The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1277: Taking Pearls

"Uncle, look, there are words on this shell?"

Xiao Mengmeng pointed to the mussel and said.


Ye Rongrong squatted down to have a look, and really found that there were characters on the mussel, but the characters had become unclear as the mussel grew, and he could only vaguely see that there was a word on the mussel. Engraved.

It turned out that Erwazi found this big river mussel from the stream in the back mountain. It was not big at that time, only about ten centimeters in diameter.

A group of brats just played around with them, and the second child even took out a fruit knife from his home to carve his name on the big river mussel.

The children played with enthusiasm for a few minutes. After playing a few times, the group of brats found it boring, so they threw the mussel into Ye Rongrong's lake.

It's just that I didn't expect that this mussel would grow so big in only four or five months.

It has to be said that Ye Rongrong's lake is very nutritious.

"It's really the river clam you mentioned."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Now I finally figured out the origin of this mussel.

"Glory, such a big mussel, how about stewing it and adding it to the dinner."

Ye Xianghai suggested.

"No, you can't eat it."

Xiao Mengmeng said nonchalantly.

"Hehe, listen to Mengmeng, don't eat it."

Ye Xianghai said with a smile.

Ye Xianghai doesn't really care if he wants to eat a mussel or not.

After all, the meat of this river mussel is not very delicious, it is not as delicious as river crab.

"Uncle, shall we let it go?"

Xiao Mengmeng looked at Ye Rongrong and said pleadingly.

"Okay, but before that, uncle took something from it."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Ye Rongrong brought this big clam up from the river. He didn't think about eating its meat, but wanted to take its treasure.

"Glory, do you mean there are pearls in the oyster?"

Wang Bingzhen asked in surprise.

"No way, it's not so lucky, if you get a river clam, you will have pearls."

Ye Xianghai shook his head and said.

In the past, there were a lot of mussels in the river, and many people brought up the mussels to feed poultry, but no one had ever heard that there were pearls in the mussels.

Ye Xianghai has heard that the river mussels with long pearls are artificially bred in a special way.

"Hehe, don't tell me, village chief, I'm so lucky. There are really pearls in this river oyster."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"No way?"

"There are really pearls?"

"I have heard of pearls growing in mussels, but I have never seen them."

"I don't know what the pearls in this mussel look like?"

"What kind, will you know later?"

When Ye Rongrong said that there are really pearls in this big river mussel, everyone was surprised.

After all, I have heard that shellfish such as clams and mussels can produce pearls, but too few people have actually seen them. Many people have dealt with shellfish all their lives, and they may not be able to see shellfish that grow pearls.

Anyway, no one in Ye Rongrong's yard today has seen shellfish that grow pearls.

This starts with the formation of pearls. Not all clams and mussels will grow pearls. Usually, only clams and mussels that have parasites or foreign objects invading their bodies can produce pearls.

Why only molluscs such as shellfish can grow pearls? This starts with the structure of molluscs. The mantle of molluscs is divided into two sides or two pages, covering the internal organs.

The mantle secretes shell substrate and calcium carbide, which crystallize to form the shell.

The crust is divided into three layers, and the formation of each layer takes place at the same time. The three layers are: outer periosteum, calcium carbide layer, and nacre.

When small particles of foreign matter from the outside accidentally enter the hard shells of clams and mussels, they cannot expel the foreign matter for a while.

After receiving painful and itchy stimulation, the mantle will soon secrete nacre to gradually surround it. After a long time, the outer surface of the sand grains will be covered with thick nacre.

Slowly, delicate and lovely pearls are formed.

However, shellfish such as wild clams and mussels have a very low probability of producing pearls under natural conditions, and some even die before forming pearls.

This is also the reason why pearls are basically not seen in the shellfish that people buy in the market or catch from the natural environment.

It is too difficult for shellfish to form pearls in the natural environment, but the price of this kind of wild pearls is much higher than that of artificially raised pearls because of their rarity.

Those cheap pearls on the market now basically come from artificial farms, that is, after some shellfish are raised, a nucleus is inserted into the connective tissue of the mantle, and a small piece of mantle is covered on the nucleus. In time, cultured pearls are produced.

"Brother Glory, do you really have pearls in this shell?"

Xiao Si'er asked excitedly.

"Of course, otherwise why would I bother to get it up?"

Ye Rongrong said affirmatively.

In fact, when he saw this big river clam, Ye Rongrong had the idea of ​​giving it a try, and used the "detection technique" to check the big river clam.

At that time, Ye Rongrong was just trying his luck to see if there would be any pearls from such a big river clam.

Who knew that this luck was so good, I didn't expect that there were really pearls in this big river clam, and there were quite a lot of them.

So Ye Rongrong brought this big river clam up.

"Glory, open this clam quickly, I have never seen what pearls in a clam look like in my life!"

Ye Dequan said excitedly.

"Yes, Glory, quickly open it and have a look."

Ye Xianghai also urged.

"Honey, if you open this mussel, will it hurt this mussel?"

Liu Qingqing asked Ye Rongrong worriedly.

After all, Liu Qingqing has read it in books. The step of taking the pearls from the mussel is to use a small knife to insert the knife along the water outlet of the mussel shell, stir it hard twice, and remove the pearl from the mussel. The two large muscles of the clam were severed, and then the knife was divided hard, and the shell of the clam was grasped with both hands, and the whole clam opened, revealing the pearls inside.

As a result, the mussel died.

But my husband promised Xiao Mengmeng that he would release the mussel, adults can't lie to children.

"Don't worry, I have a way to make the clam spit out the pearl without hurting it."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Glory, do you really have a way to get pearls without hurting the clams?"

Ye Xianghai asked curiously.

After all, Ye Xianghai has heard people say that to get the pearls from a mussel, one must peel the shell of the mussel. You must know that the mussel is very timid. If this person touches the mussel, the mussel will immediately If you close the clam shell, it will not open even if you are killed.

Therefore, in order to break open the clam shells of river mussels, one must knock open the clam shells or directly pry the shells open with a sharp weapon. Either way will cause the mussels to die.


Ye Rongrong smiled and did not answer the old village chief's question, but said to Xiao Si'er: "Go inside and get a big plastic basin."

"What are you doing with the plastic basin?"

Xiao Si'er asked curiously.

"Don't ask so many questions, just go get it."

Ye Rongrong waved his hand and said.

Soon Xiao Si'er took out a large plastic basin from the small yard.

Ye Rongrong asked Xiao Si'er to pour three buckets of water into the big plastic basin, and then put the big river mussel into the big plastic basin, just enough that the water completely covered the big river mussel.

"Husband, how can I get this pearl out of this river clam?"

Liu Qingqing couldn't understand, and asked curiously.

"Wait a minute and you'll see."

After talking to Liu Qingqing, Ye Rongrong said to the onlookers: "Everyone, stand back a little bit, and wait for a while when the river oyster spits out pearls. Everyone, don't make any noise, or you will frighten the river." Mussel, it won't spit out pearls."

"Listen to Glory, everyone step back."

"Stand back, everyone."


Everyone listened to Ye Rongrong's words very much, and they all took a few steps back, and soon there was a large space in the middle.

"Back further."

Ye Rongrong looked at the distance and thought it was not enough, so he asked everyone to take a few steps back.

After all, river mussels are very vigilant. Once there is a disturbance, it will close the clam shell tightly and will not spit out pearls.

Of course, the clam's hearing is the same as that of many soft creatures. Its hearing is actually a kind of induction, and it is limited by distance. As long as the distance is far, it will not respond to louder sounds.

"How do you think Glory made the shell spit out the pearl?"

"You don't even know, how do I know?"

"Yeah, hurry up, really curious?"


The onlookers discussed in low voices, and some even took out their mobile phones to record.

"Don't use your mobile phone to record or take pictures, as it will affect the clam's ability to spit out pearls."

Seeing someone videotaping with a mobile phone, Ye Rongrong frowned and said.

It's not that taking pictures and videos will affect the mussels spitting out pearls, but that Ye Rongrong doesn't want himself to be recorded in the mobile phone video by these boring people.

There are so many WeChat circles and QQ groups these days. Whenever there is something novel, these people will go to the groups and circles to share with you.

Many young women, after eating, have to take a picture of the food on the table and record it in the WeChat group.

If these people recorded his incident of making the clam spit out pearls, and went to the WeChat group, Ye Rongrong doubted that he would become an Internet celebrity.

Ye Rongrong doesn't want to become an Internet celebrity.

Seeing what Ye Rongrong said, everyone put down their phones one after another. Ye Rongrong is now more prestigious than the village head Ye Xianghai in Taoyuan Village.

Seeing that everyone put down their phones, Ye Rongrong felt relieved, took out a silver needle from his pocket, and took out a 10 cm long silver needle.

The clam shell of this river clam is very hard. If you want to insert such a thin silver needle into this river clam, you must use the needle very fast. You must know that as long as you are fast enough, you can saw through a thick iron needle with paper. Great, not to mention the silver needle inserted into the shell of this river mussel.


I recommend my friend Jiangnan Thirty's new work "The Giant in the Rebirth Era". Jiangnan Thirty is the author who wrote at the same time as the otaku, and is also the first author friend of the otaku. When he started writing, he gave the otaku a lot of help.

Jiangnan Thirty is an author who has two well-received works worth more than a million dollars. His writing is superb. His new book "The Giant of the Reborn Era" is worth reading.

As time goes by, what is left of the youth in your life?

When Liu He returned to the age of eighteen, back to the age of youth and innocence,

Then, all the regrets of the past will start all over again,

He wants to stand at the pinnacle of the era and watch the changing situation!


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