The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1322 I Shaved Itself

(); Ye Rongrong remembers that in the Famen Temple in Xishan Province, China, a Buddha bone relic of Sakyamuni was unearthed in the 1980s.

At that time, the whole world was shocked, and this also made the Famen Temple, which was not well-known, suddenly attract the attention of people all over the world. Countless Buddhist believers came to Famen Temple to worship, and Famen Temple became a Buddhist holy place in one fell swoop.

In particular, the Buddha bone relic ranks even higher than the Goujian Sword of the King of Yue in the current Chinese rare treasures, and it is one of the top national treasures in China.

And he actually got a Buddha heart relic, which made Ye Rongrong very excited.

This is a priceless treasure!

But soon, Ye Rongrong had a headache about how to deal with the Buddha's heart relic.

You can't take it out and sell it, can you?

What's more, this is not allowed!

In China, things like these are not allowed to be traded privately, and must be paid to the state consciously, because it belongs to the state.

Forget it, I don't want to think about it so much, let's check my sex, I haven't had attributes for a long time, Ye Rongrong has almost forgotten his skills.


Ye Rongrong said silently in his heart.

Soon, personal attribute information appeared in Ye Rongrong's mind.

Host Gender: Male

Host age: 29

Host Fame: Squire and Celebrity

Host Honor: Philanthropist General Network Platinum Writer

Host Level: Excellent Lazy.

Host physical condition: general elite level.

Host life skills: god-level chef (chef), advanced acupuncture, advanced medical skills, advanced animal taming skills, expert wine making skills, master-level Go skills, advanced carving skills, and advanced Feng Shui skills.

Other skills of the host: Taijiquan, iron cloth shirt, master level, piano art master level, painting skills, god level hacking skills, gambling skills, advanced driving skills, Lingbo Weibu, advanced Fengshui technique identification.

The host's special ability: water attribute telekinetic power detection, treasure sensing, wind attribute intelligence aura, and stops for ten seconds.

Host Glory Value:


After checking his sex, Ye Rongrong found that he still couldn't sleep.

It was past eleven o'clock on the plane.

Ye Rongrong thought for a while, then picked up his phone and smelled it.

The headline was "The hero rushes into the raging fire to save people".

The person in Ye Rongrong's photo is himself, and the entire article is full of praises of himself, which makes Ye Rongrong feel a little embarrassed.

I don't seem to be as great as the news said!

If it wasn't for the task of the "lazy system", if it wasn't for the fact that his iron shirt kung fu was invulnerable to weapons, fire and water, Ye Rongrong would doubt whether he had the courage to rush into the raging fire to save people. dudu1();

This person is selfish, Ye Rongrong feels that he is also a mortal, and he is also very selfish.

Rushing into the raging fire to save people was completely impulsive, not as grand as the news said, disregarding personal safety, sacrificing his life to save people.

There is also a news about him catching people from the fifth and sixth floors with his bare hands. This news is the most discussed because people are very curious about how this ordinary person can catch people who jumped from the fifth and sixth floors with their bare hands.

Many people think it is Chinese Kung Fu.

Some people also think that Ye Rongrong is born with supernatural power, so he can catch people who jumped from such a high height.

Of course, some people think that the content of this video is special effects, not real.

Ye Rongrong will not

Change the entertainment channel, star gossip news.

In Huaxia, if you ask which industry has the most gossip, it is undoubtedly the entertainment industry.

Gossip news is always indispensable in the entertainment industry.

Today it's not the cheating, tomorrow it's the divorce. Anyway, in the entertainment circle, the relationship between men and women is very chaotic.

No, today a couple of big stars are getting divorced. The reason is very simple, that is, one of them is cheating, so let's cheat. This is even on the news, and everyone knows about it.

No matter how much a man can bear it, he doesn't want everyone in the world to know that he is wearing a cuckold.

In fact, thinking about it, Ye Rongrong can also understand these couples who often divorce in the entertainment industry.

Making movies and TV series now is not like before the 1990s,

The relationship between men and women on the screen basically stops at holding hands.

Even if there is a boat scene, the two are lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, and when the lights go out, it's over.

Where is it like now, as long as it is a movie or a TV series, there must be a boat scene and a kiss scene. After a movie or TV series, the boat scene and the kiss scene are almost interspersed in many parts of the whole play.

You said, the hero and heroine are filming couples in the scene, kissing, and boat scenes. It's been a long time, and it's normal to have cheating.

As a celebrity's wife or husband, on TV or in the news, every day, it is his wife or husband with a certain actor or actress, and there are boat scenes and kissing scenes, and there are even news of cheating.

It's okay to swallow his anger for a year or two, but after a long time, he was pointed at every day when he went out, "This male star, his wife was slept on by someone on TV."

No one can bear it. As a celebrity, marrying a celebrity wife, under normal circumstances, is mentally prepared to wear a cuckold.

At the beginning, I felt that I could bear it. Anyway, she cuckolded herself, and she was not a good bird. She played female stars and young models.

Everyone is happy.

Originally, everyone was happy with each other, you cheated, I cheated, everyone was in the same boat, no one interfered with the other, slept together at night, and each other acted as if they didn't know each other.

But in this world, there are always some "paparazzi" who really hate it. What's wrong with you to report? Why do you report when you cheated on yourself? This report makes the world know it.

This is not enough, even if I can bear it, my relatives and friends at home can't bear it, and I am familiar with and strangers pointing fingers, the pressure is too great, so I can only choose to divorce.

A star's divorce, Ye Rongrong is in the news at the moment, not to mention, there is another news that has something to do with him, even if he has developed a special medicine to treat bird flu.

The report said that the World Health Organization is currently organizing experts and scholars to verify the effectiveness of this bird flu specific drug.

Ye Rongrong didn't care much about the conclusion of the World Health Organization, so he put down his phone casually, it was already twelve o'clock, and he was going to bed.

Suddenly the WeChat video call is displayed. dudu2();

Ye Glory No. 1 is the WeChat account of his wife Liu Qingqing.

Ye Glory clicked, and Liu Qingqing's face appeared on the phone screen.

The emergence of this smart phone has really shortened the distance between people who are thousands of miles away.

Think about when Ye Rongrong was a child, there were no smartphones at that time, and some were "big brothers" like big bricks.

That is really a "big brother". Not to mention the expensive price, the cost is also ridiculously high, and it is basically used by big business owners or high-level officials.

In those days, clothing was basically dependent on spinning, wealth was basically dependent on robbing, finding a wife was basically based on thinking, healing was basically on lying down, communication was basically on roaring, law and order was basically on dogs, heating was basically on shaking, traffic was basically on walking, Insomnia basically depends on the hands...

At that time, no one would have imagined that in just over twenty years, this society has developed so fast, especially the development of economy and technology, which is really dazzling.

"Honey, your head? Where's your head?"

As soon as she opened the video, Liu Qingqing immediately found that Ye Rongrong's head was gone.

immediately asked nervously.

"How is it? My bald head is fine"

Ye Rongrong asked with a smile.

"Okay... good man, why are you bald?"

Liu Qingqing asked suspiciously.

I don't understand why my husband got rid of the good one.

"Isn't there going to be a press conference tomorrow? I'll shave my head bald. When my hair grows out, people won't be able to recognize me. Hehe, what's my idea?"

Ye Rongrong asked with a smile.

Ye Rongrong didn't plan to tell Liu Qingqing the real reason.

This woman is naturally sentimental, if she knew that her end was burned by the fire.

Not very sad, crying endlessly!

In order not to make his wife sad, Ye Rongrong chose to lie to his wife.


Liu Qingqing nodded and said.

No matter how her husband changes, in Liu Qingqing's eyes, her husband is the most handsome.

"Honey, where are your eyebrows?"

Liu Qingqing asked.

Just now, I just noticed that my husband's eyebrows are gone.


Ye Rongrong was stunned for a moment, this is hard to explain!

"Honey, is something wrong with you?" dudu3();

Liu Qingqing asked anxiously.

"Nonsense, what can happen to your husband."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"Then... what about your eyebrows?"

Liu Qingqing asked suspiciously.

It's not like my husband's eyebrows disappeared inexplicably!

"I shaved it off!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"Honey, why did you shave your eyebrows off?"

Liu Qingqing asked in puzzlement.

"It's not easy to shave off the eyebrows so they can grow back."

Ye Rongrong said.

Although this reason is a bit far-fetched, Ye Rongrong has no good reason for the time being, so he can only make up such a far-fetched reason.


Liu Qingqing responded and didn't ask any more questions.

Although her husband's reason was so far-fetched that Liu Qingqing would not believe it, but Liu Qingqing did not intend to delve into it further.

As long as her man is fine, as long as her man is not looking for a lover behind her back, Liu Qingqing can pretend to be confused about the rest.

"Honey, it's so late, why haven't you slept yet?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

It's almost twelve o'clock now. It's not good for women to stay up late, and they tend to get old.

"You're not at home, I can't sleep!"

Liu Qingqing said.

Every time her husband went out, Liu Qingqing was always worried and couldn't sleep.

"Then lie down and I'll sing for you!"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.




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