The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1321 Appraisal Technique

(); "Well, don't let the old man know about this, so as not to worry him."

Ouyang Lizhu said.

"Okay, Aunt Mom, I think you can stop telling Qingqing about this, I don't want her to worry."

Ye Rongrong thought about it, and said to Ouyang Lizhu and the others.

Based on Ye Rongrong's understanding of his wife, once Liu Qingqing knew that her head was burned by fire, she would definitely cry.

"Now that I know it will make my wife worry, don't do things impulsively in the future, think more about it."

Ouyang Lizhu said.

"Got it, mom, aunt, I'm going back to my room to sleep first."

As Ye Rongrong said, he hurried upstairs. Ye Rongrong couldn't bear the tears of these two women.

Ye Rongrong was at Liu's house, and he still lived in the room Liu Qingqing lived in before. This room was regarded as the nest of Ye Glory and his wife in Liu's house.

Obviously, after Ye Rongyao and his wife left, this room has been tidied up. At least, there is no quilt in this room.

But soon, Ouyang Lizhu and the others walked into the room with quilts and mattress sheets, and made Ye Rongrong's bed.

"Mom, Auntie, I'll take care of this myself."

Seeing Ouyang Lizhu and the others making a bed for him, Ye Rongrong said politely.

"This is what women do. What kind of bed would you make as a man?"

Liu Xiaofeng rolled his eyes at Ye Rongrong and said.

Every time she was honored, Liu Xiaofeng envied her eldest niece very much, she married a good man!

The three women worked together, and soon the bed was made.

"It's getting late, go to bed early!"

After making the bed, Ouyang Lizhu said to Ye Rongrong, took Liu Xiaofeng and Liu Xixi out, and closed the door.

Ye Rongrong shook his head involuntarily.

Originally, when I came to the capital this time, I didn't want the Liu family to know about it, and I didn't want to live in the Liu family.

As a result, who knows, he was on the news, making the Liu family know that he came to the capital today.

But soon, Ye Rongrong didn't bother with this matter anymore.

Now Ye Rongrong hoped that his wife would not know what happened today, otherwise she would definitely be worried.

However, considering that the people on his side basically don't have TV programs, Ye Rongrong is also relieved, his wife probably doesn't know what happened today.

Otherwise, her call would have been made long ago.

After tidying up a bit, Ye Rongrong went to bed. dudu1();

I don't know if it's because I can't sleep alone, without Liu Qingqing sleeping beside me, Ye Rongrong still can't sleep at this point.

After thinking about it, Ye Rongrong sat up from the bed.

Today I went to the fire scene to save people, but I was rewarded with two hundred glory points by the "lazy system", which is enough for me to draw two prizes.

It is Ye Rongrong's habit to do as soon as he thinks.

Consciousness entered the lottery interface in his mind, and Ye Rongrong touched the start button of the lottery roulette with his thoughts.


When the lottery draw started, the pointer on the small roulette flicked and started to spin in a clockwise direction. After a few seconds, the pointer slowly slowed down, getting slower and slower, and finally pointed to the largest consumption category in the roulette area , stop and select - it's consumable!

The lottery is over!

A golden treasure chest jumped out, flashed in Ye Rongrong's mind a few times, and then opened, and a thick book flew out of it.

"Super Gourmand"

Ye Rongrong quickly read the title of this thick book.


Ye Rongrong was stunned.

Is it a cookbook?

I am already a god-level chef, do I still need this recipe?

But as the book turned into stars and melted into Ye Rongrong's mind, Ye Rongrong understood that this is not a cookbook, but a novel.

A novel about food.

A novel, Ye Rongrong thought of it, his "Slaying Demons" is almost finished.

It is estimated that the update will be all over by February next year at most.

This is mainly because Ye Rongrong's update rate is too fast. Under normal circumstances, there are five changes a day, and occasionally, on a whim,

It's only the tenth watch, so that the novel of more than five million words has already reached the second half. According to Ye Guangrong's current update rate, it will take only three months to almost finish the book.

Ye Rongrong has already thought about it. After finishing this "Execution of Demons", he will stop writing novels. In fact, Ye Rongrong does not have the thought to write a classic novel like "Execution of Demons".

Of course, with Ye Rongrong's skills, he couldn't write such a classic novel.

So Ye Rongrong is ready to accept it as soon as it is ready. Anyway, Ye Rongrong is now worth a lot. If he doesn't write novels, the family's breeding business is enough for Ye Rongrong's family to eat and drink.

Ye Rongrong is not a person with great ambitions, and he has never thought about how far he can go in the field of Internet writers. It is enough to get the title of platinum writer.

It's just that he didn't expect that he even got a new book.

This "lazy system" does not want to withdraw from the Internet so early.

But I didn't think too much about it, anyway, Ye Rongrong didn't plan to start a new book before "Zhu Mo" was finished. dudu2();

It's too tiring for Ye Rongrong's double-opening, and he doesn't have the spare time to code and write novels, a book should be fine.

After recovering from this "Super Gourmet", Ye Rongrong's own glory value still has 230 points, so he will draw another lottery.

Click the "Start" button with your thoughts in your mind, and the pointer on the small wheel will spin clockwise. After a few seconds, the pointer will slowly slow down, getting slower and slower, and finally point to The column of skills in the turntable area.

A golden treasure chest jumped out, flashed in Ye Rongrong's mind a few times, and then opened, and a thick book flew out of it.

"Identification Technique"!

Soon the information of this identification technique appeared in Ye Rongrong's mind.

Appraisal: An auxiliary skill that can identify information about everything in the world for the host. Passive skills require the host to actively use it.

So awesome, can you identify everything in the world?

Ye Rongrong was a little surprised, but a little disbelieving.

In order to verify whether this "appraisal technique" is really that powerful, Ye Rongrong covered himself with a quilt and said silently in his heart: "Appraisal!"

Soon the information about this quilt appeared in Ye Rongrong's mind.

One piece of Simeng down quilt: Canaan City, Yunnan Province, produced by Simeng Bedding Co., Ltd. The material is composed of white goose down and white duck down, goose and duck mixed down and crushed down. It is of good quality, elastic and warm Strong resistance, better moisture absorption and sweat permeation, relatively dry, high bulkiness, production date in April 2016...

This... this is too powerful!

Ye Rongrong was stunned. The information in his mind was so complete that he even displayed all the information about the duvet in his mind.


Unable to recover, Ye Rongrong couldn't help being happy.

With this "identification technique", I don't have to worry about being deceived by some unscrupulous businessmen in the future.

Especially the food!

Now Ye Rongrong is really worried about food safety.

Especially a few days ago, Ye Rongrong even heard reports that the food products of the Japanese radiation had entered the country, and even in Taobao stores, there were tens of thousands of stores selling the food of the Japanese radiation.

I don't know how many physical stores are still selling this radiation food!

This is really a joke about people's health!

As an ordinary person, Ye Rongrong, like many people, cannot distinguish whether the food contains radiation or whether it is produced in a restricted radiation area.

After all, let's not say that some unscrupulous businessmen have disguised the outer packaging of food, even if they don't pretend, there are only a very small number of people in China who understand Japanese.

Even Japanese is useless, after all, ordinary people will not go to find out a large list of foods and venues that are not allowed to be imported.

How do you know where the food produced may contain this radiation element.

But now that Ye Rongrong has this "identification technique", he is not afraid. With one "identification technique", he will know whether the food is poisonous or not. dudu3();

"By the way, I almost forgot about that."

Ye Rongrong remembered that he forgot one thing, that is, the jade he got from a small stall today.

Don't you have appraisal skills now?

Just to be able to identify what that piece of jade is.

Thinking of this, Ye Rongrong took out the white slightly yellowish jade from the Qiankun ring.


Ye Rongrong said silently to the jade in his hand.

"Shakyamuni Buddha's heart relic is a relic left by the Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha in the Nirvana. It is a thing cultivated by precepts, concentration and wisdom. It is a sacred object of Buddhism. It has the effect of warding off evil spirits, and other unknown..."

Soon Ye Rongrong's mind displayed information about this piece of jade.

It turned out to be a relic, or a relic of the Buddha.

Ye Rongrong was completely surprised.

I didn't expect that the thing I got before turned out to be Buddha's relic. This is an absolutely priceless treasure!

Buddha's relics are really rare for Buddhists, and they often believe in the place where the relics are, that is, where the dharma body is.

In Buddhism, it is believed that making offerings to relics is like worshiping the Bodhi tree, the Vajra Throne, and the footprints of the Buddhist scriptures, etc., which are worthy of the Buddha's listening to the Dharma.

"Great Wisdom Theory" Volume 59: "Providing Buddha's relics, even like mustard seeds, will bring boundless blessings."

For Buddhism, this Buddha relic is the most holy thing.

Once it is discovered, it is absolutely willing to spend a lot of money to sell it back and enshrine it.

Ye Rongrong's memory is not what it used to be. After searching the huge database in his mind, he immediately remembered the relevant information about Sakyamuni Buddha's relic.

About 2,500 years ago, the Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha Nirvana, his disciples found in his ashes many bright, transparent, colorful round hard objects as hard as steel, this is relic, commonly known as relic son.

According to the Buddhist scriptures, when the disciples of the Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha were packing up his body, they obtained from the ashes a parietal bone, two shoulder blades, four teeth, a middle finger bone relic and 84000 bead-shaped real body relics.

According to the Buddhist scriptures, relics are obtained by a person through the practice of precepts, samadhi and wisdom, and his own great vows. It is very rare and precious.

After the Buddha's Nirvana, there were as many as six buckets of relics burned out. At that time, eight kings competed for the relics of the Buddha, and each of them got a share of relics. They brought the relics of the Buddha back to their country and built The pagoda is for the common people to look up and worship.

However, 2,500 years have passed, and most of these Buddha relics have been lost in the long river of time. Now that they have been discovered, there are very few Buddha relics enshrined.

Each is an extremely precious priceless treasure.


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