The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1296 Ye Rongrong's Worries

"Yes, you are worthy of pride. The person who can develop a special medicine for bird flu is worthy of the admiration of the world!"

Professor Xue also nodded.

"You guys are too generous!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"Glory, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Li, but we are a veteran of Huaxia Medicine and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Yang Chunjie pointed to Mr. Li and introduced Ye Rongrong.

"Hello, Mr. Li!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"Young people are terrifying!"

Mr. Li looked at Ye Rongrong with satisfaction and said.

Among the younger generation of Huaxia medical circle, with such a person, Huaxia medicine will definitely rise.

"This is Professor Zhao, an authority in the biological world in our country and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Yang Chunjie pointed to Professor Zhao and introduced Ye Rongrong.

"Hello, Professor Zhao!"

Ye Rongrong nodded to Professor Zhao and said.

"Hello, you did something that shocked the whole world."

Professor Zhao said excitedly while holding Ye Rongrong's hand.

The success of this special medicine for bird flu has given the Huaxia medical and biological circles a face!

"It's not that exaggerated, I just cured the chickens in our village suffering from bird flu!"

Ye Rongrong said modestly.



While Ye Rongrong was chatting with Mr. Li and his group, the little monkey ran over with a large handful of melon seeds, put the melon seeds on the table, and shouted to everyone.

"Hehe, it's rare for the six ears to invite everyone to eat, please don't be polite."

Ye Rongrong glanced at the little monkey with a smile,

Tell everyone.

"Elder Li gave it a hundred yuan just now, otherwise it wouldn't be willing to buy something to share with others!"

Ma Xudong said with a smile.


The little monkey shouted to Ma Xudong dissatisfied.

Exposing the monkey does not reveal the shortcomings, this Ma Xudong is too ignorant, the little monkey is very angry.

"Okay, don't be dissatisfied, let's play!"

Ye Rongrong said to the little monkey.


The little monkey yelled at Ma Xudong a few times, then jumped and ran out of the yard.

"Glory, why are your animals so smart?"

Professor Zhao looked at Ye Rongrong and asked curiously.

"Professor Zhao, you really asked me this question, I don't know!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"Then what happened to your big white goose?"

Professor Zhao continued to ask.

"You mean White Dragon, I don't know why it grows so big, or it's a genetic mutation!"

Ye Rongrong said.

Anyway, Ye Rongrong won't tell them that the reason why this "white dragon" grows so tall is the result of feeding him a pure concentration of "plant high-level nutrient solution".

Anyway, Ye Rongrong thought it over and didn't explain much. After all, these people are experts, and the more he said, the more serious his flaws would be.

"I don't know" is the perfect answer.

"Oh, that's really a pity. Can we conduct research on that big white goose to see if it is because of a mutation in that gene that it grows so abnormally large."

Professor Zhao said.

As a biologist, seeing creatures with a species principle, I especially want to study them.

"I'm afraid this won't work."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

No matter who it is, Ye Rongrong does not allow them to use their own animals as "guinea pigs" for various tests and experiments.

"Glory, think again!"

Professor Zhao said.

"This is impossible, sorry, I have something to go out!"

Saying that, Ye Rongrong stood up a little unhappy and walked out of the yard.

Ye Rongrong is feeling a little unhappy now.

Because Professor Zhao's words reminded him of "little white mice".

The "White Dragon" in my family is much bigger than ordinary geese, so these experts and scholars want to study it as a "guinea pig".

If others know that they are different from others, will they also be treated as "guinea pigs"?

Ye Rongrong felt a little uneasy.

It can even be said that there is some fear.

Although Ye Rongrong's current ability, no one can do anything to him, but in this world, there are still many people that Ye Rongrong cares about, such as his wife, his children, and many others.

Ye Rongrong couldn't ignore them.

In the past, Ye Rongrong always wanted to be low-key, low-key, afraid of being famous, afraid of attracting others' attention.

But sometimes, people can't help themselves, starting from getting this "lazy system", they are doomed to be impossible to be ordinary.

But now Ye Rongrong has a better way.

Although he now has some status, Ye Rongrong realizes that his status is like water without roots, which may be drained at any time.

"Lazy system task, become a world celebrity within one year, the system rewards 300 glory points."

Just when Ye Rongrong's mind was a little confused, the long-lost electronic synthesis sound of "Lazy System" came from Ye Rongrong's mind.

"Yes, become a world celebrity!"

Ye Rongrong's eyes lit up, and he felt certain in his heart.

Although it is said that "people are afraid of being famous, pigs are afraid of being strong", but after this fame reaches a certain level, it is also a very powerful umbrella. Anyone who wants to touch you must consider the consequences.

"Just do it!"

Thinking of this, Ye Rongrong suddenly felt better.

"Fuck, where are there so many people?"

Ye Rongrong, who originally wanted to take a walk outside the village, was taken aback by the reporters with long guns and short guns at his door.

There are too many people blocking the gate of my own yard!

"Boss, you are here, these reporters are waiting to interview you!"

Weng Tao, who had been vigilant all the time so as not to let these reporters run into the yard, looked at Ye Rongrong, and hurried to Ye Rongrong's side and said.

"They all came to interview me?"

Ye Rongrong asked in surprise.

"Yes, boss, what should I do?"

Weng Tao asked with some concern.

There are really too many reporters here, what if this hits the yard?

Weng Tao was not worried about the safety of the people in the yard, but worried about these reporters. After all, there are many beasts like "King Kong" and "Blade Edge" in the yard.

Not to mention beasts, even chickens, ducks and geese are not easy to mess with. Once strangers go in and disturb them, they will definitely attack people.

Weng Tao knew how ferocious the chickens, ducks and geese were in the yard, and these journalists with delicate skin and tender meat were definitely not the opponents of these chickens, ducks and geese.

After thinking about it, Ye Rongrong said to Weng Tao: "It's okay, I have a way to let these people go."

"Boss, do you have a solution?"

Weng Tao asked in surprise.

Could it be that his boss was interviewed by these reporters.

This seems to be a bit unlike my boss's character!

"Don't worry about it so much, just guard the door and don't let these reporters in."

Ye Rongrong explained to Weng Tao, and walked out from the door of Weng Tao's guard room.

"Someone came out!"

"Quick, get ready for the interview!"


As soon as Ye Rongrong walked out of the door, he was immediately spotted by sharp-eyed reporters. In just a few seconds, Ye Rongrong was surrounded by these reporters with long guns and short guns.

"Hello, I'm Guan Xiaoxiao from the CCTV news platform, may I ask..."

"Hello, I'm a reporter from South Zhejiang TV Station, are you..."



Before Ye Rongrong could speak, the words of these reporters hit Ye Rongrong like bullets.

"I said, will you still let me talk?"

Ye Rongrong said with a depressed face.

These reporters were so enthusiastic, with dozens of mouths facing Ye Rongrong alone, Ye Rongrong couldn't speak anymore.

"you say!"

Dozens of reporters glanced at each other and said to Ye Rongrong in unison.

"Are you here to interview Ye Rongrong?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"Yes, we are interviewing Mr. Ye Rongrong, aren't you Mr. Ye Rongrong?"

Guan Xiaoxiao from the CCTV news channel looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

"Haven't you guys met Ye Rongrong?"

Ye Rongrong looked at these journalists and asked.

"Yes, we don't have any information about Mr. Ye Rongrong!"

These reporters haven't connected Ye Rongrong with Ye Rongrong, the chairman of China's No. 1 Private Charity Foundation that was reported in the CCTV news.

After all, the news lasted only 30 seconds, and Ye Rongrong was on the screen for less than two or three seconds. Unless someone is very caring, no one will remember him.

More importantly, many journalists do news programs, but have no time to watch them. Among these journalists, almost none of them watch the news report on the establishment of the "Qingyao Charity Foundation".

"I'm relieved."

Hearing that these journalists had never met him and had no personal information about him, Ye Rongrong couldn't help feeling relieved, and muttered in a low voice.

"What did you say?"

Because Ye Rongrong's voice was too low, these reporters didn't hear what Ye Rongrong said clearly.

"I said it's too unfortunate for you, Ye Rongrong went to the capital yesterday."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Go to the capital?"

These reporters were stunned.

Why did he go to the capital? This is somewhat impossible.

Last night, I heard that he was in Taoyuan Village.

"He left overnight last night. Glory works at the People's Liberation Army General Hospital in Beijing. There is a patient who is critically ill and needs to be treated by him."

Ye Rongrong said as if something happened.

"The PLA General Hospital?"

After hearing Ye Rongrong's words, these journalists were very excited. This is information!

"Excuse me, what is Mr. Ye Rongrong's position in the PLA General Hospital?"

Guan Xiaoxiao from the CCTV news channel asked.

"The position is quite high, it seems to be the rank of major general, the director of a traditional Chinese medicine hospital!"

Ye Rongrong said with a look of reminiscence.

"The director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the PLA General Hospital, with the rank of major general, it's no wonder General Ye can develop a special medicine to treat bird flu."

"Being able to become a civilian general now shows that this Mr. Ye Rongrong has made great achievements in medicine, but we don't know it."

"I originally thought that Glory Ye was a local doctor!"

"Are you kidding me? How could this local doctor develop a specific medicine to treat bird flu?"


After hearing Ye Rongrong's words, the reporters surrounded by the outside, who couldn't get in, discussed in a low voice, their pens in their hands never stopped, and they continued to record.

"Excuse me, what is your relationship with Mr. Ye Rongrong?"

Guan Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

After all, this person came out of Mr. Ye Rongrong's residence, that is to say, he might have lived in this yard last night, so Guan Xiaoxiao was very curious about the relationship between this person and Ye Rongrong.


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