qingqing screamed and begged for mercy in the bedroom, looking like she was about to die, but when she woke up this morning, her face was very rosy.

This is a woman, the more she complains in bed, the better she looks when she wakes up the next day. This is the effect of men's nourishment.

Men can't do it, just like Ye Rongrong is now, don't look at Ye Rongrong who is as strong as a cow, and he is still sleeping soundly.

This is because Ye Rongrong's body is of the general elite level, much stronger than ordinary men.

If an ordinary man were to marry such a stunning wife as Liu Qingqing, and he would wake up every day without back pain, he might die young.

After kissing Ye Rongrong's forehead, Liu Qingqing walked out of the bedroom.

"Qingqing, I'm doing exercise!"

Aunt Zhang greeted Liu Qingqing who was doing morning exercise.

"Good morning, Aunt Zhang!"

Liu Qingqing said hello to Aunt Zhang while doing exercises.

"It's getting late, I used to get up earlier than now."

Aunt Zhang looked at Liu Qingqing and said.

Seeing Liu Qingqing's tender and ruddy face, Aunt Zhang was really envious!

A woman who is nourished by a man is good, but it's a pity that her dead husband left too early.

He was still young, so he left his mother and son and left.

After being a widow for so many years, Aunt Zhang wondered if it was time for her to find a companion.

In the past, Aunt Zhang didn't feel much about taking the child away by herself.

But ever since she lived in the room next to Liu Qingqing's bedroom, she could hear the loving voice of their husband and wife every night.

Aunt Zhang felt more and more lonely and lonely.

Sleeping alone on a cold bed and hearing other people's loving voices, this feeling is really tormenting!

"Qingqing, there is something I want to discuss with you!"

Aunt Zhang hesitated for a while, and said to Liu Qingqing with a slightly red face.

"Aunt Zhang, tell me."

Seeing that Aunt Zhang had something to discuss with herself, Liu Qingqing also stopped what she was doing, looked at Aunt Zhang suspiciously and asked.

"That... that, I think... I want to change the room."

Aunt Zhang said with some embarrassment.

After all, to put it bluntly, he was just the nanny of Liu Qingqing's family, and he was really kind to him. Not only did he pay a high salary, but the living conditions were also very good.

It's really a little too much for me to make such an opinion.

"How's it going? Are you not used to it?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Aunt Zhang suspiciously and asked.

It was Liu Qingqing's idea to let Aunt Zhang live next to her bedroom.

After all, we live close by, so it's convenient for Aunt Zhang to come over to help if "Dudu" has something to do this night.

"'s not."

Aunt Zhang said with a slightly red face.

This reason is really hard to say!

After all, I can't tell Liu Qingqing bluntly, it's because your "cracking" sounds are too loud at night, making me so excited that I can't fall asleep!

"Why is that?"

Liu Qingqing asked in puzzlement.

After all, I live well here, so why change rooms!

"I can't sleep at night!"

Aunt Zhang said with a blushing face.

Aunt Zhang felt ashamed that someone in her forties couldn't sleep at night with Liu Qingqing, who was in her twenties.

"Can't sleep?"

Liu Qingqing was stunned for a moment, but she quickly came to her senses.

"Then...then today I...I will make a room for you."

Liu Qingqing blushed, and said to Aunt Zhang with some embarrassment.

Aunt Zhang has already made it very clear. She thinks that her husband and wife are too noisy at night, which affects her sleep.

Thinking of this, Liu Qingqing blamed Ye Rongrong a little in her heart. At night, he likes to make troubles, which made her... the more Liu Qingqing thinks about it, the more she blushes.

It's better to quickly change the room for Aunt Zhang.

In the future, I can't let other people live next to my bedroom, and people will listen to everything.

Thinking of her screaming every night, Liu Qingqing didn't dare to look directly at Aunt Zhang,

What a shame.

"That...that's great, then...then I'll help Sister Wang cook."

In order to avoid mutual embarrassment, Aunt Zhang said something and walked quickly to the kitchen.

"It's so embarrassing!"

Liu Qingqing blushed and murmured to herself, then walked quickly to the bedroom.


"Honey, wake up!"

Liu Qingqing walked into the bed, pushed Ye Rongrong who was sound asleep and said.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Rongrong opened his eyes with difficulty and asked.

According to Ye Rongrong's biological clock, it's still early.

"Husband, how about turning the room next to us into a study?"

Liu Qingqing discussed with Ye Rongrong.

"Isn't there a study room?"

Ye Rongrong closed his eyes and said in a daze.

There is such a big study room in my home, with an enlarged piano and some decorative books, it is said to be a study room, and Ye Rongrong does not go into it a few times throughout the month.

It's useless to have a study room empty, so why make another study room!

"How about we set up a tea room?"

Liu Qingqing thought for a while and said.

"Isn't Aunt Zhang living next door? Why do you want people to move?"

Ye Rongrong closed his eyes and murmured.

"It's not your fault. Aunt Zhang doesn't even want to live next door to us."

Liu Qingqing said dissatisfied.

"What's the meaning?"

Ye Guangrong opened his eyes and asked suspiciously.

I don't understand why Aunt Zhang doesn't want to live in the next door to her bedroom.

And what does this have to do with yourself? Pay me back?

Ye Rongrong felt that he was particularly wronged!

I have to say this clearly, it would be bad if people misunderstood me.

After all, although this aunt is in her thirties, she is in good condition, and a half-aged lady walks on the street with a high rate of turning heads.

"It's not that you toss every night, so that Aunt Zhang can't sleep."

Liu Qingqing rolled her eyes at Ye Rongrong and said.

Liu Qingqing was very shy to tell others about this matter, but she would not be shy to her own man.

After all, even the most embarrassing things, as long as Liu Qingqing's "relatives" don't come, the two of them basically do it every day, even if Liu Qingqing's "relatives" come, they can play different ways.

What is there to be shy about!

The last thing this woman would be shy in her life was to face her own man.

"Can you blame me for this? Who yelled so loudly at night, as if afraid that others would not know, yelling that..."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Don't talk about me. If you talk about me again, you won't be allowed to climb on me at night."

Liu Qingqing said threateningly.

"Honey, I was wrong. It was me who yelled so loudly at night that Aunt Liu couldn't sleep, and she was thinking of spring."

Ye Rongrong said hurriedly.

If you don't let yourself climb on her, it will cost Ye Rongrong's life!

"Who misses spring, don't talk nonsense!"

Liu Qingqing looked at her husband dissatisfied and said.

"I miss spring, I miss spring, it's okay!"

Ye Rongrong said helplessly.

If you reason with a woman, you will definitely lose, so Ye Rongrong directly admits defeat and admits that he misses spring.

"It's almost the same. You can continue to sleep under the covers and think about spring. I'll go out and think about whether to turn the next room into a gym. Anyway, it won't be able to accommodate people."

Liu Qingqing said something to Ye Rongrong and walked out of the bedroom.


"Excuse me, is this Ye Rongrong, Mr. Ye's home?"

Zhao Yue asked Weng Tao who blocked him from going in.

"Yes, who are you?"

After Weng Tao looked at Zhao Yue and the man behind her suspiciously, he asked Zhao Yue.

"Hello, we are Zhao Yue, a reporter from Wenzhou City News Channel, and this is my colleague Chen Hongjun."

Zhao Yue introduced.


Weng Tao frowned and asked, "What are you doing here?"

After being with his boss for so long, Weng Tao knows his boss's temperament well. He doesn't like troublesome people, and reporters mean trouble.

In Weng Tao's opinion, his boss doesn't like meeting reporters.

"We're here to interview him."

Zhao Yue said.

It turned out that Zhao Yue had died of anger since she met Ye Rongrong at the zoo yesterday.

As a journalist, he was actually tricked.

Yesterday Zhao Yue rushed to the zoo's special rescue vehicle with a group of people excitedly. When he wanted to interview the "Tiger Fighting Hero" who saved people, he was told by the rescue team leader on the rescue vehicle that the "Tiger Fighting Hero" had already got off the car. , The strong man who talked to her just now is the "Tiger Fighting Hero" I want to interview.

This result made Zhao Yue and the others feel tender on the outside and tender on the inside.

This is the "Tiger Fighting Hero" of that school, he is so shameless, he will come when he opens his mouth to lie.

Before he even asked, he told himself that the "Tiger Fighting Hero" was in the car.

In your sister!

You are the "Tiger Fighting Hero" yourself!

It's just that when Zhao Yue and the others turned around to look for Ye Rongrong, they couldn't find Ye Rongrong anymore.

Zhao Yue is not a person who gives up so easily.

I vowed to find out this tiger fighting hero and let him accept my interview.

First of all, Zhao Yue thought of going to check the surveillance, but unfortunately when he went to the surveillance room, he was told that the surveillance of Huyuan had been taken away by the police department.

Zhao Yue went to the Public Security Brigade of the Municipal Police Station again, looking for Deputy Captain Liu, and was told that the memory disk had dropped, and she didn't know where it went.

As a reporter, Zhao Yue has a keen sense of smell and can smell this unusual smell.

As a police department, how can it be so coincidental that the memory disk will be dropped and cannot be found.

There is no way to get the information from the police department, and Zhao Yue has nothing to do.

But Zhao Yue didn't give up just yet.

Recalling the scene with Ye Rongrong, Zhao Yue always felt that she had seen that "Tiger Fighting Hero" somewhere.

As a successful reporter, one must have a good memory. Through recollection, Zhao Yue finally remembered where she saw this person.

I saw it on a CCTV news broadcast, it was a report about the largest private charitable foundation in the country.

Moreover, this incident was quite a sensation some time ago. After all, several heads of state attended the inauguration ceremony of this private charitable foundation.

By looking up the video at that time and comparing with her own memory, Zhao Yue can be sure that this "Tiger Fighting Hero" is Ye Rongrong, the chairman of the largest private charity foundation in the country.

As a reporter, no matter what you say, you have some contacts. After looking for a lot of connections, you finally found the address where Ye Rongrong lived.

So he brought his boyfriend Chen Hongjun to this Taoyuan Village, ready to interview Ye Rongrong.

"Sorry, our boss is not at home."

When Weng Tao heard that the reporter was here to interview his boss, he said immediately without even thinking about it.

What a joke, my boss hates being interviewed the most. If I put these two reporters in, I won't be scolded by the boss! (to be continued...)

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