The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1278 Little Mengmeng's Dowry

"Why did Glory take the silver needle? Could it be..."

Ma Xudong looked at the silver needle in Ye Rongrong's hand in surprise.

You must know that the body structure of this river clam is completely different from that of a human being. It is a soft creature, so how can it use acupuncture and moxibustion.

Ma Xudong has heard of acupuncture for animals, but he has never heard of acupuncture for molluscs such as mussels.

But now Ye Rongrong wanted to give acupuncture to the mussel in front of him, which shocked Ma Xudong very much.

If this gets out, it will definitely be major news in the medical and biological circles.


Ignoring the curious and doubtful gazes of the onlookers, Ye Rongrong held the silver needle with his thumb and forefinger, and inserted it into the middle of the mussel's shell at lightning speed.


"No way, this can also be inserted!"

"This is too fast!"

"Give acupuncture to mussels, this... this is really unheard of!"

"how did you do that?"


The onlookers were discussing in low voices.

But soon, people's attention was attracted by the mussel.

I saw this big river clam slowly opening its shell, slowly spitting out a bright object, slightly larger than a soybean, shining with a sky blue halo.

"Oh my god... I really spit out pearls!"

"This pearl is so beautiful!"

"This... this is amazing!"

"I really like this pearl!"


Seeing that the big river mussel really spit out pearls, the onlookers couldn't help but exclaimed.


Ye Rongrong motioned for everyone to be quiet.

After all, Ye Rongrong knows that this is not over yet, there are still several pearls in this big river clam.

After the river mussel spit out the first sky-blue pearl, the big river clam quickly spit out the second sky-blue pearl one by one.

"The third sky blue pearl!"

"The fifth sky blue pearl!"

"The seventh sky blue pearl!"


Under everyone's watchful eyes, the big river mussel kept spitting out the beautiful sky-blue pearls.

It stands to reason that there is no way for river mussels to expel these pearls by themselves.

This river mussel grows pearls, it is the same as some people have stones in their bodies, and there is no way to remove them by themselves. Just like people, this river mussels grows pearls is actually a disease.

Under normal circumstances, the life span of this kind of mussels with pearls is shorter than that of mussels without pearls.

The reason why this big river mussel can spit out pearls is that Ye Rongrong inserted a silver needle into the muscle of the mussel's mantle connective tissue to stimulate its activity, and then slowly eliminated the pearls.

It took about ten minutes for the big river clam to spit out thirteen sky-blue pearls before it stopped spitting out pearls.

Ye Rongrong checked with the "detection technique", and all the pearls in the big river clam had been spit out.

"So many beautiful pearls!"

"I didn't expect that there are so many pearls in the body of this river oyster!"

"Didn't you see how big this river clam is? The bigger the head, the more pearls there will be."

"What nonsense, the number of pearls has nothing to do with the size of the mussel, but the number of foreign objects that have entered its body."

"Ah... that's it!"

"This sky blue pearl is really beautiful, I like it very much."


With the appearance of sky-blue pearls, the onlookers were amazed and chattered constantly.

Seeing these beautiful pearls, Ye Rongrong was also very excited. After removing a faint film on the surface of the pearls with his hands, the sky blue halo became more obvious

"It's so beautiful!"

Many girls present stared at the pearls with starry eyes. Women are naturally fond of these beautiful pearls, which is why natural pearls are especially cherished.

"Mengmeng, you release this river clam!"

After the big clam spits out the pearls, its mission has also been completed, and it is time to release it.

It's really a pity that such a big river clam was killed.


When Xiao Mengmeng heard that she could release the big mussel,

Immediately ran over happily, wanted to pick up the mussel and prepare to take it to the lake and release it.

"Uncle, Mengmeng can't be hugged!"

Xiao Mengmeng tried several times, but even with the strength of breastfeeding, she couldn't hold the big river clam.

After all, a five or six year old girl really couldn't hold a clam weighing fourteen or five catties.

"Mengmeng, I'll help you!"

Erwazi ran over excitedly and said.

"Hehe, let's release this mussel together, be careful, don't fall into the river."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Anyway, with so many adults here, I don't worry about these brats falling into the river.

"Shouldn't it be time to teach Mengmeng to swim?"

Looking at Xiaomengmeng who followed Erwazi to release the big river mussels, Ye Rongrong suddenly had such a thought in his heart.

After all, learning to swim is not only good for your body, but you might be able to save yourself one day.

"Honey, this pearl is so beautiful, it's sky blue, and has a beautiful sky blue halo."

At this time, a group of people walked to Ye Rongrong's side, Liu Qingqing picked up a sky blue pearl, looked at it, and liked it very much.

"Of course, this is a natural pearl, a very rare sky blue pearl."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

This natural pearl has fine texture, soft luster, high transparency, and looks very beautiful, while cultured pearls are loose in texture, not strong in luster, and have "small pouches" on the surface, commonly known as "prickly heat pouches".

So this natural pearl gives people the impression of a very natural beauty, while artificially cultured pearls do not have such a natural beauty.

Especially the halo of this natural pearl, shining under the sunlight, is very beautiful.

"Glory, you are so lucky. There are very few pearls in the shells of ordinary clams. You found one in a short time, and you spit out so many pearls. They are very rare sky-blue pearls. This is really unbelievable luck!"

Wang Bingzhen said with a smile.

As a big businessman, Wang Bingzhen certainly knew the preciousness of these natural pearls, especially this kind of sky blue pearls, which were quite expensive.

Of course, Wang Bingzhen, who is worth tens of billions, would not be jealous of Ye Rongrong's getting this beautiful pearl, but just lamented that Ye Rongrong's luck was too good.

"Is this pearl expensive?"

Ye Xianghai asked Wang Bingzhen curiously.

Although Ye Xianghai heard people say that the price of this natural pearl is very expensive, but Ye Xianghai has no idea how much it is worth, so he can only ask Wang Bingzhen.

"Of course, these natural pearls are very expensive, especially pearls of this special color, and their appearance is also good. I estimate that a pearl will cost at least 200,000 yuan."

Wang Bing really thought about it and said.

More than 90% of the pearls produced by this shellfish are white, and there are very few other colors.

Especially this kind of sky blue pearl with such a good color halo is very rare and very valuable.

Of course, this is the price after the jeweler's processing and speculation. In its original state, the purchase price given by the jeweler will not be too high.

But in Wang Bingzhen's opinion, even so, the minimum purchase price of these sky blue pearls is more than 200,000 yuan.

Wang Bingzhen was worried that Ye Rongrong didn't know the market, so he deliberately spoke louder to let him know.

In case a jeweler heard the news and came to buy it, Ye Rongrong didn't know the market and was deceived.

"No way, it's so expensive!"

Wang Bingzhen's words startled Ye Xianghai.

In rural areas, anyone who saves 200,000 yuan is rich and can build a house.

Now such a small pearl is worth 200,000 yuan, Wang Bing really can't believe it, it's too expensive.

Considering that Ye Rongrong has so many pearls in his hand, wouldn't it be more than three million.

Ye Xianghai couldn't help being jealous of Ye Glory's luck, it was simply against the sky.

Don't say that Ye Xianghai was surprised, all the onlookers were shocked, and many people looked at Ye Rongrong with jealous eyes.

After all, this is a pearl worth two or three million, and Ye Rongrong just picked it up like this.

God is so unfair, why can't this kind of good thing happen to me.

"Uncle, this is really beautiful."

Sending the big river clam back to the lake, Xiao Mengmeng saw the sky blue pearl when she came back, and said with a double eye.

Little girls love shiny things.

"Hehe, I'll give you one and keep it well. When you grow up, I'll make you a dowry."

Ye Rongrong smiled and took out a pearl from the water to Xiao Mengmeng and said with a smile.


Xiao Mengmeng took the sky blue pearl, thought for a while, walked to Liu Qingqing's side, and said, "Auntie, keep it for me. When I get married, give it to me as a dowry."


"Ha ha……"

Hearing Xiao Mengmeng's immature words, everyone couldn't help laughing.

This little Mengmeng knows to leave a dowry for herself at a young age, and she will be able to get it when she grows up. She will definitely be a powerful woman in the future.

"Okay, Auntie will keep it for you."

Liu Qingqing took the pearl from Xiao Mengmeng's hand with a smile and said.

After all, this is a pearl worth at least 200,000 yuan, and it is very dangerous to put it on a child.

It's not that I'm worried that the child will be lost, but that she will be in danger.

Money touches people's hearts. There are still some bad guys in this society. This child has valuables on him, so he is easy to be targeted by these bad guys.

Liu Qingqing experienced bad guys once, although she was safe and sound in the end, but it left a very deep shadow on Liu Qingqing.

Even now, Liu Qingqing dare not leave Taoyuan Village alone, nor dare to talk to strangers alone.

"Second son, you put this big river mussel into this lake. These two pearls are given to you, and you will keep them for your wife in the future."

Ye Rongrong took out two sky blue pearls and said to Erwazi.

"For me?"

Erwazi was stunned.

Erwazi heard what the adults said just now. These pearls are very expensive.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Glory would give him such an expensive pearl, and even gave him two.

"Er Wazi, you haven't thanked Uncle Glory yet."

Seeing his son dumbfounded, Ye Ronghua said hastily.

Ye Ronghua also wanted to politely refuse, but when he thought that it was a pearl worth 200,000 yuan, Ye Ronghua's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't say no at all.

On the contrary, he was afraid that his son would be ignorant and would not want this pearl.

This is 400,000 yuan, which is really enough to buy a house in the town.


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