
Ye Rongrong froze for a moment, then continued, "I'm his brother!"

"Ah...you are the brother of Mr. Ye Rongrong, great, can you talk to us about Mr. Ye Rongrong?"

When these reporter comrades heard that they were Ye Rongrong's brothers, they immediately became excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. If you like Lewen novels, go to www.LWXS520. COM


Ye Rongrong was a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Ye, why don't you tell us about your brother? We've been guarding here for so long, we can't let us go back empty-handed!"

The reporter from Huaxia News hurriedly said.

"Well, it's not good to speak ill of others behind their backs, but everyone is so enthusiastic, I don't say anything, I feel a little bit sorry."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.


"Mr. Ye, tell me!"


When this person who claimed to be Ye Rongrong's brother wanted to speak ill of Ye Rongrong, these reporters pricked up their ears, for fear of missing something.

It seems that the relationship between the two brothers of Mr. Ye Glory is not very good. His brother is trying to tear him down!

But do these have anything to do with you?


We journalists hope that this brother Ye Rongrong will reveal more black stories about Mr. Ye Rongrong. This is more than a positive report, which makes viewers love to listen and watch!

"My brother has been smart since he was a child. He was able to comprehend the Three Character Classic at the age of three, and he was able to add, subtract, multiply and divide at the age of five. He can learn everything, especially in medical skills. That talented..."

Ye Rongrong began to talk nonsense when he opened his mouth, boasting himself as a flower.

"Halo... What kind of bad talk is this!"

"Damn, I was tricked!"

"Are you talking bad about your brother? You're almost exaggerating your brother!"


This man is so interesting and shameless! "


After hearing what Ye Rongrong said, the group of reporters were overjoyed. This is not saying bad things about Mr. Ye Rongrong, it's just bragging for Mr. Ye Rongrong.

"That... Mr. Ye, can you tell us where Mr. Ye Rongrong learned his medical skills from?"

Guan Xiaoxiao couldn't listen anymore, and hurriedly interrupted Ye Rongrong's words.

After all, these people like myself are reporters from big TV stations and big newspapers, not gossip reporters like entertainment news. This is obviously bragging. If there is no draft, there is no way to report it.

"His medical skills are self-taught!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"Self taught!"

A large group of reporters were dumbfounded, what a smart person, who has achieved such a high level of self-taught.

"Yes, he is self-taught. For details, you should interview him himself!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"Where are we going to interview Mr. Ye Rongrong?"

A reporter from Southern Television Station asked.

"Go to the People's Liberation Army General Hospital in Beijing, he's there!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"Thank you for the interview!"

"Hope to interview you next time!"


These reporters also knew that nothing could happen from Ye Rongrong's tricks, so they packed up their things and prepared to go to the capital.

"Finally, these people have been fooled away."

Seeing these reporters started to pack their bags and leave, Ye Rongrong heaved a sigh of relief.

It's not that Ye Rongrong doesn't want to be interviewed, but Ye Rongrong doesn't want to be interviewed in Taoyuan Village.

This is Ye Rongrong's home, and Ye Rongrong doesn't want the peace here to be broken.

It's not that Ye Rongrong really fooled these journalists, as long as they go to the capital, these reporters can still interview him.

After all, whether it is for himself, for his family, or for the "lazy system", Ye Rongrong must make himself a world-class celebrity.

How could you become famous without these journalists to report and sing praises for you!

"Boss, you are still the best, you fooled all these reporters away!"

Seeing that these reporters had left, Weng Tao came over and said to Ye Rongrong.

"That's right, there are still things I can't handle when I go out. I just avoided the first day of junior high school, but I can't avoid the fifteenth day. I still have to face it sooner or later."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

For these all-pervasive reporters, if they can fool themselves once, it will not be so easy next time.


"Xiaoxiao, do you believe the brother who claims to be Mr. Ye Rongrong?"

In the car, a staff member of the CCTV news channel asked Guan Xiaoxiao.

"What do you say?"

Guan Xiaoxiao asked with a smile.

"Anyway, I feel weird!"

The staff member shook his head and said.

"Hehe, if you don't believe what he said, how could I believe it!"

Guan Xiaoxiao shook his head and said.

"Since you don't believe his words, why should we leave? Aren't we waiting at the door for that Mr. Ye Rongrong to appear?"

the staff member asked suspiciously.

"Don't you know Mr. Ye Rongrong has appeared?"

Guan Xiaoxiao said with a smile.


The staff member hesitated for a moment, suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said: "What do you mean, the person who claimed to be Mr. Ye Rongrong's brother just now is actually Ye Rongrong?"

"Hehe, you only understand now!"

Guan Xiaoxiao covered her stomach and laughed.

The more I think about it now, the more Guan Xiaoxiao thinks that Mr. Ye Rongrong is really funny!

He does not recognize himself, but also calls himself his brother.

This is really the best!

"Then why do we have to go back? How about we interview him?"

The staff member asked a little puzzled.

After all, they all knew that the person just now was Mr. Ye Rongrong, so why did they turn around and go back to the capital?

Isn't this a missed opportunity for an interview?

"You think we're the only ones who figured it out, and others aren't stupid!"

Guan Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and said.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, tell me quickly? Why do everyone know that he is playing tricks, why do they listen and pretend not to know?"

The female worker took Guan Xiaoxiao's hand and asked curiously.

"He doesn't even admit that he is Ye Rongrong, so how can he do the interview? Besides, he has already made it clear that we have to go to the Chinese Medicine Hospital of the PLA General Hospital for an interview. Don't forget, he is a major general. I'm in a hurry, people don't accept interviews, and there is no comment for a military secret, everyone is staring blankly."

Guan Xiaoxiao said.

After all, as soon as Ye Rongrong came out, he revealed that he was the director of the Chinese Medicine Hospital of the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, and his status as a major general was for everyone to weigh.

"Then he will definitely go to the People's Liberation Army General Hospital in Beijing?"

"Of course he will. He has revealed his identity so that he won't avoid the media. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come out to face the media."

Guan Xiaoxiao thought for a while and said.


"Glory, thank you very much this time, otherwise our chickens and ducks will suffer."

"Yeah, it's better to be honored. If we have the ability, we will all follow suit."

"Yes, yes, there are always some people in the village who are jealous. If it weren't for Glory this time, their chickens and ducks would all suffer!"


When the villagers on the road saw Ye Rongrong, they all surrounded Ye Rongrong and said.

This time the bird flu happened, if it wasn't for Ye Rongrong, everyone would have suffered a great loss, and everyone was grateful to Ye Rongrong from the bottom of their hearts.

"You can't say that, didn't you say it, it's a mediocrity if you don't get jealous."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Look, it's Ye Rongrong who is better, adults don't remember villains."

"That is, when Ye Rongrong was young, I could see that he would be a great person in the future. You see, my vision is not wrong!"

"Don't tell me, I remember when Ye Rongrong was born, I was the one who delivered the baby to his mother. At the beginning, there was lightning and thunder outside, which was quite scary. As soon as Ye Rongrong was born, it would be fine. At that time, I knew Our Taoyuan Village is going to have a great character."

"It's said in the ancient books that when someone comes from heaven, he must endure hardship first. Ye Guangrong suffered hardships in the past few years. Isn't it because the heavens will send him a great mission?"

"Yes, it must be so!"

"Glory, you are now the most capable person among the eighteen generations in our village, you can't look down on us neighbors."


"No, no, well, I still have something to do at home, I'll go back first!"

Ye Rongrong said, and ran away quickly.

Although Ye Rongrong's face is as thick as a city wall now, he can't bear the compliments from the villagers!

Forget it, I can't stay outside here anymore, let's go home quickly!

"Honey, you're back!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong came back, Liu Qingqing greeted him happily.

"Hmm... what about those people?"

Ye Rongrong didn't see the group of experts and scholars in the morning in the yard, so he asked with some doubts.

"They were all invited away!"

Liu Qingqing said.

"Please go?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Qingqing in surprise and asked.

Whenever my gentle and virtuous wife will drive her away.

This surprised Ye Rongrong a little.

"They make your husband unhappy, I won't drive them away, but let them eat?"

Liu Qingqing said.

There is no reason, in Liu Qingqing's heart, her husband is the most important thing, and she will not be polite to anyone who makes her husband unhappy.


"How's it going?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Qing suspiciously and asked.

Liu Qingqing saw Ye Rongrong froze for a moment, thought that Ye Rongrong was unhappy, and asked a little uneasy: "My husband, did I do something wrong?"

"No, you're doing great!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said affirmatively.


Liu Qingqing asked happily.

"Of course it's true. We are a husband and wife. If you see who is unhappy, I will see who is unhappy, and vice versa."

Ye Rongrong said.


Liu Qingqing nodded.

"By the way, are those reporters still blocking the door?"

Thinking of the group of reporters still blocking the door of her house, Liu Qingqing asked with some concern.

After all, the door was blocked by a group of reporters, which affected the normal life of my family!

"It's okay, your husband sent them away!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"My husband is still amazing!"

Liu Qingqing did not forget to give Ye Rongrong a compliment.

"Of course, but can my wife get me something to eat, I'm so hungry right now!"

Ye Rongrong hasn't had breakfast yet, and his stomach is growling with hunger.

"I'm going to cook the noodles now!"

After Liu Qingqing said that, she hurriedly walked to the kitchen, she was such a person and her husband was still hungry.


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